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119, 116, 115.docx

IELTS Writing task №119

The line graph shows data about the

percentage of tourists to England who
visited Brighton attractions between
1980 and 2010. As can be seen from the
graph the most popular attraction of all
time was the Pavilion. It is clear that
soon we can expect another attraction to
be favorite.

As we can see the Pavilion reached it's

peak in 1995, when almost 50% of all
visitors went there. During the end of
1990s and 2000s the number of tourists
began to gradually decline ending up on
32% in 2010.

The same tendency had the Art gallery

which hit the top in 1985 and then went
down hitting the bottom in 2010 being
the least popular attraction. The pier on
the contrary showed quite controversial
dynamic. Between 1980 and 2000 there
was a period of the slight fluctuation, the
breaking point was 2000 when the
percentage started moderately going up.
The festival's percentage was stable in
general. There were minor changes
between 1980 and 1995 when there was
minimal drop, but after 2000 the
situation leveled out. (177)

IELTS Writing task №116

The table shows us the data about

participation in culture activity by age
over a year. Overall, any performance
including dancing, singing, acting and
playing musical instrument had the
highest level of participation. The
computer-based activities were the least
popular with the lowest level of

As we can see the youth were likely to

participate in the cultural activities which
were able to reveal their individuality.
Statistically speaking so called any
performance and any visual arts had the
biggest audience among them. People
aged between 25 and 44 unlike the youth
were more evenly involved in
performance, crafts, visual arts and
cultural purchases activities. The biggest
involvement in crafts had the people by
those aged 45-74.

The biggest difference between these

groups was in writing. Despite that
overall indicator of it was 7%, the people
aged between 14-24 had highest level of
participation (17%). The same can said
about visual arts where this age group
had a gap between the nearest number in
14% (30% vs 16%). (168)

IELTS Writing task №115

The given bar chart shows data on the

number of people who arrived in New
York by plane through three major
airports between 1995 and 2000.Overall,
the number of passengers of LaGuardia
mildly grew up and this airport was the
most popular last 3 years. The largest
fluctuations showed John F. Kennedy
airport, while Newark had an uprising

Going into specifics, the numbers of

LaGuardia were the highest. Started 34
million of travelers it increased to 65
million. John F. Kennedy airport's
fluctuation set it back a few times in
years of 1998 and 1999, when the
number of visitors decreased to 38, and
then 31 million. However, this airport
was the second in 2000.

The dramatic changes had Newark

airport, if we had look at it, it started at
the lowest point among three of them (16
million) in 1995. And in the next years it
showed an upward trend. Just in 6 years
the number significantly changed to 42
million in 2000. (165)

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