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How to Set Up a WAN Between Sites in a Business

If you have two business locations separated by more than a hundred yards of property that you do not own,
you need a Wide Area Network (WAN) to connect the two locations.

WAN connections vary in bandwidth depending on your needs, and may be set up as a direct connection or a virtual
private network (VPN) via the Internet. Either way, connecting your locations will enable better and more secure
communication within your business.

Most businesses use telecommunications providers to facilitate the connection between two sites. This
consists of a data connection, which provides varying degrees of bandwidth based on connection type and distance.

For instance, the cost of a T1 (1.544 megabits per second) across town might be $300-1,000 per month, while a T1
from Michigan to Montana would be in the $4,000+ per month range.

Other options include frame relay connections for lower bandwidth needs, and T3 and above for higher bandwidth
needs. Monthly rates also vary between telecom providers, and most providers will want you to sign a multi-year
agreement, so you should shop around for the best deal.

A much lest costly option is to implement a VPN and connect the sites over the Internet. A VPN provides
an encrypted "tunnel" between the sites, providing a level of security that is essential for connections using the
Internet. The only cost above your normal Internet connection cost is that of the VPN hardware and software. The
caveat is that a VPN across the Internet is traveling across a public network, and security and stability are the primary

If you choose a direct connection, you will need to purchase and install a DSU/CSU (data service
unit/channel service unit, $100-300) at each end that connects to the telecom provider's equipment, and a router
($100 and up, depending on functionality) at each end to connect the DSU/CSU to your internal local area network.

Purchasing your own hardware makes it easier to change telecom providers if you negotiate a better deal with
another provider and need to make the switch. For a VPN connection, you will need a VPN server and VPN software,
both of which are available from multiple network vendors. You may also want to install a firewall at each end of the
link to ensure that only data that you want to pass over the connection does so.

You should consider security when making any change to your company's network infrastructure,
especially when connecting two sites. A telecom provider connection is relatively secure in its native
form, but you can turn encryption on in your network routers to ensure that an eavesdropper at the
telecom company does not intercept your confidential data. A VPN is secure by definition, but travels over
the public Internet, which is by definition not secure. A hacker who manages to crack your VPN has a very
secure tunnel into your network. This is rare, but it can happen.

Regardless of your connection method, you should monitor the network link between the two sites. While
a firewall will give you a good level of protection, you should consider installing a network-based Intrusion
Prevention System at each end of the connection. IPSs monitor network traffic and can detect potential
intrusions and take action to stop an attack. While IPSs are not perfect, they offer a higher level of
protection and are necessary where highly confidential information is a factor.

The Basics of Wireless Networking for


Setting up a wireless network can be a great way to increase your employees’

productivity by giving them the freedom to work anywhere in the facility.

However, a wireless network also can be a source of frustration when it comes to

incompatible hardware, and it can represent a major security vulnerability.
Knowing the basics of wireless networking can help you head off problems
before they happen.

Wireless Standards
All Wi-Fi systems grew out of an outdated standard, named 802.11 after the
group that designed it. Today, there are four major types of wireless devices -- those
using 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n. The B standard was the first used for
home networking, offering low costs and good range, but vulnerability to interference.

The 802.11a devices use a tighter, more regulated frequency range, but they cost
more. Wireless G Wi-Fi offers a compromise between the cost of B and the reliability of
A, while the N standard includes the ability for devices to communicate across multiple
frequencies to increase speed.

The key is to select hardware that communicates using the same standard,
because while you can set up your network to handle multiple standards at once, it may
affect overall speed if you mix them.

A wireless network can be a major security risk because it will allow access to
any device that comes within range if not properly secured. To prevent outside access
to a network, you will need to use a security protocol. The most basic security system is
the Wired Equivalent Privacy, or WEP, although this technology is no longer sufficient to
protect a wireless network.

Today’s networks require Wi-Fi Protected Access, or WPA. With WPA, you will
create an alphanumeric key that you will enter into every device on your network to allow

This will ensure that no outsiders can eavesdrop on your communications, or use
your company’s bandwidth for their own purposes.

Wireless networks rely on low-power antennas to broadcast and receive signals. This
means that the effective range of a wireless network can be limited, especially in
buildings made from certain types of dense materials. To improve reception, you can
place multiple wireless routers throughout the building or install signal repeaters, which
are mini-routers designed to extend signal strength, in areas you wish to cover with a
wireless signal.

Many types of electronic devices can interfere with a wireless signal. Depending on the
wireless standard you use, your devices may be communicating on the 2.4-gigahertz
band, the 5-gigahertz band or a combination of the two. Some cordless phones or other
devices that produce wireless signals may interfere with these bands, and devices such
as microwave ovens often put out interference across a wide section of the
electromagnetic spectrum. Moving these devices away from routers and access points
may help reduce interference and increase speeds on your wireless network.

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