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ĐỀ THI ĐỀ XUẤT Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút
(không kể thời gian giao đề)
(Đề thi gồm 16 trang)
 Bài nghe gồm 4 phần, mỗi phần được nghe 2 lần.
 Mở đầu và kết thúc phần nghe có tín hiệu nhạc.
 Mọi hướng dẫn cho thí sinh (bằng tiếng Anh) đã có trong bài nghe.

Part 1. ( 10 points)
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD for each answer.
Travelled to town today: by bus
Name: Luisa (1) …………………………………..
Address: (2) ………………………. White Stone Road
Area: Bradfield
Postcode: (3) …………………………………………..
Occupation: (4) ………………………………………..
Reason for visit to town: to go to the (5) ……………..
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Part 2. ( 10 points)
Listen and choose the correct letter A, B, or C.
Theatre Studies Course
1. What helped Rob to prepare to play the character of a doctor?
A. the stories his grandfather told him
B. the times when he watched his grandfather working
C. the way he imagined his grandfather at work
2. In the play’s first scene, the boredom of village life was suggested by
A. repetition of words and phrases
B. scenery painted in dull colours
C. long pauses within conversations
3. What has Rob learned about himself through working in a group?
A. He likes to have clear guidelines.
B. He copes well with stress.
C. He thinks he is a good leader.
4. To support the production, research material was used which described
A. political developments
B. changing social attitudes
C. economic transformations
5. What problems did the students overcome in the final rehearsal?
A. one person forgetting their words
B. an equipment failure
C. the injury of one character
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Part 3. ( 10 points)
You will listen to a short talk about the entertainment program and decide whether the following
statements are true or false.
1. Sally cannot reveal the name of the band for the first party.
2. There will be a concert in the Cotswold Theatre on Monday.
3. There is an important event on Thursday.
4. There is no formal dress code for the Freshers’ Ball.
5. Students should check the notice board for changes to the announced program.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Part 4. ( 20 points)
You will hear a radio programme about the history of roller skating. For questions 1- 10,
complete the sentences using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.
History of roller skating
The country where the first roller skates were probably made was (1) __________
In 1760, John Merlin went to a ball in London playing a (2) _________________ whilst on roller
skates. Unfortunately, John Merlin injured himself when he broke a (3) ______________ at the
ball. In Germany, roller skating was used in a ballet called (4) __________________James
Plimpton’s invention helped roller skaters to control the (5) ___________ of their skates. The first
team sport to be played on roller skates was (6) _________________ In Detroit in 1937, the first
(7) __________________________ in the sport took place. The use of plastics meant that both the
(8) ______________ and _____________ of roller skates improved. The musical “Starlight
Express” was seen by as many as (9) _______________ in London. The speaker says that modern
roller skates are now (10) ______ and ______ than ever before.
Your answers:
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.


Part 1. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) which best completes each sentence. (20 pts)
1. My brother found it impossible to ______his anger and started shouting.
A. restrict B. inhibit C. reserve D. contain
2. We don’t have a secretary ___, but we do have a student who comes in to do a bit of filing.
A. as such B. the least bit C. whatsoever D. little more
3. The problem _______because neither side was prepared to compromise.
A. amassed B. escalated C. proliferated D. enhanced
4. A meeting was held so that staff could _______their view freely.
A. divulge B. vent C. utter D. air
5. This evidence should prove ___ that he was telling the truth.
A. once and for all B. now and then C. over and above D. from time to time
6. Not even losing all the time could _______his enthusiasm for tennis.
A. recede B. dampen C. erode D. belittle
7. It was a _________lie and nobody at all believed it.
A. blatant B. salient C. conspicuous D. pronounced
8. You’ll just have to ______yourself to the fact that you can’t always have what you want.
A. acknowledge B. reconcile C. concede D. allow
9. We were under no _____ about how difficult it would be to achieve our aims.
A. fantasies B. daydreams C. illusions D. deceptions
10. I’m afraid that the facts don’t ______your theory.
A. pull off B. check out C. show off D. bear out
11 You'd better pack those glasses extremely carefully if you want them to arrive ______.
A. entire B. intact C. whole D. complete
12. We are not in a ______ hurry so let’s have another coffee.
A. dashing B. racing C. rushing D. tearing
13. It was a bad mistake but it had no ______on the outcome of the match.
A. bearing B. relevance C. significance D. repercussion
14. Time was running out, so the committee had to make a ____________ decision.
A. brief B. snap C. sharp D. curt
15. The island was quite content with its _______ prosperity.
A. heinous B. burgeoning C. insatiable D. abortive
16. He ________at the last minute and withdrew from the competition.
A. put his foot down B. got up his nose
C. couldn’t keep a straight face D. got cold feet
17. George wasn’t in a particularly good mood, but then he is always a bit ______in the morning.
A. irate B. crotchety C. indignant D. infuriated
18. We were alerted to the fire when we saw thick, heavy smoke _____out of the window.
A. clouding B. billowing C. choking D. pushing
19. I must take this watch to be repaired; it ____________ over twenty minutes a day.
A. increases B. progresses C. accelerates D. gains
20. Why don’t you have a night out? It would take your ______ off your worries.
A. thoughts B. heart C. mind D. head
Part 2. The following passage contains 10 errors. Identify and correct them.

1 An environmental history of mankind would have to be a history of the

exploitation of abundant natural resources, the spiral demand for these
resources, and their inevitable depletion. As humanity spread over the globe,
leaving colonies in their wake, essential resources such as coal, oil, and even
5 fresh water were extracted through industrial mining and manufacturing
operations that had a massive impact on the earth itself. That was once a
plethora of riches has inexorably declined, and entrepreneurs are now looking
into the limits of land, sea, and sky; the new target is the stars and, more
especially, asteroids. Spinning around the Sun are tens of thousands of
10 asteroids, and scientists have convinced that these mountain-like formations
contain a treasure trove of minerals and metals. The asteroid 16 Psyche has
enough iron-nickel ore to sustain the Earth for several million years. Even a
comparatively small asteroid could contain more than 2,000 million metric tons
of serviceable mineral-metal reserves. In addition, some asteroids have a high
15 ice content which means that they could be an economically viable source of
fresh water. Large –scale mining of asteroids is possibly the key to solve many
of our escalating environmental problems. Any mining venture contains an
element of risk, however. Asteroids have traditionally been considered dead
perils lurking out in the dark depths of space, bided their time before smashing
20 headlong into our insignificant planet. In order to transplant mining operations
from the Earth to the stars, we need to find solutions to extensive safety and
logistical problems.

1. _______________________ 6. _______________________
2. _______________________ 7. _______________________
3. _______________________ 8. _______________________
4. _______________________ 9. _______________________
5. _______________________ 10. ______________________

Part 3. Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition or particle. (10 points)
1. Josie banked ________the fire to last till morning.
2. The education expenses of the children are eating _______ their savings, but they do not mind at
3. The school has certainly lived _______ its reputation as one which produces top scholars year
after year.
4. After some careful consideration, James decided to turn _______ the post which carried heavy
5. Looking_________, we must expect radical changes to be made in our system of government.
6. My wife backed me ______ over my decision to quit my job.
7. Traditionally, Amish weddings are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so there is time in _______
to get ready for and clean up after each.
8. According to a government study, Korean elderly women are much more vulnerable ________
social isolation and illnesses compared to their male counterparts.
9. The practice of acupuncture is rooted ________ the idea of promoting harmony between humans
and the world around them and a balance between yin and yang.
10. I never doubt that this candidate can pull ______ a victory.

III. Complete each sentence with one suitable particle or preposition. Write your answer in
the box provided. (10 points)
1. My wife backed me ______ over my decision to quit my job.
2. My mum and dad always find a way to work well together and are not critical ________ each
3. At first, residents opposed plans for a new city skate park, but the skaters eventually won
them _______.
4. Traditionally, Amish weddings are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so there is time in
________ to get ready for and clean up after each.
5. According to a government study, Korean elderly women are much more vulnerable
________ social isolation and illnesses compared to their male counterparts.
6. What is there so remarkable of him that people will hang ________ his every word?
7. The Minister was shouted ______ by hecklers and was unable to finish her speech.
8. Do you have to go already? Can’t you stick ________ for a few minutes?
9. The practice of acupuncture is rooted ________ the idea of promoting harmony between
humans and the world around them and a balance between yin and yang.
10. I never doubt that this candidate can pull ______ a victory.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Part 4: Write the correct form of the words given in the brackets. Write your answers in the
spaces provided below. (10 points)
The Media Commentators
A live broadcast of any public event, such as a space flight or sporting
occasion, is almost (1) ________ accompanied by the thoughts of a 1. VARY
commentator. This may be on television, along with the relevant pictures,
or (2) ________ on radio. The technique involved differs between the two 2. ALTER
media, with radio broadcasters needing to be more explicit and (3)
________. Because of the (4) _______ of visual information. TV 3. DESCRIBE
commentators do not need to paint a picture for their audience; instead their 4. ABSENT
various observations should add to the images that are already there. There
will sometimes be silences and pauses in TV (5) ________, although these
are becoming increasingly rare. Both types of commentators should try to 5.COMMENT
be more informative, but should avoid sounding (6) _______. In sports
ones, fairness and (7)_______ to both sides is vital, but spontaneity and 6. OPINION
(8)________ are valued by those watching or listening. Sports 7. PART
commentators usually broadcast live in an essentially unscripted way, 8. ENTHUSE
although they may refer to previously prepared materials such as sports
statistics. Because of the (9) ________ nature of live events, thorough
preparation in advance is vital. The internet has helped enormously with 9. PREDICT
this aspect of the job. Anyone interested in becoming a commentator
should have excellent (10)________ skills, the willingness to work
irregular hours and a strong voice.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


Part 1. For questions 1- 10, read the passage and choose the best answer A, B, C or D (10
Read the text below and decide which answer best fits each space.
Greenhouse gases are being released into the atmosphere 30 times faster than the time when
the Earth experienced a (1)______ episode of global warming. A study comparing the rate at
which carbon dioxide and methane are being (2)______ now, compared to 55 million years ago
when global warming also occurred, has found dramatic differences in the speed of release. James
Zachos, professor of earth sciences at the University of California, Santa Cruz, said the speed of
the present build-up of greenhouse gases is far greater than during the global warming after the
(3)______ of the dinosaurs. "The emissions that caused this past episode of global warming
probably lasted 10,000 years," Professor Zachos told the American Association for the
Advancement of Science at a meeting in St. Louis. "By burning fossil fuels, we are likely to emit
the same amount over the next three centuries." He warned that studies of global warming events
in the geological past (4)__________the Earth's climate passes a (5)__________beyond which
climate change accelerates with the help of positive feedbacks - vicious circles of warming.
professor Zachos is a leading (6)__________on the episode of global warming known as the
palaeocene-eocene thermal maximum, when average global temperatures increased by up to 5 oC
due to a massive release of carbon dioxide and methane.
His research into the deep ocean (7)__________suggests at this time that about 4.5 billion
tons of carbon entered the atmosphere over 10,000 years. "This will be the same amount of carbon
released into the atmosphere from cars and industrial emissions over the next 300 years if present
(8)__________continue", he said. Although carbon can be released suddenly and naturally into the
atmosphere from volcanic activity, it takes many thousands of years for it to be removed
permanently by natural processes. The ocean is capable of removing carbon, and quickly, but this
natural (9)__________can be easily (10)__________which is probably what happened 55 million
years ago. "It will take tens of thousands of years before atmospheric carbon dioxide comes down
to preindustrial levels," the professor said. "Even after humans stop burning fossil fuels, the effects
will be long-lasting."
1. A. prearranged B. premier C. previous D. fundamental
2. A. emitted B. exhaled C. incorporated D. digested
3. A. dementia B. demolition C. detachment D. demise
4. A. comment B. mark C. compliment D. indicate
5. A. barricade B. verge C. threshold D. perimeter
6. A. autocrat B. authority C. administrator D. proprietor
7. A. dusts B. sediments C. dirt D. powder
8. A. trends B. gadgets C. fads D. crazes
9. A. capacity B. competence C. intelligence D. bulk
10. A. overcharged B. overstated C. overshadowed D. overwhelmed
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part 2: For questions 1 - 10, fill each of the following numbered blanks with ONE suitable
word. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. (15 points)
A new report shows that no country in Africa will meet goals (1)______ to end childhood
malnutrition by the year 2030. That target was set by the United Nations in 2015 (2)______ a
Sustainable Development Goal. The UN adopted a set of goals, "to end poverty, protect the planet
and ensure prosperity for all as part of a new sustainable development agenda". The new report is
published in the journal Nature. It identifies poor child nutrition and (3)_______ levels of
education across 51 African countries. These were (4)______ factors in countries battling to
(5)_______ children with sufficient food. Researcher Simon Hay said the goal of ending childhood
malnutrition was always an "aspirational" target. He said: "This aspiration is very, very far away."
There was some good news in the report. It highlighted the fact that many African nations,
(6)_______ Ghana and Nigeria, have shown (7)______ of improvement in childhood development
since the year 2000. However, it is a different story for countries like Chad, Central African
Republic and Eritrea. The report indicates that malnutrition remained "persistently high" in 14
countries between Senegal in the west and Somalia in the east. Many of these countries have
(8)_______ war, famine and mass migration, all of (9)____ have put massive strains (10)_______
health and agriculture. One researcher said considerable investment was needed in health and
infrastructure in order to address "serious inequalities".

Part 3: Read the passage and choose the best answer to each of the questions ( 10 points)


Chickenpox is a highly contagious infectious disease caused by the Varicella zoster virus;
sufferers develop a fleeting itchy rash that can spread throughout the body. The disease can last for
up to 14 days and can occur in both children and adults, though the young are particularly
vulnerable. Individuals infected with chickenpox can expect to experience a high but tolerable
level of discomfort and a fever as the disease works its way through the system. The ailment was
once considered to be a “rite of passage” by parents in the U.S. and thought to provide
children with greater and improved immunity to other forms of sickness later in life. This
view, however, was altered after additional research by scientists demonstrated unexpected dangers
associated with the virus. Over time, the fruits of this research have transformed attitudes toward
the disease and the utility of seeking preemptive measures against it.
A vaccine against chickenpox was originally invented by Michiaki Takahashi, a Japanese
doctor and research scientist, in the mid-1960s. Dr. Takahashi began his work to isolate and grow
the virus in 1965 and in 1972 began clinical trials with a live but weakened form of the virus that
caused the human body to create antibodies. Japan and several other countries began widespread
chickenpox vaccination programs in 1974. However, it took over 20 years for the chickenpox
vaccine to be approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), finally earning the U.S.
government’s seal of approval for widespread use in 1995. Yet even though the chickenpox
vaccine was available and recommended by the FDA, parents did not immediately choose to
vaccinate their children against this disease. Mothers and fathers typically cited the notion that
chickenpox did not constitute a serious enough disease against which a person needed to be
Strong belief in that view eroded when scientists discovered the link between Varicella
zoster, the virus that causes chickenpox, and shingles, a far more serious, harmful, and longer-
lasting disease in older adults that impacts the nervous system. They reached the conclusion that
Varicella zoster remains dormant inside the body, making it significantly more likely for someone
to develop shingles. As a result, the medical community in the U.S. encouraged the development,
adoption, and use of a vaccine against chickenpox to the public. Although the appearance of
chickenpox and shingles within one person can be many years apart - generally many decades - the
increased risk in developing shingles as a younger adult (30-40 years old rather than 60-70 years
old) proved to be enough to convince the medical community that immunization should be
preferred to the traditional alternative.
Another reason that the chickenpox vaccine was not immediately accepted and used by
parents in the U.S. centered on observations made by scientists that the vaccine simply did not last
long enough and did not confer a lifetime of immunity. In other words, scientists considered the
benefits of the vaccine to be temporary when given to young children. They also feared that it
increased the odds that a person could become infected with chickenpox later as a young adult,
when the rash is more painful and prevalent and can last up to three or four weeks. Hence,
allowing young children to develop chickenpox rather than take a vaccine against it was believed
to be the “lesser of two evils.” This idea changed over time as booster shots of the vaccine
elongated immunity and countered the perceived limits on the strength of the vaccine itself.
Today, use of the chickenpox vaccine is common throughout the world. Pediatricians suggest
an initial vaccination shot after a child turns one year old, with booster shots recommended after
the child turns eight. The vaccine is estimated to be up to 90% effective and has reduced
worldwide cases of chickenpox infection to 400,000 cases per year from over 4,000,000 cases
before vaccination became widespread. ■ (A) In light of such statistics, most doctors insist that the
potential risks of developing shingles outweigh the benefits of avoiding rare complications
associated with inoculations. ■ (B) Of course, many parents continue to think of the disease as an
innocuous ailment, refusing to take preemptive steps against it. ■ (C) As increasing numbers of
students are vaccinated and the virus becomes increasingly rarer, however, even this trend among
parents has failed to halt the decline of chickenpox among the most vulnerable populations. ■ (D).

1. The word “tolerable” in the passage 1 is closest in meaning to

A. sudden B. bearable C. infrequent D. unexpected
2. According to paragraph 1, which of the following is true of the chickenpox virus?
A. It leads to a potentially deadly disease in adults.
B. It is associated with a possibly permanent rash.
C. It is easily transmittable by an infected individual.
D. It has been virtually eradicated in the modern world.
3. Which of the following best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence?
Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
A. U.S. parents believed that having chickenpox benefited their children.
B. U.S. parents believed that chickenpox led to immunity against most sickness.
C. U.S. parents wanted to make sure that their children developed chickenpox.
D. U.S. parents did not think that other vaccinations were needed after chickenpox.
4. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 2 about the clinical trials for the
chickenpox vaccine?
A. They took longer than expected. B. They cost a lot of money to complete.
C. They took a long time to finish. D. They were ultimately successful.
5. The word “notion” in the passage 2 is closest in meaning to
A. history B. findings C. fact D. belief
6. According to paragraph 3, which of the following is true of Varicella Zoster?
A. It typically attacks adults who are over 60 years old.
B. It is linked to a serious disease that occurs more commonly in adults.
C. It likely is not a serious enough threat to human health to require a vaccine.
D. It is completely eradicated from the body after chickenpox occurs.
7. According to paragraph 3, all of the following is true about the chickenpox virus EXCEPT:
A. It causes two distinct yet related ailments.
B. People did not view it as a serious public health threat.
C. It tended to quickly become dormant and remain inoperative over time.
D. Vaccination against it would help prevent the onset of shingles.
8. The author uses booster shots as an example of
A. a way to increase the effectiveness of the chickenpox vaccine
B. a preferred method of chickenpox rash and fever treatment
C. a scientifically approved medicine to eliminate chickenpox
D. a strategy for parents to avoid vaccinating their child altogether
9. According to paragraph 4, many parents did not choose the chickenpox vaccine because
A. they believed that the virus was weak and not especially harmful
B. they thought that scientists did not have enough data to reach a conclusion
C. they were unsure about the utility of the vaccine given its expected duration
D. they were convinced it was potentially very toxic, particularly for older children
10. Look at the four squares [▪] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the
Meanwhile, some continue to remain unconvinced, citing a supposed potential of the vaccine
to do harm.
Where would the sentence fit best?
A. A B. B C. C D. D

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part 4: Read the following passage then do the tasks that follow. (15 points)
A Our life span is restricted. Everyone accepts this as 'biologically' obvious. ‘Nothing lives for
ever!’ However, in this statement we think of artificially produced, technical objects, products
which are subjected to natural wear and tear during use. This leads to the result that at some time
or other the object stops working and is unusable ('death' in the biological sense). But are the wear
and tear and loss of function of technical objects and the death of living organisms really similar or
B Our ‘dead’ products are ‘static’, closed systems. It is always the basic material which constitutes
the object and which, in the natural course of things, is worn down and becomes 'older’. Ageing in
this case must occur according to the laws of physical chemistry and of thermodynamics. Although
the same law holds for a living organism, the result of this law is not inexorable in the same way.
At least as long as a biological system has the ability to renew itself it could actually become older
without ageing; an organism is an open, dynamic system through which new material continuously
flows. Destruction of old material and formation of new material are thus in permanent dynamic
equilibrium. The material of which the organism is formed changes continuously. Thus our bodies
continuously exchange old substance for new, just like a spring which more or less maintains its
form and movement, but in which the water molecules are always different.
C Thus ageing and death should not be seen as inevitable, particularly as the organism possesses
many mechanisms for repair. It is not, in principle, necessary for a biological system to age and
die. Nevertheless, a restricted life span, ageing, and then death are basic characteristics of life. The
reason for this is easy to recognise: in nature, the existent organisms either adapt or are regularly
replaced by new types. Because of changes in the genetic material (mutations) these have new
characteristics and in the course of their individual lives they are tested for optimal or better
adaptation to the environmental conditions. Immortality would disturb this system - it needs room
for new and better life. This is the basic problem of evolution
D Every organism has a life span which is highly characteristic. There are striking differences in
life span between different species, but within one species the parameter is relatively constant. For
example, the average duration of human life has hardly changed in thousands of years. Although
more and more people attain an advanced age as a result of developments in medical care and
better nutrition, the characteristic upper limit for most remains 80 years. A further argument
against the simple wear and tear theory is the observation that the time within which organisms age
lies between a few days (even a few hours for unicellular organisms) and several thousand years,
as with mammoth trees.
E If a lifespan is a genetically determined biological characteristic, it is logically necessary to
propose the existence of an internal clock, which in some way measures and controls the aging
process and which finally determines death as the last step in a fixed programme. Like the fife
span, the metabolic rate has for different organisms a fixed mathematical relationship to the body
mass. In comparison to the life span this relationship is ‘inverted’: the larger the organism the
lower its metabolic rate. Again this relationship is valid not only for birds, but also, similarly on
average within the systematic unit, for all other organisms (plants, animals, unicellular organisms).
F Animals which behave ‘frugally’ with energy become particularly old for example, crocodiles
and tortoises. Parrots and birds of prey are often held chained up. Thus they are not able to
‘experience life’ and so they attain a high life span in captivity. Animals which save energy by
hibernation or lethargy (e.g. bats or hedgehogs) live much longer than those which are always
active, The metabolic rate of mice can be reduced by a very low consumption of food (hunger diet)
They then may live twice as long as their well fed comrades. Women become distinctly (about 10
per cent) older than men. If you examine the metabolic rates of the two sexes you establish that the
higher male metabolic rate roughly accounts for the lower male life span. That means that they live
life ‘energetically’ - more intensively, but not for as long.
G It follows from the above that sparing use of energy reserves should tend to extend life. Extreme
high performance sports may lead to optimal cardiovascular performance, but they quite certainly
do not prolong life. Relaxation lowers metabolic rate, as does adequate sleep and in general an
equable and balanced personality. Each of us can develop his or her own ‘energy saving
programme’ with a little self observation, critical self-control and, above all, logical consistency.
Experience will show that to live in this way not only increases the life span but is also very
healthy. This final aspect should not be forgotten.
The Reading Passage has seven paragraphs, A-G,
For question 1-6, choose the correct heading for paragraphs A-G from the list of headings
Write the correct number, i-x, in the corresponding numbered boxes.


i The biological clock

ii Why dying is beneficial
iii The ageing process of men and women
iv Prolonging your life
v Limitations of life span
vi Modes of development of different species
vii A stable life span despite improvements
viii Energy consumption
ix Fundamental differences in ageing of objects and organisms
x Repair of genetic material

Example answer: Paragraph A: v

Your answers
1. Paragraph B …............. 2. Paragraph C …............. 3. Paragraph D ….............

4. Paragraph E …............. 5. Paragraph F …............. 6. Paragraph G ….............

Questions 7-10, complete the notes below

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer. Write your
answers in boxes 7-10
 Objects age in accordance with principles of (7) __________ and of (8) _________
 Through mutations, organisms can (9) __________ better to the environment
 (10) __________ would pose a serious problem for the theory of evolution

Your answers
7. 8. 9. 10.

D. SECTION IV: WRITING (50 points)

Part 1. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has the same meaning as the
printed above. (10 points)
1. He is very good at cooking spaghetti.
He is a dab …………………………………………………………………………
2. I’ll have to wait before I know whether he’ll keep his promise or not.
It remains ………………………………………………………………………….
3. I expected the book to be far better because it had been written by such a good novelist.
The book fell .......................................................................................................
4. We only came to this restaurant because you insisted that we did so.
It was at …………………………………………………………………………
5. Arguing with her won’t get you anywhere.
It won’t do ……………………………………………………………………..

Part 2: Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning, using the words given.
These words must not be changed in any way. (10 points)
1.Sally became known throughout the country as a result of her popular TV series. HOUSEHOLD
Sally became ………………………………………………..of her popular TV series.
2. I treated him in the same way as he had treated me. PAID
3. Jenny isn’t a bad accountant, but I don’t think it is a very suitable occupation for her. CUT
I don’t think Jenny …………………………………………………………..
4. You can't just suddenly decide to go on a safari. You need to plan things very carefully.SPUR
→ Going on safari isn't a decision you can make ...........................................moment. You need to
plan things very carefully.
5. If they ever discover your role in the incident, you will go to prison. LIGHT
→ If your role in the incident ……………………….., you'll go to prison.

Part 3. Write about the following topic. You should write at least 200 words.( 30 points)
School children are becoming far too dependent on computers. This is having an alarming effect
on reading and writing skills. Teachers need to avoid using computers in the classroom at all costs
and go back to teaching basic study skills. Do you agree or disagree?


Ngày thi: …….
TRƯỜNG THPT CHUYÊN THÁI NGUYÊN (Hướng dẫn chấm gồm 02 trang)

Part 1 (10 points)

1. Hardie 2.  19 3. GT8 2LC 4.  hairdresse 5. dentist/dentist’s

Part 2 (10 points)

1. C 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. B
Part 3 (10 points)
1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F
Part 4: ( 20 points)

1 Hollan 2 violin 3 (large) mirror 4 Winter 5 direction

d Pleasures

6(roller) 7 championship 8 design/performanc 9 eight 10 lighter/safe

hockey s e (in either order) million/8.000,00 r (in either
0 people order)


Part 1.

1.D 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.A

6.B 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.D
11.B 12.D 13.A 14.B 15.B
16.D 17.B 18,B 19.D 20.C

Part 2.
1. Line 2: spiral (demand)  spiraling
2. Line 3: over (the globe)  across
3. Line 4: their (wake)  its
4. Line 7: That (was once)  What
5. Line 8: into (the limits)  beyond
6. Line 9: (more) especially  specifically
7. Line 10: have (convinced)  are
8. Line 17: (to solve)  solving
9. Line 20: dead (perils)  deadly
10. Line 20: bided (their time)  biding

Part 3.

1. up 2. into 3. up to 4. down 5. ahead

6. up 7. between 8. to 9. in 10. off

Part 4:
1. invariably 2. alternatively 3. descriptive 4. absence 5. commentary/
6. opinionated 7. impartiality 8. enthusiasm 9.unpredictable 10.organizational


Part 1.
1. C 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. C
6. B 7. B 8. A 9.A 10.D

Part 2:
1. set 2. as 3. low 4. key 5. provide
6. including 7. signs 8. experienced 9. which 10. on
Part 3.

1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. D
6. B 7. C 8. A 9.C 10.B

Part 4. Read the following passage then do the tasks that follow.
(15 points – 1.5 points/ correct answer)
1. ix 7. physical chemistry
2. ii 8. thermodynamics
3. vii 9. adapt
4. i 10. immortality
5. viii (7 and 8 can be in either order)
6. iv

1. xii 2. x 3. iv 4. ii 5. viii
6. reflex 7. use 8. the disabled 9. factors 10.challenge/
mechanisms/ challenging


Part 1.
1. He is a dab hand at cooking.
2. It remains to be seen whether he’ll keep his promise or not.
3. The book fell short of my expectations even though it had been written by such a good novelist.
4. It was at your insistence that we came to this restaurant.
5. It won’t do you any good to argue with her.
Part 2.
1.Sally became a household name as a result of her popular TV series.
2. I paid him back in his own coin.
3. I don’t think Jenny is cut out to be an accountant/ is cut out for being an accountant.
4. Going on safari isn't a decision you can make on the spur of the moment. You need to plan
things very carefully.
5. If your role in the incident ever comes to light, you'll go to prison.

Part 3: Paragraph writing (30 points)

Một số tiêu chuẩn cho bài viết cần lưu ý:
1. Về hình thức và nội dung: Bài viết dưới dạng một đoạn văn, phải có đủ 3 phần, cụ thể:
 Mở bài: giới thiệu vấn đề ( the writer (dis)agrees with the statement that teachers need to
avoid using computers in the classroom at all costs and go back to teaching basic study
 Thân bài: Nêu được các luận điểm chính (about 2 – 3 supporting ideas), mỗi luận điểm
chính cần có các luận điểm phụ để giải thích rõ và/hoặc nêu ví dụ minh họa thích hợp.
 Kết bài: Khẳng định lại nội dung chính vừa trình bày trong thân bài.
2. Về văn phong:
 Ngôn ngữ phải chuẩn mực, chính xác, không sử dụng thành ngữ (idiom), không sử dụng
dạng viết tắt (short form)…
 Không được phép nhắc đến bất cứ thông tin cá nhân gì trong bài viết (họ tên, địa chỉ, họ tên
bố mẹ, nghề nghiệp…)
 Phải sử dụng các dấu hiệu chuyển ý, chuyển đoạn thích hợp (transition signals)
 Bài viết không quá ngắn/ quá dài: 200 -250 từ .

Interviewer Excuse me.
Luisa: Yes?
Interviewer I wonder if you could spare a few minutes to do a survey on
: transport. It won’t take long.
Luisa: No, that’s fine.
Interviewer Lovely. The survey is on behalf of our local council. They’d like to
: know about what transport you use and any suggestions for
improvement. Can I start by asking you how you travelled to town
Luisa: Sure. I came on the bus.
Interviewer Great. Now can I get a few details about yourself?
Luisa: OK
Interviewer What’s your name?
Luisa: It’s Luisa.
Interviewer Yes
Luisa: Hardie.
Interviewer Can you spell that, please?
Luisa: H-A-R-D-I-E
Interviewer Great. Thanks. And can I have your address?
Luisa: It’s 19 White Stone Road.
Interviewer Oh, right. I know that area. It’s Bradfield, isn’t it?
Luisa: That’s right.
Interviewer Is the postcode GT7?
Luisa: It’s actually G-T-8, 2-L-C.
Interviewer Great. And could I ask what your job is? Are you a student?
Luisa: I’ve actually just finished my training. I’m a hairdresser.
Interviewer Oh, right. And one more question in this section. What is the
: reason for you coming into town today?
Luisa: Actually, it’s not for shopping today, which would be my normal
reason, but to see the dentist.
Interviewer Right. Thanks.

We've also got a great entertainment programme lined up for you, starting tonight
with our welcorning party. We have a top band lined up for your entertainment, but
I'm not allowed to say who they are. All I can say is that I am sure you will not be
disappointed. So come along to Blackmoor Hall at nine o’clock this evening to get your
university experience off to a flying start! Just one point — I'm afraid this event is
limited to freshers only. Because of space restrictions you can’t bring a friend tonight.
Sorry about that!
There’s more fun and games On Monday in the Cotswold Theatre here on
campus. We have booked two of the cleverest comedians in the country, Paul Frasier
and Jenny Brown, for a three-hour show. Paul has assured us that he and Jenny have
packed the show with new material and as they always get rave reviews for their
shows, I think we can look forward to an evening of great entertainment. That' in the
Cotswold Theatre on Monday evening at 7:30.
Moving along a bit, on Thursday there is an important date for
your diaries. This is the official freshers' opening ceremony, when the Dean welcomes
you to Upton University. So remember, Thursday the front 2.30 to 3.30 in Blackmoor
Hall. You certainly should go to this one and by the way, light refreshments will be
At the end of the week, on Saturday, you have the chance to dress
up in your smartest evening wear for the official freshers' ball. Actually, although it'
called a ball, it is quite a relaxed affair we are more than happy if you turn up wearing
jeans and a T-shirt, the important thing is to relax and enjoy yourselves. Time and
place are the same as for this evening party — Blackmoor Hall from nine in the
evening to three o’clock in the morning
Right, I think I've covered the most important and exciting events we have
lined up for you, but there will be plenty of other things going on throughout the
Week. So remember to check the notice board in the entrance lobby regularly. Enjoy
the rest of the day% and I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible this
evening at the welcoming party.
Part 4. (FCE)
In today's programme, I'm going to be talking about roller skating: how the sport
started and how it has developed over the years. So who was the first person to come
up with the idea of attaching wheels to the feet in order to get about more quickly and
Well, roller skates are not a new invention. In fact, roller skating developed out of the
much older activity of ice-skating, which has existed in Scandinavia and other
northern countries for centuries. The actual inventor of the first roller skates is not
known, but it's generally thought that they originated in Holland in the early 1700s. 
Roller skates first arrived in Britain in 1760 when the Belgian clockmaker John Merlin
wore some to a formal ball in London. Merlin was known as something of a mad
inventor, but he surprised everybody at the ball when he whizzed past them on
wheels, playing the violin at the same time. Unfortunately, Merlin did not manage to
persuade people that roller skating was a good idea. His skates had no brakes and he
ended up crashing into a large mirror. Merlin was quite seriously injured in the
accident and, as a result, roller skating did not immediately become popular in Britain. 
In Germany, however, roller skates made a better impression. They were used in
a ballet with the name Winter Pleasures, which included a scene where the dancers
skated on ice. Because they couldn't produce the ice on stage, the organisers decided
to use roller skates instead. 
After this, the sport gradually became more popular, but it was only thanks to
technical advances that it became safer. In 1863, an American named James Plimpton
solved the problem of controlling direction when skating by fitting them with rubber
springs. His design is widely regarded as the origin of the modern roller skate,
although rubber toe brakes, another important safety feature didn't come in until the
The late nineteenth century saw the beginnings of events such as speed contests,
artistic displays and roller dancing as well as the first team sport on roller skates,
roller hockey. 
During the first decades of the twentieth century, hundreds of indoor and outdoor
roller skating rinks opened, especially in the USA, and the sport became really
established as a popular pastime. The first roller skating championships were held in
Detroit in 1937. 
The real development of the modern roller skate only began in the second half of the
twentieth century. From the 1950s onwards, the use of plastics led to improvements
in the design and performance of roller skates, and roller disco movies of the 1970s
and 1980s increased the popularity of the sport, with roller discos opening in many
parts of the world. Meanwhile, the stage musical Starlight Express, which features
roller skating, ran for seventeen years and was seen by eight million people. 
The sport of roller skating has also been gaining a more serious following, especially in
southern Europe and South America. The biggest modern change to roller skates came
in 1983 with the introduction of in-line skates, also known as rollerblades. Then
during the 1990s, new materials, brakes and boot fastenings all combined to make
skates both lighter and safer than they had ever been in the past. 
So why is roller skating so popular? I went to talk to some fans at a rink in
Huddersfield ...

Người soạn đề:

Nguyễn Anh Tuấn
Mobile phone: 0912165314

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