Tayyeba Ejaz Khan 593 BSAF FMS F20

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International Islamic

Faculty of Management Sciences
Department of Marketing
Course code: GEN115
Course: Functional English -II
Educational level: (Masters/Bachelor)
Field of education: Management/Social
Subject area: Business Administration

Teacher: Ms. Nimra Khan

Answer the following Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Mention your dream and goal. Who do you want to be while looking back?
(sky is the limit).

Since I was a little girl in school I always admired the way my class teacher would dress
up as if she had a great taste in clothes and female jewellery. I would often sit with her and
talk about different colour and designs and that really made me happy and since then I
decided that when I grow up i would love to go in such a industry where I could design or
at least do something related to female clothes which in turn later fuelled my interest for
business as these days clothing female industry is a leading business model in my country
which I love so that's why I decided to pursue a degree in accounts and finance so that one
day I can open my own clothing franchise in Pakistan or abroad.

2. What are you currently holding on that’s no longer serving you reaching
your dream and ambitions? Why are you still holding on? What one small
step you can take towards letting go and moving towards your goal?

I would say that one of the worst habit that I am still holding on to is that I still tend to
watch Pakistani and Indian dramas from then and now which not only results in me wasting
my time but also it results in me focusing less on my studies and affects my education and
future goals. I have recently started controlling this part of me by timing myself on to how
much I tune in and whenever I feel like turning on the TV I tend to go outside and walk for a
bit to clear my head rather than wasting my time over another episode.
3. What was your biggest heartbreak and what did it teach you?

I guess my biggest heartbreak would be the time I learned that I wasn’t able to get
admission into the computer science department as all of my friends were going into it and it
made me very sad and worried as all my friends were together and I wasn’t but I thank Allah
now as it was a good step. Though I never liked CS I was only going because of my friends
but now I have ended up in a bossiness degree which is assisting me in reaching my goals and
now I understand had I been allowed a CS degree admission I would have had sold my dreams
for being with my friends.

4. Set a goal for your business professional life that excites you. Set a goal that
scares you?

For as far as I can remember I have always had a love for female clothing and designs,
something about them just made me excited and happy. Coupled with my passion for clothing
and my degree, the most ambitious goal I have is to one day have my own franchise and see
my name among the top franchises like Khaddi and Sana Safina .To achieve these I will be
needing to work very hard to my utmost limits only then can I hope to achieve it.

5. What did you accomplish so far you were sure you could? Big or small.
Take a moment to soak that in.

I admired my teachers since childhood and loved the idea of how they teach us and we
learn new things from them due to which I had a great urge to be a teacher myself one day as
it is not only a great and respectable profession but also helps people and educates them.
Alhumdulilah I can now proudly say that I can call myself also a teacher cause now I’ve been
teaching for 4 years during which I have thought English, Maths, Urdu, Science to over more
then 100 students of whom many are now high grading students and love learning

6. Who made your life better? How do plan on making them proud?

The person who has made my life better in every way is no one other than my own mother.
She not only held the whole house together, but also worked day and night to put food on our
table and yet always had a smile on her face. I always came first for her and she would provide
me with whatever I needed as if it was her first priority. My plan to work day and night, give
it all to become a business women so that my mom can be proud of me and see all her hard
work and attention towards me come to fruition.
7. What or who have you outgrown (habit, attitude or any relationship). How
are you contributing in your growth personally and professionally?

I would say the thing I have outgrown is my toxic relationship with my family who
live back in my village.as according to them a girl is only good behind a burner or in the
kitchen and that education is something that is wasted on them. Thanks to my father who
believed in the opposite helped me in completing my basic education and now I am in
university studying for my bachelors which will not only help me but also my family. I
guess in the end I would say I have outgrown those toxic ties to my family in my village
and I will prove to them that educating girls is not wrong instead it’s beneficial for the
whole family and that this might encourage them to send their own daughters to good
schools and university.


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