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Section 1. Listen and complete the following table. Write NO MORE THAN
THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. (10 points)
Notes: Clark’s Bike Hire
Example Answer
Type: Touring bike
Rental £ 50 a week, or (1) £ ________a day
Late return fee (2) £ _________
Deposit £ 60
Accessories £ 5 for (3)_______________: pannier or handlebar type
strong lock
Insurance: included, but must pay first £ 100 of claim
Pay: by (5)_______________only
Source: IELTS practice tests by Peter May
Section 2. Listen and choose the correct answer to each question. Write your
answer (A, B, or C) in the space provided. (10 points)
1. These sessions with a counselor are _____.
A. compulsory for all students
B. available to any students
C. for science students only
2. The counselor says that new students have to _____.
A. spend more time on the college premises
B. get used to working independently
C. work harder than they did at school
3. John complains that the resource center _____.
A. has limited opening hours
B. has too few resources
C. gets too crowded
4. The counselor suggests to John that _____.
A. most other students can cope
B. he needs to study all the time
C. he should be able to fit in some leisure activities
5. Before being able to help John, the counselor needs to _____.
A. talk with some of his lectures
B. consult his tutor
C. get more information from him
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Section 3. Listen to the talk about women in the workplace and answer the
following questions (10 points)
1. How is the situation for women in the workplace changing?
2. In which management role that women constitute 17% of the staff?
3. How many percent of employees think that gender equality is a priority?
4. What is the action companies should take to understand the problem of gender
5. What should companies do to make sure opportunities and advancement are
Section 4. Complete the table below, using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS
AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. (10 points)
Apartments Facilities Other information Cost
Rose Garden Studio flat Example: £219
Apartments Entertainment programme:
Greek dancing
Blue Bay large salt-water - just (1) ………… metres £275
Apartments swimming pool from beach
- near shop
(2) ……………… terrace watersports £490
The Grand - Greek paintings - overlooking (4) (5) £
- (3) ………….. ………….. ………………
- near a supermarket and a

Your answers:
1. …………… 2. …………… 3. …………… 4. …………… 5. ……………
Section 1. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to complete each sentence below.
(20 points)
1. My mother _____ when she found out that I’d forgotten to do the washing-up again.
A. stood her ground B. hit the ceiling
C. felt off color D. made my blood boil
2. Only during the early 20th century _____ in the United State.
A. liquor was prohibited then B. that liquor was prohibited
C. was liquor prohibited D. when liquor was prohibited
3. _____ a scholarship, I entered the frightening and unknown territory of private
A. to award B. to be awarded
C. having awarded D. having been awarded
4. Jane was full of _____ towards her stepmother.
A. retribution B. resentment C. reprisal D. vengeance
5. I caught the last bus by the skin of my _____.
A. teeth B. leg C. neck D. mouth
6. It is the _____ of stupidity to go walking in the mountains in this weather.
A. height B. depth C. source D. matter
7. In my view, the changes to the education system have been to good _____.
A. influence B. outcome C. upshot D. effect
8. Poor management brought the company to the _____ of collapse.
A. brink B. rim C. fringe D. brim
9. The plumber agreed that he had made a mistake and promised to put it _____ the
next day.
A. correct B. proper C. sound D. right
10. I can’t understand why you have to make such a _____ about something so
A. mess B. stir C. fuss D. bother
11. The judge looked at the _____ and reminded him that he had to tell the whole truth.
A. bystander B. witness C. onlooker D. viewer
12. I was disappointed that the restaurant had _____ flowers on the table.
A. false B. untrue C. artificial D. forged
13. As she is so heavily overlooked, there is a _____ possibility that she will have a
nervous breakdown.
A. distinctive B. distinct C. little D. manifest
14. _____ to the invention of the steam engine, most forms of transport were horse-
A. Akin B. Prior C. In addition D. With reference
15. The truant was _____ from school for unbecoming behaviour.
A. dispelled B. repelled C. expelled D. compelled
16. Of course he can lift that! He is as ______ as a horse.
A. tough B. big C. heavy D. strong
17. Fearing for his life, he _____ the mugger for mercy.
A. pleaded B. petitioned C. urged D. begged
18. I am not convinced that financial advisers always act in their clients’ best _____.
A. advantage B. interest C. intention D. result
19. The case against the bank robbers was _____ for lack of evidence.
A. discarded B. dismissed C. refused D. eliminated
20. Five readers _____ the correct solution to our recent competition.
A. communicated B. qualified C. submitted D. subscribed

Section 2. There are 10 errors in this passage. Identify them by underlining the
words that need to be corrected and correct them. (10 points)
The New York Times is a daily newspaper published in the New York city. For
a long time, it has been the newspaper on record in the US and one of the world’s great
newspapers. Its strength is in its editorial excellence, it never has been the greatest
newspaper in the term of circulation.
The Times was established in 1851 as a penny paper whose editors wanted to
report the news in a restrained and objective fashion. It enjoyed early success as its
editors made a pattern for the future by appealing to a cultural, intellectual readership
instead of a mass audience. Therefore, in the late 19 th century, it came into competition
with a more popular, colorful, if not lurid, newspapers in New York. Their publications
ran sensational stories, not because they were true, but because they sold newspapers.
Despite prices increases, The Times was losing £ 1,000 a week when Adolph Simon
Ochs bought it in 1896.
Ochs built The Times into an international respected daily. He hired Carr Van
Anda as editor. Van Anda placed greatest stress than ever on full reporting of the news
of the day, and his emphasized existing good coverage of international news. The
management of the paper decided to eliminate fiction of the paper, added a Sunday
magazine section, and reduced the paper’s price back to a penny. In April 1912, the
paper ran many risks to report every aspects of the sinking of the Titanic. This greatly
enhanced its prestige, and in its coverage of the two world wars, The Times continued
to enhance its reputation for excellence in world news.
Section 3. Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable preposition or
particle. (10 points)
1. The new regulations have thrown _______ a few problems for the company.
2. The workers were rather cynical after the meeting. Most of them were _______ no
illusions that the management would take their complaints seriously.
3. Jack took early retirement as he was losing his grip _______ the job.
4. He scolded her so much that she was reduced _______ tears by the end of the meeting.
5. The sudden movement of the train threw me _______ balance and I fell head-first
down the steps.
6. The price of shares in the company went up _______ over 50% when they announced
the discovery of the new oilfield.
7. Ron usually primes himself _______ plenty of black coffee before starting the night
8. We still haven’t sold the house because the buyers went back on their word and pulled
_______ the deal.
9. Hi Brenda, Peter here. I’m just ringing _______ to say I’ve got two tickets for the
concert on Saturday night. Fancy coming?
10. The group rounded _______ the concert with their greatest hits. So everyone went
home happy.
Section 4. Supply the correct form of the word given in brackets. (10 points)
Increasingly, women are taking their holidays without men. For _____ (1.
SAFE) reasons, camaraderie or just plain fun, a growing number of female tourists are
singing up for women-only trips. Twenty years ago only a _____ (2. HAND) of
companies offered such holidays; now there are several hundred. Travel _____ (3.
CONSULT) Andre Littlewood says that the combination of higher incomes with
delayed marriage, divorce, retirement and widowhood has _____ (4. ABLE) more
women to travel, often on their own. They are attracted by the sense of _____ (5.
FREE) that a holiday without men affords them. “Women in a group tend to feel
_____ (6. INHIBIT) and speak more openly than when men are around”, she adds.
“Even on energy-sapping adventure holidays the atmosphere is relaxed and _____ (7.
CO-OPERATE). It’s also a great deal more fun. Women laugh more _____ (8.
READY) than men, probably because they don’t mind laughing at themselves.” Since
her divorce Janice Cummings has been a regular traveler with Everywoman Tours, and
Oxford-based Company whose very name is a _____ (9. DETER) to men. “And a
good thing too,” she says. “Men simply cannot resist the _____ (10. TEMPT) to try
and take control, no matter where they are. And that includes on holiday. Thankfully,
there is none of that with Everywoman.”
Write your answers here:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
____________ ___________ ____________ ____________ ___________


Section 1. Read the passage and choose the option that best completes each blank. (10
The Video Loggers
One rather unlikely word that has recently entered the language is “blog”, a
shortened form of “web log”. A blog is a diary posted on the Internet by the person
writing it – the “blogger” – who presumably expects other people to read it. It is
ironical that modern technology is being used to (1) ________ new life into such an
old-fashioned form as the personal journal. And now, as the technology behind video
cameras is making them easier to use, we have the video log or “vlog”. Vlogging does
not require (2)________ sophisticated equipment: a digital video camera, a high speed
Internet connection and a host are all that is needed. Vloggers can put anything that (3)
________ their fancy onto their personal website. Some vloggers have no ambitions
(4) ________ than to show films they have shot while on holiday in exotic places.
However, vloggers can also (5) ________ more ambitious purposes. For instance,
amateur film-makers who want to make a (6) ________ for themselves might publish
their work onto the Internet, eager to receive advice or criticism. And, increasingly,
vlogs are being used to (7) ________ political and social issues (8) ________ are not
newsworthy enough to warrant coverage by mass media. It is still too early to predict
(9) ________ vlogging will ever take off in a major way or if it is just a passing fad,
but its (10) ________ is only now becoming apparent.

1. A. add B. put C. insert D. breathe

2. A. absolutely B. largely C. mostly D. highly
3. A. grasps B. appeals C. takes D. gives
4. A. except B. apart C. rather D. other
5. A. serve B. employ C. function D. play
6. A. publicity B. fame C. name D. promotion
7. A. emphasize B. publicize C. distribute D. circulate
8. A. who B. whose C. which D. why
9. A. that B. whether C. why D. since
10. A. potential B. possibility C. ability D. feasibility
Section 2. Cloze Test: Read the text below and fill each gap with ONE suitable
word. (15 points)
Speed limit
A recent proposal to limit the speed cars can reach is proving controversial. The idea,
put (1) ________ by the institute for Road Safety, involves (2) ___________ vehicles
with a communications box containing a digital map of the road network. When a car
is in motion, the communications box – which knows how fast the vehicle is
(3)_________ permitted to travel on a particular section of road – automatically
regulates the car’s speed. It (4)__________ becomes impossible for a vehicle fitted
with such a (5)_______ to exceed the speed limit.
There are plans to (6)_________ motorists to drive into the centre of major cities, and
a communication box could be used to identify vehicles that enter this zone. At
present, each time a vehicle does so, its number (7)___________ is photographed.
Then the number is compared (8) __________ a list of authorized vehicles, but this
system is costly and (9)___________ from foolproof
The system could be put in place quickly if the government wished as part the
technology has already been developed for another purpose. Electronic vehicle
identification is (10) __________ with some people, who regard it as an infringement
of their rights. They would certainly object to a plan to restrict the limit of their cars,
which may make the government hesitate to go through with it.

Section 3. Read the following passages and choose the best answer to each
question. Write your answers in the space provided. (10 points)
There is a natural balance to all things: life and death, good and bad, happiness
and sadness, pleasure and pain. The very idea that you should focus on positives and
ignore negatives, likewise with strengths versus weakness, is not only delusional; it’s a
recipe for disaster.
Let me tell you a couple of stories to show you how dealing with reality as
openly and genuinely as possible is the path to success and happiness, while focusing
only on the positives and strengths can destroy your career and your company.
It’s no secret that Steve jobs was forced out of Apple in 1984 because his
management style had become toxic to the company. Much later, Jobs would come to
realize that getting fired from the company he cofounded “was the best thing that could
have happened” to him. He called it “awful-tasting medicine” that “the patient
needed.” He also likened it to life hitting him in the head with a brick.
That forced Jobs to look in the mirror and see the truth – that he wasn’t as
capable or as strong a leader as he could be. And as he addressed the issues that stood
in his way, the result was the founding of NeXT and Pixar, his eventual return to
Apple, and the greatest turnaround in corporate history that built the most valuable
company on earth.
It’s easy to miss the obvious connection staring us right in the face, that it wasn’t
just Apple that had it a wall, fallen on hard times, and found itself in need of a
turnaround. The same was true of Jobs. And there was an undeniable connection
between the two.
It’s also easy to miss the insightfulness of Jobs’ realization that none of his later
achievements would have occurred if he hadn’t faced reality. That sort of introspection
only comes from someone who’s had some sort of intervention and gone through gut-
wrenching change as a result.
Not to compare myself with Jobs, but the truth is I’ve gotten a couple of those
bricks to the head myself. I’ve been fired more than once and lost my wife early in our
marriage. But in every case I looked in the mirror, faced what I saw, made some
changes, and bounced back stronger than ever.
If I’d just tried to stay positive, focused on my strengths, and searched for the
silver lining in the clouds, I never would have figured out what was wrong and become
a better person, a better husband, and a better leader. I never would have achieved so
much in my career or won my wife back.
While life is full of ups and downs, one thing is certain: if you attempt to filter
your consciousness and disallow negative thoughts or make believe the weaknesses
holding you back don’t exist, you’ll never get past those hurdles and get to the next
stage in your personal and professional development. And neither will your business.

1. What could be the best title for the passage?

A. Being Successful: Ignore the negatives
B. To Be Successful? Quit Being So Positive
C. Being Successful: Facing with Disasters
D. To Be Successful? Stop Being So Negative
2. The writer uses the phrase “recipe for disaster” in paragraph 1 to stress that
A. focusing on positives can make the worse become the worst
B. ignoring the negatives can be the key to dealing with any problem
C. focusing on positives and ignoring negatives destroy the reality
D. ignoring negatives goes against the natural balance to all things
3. The word “likened” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. linked B. associated C. compared D. related
4. The writer uses the phrase “the two” in paragraph 5 to refer to ________.
A. strengths and weaknesses B. life and death
C. hard times and turnabouts D. happiness and sadness
5. The writer uses the “bricks” (as Steve Jobs did) in paragraph 6 to describe
A. weaknesses he had at the times of being fired
B. hardships he faced with during his professional life
C. changes he led in order to make turnabouts
D. interventions he made in his own introspection
6. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Steve Jobs according to the
A. He got fired from Apple because of his poor management style.
B. He founded NeXT and Pixar to be able to return to Apple.
C. He made Apple the most valuable company in the world.
D. He considered being fired from Apple the best lesson learnt.
7. What is true about the story teller when facing failures according to the passage?
A. He tried to stay positive to bounce back stronger.
B. He focused on his strengths as the motivation for turnabouts.
C. He looked into the way Steve Jobs did to find his own solution.
D. He examined the situation, making necessary changes to be better.
8. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.
A. Only when you admit the negative as part of your life, you can proceed.
B. Positives and negatives can never go along with each other in reality.
C. It’s our weaknesses that save us in hardships and calamities.
D. To earn happiness, one has to experience the feeling of sadness.
9. The phrase “filter your consciousness” in the last paragraph mostly means
A. release negative feelings from one’s heart
B. clear one’s mind from worries
C. push negative thoughts out of one’s mind
D. stay away from possible dangers
10. The tone of the passage is ________.
A. informative B. preventive C. persuasive D. argumentative

Write your answers here:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ___________

Section 4. Read the passage carefully and do the tasks. (15 points)
The passage has six paragraphs, A-F. Choose the correct heading for
paragraphs B and D-F from the list of headings below. There are two headings you
do not need.
List of Headings

I Effects of irrigation on sedimentation

ii The danger of flooding the Cairo area
iii Causing pollution in the Mediterranean
iv Interrupting a natural process
v The threat to food production
vi Less valuable sediment than before
vii Egypt's disappearing coastline
viii Looking at the long-term impact
Paragraph A : vii

1. Part B: ……………. 2. Part C: …………….

3. Part D: ……………. 4. Part E: …………….
5. Part F: …………….
Alarming Environmental Problem of a Delta
A. The fertile land of the Nile delta is being eroded along Egypt's Mediterranean coast
at an astounding rate. Formerly, land scoured away from the coastline by the currents of
the Mediterranean Sea used to be replaced by sediment brought down to the delta by the
River Nile, but this is no longer happening.
B. People have blamed this on the two large dams at Aswan in the south of Egypt,
which hold back virtually all of the sediment that used to flow down the river. It used to
flow freely, carrying huge quantities of sediment north from Africa's interior to be
deposited on the Nile delta in 7,000 years. Annual flooding brought in new, nutrient-
rich soil to the delta region, replacing what had been washed away by the sea, and
dispensing with the need for fertilizers in Egypt's richest food-growing area. But when
the Aswan dams were constructed in the 20th century to provide electricity and
irrigation, and to protect the huge population centre of Cairo and its surrounding areas
from annual flooding and drought, not passing down to the delta, most of the sediment
with its natural fertilizer accumulated up above the dam in the southern, upstream half
of Lake Nasser.
C. Now, however, there turns out to be more to the story. It appears that the sediment-
free water emerging from the dams picks up silt and sand as it erodes the river bed and
banks on the 800-kilometre trip to Cairo. Daniel Jean Stanley of the Smithsonian
Institute noticed that water samples taken in Cairo before the river enters the delta
indicated that the river sometimes carries more than 850 grams of sediment per cubic
meter of water - almost half of what before the dams were built. 'The significance of
this didn't strike me until after I had read 50 or 60 studies,' says Stanley. There is still a
lot of sediment coming into the delta, but virtually no sediment comes out into the
Mediterranean to replenish the Coastline.'
D. Most of the Nile water is diverted into more than 10,000 kilometers of irrigation
canals and only a small proportion reaches the sea directly through the rivers in the
delta. The water in the irrigation canals is still or very slow-moving, thus cannot carry
sediment, he explains. The sediment sinks to the bottom and then is added to fields by
farmers or pumped with the water into the four large freshwater lagoons that are located
near the outer edges of the delta. So very little of it actually reaches the coastline to
replace what is being washed away by the Mediterranean currents.
E. The farms and fishing and aquaculture account for much of Egypt's food supply. But
by the time the sediment has come to rest in the fields and lagoons it is laden with
municipal, industrial and agricultural waste from the Cairo region. 'Pollutants are
building up faster and faster' says Stanley. Based on his investigations of sediment from
the delta lagoons, Frederic Siegel of George Washington University concurs. ‘In
Manzalah Lagoon, for example, the increase in mercury, lead, etc., coincided with the
building of the High Dam at Aswan, the availability of cheap electricity, and major
power-based industries development’ he says. Since then mercury concentration has
increased significantly. Lead from engines using leaded fuels and from other industrial
sources has also increased dramatically. These can easily enter the food chain, affecting
the productivity of Fishing and Farming. Another problem is agricultural wastes
including fertilizers in the lagoons can upset the ecology of the area with serious effects
on the fishing industry.
F. According to Siegel, international environmental organizations are beginning to pay
loser attention to the region, partly because of the problems of the Nile delta, but
principally because they fear the impact this situation could have on the whole
Mediterranean coastal ecosystem. But there are no easy solutions. In the immediate
future, Stanley believes that one solution would be to make artificial floods to flush out
the delta waterways as natural floods did. He says, however, though this is an easier
said than done matter, an alternative process such as desalination may have to be used
to increase the amount of water available.

Decide whether each statement is true (T) or false (F) or not given (NG)
6. The River Nile no longer brings down sediment to land of the Nile delta
7. People living on the Nile delta could do without fertilizers for their land before the
construction of Aswan dams.
8. The farmers pump water from the Nile into their fields to enrich the soil.
9. Aswan dams discharge toxic chemical like lead and mercury.
10. International environmental organizations are still looking for the best solution to
the delta problems.


Section 1. Rewrite each sentence so that it begins with the words and the meaning
stays the same. (10 points)
1. The direct aim of the statement is to make the public aware of the present situation.
 The statement boils………………………………………………………………….
2. It’s not our concern what they do after lessons.
 It’s of………………………………………………………………………………...
3. He was so disgusted at the way she behaved that he refused to speak to her.
 Such…………………………………………………………………………………
4. All the passengers of the jumbo jet were killed in the crash
→ None…………………………………………………………………………………
9. The trip is so amazing that we will never forget it.
 It is too………………………………………………………………………………
Section 2. Rewrite the following sentences with the given words in such a way that
the second sentence has the same meaning as the first one. Do not change the form
of the word in brackets. Write your answers in the space provided. (10 points).
1. The mischievous boy never expressed regret for what he had done to the dog. NO

2. Mary has been working so hard that it’s logical she feels completely exhausted.
 Mary has been working so hard that………………………………………………….
3. The film script was very different from the novel it was based on.
 The film script ………………………………………………………………………..
4. It is difficult to know what my reaction would have been in that situation. (how)
 I am not……………………………………………………………………………….
5. I suddenly realized the meaning of a “freebie” (dawned)
 It ……………………………………………………………………………………
Section 3. Paragraph (30 points)
Some people say that after finishing secondary education, students should spend a gap
year travelling, working or doing voluntary work instead of starting their tertiary
education. Do you agree or disagree with this point of view?
In 130 - 150 words, write a paragraph to express your opinion. Use specific reasons
and examples to support your idea.

================ THE END =================

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Mobile: 0982186313

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