Effect of Loading Type On The Effective Moment of Inertia of Reinforced Concrete Beams

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Title no. 88-522

Effect of Loading Type on the Effective Moment of Inertia of

Reinforced Concrete Beams

by Rajeh Z. AI-Zaid, Abdulrahman H. AI-Shaikh, and Mustafa M. Abu-Hussein

The deflection of cracked reinforced concrete beams tested under ever, that the only load parameter included is the max-
various types of loading is investigated and the effect of the type of imum moment M. at which I, is estimated. This means
loading on their effective moment of inertia is discussed. Four types
of loading were considered in this study, which include: midspan and
that the effective moment of inertia is the same for all
third-point concentrated loads, uniformly distributed load, and a identical beams loaded to the same level of moment,
combination of a midspan concentrated and uniformly distributed regardless of the type of loading applied. The validity
load. The value of the effective moment of inertia was found to be of this statement is discussed in this paper by studying
significantly affected by the type of loading used. Therefore, to ac- the effect of three types of loading: namely, midspan
count for such an effect, a newly developed model for estimating the
effective moment of inertia of cracked reinforced concrete beams un-
and third-point concentrated and uniformly distributed
der any type of symmetrical loading is proposed. loads on the value of I •. A suggested simple modifica-
tion to Eq. (1) to account for the effect of type of load-
Keywords: beams (supports); deflection; load-deflection curve; loads (forces); ing is presented. In addition, a more generalized model
moments of inertia; reinforced concrete. to calculate the effective moment of inertia of simple
rectangular and T-beams is proposed. The new pro-
Deflections of reinforced concrete flexural members posed model accounts for the effect of the loading type
were the focus of several research activities for many by considering the variations in the cracked length Lc,
years and, as a result, various methods have been pro- for each type of loading.
posed for predicting them under both short- and long-
term loadings. 1-4 The main factors affecting the short- RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE
term deflection of a beam are the span length and end The experimental work related to the effect of type
constraints, magnitude and distribution of load, mate- of loading on the value of the effective moment of in-
rial and sectional properties, and the amount and ex- ertia of cracked reinforced concrete beams indicates the
tent of cracks. Therefore, the proposed models usually need to include such an effect in the calculations of the
give the deflection as a function of these factors. Of I. values.
prime importance in the determination of the deflec-
tion of beams is the calculation of the moment of iner-
tia I of the beam, since its value changes along the span EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM
length from Ig for uncracked sections to Icr for the fully Specimen and material details
or severely cracked sections. Branson2 developed a well- All test beams had the same 200 mm square cross
known expression for the average effective moment of section, with a simply supported clear span of 2500 mm
inertia I. over the entire length of a simply supported, and a reinforcement ratio of 0.4pb. Two 16 mm diame-
uniformly loaded, rectangular or T-beam in the form ter Grade 60 deformed steel bars were used as tension
reinforcement. Shear reinforcement was provided by 6
mm diameter steel stirrups located at 70 mm center to
(1) center. In addition, one 10 mm diameter bar was em-

ACI Structural Journal, V. 88, No.2, March-Aprill991.

Received Feb. 12, 1990, and reviewed under Institute publication policies.
which can be applied when M. > Me,; otherwise I. = Copyright© 1991, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved, including
Ig. This equation has been adopted by the ACI Build- the making of copies unless permission is obtained from the copyright propri-
etors. Pertinent discussion will be published in the January-February 1992 ACI
ing Code5 since 1971. It can be seen from Eq. (1), how- Structural Journal if received by Sept. I, 1991.

184 ACI Structural Journal I March-April 1991

Rajeh Z. Al·Zaid is an assistant professor of civil engineering at King Saud
University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He received his BSc from King Saud Uni- Tables 1 through 3 summarize the experimental re-
versity and MS and PhD from The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. His sults along with the relevant computed parameters. The
current research is in the instantaneous and time-dependent behavior of ordi-
nary reinforced and partially prestressed concrete members with composite and
results presented in these tables involved the following
noncomposite sections. computations:
a. The measured deflections are the average values
Abdulrahman H. Al-Shaikh is an assistant professor of civil engineering at King
Saud University. He received his BSc in 1982 from King Saud University, MSc
for two identically loaded beams.
in 1983 from Stanford University, Stanford, Calif, and PhD in 1987 from the b. The cracking load for each type of loading was
Imperial College of Science and Technology, University of London. His pres- obtained from the average load-deflection curve of two
ent research interest is in the concrete material behavior, repair, and renova-
tion of existing structures.
identically loaded beams.
c. The values of the effective moment of inertia were
Mustafa M. Abu-Hussein is a graduate student in the civil engineering depart- determined experimentally from the measured deflec-
ment at King Saud University. He received his BSc from King Abdui-Aziz Uni-
versity, Jeddah, and MS from King Saud University.
tions using the well-known elastic deflection formula
expressed as

ployed as an anchor bar at the top of each beam. Four kM.V

Iexp = EcA (2)
identical pairs of beams were cast in the horizontal po-
sition using a ready-mixed concrete made with ordinary
portland cement and a mazimum aggregate size of 10 where k is a constant which depends on the type of
mm. Mix proportions were 1:1.8:3.4 with a water-ce- loading and end conditions (e.g., k = Xs and X2 for
ment ratio of 0.56 and a design characteristic strength simply supported beams loaded by uniformly distrib-
of 34 MPa. Beams were then cured in the laboratory uted and midspan-concentrated loads, respectively).
under damp burlap for 27 days and tested 1 day later. A typical experimental load-deflection curve is shown
Five control cylinders (152 x 305 mm) were also cast in Fig. 1, while Fig. 2 shows the moment-curvature re-
from each batch, cured under conditions similar to the
lationships of the tested beams.
corresponding beams, and tested at the age of 28 days.
Loading and instrumentation details Fig. 3 shows the variation of the experimental effec-
Four different types of loading were applied, which tive moment of inertia for the differently loaded beams
included midspan and third-point concentrated loads, at different moment levels. It can be clearly seen from
uniformly distributed, and a combination of midspan this figure that, for the same moment level, a larger
concentrated and uniformly distributed loads. The lat- value of I. is obtained for beams loaded at midspan
ter type of loading was considered a typical example of compared to that for beams loaded at third-points or
actually loaded beams for which a midspan concen- by uniformly distributed load, with a difference of
trated load might exist beside the uniform dead weight about 12 and 20 percent, respectively. Therefore, to ac-
of the beam. All beams were loaded in a 200 ton ca- count for such variation in the I. value for differently
pacity testing machine at a constant strain rate. The loaded beams, two forms of solution are proposed. In
deflection at midspan of the beam was measured using the first solution, the same general form used by the
two dial gages with 0.01-mm accuracy. The strains in ACI Building Code,S Eq. (1), is adopted with different
both tension and compression reinforcement were also values of the power m for each of the three types of
measured using electrical resistance strain gages. 6 loading used. The values of the unknown power m are

Table 1 -Test results and analysis of Beams B1·U and 82-U

M, I""'!I, I up!I.,
Total load, L" ..:l, I,_.p·, Eq. (2) m,, m', Eq. (1), Eq. (3), I""'!I.,
kN M" L mm x 10' mm' Eq. (4) Eq. (6) m = 3 m1 = 2.8 Eq. (5)
17.65 1.11 0.32 1.28 9861 4.34 0.89 0.92 0.90 0.99
19.53 1.23 0.44 1.67 8399 3.52 0.80 0.94 0.92 0.99
21.65 1.36 0.51 2.10 7347 3.22 0.69 0.97 0.94 0.98
23.53 1.48 0.57 2.50 6732 3.01 0.65 1.00 0.96 0.99
25.42 1.60 0.61 2.90 6287 2.86 0.61 1.03 0.99 0.99
27.54 1.73 0.65 3.33 5896 2.76 0.58 1.05 1.01 1.00
31.30 1.98 0.70 4.13 5434 2.58 0.53 1.08 1.04 1.01
35.30 2.22 0.74 5.01 5036 2.56 0.46 1.08 1.04 1.01
39.30 2.47 0.77 5.90 4754 2.55 0.40 1.07 1.04 1.00
43.07 2.72 0.79 6.73 4585 2.50 0.36 1.07 1.05 1.00
47.07 2.96 0.81 7.55 4458 2.46 0.34 1.07 1.05 1.00
51.07 3.21 0.83 8.36 4362 2.43 0.33 1.07 1.05 1.01
54.84 3.46 0.84 9.17 4283 2.40 0.30 1.06 1.05 1.00
58.84 3.70 0.85 10,07 4178 2.47 0.25 1.05 1.03 0.99
f: = 38.2 MPa (5.5 ksi); E, = 29,634 MPa (4300 ksi); /" = 38.0 x 10' mm' (91.3 in.'); and M" = 5.2 kN/m (45.73
in./kips), as obtained from the average load-deflection curve.

ACI Structural Journal I March-April 1991 185

Table 2 - Test results and analysis of Beams B3·C and B4·C
M, f.w//,., /""'//,.,
Total load, L"
- A, /"""'' Eq. (2) m,, m', Eq. (1), Eq. (3), /up//,.,
kN M" L rnrn X 10' rnrn' Eq. (4) Eq. (6) m=3 m, = 1.8 Eq. (5)
9.80 l.l5 0.13 1.05 10,258 2.79 0.55 Co2 0.91 0.88
11.77 1.38 0.28 1.50 8617 2.12 0.55 l.l6 0.94 0.90
13.73 1.61 0.38 1.95 7733 1.86 0.55 1.27 0.99 0.95
15.69 1.84 0.46 2.50 6894 1.85 0.51 1.29 0.99 0.97
17.65 2.07 0.52 3.05 6357 1.81 0.48 1.30 1.00 1.00
19.61 2.30 0.57 3.68 5854 1.84 0.43 1.28 0.99 1.00
21.57 2.53 0.60 4.23 5602 1.79 0.41 1.28 1.00 1.01
23.53 2.76 0.64 4.77 5420 1.75 0.42 1.27 1.02 1.04
25.50 2.99 0.67 5.40 5186 1.76 0.39 1.25 1.01 1.04
27.46 3.22 0.69 6.03 5002 1.77 0.36 1.22 1.01 1.03
31.38 3.68 0.73 7.31 4715 1.80 0.32 l.l8 1.00 1.03
35.30 4.14 0.76 8.47 4578 1.76 0.31 l.l6 1.01 1.04
J: = 38.2 MPa (5.5 ksi); E, = 29,634 MPa (4300 ksi); /" = 38.0 x 10' mm' (91.3 in.'); and M" = 5.3 kN/m (47.2
in./kips), as obtained from the average load-deflection curve.

Table 3 - Test results and analysis of Beams BS·T and B6·T

M, fa//,., fu/f,.,
Total load, - L"
- A, /up'' Eq. (2) m, m', Eq. (1), Eq. (3), fu/f,.,
kN M" L rnrn x 10' rnrn' Eq. (4) Eq. (6) m = 3 m,= 2.3 Eq. (5)
11.77 1.09 0.39 l.l2 9831 5.31 1.06 0.88 0.85 1.06
13.73 1.27 0.48 1.48 8680 2.80 0.98 1.03 0.93 1.09
15.69 1.45 0.54 1.87 7953 2.24 0.93 l.l5 1.01 l.l2
17.65 1.64 0.59 2.48 6660 2.43 0.68 l.l2 0.97 1.04
19.61 1.82 0.63 2.91 6306 2.23 0.66 l.l7 1.02 1.06
21.57 2.00 0.67 3.53 5719 2.31 0.56 l.l5 1.00 1.03
25.50 2.36 0.72 4.61 5175 2.26 0.47 l.l4 1.01 1.03
29.42 2.73 0.76 5.65 4872 2.18 0.43 l.l4 1.03 1.03
33.34 3.09 0.78 6.83 4568 2.23 0.34 l.l1 1.01 1.01
37.26 3.45 0.81 7.78 4482 2.13 0.35 l.l1 1.03 1.03
4l.l9 3.82 0.83 8.69 4435 2.02 0.37 l.l2 1.05 1.04
45.ll 4.18 0.84 9.92 4255 2.13 0.28 1.08 1.02 1.02
J: = 38.2 MPa (5.5 ksi); E, = 29,634 MPa (4300 ksi); /" = 38.0 x 10' mm' (91.3 in.'); and M" = 4.5 kN/m (39.92
in./kips); as obtained from the average load-deflection curve.

to be determined experimentally. This solution is given tables. The estimated I. values using Eq. (1) showed a
in the form good agreement with the experimental values Iexp ob-
tained under uniformly distributed load in the load
level range of 1.5 < M.l Mer < 4.0 (Table 1). How-
ever, the value of the power m decreases rapidly from
about 4.3 to 3.0 in the range of M/Mer between 1.0 and
where 1.5. This observation explains why Eq. (1) overesti-
mates the I. values in this range, as mentioned by Bran-
m m 1 for uniformly distributed loading
= son.2 The variation of m with the M.IMer ratio is plot-
m = m 2 for third-point loading ted in Fig 4. This figure shows that for a load level
m = m 3 for midspan-concentrated loading greater than 1.5 Mcro the reduction in the values of the
power m is very small. Average values of 2.8, 2.3, and
The values of m 2 and m3 are expected to be less than 1.8 for m 1, m 2 , and m3 , respectively, appear to be ap-
m 1 , since the values of I. for these two cases of loading propriate, and therefore are suggested for this range.
are larger than that of uniformly distributed load, as These values of m 1, m 2 , and m3 were used in Eq. (3) to
seen in Fig. 3. The values of the power m were evalu- predict I. over the range of loading greater than 1.5 Mer
ated from Eq. (2) and (3) as for the differently loaded beams with a very good ac-
curacy, as shown in Tables 1 through 3. For load levels
less than 1.5 Mer it was observed that the same power
can be used, but the computed values of I. should be
(4) reduced by about 10 percent.

log ( Mer)
M. Effect of the cracked length on 1. value
The variation of I. values for the differently loaded
The I. values predicted by Eq. (1) with m = 3 are beams can be physically explained by the difference in
calculated at the different levels of M/ Mer and com- the cracked length Ler under each type of loading. The
pared with the experimental values shown in Tables 1 cracked length is defined as the beam segment over
through 3. The values of the powers m~> m2 , and m3 to which the working moment exceeds the cracking mo-
be used in Eq. (3) for the different types of loading ment Men which can be easily determined using the
were also calculated using Eq. (4) and listed in the same fundamentals of structural analysis. This difference can
186 ACI Structural Journal I March-April 1991
50 11500


Mid-span load
Third-points load
Uniform load

... a
..... 7500
z ~
20 .....
..,. 5500

! 10

3500 +----.---.----..--~--.---.---....--,---~--"T--1
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0

Deflection ( mm )
Fig. 3- Variation of the experimental effective mo-
ment of inertia with the level and type of loading
Fig. 1-Average load-deflection curve for Beams Bl-U
and B2-U

- Third-poiniS load
Mid-span load
Uniform load
5 --
--- Uniform load
Third-points load
Mid-span load



2 3 4 5 6 7
0 100 200 300 400 Ma 1M cr

-1 -5
(mm xlO ) Fig. 4-Variation of the power m with M.IMc, ratio
and type of loading
Fig. 2-Typical moment-curvature relationships for the
tested beams 1.0 -r------------------------------------,
be clearly seen in Fig. 5, which shows a plot of the 0.8
Le/L ratio versus M.l Me, ratio for the three types of ~
loading used in this study. The figure reveals that, at ...u 0.6
the same M/Me, ratio, the cracked length of the beam - Unifonn losd
0.4 - Third-pointsload
under midspan concentrated load is less than that un-
- Mid-spsnload
der uniform or third-point load, hence leading to a
greater effective moment of inertia I •. The preceding
discussion suggests development of a more generalized
model for the estimation of I. which takes into account 0 2 3 4 5 6 7
both the severity of crack propagation as well as the
extension of cracking along the beam. The cracked
length ratio Le,l L in additon to the M.l Me, ratio is Fig. 5-Theoretical variation of the cracked length ra-
thought to be a proper parameter to be included and, tio with the level and type of loading
therefore, the proposed model is given in the form
which satisfies the limiting values of I. = Ig when Le, =
zero, and I. approaches Ie, when Le, covers almost the
(5) full span L of the beam. The values of the power m'
for all types of loading were determined using the ex-
ACI Structural Journal I March-April1991 187

II 300

0.8 "'""~

0.6 200
·e ~

0.4 s;
...t 100

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Mer IMa
Computed Ie , (xlo6 mm4 )

Fig. 6-Variation of the power m 1 with Mc/M. ratio

for the various types of loading Fig. 8-Comparison of experimental I. for beams
available in literature with computed I. using Eq. (5)

The values of power m 1 obtained using Eq. (6) for

the beams tested in this study are also listed in Tables 1
through 3, from which a variation in the m 1 was then
plotted against Me/ Ma ratio, as shown in Fig. 6, from
which the value of the power m 1 can be determined ap-
proximately as

ml (7)
...E 12000

... 10000 Using this power, Eq. (5) was found to predict I, for all

.!!. types with a very good accuracy (Tables 1 through 3) .

To further evaluate the accuracy of the proposed
models, both Eq. (3) and Eq. (5) were used to calculate
·"' I, for the beams tested under combined midspan con-
•.E centrated and uniformly distributed loading. The re-
6000 8000 10000 12000
sults are shown in Table 4, which also indicate a very
good accuracy. In this table, the power mused in Eq.
(3) is the weighted power based on the ratio of the
10000 maximum moments caused by midspan concentrated
and uniformly distributed loads applied individually.
Furthermore, a comparison of the experimental and
8000 computed I, values for all the types of loading used is
presented in Fig. 7, which also depicts the accuracy of
each model.

Comparison with previous results

Fig. 7-Comparison of the experimental and computed The accuracy of the proposed models was also inves-
I. values for the tested beams using the different mod- tigated using test results available in literature. Com-
els parisons were made with the results reported of twelve
pairs of beams with rectangular sections7 and six beams
perimental results as follows with T -sections• tested under uniformly distributed
loads. These results are reproduced in Table 5, along
with the relevant computed parameters. The experi-
ml mental I, values calculated from the reported test re-
sults are plotted in Fig. 8 against the computed values,
using Eq. (5). As can be seen, 95 percent of the data
points lie within the ± 15 percent limits, indicating the
188 ACI Structural Journal I March-April1991
Table 4 - Comparison of test results of Beams B·7·CU and B·8·CU with
proposed models
w, M. [up I' Eq. l<XPII,., [up/[,., l<XPII,.,
Total load, p" kN/ - L" ~. (2) Eq. (1),_ Eq. (3), Eq. (5),
kN kN m M" L mm x 10' mm' m= 3 m* = 2.0 m.'
11.77 8.09 1.47 1.28 0.244 1.47 8650 1.02 0.89 0.84
15.69 10.79 1.96 1.70 0.453 2.57 6597 1.10 0.91 0.88
19.61 13.48 2.45 2.13 0.571 3.70 5728 1.14 0.93 0.92
23.53 16.18 2.94 2.55 0.647 4.6 5529 1.19 1.00 1.00
27.46 18.88 3.43 2.98 0.70 5.63 5270 1.19 1.03 1.03
33.34 22.92 4.17 3.62 0.755 7.22 4990 1.16 1.04 1.04
37.26 25.61 4.66 4.04 0.782 8.27 4869 1.15 1.05 1.05
41.18 28.31 5.15 4.47 0.803 9.30 4785 1.14 1.05 1.05
45.11 31.01 5.64 4.89 0.821 10.40 4687 1.12 1.05 1.05
49.03 33.70 6.13 5.32 0.836 11.33 4676 1.13 1.06 1.06
. . 1.8 {M/M.) + 2.8
•m the we1ghted power =
IS .
(M/M.) + I
1: = 31.4 MPa {4.5 ksi); E, = 26,840 MPa {3892 ksi); /" = 40.9 x 10' mm' {98.26 in.'); and M" = 4.9 kN/m {43.39
in./kips), as obtained from the average load-deflection curve.

Table 5 - Comparison of the proposed models with previous results

Beam [up ~. T,., Eq. (3) I,., Eq. (5)
designation x1 c{!·mm' xlO'mm x 10' mm mm MjM x 10' mm' [up/[, x 10' mm' 'I~I.
G. W. Washa
and P. G.
Fluck' A1, A4 4795 3039 3405 13.5 0.41 3180 1.07 3213 1.06
A2, AS 4795 2872 2909 15.8 0.41 3026 0.96 3063 0.95
A3, A6 4795 2764 2693 17.( 0.41 2926 0.92 2968 0.91
B1, B4 1066 420 558 ~3.~ 0.44 483 1.15 495 1.12
491 ~~-S
C1, C4 520 296 308 ~0.1 0.40 312 0.98 316 0.97
C2, C5 520 285 286 ~3.~ 0.40 304 0.94 308 0.93
C3,C6 520 274 260 ~7.8 0.40 291 0.88 380 0.87
01,04 520 296 394 ll.S 0.42 315 1.25 322 1.23
02,05 520 285 331 14.~ 0.42 305 1.08 310 1.07
03,06 520 274 264 17.8 0.42 296 0.90 300 0.88
W. W. Yuand
G. Winter' A 4795 1915 1923 34.( 0.26 1981 0.97 2023 0.95
B 4795 1998 2123 ~1.5 0.25 2052 1.03 2094 1.01
c 4795 2040 2210 ~0. 0.26 2098 1.05 2139 1.03
0 4795 3413 3705 ~2.3 0.16 3430 1.08 3455 1.07
E 4795 1769 2248 12.9 0.30 1877 1.20 1931 1.16
F 1440 633 674 ~5.9 0.21 645 1.05 654 1.03

*L" =~I_ M".

L M.

accuracy of the model. Eq. (3) also predicts the experi- reinforced concrete beams.
mental data with similar accuracy, as can be seen from 2. At the same level of moment, the effective mo-
Table 5. ment of inertia for beams loaded at midspan was found
to be about 20 percent more than that for beams sub-
Effect of reinforcement ratio jected to uniformly distributed load.
As would be expected, the value of I. will be affected 3. Under all types of loading, the power min Eq. (3)
by the reinforcement ratio p, especially for heavily re- decreases with the increase in the Mal Mer ratio, partic-
inforced concrete members. This effect is currently be- ularly in the range of moment less than 1.5 Mer'
ing investigated in relation to the proposed models in a 4. The values of the power in Eq. (3) are suggested
research program at King Saud University. The prelim- as 2.8, 2.3, and 1.8 for m 1, m 2 , and m 3, respectively.
inary results indicate that, for moment levels greater 5. The new proposed model Eq. (5), with the power
than 1.5 Mcro the power m is inversely proportional to m 1 = Me/ Ma, can be used to estimate I. for normally
the reinforcement ratio, while the power m 1 appeared reinforced concrete beams under different types of
to be directly proportional to it. Full results will be loading with a very good accuracy.
presented in future publications.
CONCLUSIONS modulus of elasticity of concrete
The work described in this paper was concerned with compressive strength of concrete
the effect of the type of loading on the deflection re- modulus of rupture of concrete
moment of inertia of the cracked transformed reinforced
sponse of cracked reinforced concrete beams. The fol-
concrete section
lowing conclusions can be drawn: I, effective moment of inertia of the cracked reinforced con-
1. Both the type and level of loading affect the esti- crete beam
mation of the effective moment of inertia of cracked [up experimental value of I,
ACI Structural Journal I March-April 1991 189
I, moment of inertia of the gross concrete section 2. Branson, D. E., "Instantaneous and Time-Dependent Deflec-
L length of beam span tions of Simple and Continuous Reinforced Concrete Beams," HPR
Lcr theoretical cracked length of the beam Report No. 7, Part 1, Alabama Highway Department, Bureau of
M. maximum service load moment acting on the beam Public Roads, Aug. 1963 (1965), pp. 1-78.
M, maximum moment due to a central point load 3. Corley, William G., and Sozen, Mete A., "Time-Dependent
M" cracking moment of beam = f · I,ly, Deflections of Reinforced Concrete Beams," ACI JoURNAL Proceed-
Mw maximum moment due to a uniformly distributed load ings V. 63, No. 3, Mar. 1966, pp. 373-386.
P, concentrated load 4. ACI Committee 435, "Deflections of Reinforced Concrete Flex-
y, distance from neutral axis to the extremely tensioned fiber ural Members," ACI JouRNAL, Proceedings V. 63, No.6, June 1966,
..1 maximum deflection pp. 637-674 .
p reinforcement ratio S. ACI Committee 318, "Building Code Requirements for Rein-
P. reinforcement ratio producing a balanced condition forced Concrete (ACI 318-71)," American Concrete Institute, De-
.P curvature at midspan section troit, 1971, 78 pp .
6. Abu-Hussein, M. M., "Effective Moment of Inertia of Cracked
REFERENCES Reinforced Concrete Beams under Different Types of Loading,"
l. Yu, Wei-Wen, and Winter, George, "Instantaneous and Long- Master thesis, King Saud University, June 1989, 116 pp.
Time Deflections of Reinforced Concrete Beams under Working 7. Washa, G. W., and Fluck, P. G., "Effect of Compressive Re-
Loads," ACI JouRNAL, Proceedings V. 57, No. 1, July 1960, pp. 29- inforcement on the Plastic Flow of Reinforced Concrete Beams,"
50. ACI JoURNAL, Proceedings V. 49, No. 8, Oct. 1952, pp. 89-108.

190 ACI Structural Journal I March-April1991

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