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Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Concordia University

COEN 320 – Introduction to Real-Time Systems

Fall 2020

Assignment #4 (Due by November 21st, 2020 at 10:00pm)

Submission: Moodle

1. [Q4, Page 95, Textbook] The following system of independent and preemptable periodic
tasks are scheduled by the RM algorithm. Construct the schedule in the segment of (0,
25) for each system.
a. T1 = (4, 1), T2 = (8, 2), T3 = (10, 3)
b. T1 = (4, 1), T2 = (5,1), T3 = (7, 1), T4 = (10,1)

2. [Q5, Page 95, Textbook] Consider the following systems of independent and preemptable
periodic tasks that are scheduled by the RM algorithm. Test the schedulability of each
system using the time demand analysis.
a. T1 = (4, 1), T2 = (7, 2), T3 = (9, 2)
b. T1 = (5, 1), T2 = (8,2), T3 = (10, 2), T4 = (15,2)

3. [Q9, Page 95, Textbook] The following system of independent and preemptable periodic
tasks are scheduled by the EDF algorithm. Construct the schedule in the segment of (0,15)
for each system.
a. T1 = (4, 1), T2 = (5,1), T3 = (6, 3)

4. [Q15, Page 96, Textbook] Consider a system of two periodic tasks: T1 = (4.5, 2), T2 = (6,2).
They are scheduled by RM. AN aperiodic task A with execution time 1.5 is released at 0.1.
Construct the schedule of the system in the first 15 units of time in each of the following
three cases:
(1) A is scheduled at the background of T1 and T2.
(2) A is scheduled using a simple polling server Ts = (4, 0.5)
(3) A is scheduled using a deferrable server Tds = (4, 0.5)

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