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WEEK 1 – Introduction to Operating System (OS)

Student Name Syazwani Binti Mas Imran

Student ID 2019429958
Group (9/10/11) Group 11

Task 1: Understanding OS
 Watch the following video about ‘Understanding Operating System’ at
 Based on the video, answer the following questions:
o Define Operating System.
Operating System is the program that lets you interact with your computer. Operating
System and computer hardware form a complete system that determine the capability
of your computer.

o List 2 examples of computer operating systems.

- Microsoft Windows
- MacOS

o List 2 examples of mobile operating systems.

- Android OS
- Apple iOS

Task 2: Differentiate between Windows and Mac OS

 Watch the video at
(Note: UNIX and LINUX are also example of computer OS)
 Based on the video:
o State the differences between Windows and Mac OS.
The differences between Windows and Mac OS are, Windows have higher market
share with 88.53% share of the global market in comparison to Mac OS with only
8.75% share. Secondly, Windows PCs are cheaper than Macs. Thirdly, Windows PC are
a better choice than Mac for gaming purposes. Fourthly, Windows machines are more
expose to viruses, malware and other web threats than Mac. Fifthly, it is easier to
build onto a PC compared to Mac as its give users more option with fewer cost. Next,
in terms of sleekness and originality, users prefer Apple over Windows. Windows has
larger application library compared to PCs.

Task 3: History of Windows

 Watch the video at
 Based on the video:
o Fill in the brief feature(s) for each Windows version in the table below.

Year Windows Version Brief Feature(s)

1985 Windows 1.0  More than 256 KB memory.
 Two double-sided disk drives/hard drive.
1987 Windows 2.0 Able to minimize and maximize.
1990 Windows S 3.0 Run Windows programs in protected mode.
1992 Windows 3.1x Video for Windows was introduced .
1995 Windows 95 Can surf on the internet (only the Plus! Version).
1996 Windows NT 4.0 Less user friendly (certain maintenance and management tasks).
1998 Windows 98 Able to change colours and sounds.
2000 Windows 2000 Improved support for people with disabilities.
New assistive technologies..
2000 Windows ME Added On-Screen Keyboard.
2001 Windows XP Faster start-up, logon, logoff, hibernation and application launch
2007 Windows Vista Does not include the Windows XP “Luna” visual theme.
2009 Windows 7 Advance in touch and handwriting recognition.
Support for virtual hard disks.
2012 Windows 8 New authentication methods tailored towards touchscreens.
2013 Windows 8.1 Camera can be accessed from the lock screen.
New colour and new interace.
2015 Windows 10 Updated Command Prompt.

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