Come514 Cys524 Assignment

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COME514 Artificial Intelligence and Applications / CYS524 AI in Cybersecurity

Due Date: 11.04.2021

1. Define in your own words: (a) intelligence, (b) artificial intelligence, (c) agent, (d)
rationality, (e) logical reasoning.
2. Every year the Loebner Prize is awarded to the program that comes closest to passing
a version of the Turing Test. Research and report on the latest winner of the Loebner prize.
What techniques does it use? How does it advance the state of the art in AI?
3. Are reflex actions (such as flinching from a hot stove) rational? Are they intelligent?

4. To what extent are the following computer systems instances of artificial intelligence:
a) Supermarket bar code scanners.
b) Voice-activated telephone menus.
c) Spelling and grammar correction features in Microsoft Word.
d) Internet routing algorithms that respond dynamically to the state of the network.

5. Many of the computational models of cognitive activities that have been proposed
involve quite complex mathematical operations, such as convolving an image with a
Gaussian or finding a minimum of the entropy function. Most humans (and certainly
all animals) never learn this kind of mathematics at all, almost no one learns it before
college, and almost no one can compute the convolution of a function with a
Gaussian in their head. What sense does it make to say that the “vision system” is
doing this kind of mathematics, whereas the actual person has no idea how to do it?

6. Examine the AI literature to discover whether the following tasks can currently be
solved by computers:
a) Playing a decent game of table tennis (Ping-Pong).
b) Discovering and proving new mathematical theorems.
c) Writing an intentionally funny story.
d) Giving competent legal advice in a specialized area of law.
e) Performing a complex surgical operation.

7. For each of the following assertions, say whether it is true or false and support your
answer with examples or counterexamples where appropriate.
a. An agent that senses only partial information about the state cannot be perfectly rational.
b. There exist task environments in which no pure reflex agent can behave rationally.
c. There exists a task environment in which every agent is rational.
d. The input to an agent program is the same as the input to the agent function.
e. Every agent function is implementable by some program/machine combination.

8. For each of the following activities, give a PEAS description of the task environment
and characterize it in terms of the properties listed in Section 2.3.2.
a) Performing a gymnastics floor routine.
b) Exploring the subsurface oceans of Titan.
c) Playing soccer.
d) Shopping for used AI books on the Internet.
e) Practicing tennis against a wall.

9. Define in your own words the following terms: agent, agent function, agent program,
rationality, autonomy, reflex agent, model-based agent, goal-based agent, utility-based
agent, learning agent.

10. Consider a graph and implement Breadth-first search, Uniform-cost search, Depth-
first search, Depth-limited search, Iterative deepening depth-first search and
Bidirectional search using your favorite programming language. Also draw and
visualize the solution.

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