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This example business plan is provided by Imperium at J’s

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Imperium at J’s
Business Plan

Jihane Ait Samo, Owner

Created on July 2, 2020

Your Story
Imperium at J’s was born on a late summer night of June 2020. As the creator, I have
carried the desire to help young entrepreneurs to build their dream business. As an
entrepreneur myself, I know the struggle of not knowing how to start, or what advice to
believe. I know that the information out there is too broad and not specific to your own
situation. I know that no one has the time to invest in you, to help you, or mentor you. I
know because I have been in your shoes. I have struggled to understand how people
grow and build their wealth. Throughout my journey, I have read so many books and
spoke to local businessmen and I have acquired a great knowledge to answer those
questions. Because I was tired of taking the information as it came to me, I decided to
form my own strategy. I did some more research; I learned about the top businessmen,
investors, and social media moguls. I studied what made them unique and powerful and
I have realized that 3 things make or break an entrepreneur: Mindset, business strategy,
and social media presence. Though my business, I want to create a community of
entrepreneurs that can help each other grow.

Executive Summary

We offer strategy calls in 3 areas: personal growth, business strategy, and social media growth.
We consult mainly with beginner entrepreneurs. We help them get the results they need.

The target audience for Imperium at J’s is business owners, young entrepreneurs, and small
social media account owners who are looking to start a business, or build a following.

Future of the Company

Besides consulting which is a fast=paced industry, I see us offering market/ marketing research
services as well as advertisement services.

Company Description

Mission Statement
To build a community pf entrepreneurs and offer customized and professional services to our
clients. Help you create the business of your dreams.

Principal Members
Jihane Ait Samo — owner, primary consultant

Legal Structure
Imperium at J’s is an S Corporation, incorporated in Austin, TX

Market Research

Imperium at J’s will be joining the private mindset and business consulting industry. Generally,
famous consulting coaches, such as Erin on Demand, work with international clients. These
consultants have built a community within their geographic space and through online presence
on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. They have also built a professional website where the
consumers can find, reach out, and learn about them. Their company have witnessed a fast-
paced growth through 2018- 2020. In 2019, they introduced merchandise to their website. They
have focused on how to get started on social media. However, Imperium at J’s is going to focus
on mindset, business, and social media. Their strategy calls are the bulk of their income, which
is going to be similar to our situation…

Company Advantages
Imperium at J’s provides services, as opposed to a product, our advantages are only as strong
as our consultants. Aside from ensuring our team is flexible, fast, can provide expert advice and
can work on short deadlines, we will make sure:
- To provide customized service
- To understand your motivations and your end goal
- To help you grow on social media
- To help you target the write audience
- To market your product or services the right way.

“Imperium at Js” must meet all Federal and state regulations concerning business consulting.
Especially in the state in Texas.

Service Line

Services Include:
- Personal growth or motivation and productivity strategy calls
- Business Consulting strategy calls
- Social media growth strategy calls

Pricing Structure
Imperium at J’s will offer its services at an hourly rate using the following rates:
 Personal growth , $150
 Business, $150
 Social media, $100

Product Lifecycle
All services are ready to be offered to clients, pending approval of contracts.


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