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1 I like to go out for a walk every day if possible, but I don’t always have the time. It’s not that I’m busy,
sometimes I’m simply lazy. When I do go out, though, there is usually one route that I take that takes
me about two hours to complete. While I walk I listen to music, or sometimes to an audio book in a
foreign language. It’s a great way to learn and to pass the time! Sometimes I go to the park and do
some people watching, and I suppose some of them watch me too as I walk by listening to music and
maybe even singing out loud. I wonder if they think I’m crazy? Other times, I head toward the city and
lose myself in the streets. Since I don’t have a car, this is a good way to get to know the city, though
I must admit I still don’t know a lot of street names because the signs with the names on them are
on the sides of buildings. I’ve always thought that wasn’t really the best place to put the sign with the
street’s name on it because it’s not a very convenient place to look, especially if you’re driving. They
really should look into a way to make those signs more visible.


2 1. The author goes out for a walk every day. 1. True X False

2. When the author doesn’t go for a walk, it’s 2. True X False

because he’s too busy.

3. The author has one route that he usually 3. X True False


4. How long does the author’s normal route take It takes him two hours.
4. ..............................................................................
him to complete? ..............................................................................

5. What does the author do while he walks? He listens to music and sometimes to
5. ..............................................................................
audio books.

6. Why does the author wonder if people think Because he sings out loud.
6. ..............................................................................
he’s crazy? ..............................................................................

7. The author always knows where he is when 7. True X False

he’s walking.

8. Why doesn’t the author know the names of the 8. Because the signs with the names
streets he walks on? of the streets are on the sides of

9. Why doesn’t the author think it’s a good idea 9. Because it’s not a very convenient
to put the signs there? place to look, especially if you’re

10. The “they” in the last sentence probably refers 10. True X False
to drivers.

11. Who do you think the “they” in the last City authorities or officials.
11. ..............................................................................
sentence refers to? ..............................................................................


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