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Evaluate one model of thinking and decision making:

Every day we are provided with a lot of information. It is not possible for us to closely
contemplate each piece of information so we do not process it by not paying close attention to
it. When we pay close attention to a given information, our mind becomes involved in
thinking. Thinking is the process in which our mind makes use of knowledge and information
to form reasoning, to interpret the world around us and to make predictions about worldly
affairs. Research of Daniel kahneman led to dual process theory. According to Kahneman,
there are two distinct modes of thinking:  fast, automatic thinking, and slow, deliberate thinking.
He divided our thinking system into 2 systems; system 1 that is intuitive and unconscious system
2 that is rational and conscious. System 1 is effective, effortless and reaches conclusion quickly
by making use of heuristics- these are mental shortcuts that involve focusing on one aspect of a
complex problem and ignoring others (Lewis, 2008). This system has its limitation it is more
prone to error, as we focus on one aspect and neglect any other possible aspects. In system 1
person is more likely to develop a feeling of certitude. System 2 rather is a slower method of
thinking as it involves logic and conscious reasoning. Information is contemplated from initial
stage. All aspects are observed so it is not prone to errors. This mode of thinking is less likely to
create feelings of certitude and confidence. Thinking is classified into two types intuitive
thinking and rational thinking. Intuitive thinking is when the thought processes behind the
problem are so automatic that they happen without conscious awareness (system1). Rational
thinking often involves rigorous investigation and the consideration of alternative explanations,
and as such makes greater demands on cognitive processing (system 2). According to kahneman
(2003) system 1 generates impression while system 2 generates judgement. There is no set
proportion of both systems in processing an information but it just depends on the certain
situation. Both the systems do not work in isolation.

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