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JSA: 03-2020-01 Overall Risk Assessment Code (RAC) (Use highest code) M
Project Location:
Risk Assessment Code (RAC) Matrix
Contract Number:
Date Reviewed:
Severity Frequent Likely Occasional Seldom Unlikely
(F) (L) (O) (S) (U)
Prepared by Catastrophic (C) E E H H M
Critical (Cr) E H H M L
Reviewed by Marginal (M) H M M L L
Negligible (N) M L L L L
Employer : Axis
Step 1: Review each “Hazard” with identified safety “Controls” and determine RAC (Risk Assessment Code). See above.
Inspection Ltd. The RAC is developed after correctly identifying all the hazards and fully implementing all controls.

Notes: (Field Notes, Review P “Probability” is the likelihood to cause an incident, near miss, or accident and identified as: Frequent (F), Likely (L), Occasional (O), Seldom (S)
RAC Chart
or Unlikely (U).
Comments, etc.)
S “Severity” is the outcome/degree if an incident, near miss, or accident did occur and identified as: Catastrophic (C), Critical (Cr), Marginal (M), or E = Extremely High Risk
References: Negligible (N) H = High Risk
M = Moderate Risk
Step 2: Identify the RAC (Probability/Severity) as E, H, M, or L for each “Hazard” on JSA. Annotate the overall highest RAC at the top of JSA
L = Low Risk

Job Steps Hazards Controls P S RAC

1. Travelling to and from work 1.1 Close proximity to co-workers who may 1.1 Wherever possible choose a seat on any transport O M M
be infected that prevents direct contact. Always wear long
1.2 Handrails and seats infected with the sleeved clothing on public transport.
virus 1.2 Do not touch handrails, sides of seats or door
1.3 Hand to mouth contamination handles, if you do, ensure no hand to mouth before
washing your hands and sanitizing. All personnel
should carry and use a small Alcohol based hand
sanitizer, in case of contact
1.3 Never eat on any transport, do not chew on any
transport, wear a face mask wherever possible
1.4 Always try and use your own vehicle where possible,
if you give someone a lift maximum of 3 occupants
2. Entering buildings 2.1 Touching exposed surfaces like door 2.1 Make efforts to open the door with your elbow or back. O M M
handles and potential hand mouth If touching the public door handle is unavoidable, wash
your hands before going to your workstation
2.2 On entering a building wash your hands in warm soapy
2.2 Contamination from site, public transport
water for a min 20 seconds. sanitize your hands
or people into the office environment immediately on reaching your desk
3. Working at your workstation in the 3.1 Contamination from other users 3.1 Never share workstations, wherever possible lock your O M M
office 3.2 Cross contamination from adjacent keyboard in a drawer. Lock your laptop away at night with
workers your mouse. Regularly wipe down your
PC/Laptop/keyboard/mouse with a disinfected cloth
3.2 Always have a 1m separation to the side and 1.8m
separation to anyone opposite you. Avoid turning to
discuss issues unless the person opposite you is the
recommended 1.8m social distance away
4. Greeting people in the office or on 4.1 Body to body contact resulting in hand to 4.1 Never shake hands, hug or greet anyone outside of H U L
site mouth contamination your family home using body to body contact.
If this happens unknowingly immediately wash your
hands/face in warm soapy water for min 20 secs and then
sanitize your hands
5. Taking cold drinks in the office 5.1 Hand to mouth contamination from 5.1.1 Never touch the nozzle of a drink’s dispenser O M M
receptacles and drinking stations 5.1.2 Never use someone else’s drinking receptacle
5.1.3 Take your personnel drinking bottle/cup home each
evening and wash thoroughly, never leave on your desk
5.1.4 Never re-use plastic bottles
5.1.5 Never touch the nozzle of the drink’s dispenser with
the neck of your receptacle.
6. Taking warm drinks in the office 6.1 Hand to mouth contamination from cups 6.1.1 Never make a warm drink unless the water is boiling, L N L
if not boiled recently, place the non-metal cup in the
microwave for 40 seconds
6.1.2 Personally wash your cup after every drink in warm
water and using washing liquid
6.1.3 Always wash your cup at the start of the working day
before the first drink, as described in 6.1.2.
6.1.4 Never share warm drinks
6.1.5 Never use shared milk cartons from a shared fridge
7. Eating food in canteen 7.1 Hand to mouth contamination from food 7.1.1 Never take food not prepared by either yourself, your Cr U L
that is contaminated immediate family (who you live with) or from a culinary
professional catering service
7.2 Contaminated cutlery/crockery
7.1.2 Always wash your hands for 20 seconds in warm
soapy water before taking food and always after touching
a shared appliance like a microwave
7.1.3 Never share food regardless of the personal trust in
the person sharing his/her meal
7.1.4 Always heat warm food to a high heat and at least
until it is very hot to the mouth (assists in killing germs)

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Job Steps Hazards Controls P S RAC
7.2.1 Always wash any canteen cutlery and crockery
thoroughly in warm soapy water
7.2.2 Dry crockery and cutlery with paper towels and not
with multi sue drying cloths
7.2.3 Always personally wash your crockery and cutlery in
warm soapy water when you have finished eating
8. Conduct in (Essential) meetings 8.1 Body to body contamination (hand to 8.1.1 Always Follow Expo Covid 19 Management Cr U L
mouth) Procedure (Business Resilience) guide on whether the
meeting is classed as essential.
8.2 Inhalation of persons contaminated
8.1.2 Observe social distancing protocol in meeting
mouth droplets rooms at all times – Prepare meeting rooms by reducing
chairs so a minimum of 1m side by side and 1.8m opposite
is observed
8.1.3 Never share pens or notebooks, especially when
signing attendance sheets
8.1.4 Always wash and sanitize hands before and after a
8.2.1 Never move chairs into a pre-laid meeting room and
close the social distance gaps
8.2.2 Utilize IT and display minutes to avoid possible
cross contamination
8.2.3 Ensure all meeting attendees have received a
temperature check that day
9. Travelling in work vehicles 9.1 Body to body contamination (resulting 9.1.1 Maximum number of people in one vehicle are O M M
hand to mouth) allowed. Driver and one person at each side of the rear
9.1.2 The driver and passengers should always wash and
sanitize their hands-on arrival at site and return to the
9.1.3 Always ensure your vehicle is always clean and
10. Working on Site 10.1 Hand to mouth contamination from 10.1.1 Always wear gloves without exception, inclusive of Cr U L
contaminated items on site driving the vehicle
10.1.2 Always regularly use site ablutions to wash and
sanitize your hands
10.1.3 Never take food or drinks on any worksite.
10.1.4 When ladders, scaffolds etc have been touched
for essential movement on site, wash your hands and
sanitize before leaving site
11. PPE 11.1 Contamination of PPE from site 11.1.1 Proper disposal of contaminated PPE. O M M
11.1.2 Never wear safety boots without socks
11.1.3 Always wash any clothes that may have been
contaminated at the end of the day
12. Arrival home from work 12.1 Possible hand to mouth contamination 12.1.1 Wherever possible wash site work clothes daily in O M M
12.2 Contamination from doors and lift buttons a good detergent
12.1.2 Shower before physically greeting family
12.3 Personal contact in lifts with other
12.1.3 Place work clothes in an area to avoid contact with
your wife/husband and children
12.2.1 Always try and open doors with the elbow or back,
when not possible carry a piece of tissue that can be
discarded once used to grasp the handle
12.2.2 Press lift buttons using your knuckle with a tissue.
12.3.1 Once selected the floor in your lift, face the wall of
the lift and not other people. If you feel the lift is or
becomes crowded, remove yourself from the asset and
wait for another

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