AMISOM Forces Equipped To Clear Explosives in Jowhar

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STORY: AMISOM forces equipped to clear explosives in


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1. Wide shot - Sector 5 officers undergoing training to enhance their capacity to

deter threats posed by Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) in HirShabelle State of
2. Med shot - an IED detonator
3. Med shot - Senior sector 5 officers and the United Nations Mine Action Service
4. Tilt up shot - IED detonator
5. Close up shot - Sector 5 officers
6. Close up shot - IED detonator
7. Med shot - a trainer from UNMAS explains the function of the detonator
8. Wide shot - the trainees explain what they learnt
9. Med shot - a flak jacket
10. Wide shot -flak jackets
11. Close up shot - IED detonation gadgets
12. Med shot - IED detonation gadgets
13. Close up shot - an IED dummy
14. Med shot - Senior sector 5 officers and the United Nations Mine Action Service
15. Close up shot - a detonating device
16. Close up shot - some of the materials used to make IED
17. Wide shot - a trainee showing the sector commander some of the materials used
to make IEDs
18. SOUNDBITE: (FRENCH) AMISOM Sector 5 Commander Brigadier General
Telesphore Barandereka
“IEDs are currently weapons of choice for Al-Shabaab. They use it regularly and plant
along roads. These explosives target our military, our equipment, and convoys. They
also target convoys of senior HirShabelle State officials as well as Somali security
forces. It also targets the population and their goods. Therefore, this training is
crucial for our protection, protection of our troops, convoys, Somali convoys and the
civilian population. This will help the population to move freely. The trainees will be
working with the military during operations. They will clear the main roads and the
population will be free to move,”

19. Wide shot - a trainee receives a certificate

20. Med shot - another trainee receives a certificate
21. Close up shot - a senior sector officer looking on
22. Wide shot - a representative from UNMAS awards a certificate
23. Med shot - UNMAN Operations Officer in Sector 5, Sayed Tanvir Zia Morshed
awards a certificate
24. Wide shot - a trainee receives a certificate
25. SOUNDBITE: (ENGLISH) Sayed Tanvir Zia Morshed, UNMAS Operations Officer
in Sector 5
“I am very happy to say that the students have performed excellent. They were 12
students trained for seven weeks and all the students have qualified, they achieved
the required standard, so I am very pleased. As you know this IED special course is
the highest technical course in the field of IED exposure,”

26. Med shot - another officer receives a certificate

27. Close up shot - certificate
28. Med shot - another officer receives a certificate
29. Wide shot - group photo

AMISOM forces equipped to clear explosives in Jowhar

JOWHAR, April 11, 2021 – Twelve soldiers attached to the African Union Mission in
Somalia (AMISOM) bomb squad in Jowhar, HirShabelle State, have completed
specialized training on countering Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs).

IEDs are locally manufactured explosives which have become the main weapon of
choice for Al-Shabaab terrorists in Somalia.

Conducted by the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) over seven weeks,
the training enhanced the capacity of the soldiers to deter IED threats in and around
Jowhar town of Middle Shabelle region, which is under the responsibility of the
Burundi National Defence Forces (BNDF).
AMISOM Sector 5 Commander Brigadier General Telesphore Barandereka said the
training was important in enhancing the skills of his troops to identify and detonate
IEDs, which are a threat to lives and equipment, and hinder the delivery of essential
services to communities in liberated areas.

“IEDs are currently the weapon of choice for Al-Shabaab militants to target our
personnel and equipment. They also target senior HirShabelle State officials as well
as Somali security forces. IEDs also target civilians and their goods. With this training,
we are better equipped to clear the IEDs for the protection of the people of this
region,” Brig. General Barandereka said.

UNMAS Operations Officer in Sector 5, Sayed Tanvir Zia Morshed urged the trainees
to make good use of the skills they acquired to help reduce the threats posed by the
IEDs in the sector.

“I am very happy to say that the trainees have performed excellently. They were 12
students trained for seven weeks and all of them have achieved the required
standard, so I am very pleased. As you know this IED specialized course is the highest
technical course in the field of IED exposure,” Morshed said.

AMISOM works closely and supports the Somalia National Army (SNA) in the fight
against terrorism in Somalia. In Jowhar, HirShabelle State, AMISOM and SNA forces
often conduct joint security patrols to clear main supply routes of IEDs and to secure
population centers against armed groups.

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