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CDI-5 Terminologies of Technical English Legal Form

1.)Affidavit - summary judgment. The kind of affidavit necessary to support a

summary judgement is that affidavit from which it may be clearly drawn that
certain facts pleaded by either party are certain, undisputed and indubitable
which dispense with the hearing or trial of the case.(PNP definition).

2.) After operation report - it is a report that may be rendered after any successful
police operation that leads to the arrest of any member or some members of
syndicated crime group.

3.) After soco report - it is a report rendered by the team leader of the SOCO that
conducted the scene of the crime operations, processing or investigation.

4.) Agents report - it is a report rendered by a documented agent who answers an

intelligence requirement.

5.) Agreement - Proposal. A proposal remains an offer even if not answered and
irrespective of the length of time that has passed. It only becomes an agreement
when accepted by the other party.(PNP definition).

6.) AGGRAVATING CIRCUMSTANCES- are those which, if attendant in the

commission of the crime, serve to increase the penalty without, however,
exceeding the maximum of the penalty provided by law for the offense.

7.) Act-any bodily movement tending to produce some effect in the external

8.) Appeal- a request form to a higher court for that court to review and change
the decision of a lower court.

9.) Book of account - a book containing charges and showing a continuous

dealing with persons generally. To be admissible in evidence, it must be kept as
an account book and the charges made in the usual course of business.

10.) Bench Warrant- an order issued by a judge for the arrest of a person. This
also known as a capias.

10.) Case officer - the person responsible for and in charge of the investigation of
the case.

11.) Criminalistics- the scientific discipline directed to the recognition,

individualization and evaluation of physical evidence by application of natural
sciences in matters of law.
 12.) CRIMINAL LAW- is that branch or division of law which defines crimes,
treats of their nature, and provides for their punishment.

13.) CONSUMMATED FELONY- a felony is consummated when all the elements

necessary for its execution and accomplishment are present.

14.) Crime Solution Efficiency - means the number of crimes solved after the
arrest of the suspects and filing of charges against them.
15.) Crime Clearance Efficiency - means the number of crimes considered solved
because the suspects have been identified and charged but they remain at large.

16.) Crime Incidence - the number of crimes reported as index or non index
crimes within a given period.
17.) Crime Volume - is a basic indicator of the frequency of known criminal
activity. It represents the number of reported offeoffenses8.) Crime Trend -
represents the percentage change in crime based on data reported in a prior
equivalent period.
18.) Crime Rate - the measure that gives an index of crime occurring in a
particular jurisdiction for a specific time period.
19.) ENGLISH RULE-such crimes are triable in that country, unless they merely
affect things within the vessel or they refer to the internal management thereof.

20.) FELONIES- felonies are acts and omissions punishable by the revised penal

21.) JUSTIFYING CIRCUMSTANCES- are those where the act of a person is said to
be in accordance with law, so that such person is deemed not to have
transgressed the law and is free from both criminal and civil liability.

22.) Jurisdiction- is the authority granted by law to the courts to rule on legal

matters and render judgments, according to the subject matter of the case, and
the geographical region in which the issue took place.
23.) Judicial Affidavit- the adverse party many move to disqualify the witness or strike out his
affidavit or any of the answers found in it on ground of inadmissibility.
24.) JUSTIFYING CIRCUMSTANCES- are those where the act of a person is said to
be in accordance with law, so that such person is deemed not to have
transgressed the law and is free from both criminal and civil liability.

25.) Information- is an accusation in writing of the law violated.

26.) Index Crime - are very serious crimes that happen frequently or regularly
that they can serve as index of the crime situation. Index Crime is basically
anything that is physically pursued by the person committing the crime while non
index crimes consists of non physical confrontation.
27.) GRAVE FELONIES- are those to which the law attaches the capital
punishment or penalties which in any of their periods are afflictive.

28.) INHERENT (kind of aggravating circumstances) - those that must of necessity

accompany the commission of the crime.

29.) Interrogation- is the rigid questioning of a suspect or hostile witness in order

for them to divulge important information relative to a case.
Instrumentation- the application of instruments and methods of physical sciences
to detect and investigate crimes.

30.) INDETERMINATE OFFENSE- one where purpose of offender in the

performing an act is not certain. Its nature in relation to its objective is

31.) Legal form- identifies the legal person or business product.

32.) MALA PROHIBITA- wrong merely because prohibited by statute, are

violations of mere rules of convenience designed to secure a more orderly
regulation of the affairs of society. The term mala prohibita refers generally to
acts made criminal by special laws.

33.) MALA IN SE- wrongful from their nature, those so serious in their effects on
society as to call for the almost unanimous condemnation of its members and
defined and penalized by the Revised Penal Code.
MISTAKE OF FACT- is a misapprehension of fact on the part of the person who
caused injury to another.

34..) OFFENSE- is an act or omission that is punishable by special laws such as

Republic Acts, Presidential Decrees, Executive Orders, Memorandum Circulars,
Ordinances and Rules and Regulations all crime not classified as index crime.
These crimes are mostly victimless.

35..) OVERT ACTS- an overt act is some physical activity or deed, indicating the
intention to commit a particular crime, more than a mere planning or preparation,
which if carried to its complete termination following its natural course, without
being frustrated by external obstacles nor by the voluntary desistance of the
perpetrator, will logically and necessarily ripen into a concrete offense.

36.) Police Report - report made by the police containing the initial statement
made by the victim at the time she or he reported the crime. A police report
consists of a testament, specific details of the event and names of people

37..) Police blotter - a record or log where all types of operational and under cover
dispatches shall be recorded containing the 5 "W" and 1 "H"(Who, What, Where,
When, Why, and How of an information.
38.) PROPOSAL- there is a proposal when the person who has decided to commit
a felony proposes its execution to some other person or persons.
39.) Proof- it refers to the accumulation of his own.

40.) Positive Evidence- evidence which affirms a fact in issue.

41.) PENALTY- penalty is the suffering that is inflicted by the State for the
transgression of a law.

42.) PROSPECTIVE-(characteristic of criminal law)- in that a penal law cannot

make an act punishable in a manner in which it was not punishable when

43.) QUASI-RECIDIVISM- commits a felony after having been convicted by final

judgment, before beginning to serve such, or while serving the same, shall be
punished by maximum period of penalty prescribed by law for new felony.

44.) Secondary Evidence- that which the law regards as affording the greatest

45.) Summary of information (SOI) - an intelligence report rendered regarding any

illegal activity or violation of laws being observed by intelligence operatives
within a given area of responsibility. This is the usual basis of case operations
hence, information received should be cared, validated, countered checked,
analyzed and evaluated.
46).Search Warrant- is an order in writing issued in the name of people, signed by
the judge and directed to a peace officer, commanding him to arrest a person
stated there in and deliver them before the court.
47.) Spot report - refers to an immediate initial investigative or incident report
addressed to higher headquarters pertaining to the commission of the crime,
occurrence of natural or man-made disaster or unusual incidents involving loss
of lives and damage of properties.
48.) Tactical interrogation report - the report rendered by an interrogator which
contain the following information: 1. Personal and family background 2.
Educational background 3. Professional background 4. Criminal activities,
associates/armaments 5. Plans
49.)TERRITORIAL (characteristic of criminal law) - in that criminal law undertakes
to punish crimes committee within Philippine territory.

50.) Warrant of Arrest- is an order in writing issued in the name of people of the
Philippines, signed by the judge and the directed to peace officer, commanding
him to arrest a person before the court.

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