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Lesson Plan

School: Shakespeare institute

Teacher: Pamela Correa
Teacher Assistant: Milagros Arraya
Course: 3rd Basic Shift: Afternoon
Language level: Basic
Number of students: 6 Students’ age: 11 -12
Date: 12 - 11 - 20 Time: From 17:30 to 19:00

English is considered the language of international communication since almost
400 million people across the globe speak it and that is way it is taught in most
schools worldwide. In addition, the majority of websites, mobile apps, the media
and even video games found on the internet are in English. Apart from that,
learning English increases the chances of getting a good job in a multinational
company and finding work abroad as well. Learning this language is important
not only for socializing or getting a better job, but also for entertainment.
The structures of existence there was and there were are taught as part of the
grammar content seen on the basic level of English learning. The importance of
teaching this grammar content is to make students raise consciousness about
the past and the present and to recognize both, objects and people that existed
in a specific time in the past by making use of each structure depending on the
nouns, whether they are singular or plural.

Class description
There are six students, two boys and four girls, who are around eleven and
twelve years old. All of them have interest in learning English, and enjoy
learning new words and phrases. They love inquiring because they consult their
teacher any doubt they might have. According to the teacher, her students are
committed to their English classes at Shakespeare Institute and they take full
advantage of their lessons in order to learn something new each and every

Course book
Brendan Dunne and Robin Newton (2013) Lighthouse 3 Student’s Book.
Buenos Aires, Argentina: Richmond Publishing, Editora Moderna- Unit 7

There was/ There were

Lesson Plan
Previous Contents
Adjectives and their order

Function: Describe past situations related to the existence of objects.

Grammar: There was/ There were: Affirmative and Negative form.
Characters: dragon, fairy, ghost, pirate, spy, storyteller, superhero, witch,

Objectives: Students should be able to_

Differentiate the uses of there was and there were.
Make use of the grammar structures in written and oral form.
Reinforce the vocabulary seen in unit 7.

Teacher’s aim: The teacher’s assistant should be able to:

Explain the activities with clarity and in detailed.
Exploit the use of the teaching materials.
Manage time efficiently.

Timing Stages Activities
5’ 17:30 1.Greetings The teacher greets students and presents herself.
5’ 17:35 2.Ice- breaker Teacher and students play the “Name Game”.
10’ 17:40 3.Lead-in The teacher presents an interactive power point
presentation. Students memorize and answer TRUE or
10’ 17:50 4.Presentation Teacher makes a revision of grammar and vocabulary.
Students participate reading and answering questions.
10’ 18:00 5.Practice The teacher shows students a picture and they complete
the sentences with the correct structure.
10’ 18:10 BREAK
15’ 18:20 6.Production The teacher shows students another picture. Students
write sentences describing it.
15’ 18:35 7.Evaluation Students draw themselves as a one of the characters
revised and explain to the class why they choose it.
5’ 18:50 8.Homework Teacher explains the homework.
5’ 18:55 9. Review and Students mention one of the words related to the
-19.0 moment of vocabulary in unit 7 before leaving the meet.

Lesson Plan
0 saying

Detailed activities:
1. Greeting: The class will start at five o’clock in the afternoon and while
the students are joining the meet session, the teacher will greet them and
ask them how they feel that day. After that, the teacher will present
herself since it will be the first time those students are having a class with

2. Ice-Breaker: A list with an alphabet of adjectives will be used.

Once all the students have joined the meeting the teacher will stand up,
say her name as well as an adjective beginning with the first letter of her
name., and a make movement with her body representing that adjective.
For example: “I am magical Milagros” (hands move in a magical way).
Then, students will be required to do exactly the same and in case they
do not know and adjective starting with their initial letter, the teacher will
share screen and show them a PDF with an alphabet od adjectives.

3. Lead-in: In order to engage the students in the topic and motivate them
to participate in the class, the teacher will start the lesson by showing an
interactive power point presentation in which students will play by
memorizing different objects in thirty seconds and answering true or false
according to the sentences that appear on the slides.

Lesson Plan

4. Presentation:
In this stage the teacher will explain the uses of there was and there were
for affirmative and negative sentences as a revision. A Canva video showing
the different structures and examples will be presented making use of the
vocabulary seen in the unit.

In order to revise the vocabulary related to characters, the teacher will show
students puppets of each character made of paper, carton and stick.
5. Practice:
Students will have to complete some sentences previously sent to a
WhatsApp group with there was, there wasn’t, there were or there weren’t. A
picture will be shared on the screen and students will have to use it so as to
complete the task correctly.

Lesson Plan

COMPLETE THE SENTENCES WITH: There was-There wasn’t –There

were- There weren’t
1. _________________ a big dragon.
2. _________________ four wizards.
3. _________________ two pirates.
4. _________________ an evil witch.
5. _________________ a spy.
6. _________________ ghosts behind the trees.
7. _________________ four fairies.
8. _________________ a brave superhero.

6. Production:
Another picture will be shown and students are going to be asked to watch
the picture and describe it by writing sentences mentioning the characters
found on the image and using both, there was and there were appropriately.
The teacher will provide students with the following sentence:

“Magicland was an incredible place where the most marvelous

creatures lived together.”

Lesson Plan

7. Evaluation:
Students are going to be asked to draw themselves as one of the characters
they have seen in unit number seven. Once all the students have finished
the activity, the teacher will make a demonstration of what they have to say
before showing their drawings. What is going to be evaluated is the
pronunciation of the name of the character.


Lesson Plan
8. Homework:
A home task will be given to the students in which they will have to find the
differences between two similar pictures that may look equal, but they are
not. The teacher will show them the pictures by sharing screen and then
sent them to the WhatsApp group. Students can print the pictures or find the
differences by editing the pictures on their mobile phones as they prefer.

9. Review and moment of saying goodbye: Before students leave the class,
they will have to mention one word related to the vocabulary of
characters. What is more, they must not repeat their classmates’ words.
Once they have said one word, they can say goodbye to the teacher and
leave the meeting.

Teacher’s Methodology:
The aim of this class is to make students revise the content seen on unit 7, that
is why the oral approach and situational language teaching were applied
through most activities since its objective is put attention on the role of
vocabulary. Apart from that, this lesson is focused on the Competency-Based

Lesson Plan
Language teaching due to the interaction between the teacher and the students
in which the vocabulary was taught in a context rather than in isolation. By
making use of motivating material and activities, encouraging students to
participate, and providing a comfortable pace, more effective language learning
will take place. In order to accommodate the various students’ needs so that
they can learn, the teacher will perform the roles as an explainer, a
demonstrator, and a feedback giver, so learners will understand the activities
and receive a comment on their productions.

Material/ Resources/ Aims:

Power Point presentation
Alphabet of adjectives
Canva presentation
Live worksheet

Anticipated Problems:
Problems with the internet connectivity.
Unwillingness to participate in the ice-breaker activity.
Students could forget to copy the answers on their notebooks.
Students enter the class late after the break.
Lack of time.

Students are going to be assessed through the development of all the activities
accomplished in the class. What is going to be considered is learners’
participation, taking into account their willingness and attitude, as well as the
use of the language where the focus will be in grammar and pronunciation.

Extra Activities:
In case the main tasks are developed rapidly, the teacher will share screen and
complete an activity created in Live worksheets asking students to participate
and answer in an oral form.

Lesson Plan


Harmer, Jeremy (1997). How to Teach English. England: Pearson

Harmer, Jeremy (2012). Essential teacher knowledge. England: Pearson
Jim, Scrivener (2011). Learning teaching- the essential guide to English
language. England: Macmillan books for teacher. Series Editor: Adrian
Richards, Jack. C (2001) Approaches and Methods in Language
Teaching. United States of America: Cambridge University Press.
Gower, R. (2005) Teaching Practice Handbook (Mac Books for Tchs). En
Teaching Practice a Handbook for Teachers in Training (pp.175-183).
Macmillan ELT.
Brendan Dunne and Robin Newton (2013) Lighthouse 3 Student’s Book.
Buenos Aires, Argentina: Richmond Publishing, Editora Moderna- Unit 7
Brendan Dunne and Robin Newton (2013) Lighthouse 3 Teacher’s Book.
Buenos Aires, Argentina: Richmond Publishing, Editora Moderna- Unit 7
West, Edie (1999) The Big Book of Icebreakers.
TEFL HORIZOND (November 17th, 2018). How to start you lesson
Formato APA con el Generador APA de (2020, 15 de junio. Scribbr.


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