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MATERIAL AND ECONOMIC SELF On Materialism and Happiness

Material Self • Using two measures of subjective well-being, one

study found that materialism was negatively
• Refers to tangible objects, people, or places that related to happiness
carry the designation of my or mine
• Materialism also positively correlates with more
• Bodily self and extracorporeal (beyond the body) serious psychological issues like depression,
self narcissism, and paranoia
• According to William James’ perspective, what • On the other hand, lower levels of well-being can
happens cause people to be more materialistic in an effort
Think of your last expensive purchase to get external gratification

• Was it a need? Or a want? To Do or To Have

• “Comforts” versus “pleasures” (Skivotsky, 1976) • Experiential Purchases – those purchases made
with the primary intention of acquiring a life
• People in industrialized countries pursued experience; an event, or a series of events that
comforts to the detriment of pleasures live in a one “consumes”
“joyless economy” (Skivotsky, 1976)
• Material Purchases – those purchases made with
• Comforts – eliminate pains but produce little to the primary intention of acquiring a material
no pleasure possession; a tangible object physically retained
in one’s possession
• Pleasures – arousing and pleasurable but short
lived What makes experience more satisfying?
Materialism- a personal attitude which attaches 1.
Experiences improve with time
importance to acquiring and consuming material goods - Experiences give us pleasure in retrospect – in the
memories we revisit and the stories we tell
• As a personality trait, it includes three original
2. Experiences are resistant to advantageous
personality trait – nongenerosity, envy, and
- Social comparisons and counterfactual
• As a value, it promotes acquisition centrality, the comparisons can diminish the subjective value of
belief that possessions are the key to happiness material possessions
and that success can be judged by a person's
3. Experiences have more social value
material wealth and the quality and price of
- Experiences are more likely than material
material goods she or he can buy.
possessions to foster social relationships
• Nongenerosity – an unwillingness to give or
share possession with others.

• Envy – desire for other people's possessions.

• Possessiveness – concern about loss of
possessions and a desire for the greater control
of ownership
SPIRITUAL SELF How do Filipinos develop their spirituality?

Is religiosity different from spirituality? 1. Through the influence of socialization agents

The family exposes us to religious beliefs and
 Some people identify themselves as “spiritual and practices. Friends, relatives, and teachers who
religious” but others identify themselves as “spiritual provide opportunities to participate in religious
but not religious” activities also serve a role in the development of our
 Recent qualitative findings showed that Filipino youth spirituality
view religiosity and spirituality as overlapping 2. By having a role in a religious community
constructs (Ocampo et. al., 2013) - Allowing young persons to have participation in a
 Religion usually connotes specific behavioral, special way to the community they belong to
doctrinal, and institutional features whereas spirituality imbues their lives with meaning
is typically used to represent an individual’s subjective
experiences in attempting to understand life’s ultimate 3. Through challenging personal experiences
questions and find meaning and purpose that - Overcoming difficult life experiences and remorse
transcend the concerns of mundane life for recalcitrance aids in developing one’s spirituality
William James’ Spiritual Self
4. Through encountering some blocks in spirituality
- He equated religion with spirituality, that is, in - Having weak faith in God, materialistic concerns,
relation to the divine. However, he disregarded influence of negative models, and preoccupation
institutional religion. Spirituality is more related to with personal problems
the character of the person or the personality of an
individual Early Filipino religious beliefs

• The 175 ethnolinguistic groups of the Philippines

o Spirituality is faith in God each had their own form of indigenous
- Trusting God during hard times, and religious government prior to Islam and Catholicism
o Spirituality having a relationship with God • Characterized as animistic, commonly referred to
- Claiming God as a friend and having a special as Anitism or Bathalism, or the more modern,
connection with Him through the Holy Spirit less Tagalog-centric Dayawism
o Spirituality is having a positive character • These beliefs now constitutes the Philippine
- It is about developing a good character, which Mythology
meant being moral, optimistic and steadfast in times
of difficulties • Animistic – from animism, which is the religious
 Religiosity is devotion to God belief that objects, places and creatures all
- Obeying God’s commandments, reading and possess a distinct spiritual essence
following the bible, and surrendering to God’s will
• Anitism – Beliefs in anito
 Religiosity is participation in religious activities
- Going to mass and confessions, praying the rosary Prior to Spanish colonizers, early Filipinos believe that:
and novena, and attending religious processions
 Religiosity is being moral • There is a parallel spirit world
- Knowing what is right and wrong, and avoiding • There were spirits (anito) everywhere
committing sins
• The events in the human world were influenced
Source: Mansukhani, R. and Resureccion, R. (2009), Spirituality by the actions and interventions of these spirits
and the development of positive character among Filipino
adolescents. Philippine Journal of Psychology. 271-290 • Spirits could be a ninuno (ancestor spirits) and
nature spirits

• Women or feminized men of the various ethnic

groups of the pre-colonial Philippine Islands

• Works as spirit mediums and have spirit guides

or spirit companions

• Specializations: Healing and herbalism,

divination, and sorcery


• Or arbularyo, is a witch doctor commonly found

in the more rural areas of the Philippines who
heals using herbs or traditional practices such as
hilot or massage

How were the Pre-colonial Filipinos “Christianized”?

• Mass baptism

• Reduccion policies

• Attitude of the Spanish clergy in the early phase

• Adaptation of Christianity to the local context

Spanish colonials built a Church on a foundation

of native religions that worshipped a plethora of
gods, goddesses and demigods...The Spaniards
did not obliterate these earlier religions but
brought in a more powerful God.
- James Goodno, The Philippines:
Land of Broken Promises
• Syncretism -

Modern Catholicism: Folk Catholicism

• Self-flagellation and crucifixion

• Spiritual healing using baptismal water

• Cult of the Virgin Mary

• Veneration of Saints

• Cult of the Child Jesus

• Anting-anting or amulets

• Death and other rituals

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