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My name is Eonique Edram, my group’s theme is prostitution and my topic is “Reasons

Why Women Become Prostitutes”. The identified driving forces behind women becoming
prostitutes are extreme poverty, there forced by pimps and they lack skills and education to
become gainfully employed.
Firstly, what is prostitution u may ask? Prostitution has been described as the world’s
oldest profession and according to Miriam Webster Dictionary prostitution is the act or practice
of engaging in sexual intercourse for money. Poverty is the primary driving force behind women
becoming prostitutes and is a repression of women which utilizes the vulnerability of poverty to
further exploit them. With the lack of financial resources and essentials for a standard of living
women rely on prostitution to meet their basic human needs.
Second, a pimp is a person, usually male, who has control over one or more prostituted
women and the money they earn. It is not uncommon for pimps to use a variety of methods to
control the prostitutes. Pimps often target women in vulnerable situations on many different
levels, they may seek women who are addicted or have a tendency towards drug abuse to lure
them in prostitution. Pimps are often more violent to prostitutes than the customers are. In
addition, any protection offered by a pimp is generally motivated by the pimps own desire for
money not concerned for the prostitutes safety. In fact, according to 85% of
the prostitutes are raped by their pimps. They also threaten the lives of the prostitutes who
work for them or threaten other harm to them or their families which may prevent them from
leaving prostitution. A pimp may promise a better life, which can be tempting for someone who
has endured hardship and the combination if addiction and control triggers a cycle that is hard
to escape.
Lastly, throughout the world there are limited and extremely scarce opportunities for
women who are uneducated and unemployed, with no home they are more influenced to
engage in prostitution for profit. For poor and unskilled women entering the sex industry is
their only option as it provides immediate employment and a means to take care of their
families. According nearly 47% of surveyed street based sex workers said that they
became prostitutes because they has no jobs and they had no form of qualification to be
employed.Uneducated, unskilled and unemployed they turn to prostitution to provide for
themselves and there families as there is no requirement for being a sex worker, it requires no
education, no references, no experience.
It can be concluded that even prostitution does more harm and good it helps the women
that partake in it get back on their feet and helps them to provide for their family. In addition, it
is safe to say that most women willing become prostitutes as it gives them a source of income
and freedom.

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