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This is to certify that this report was written by OGUNGBURE SEMILOGO OLUSOLA

with the matriculation number ……… of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria.

………………………………….. …………………………………..


This is to certify that this report is for the STUDENT INDUSTRIAL WORK EXPERIENCE

SCHEME (SIWES) that was carried out by ………………….

………………………………….. …………………………………..

SIWES Supervisor


I am grateful to Almighty God, the beginning and the end, my creator and my everlasting father who

spared my life throughout the period of my SIWES program. May His name be glorified and

worshiped forever. My profound gratitude goes to my parents Mr & Mrs ……… for their tremendous

contribution and support both morally and financially during the course of my education in life. You

shall reap unlimited fruits your hand has labored for by the grace of God.

I would also like to express my special thanks of gratitude to the Head of Department, Computer

Science, Federal University of Technology Akure in person of ………. and the entire Staff both

teaching and non-teaching of this great department for the basic foundational knowledge I acquired

before venturing into the corporate world.

My most profound appreciation goes to my IT Supervisor, who out of his busy schedule gave me her

time and was patient enough to painstakingly guide me on how to prepare and write this project. May

God bless and reward you abundantly ma.

I would not forget my indefatigable supervisor, ………. for her unflinching support till date, a person

of ………. and also …………… Managing Director of Enclave Computer College, the entire staff

and my colleagues at the IT department (Tope, Segun and Bolu). May God bless you all and reward

you abundantly


The Students’ Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is a scheme that was set up to enhance

and expose students to acquire adequate and relevant skills that would enable them to perform

effectively in their future place of work and assignment. It also exposes students to work methods

and enrich their experiences in acceptable methods of handling equipment and machinery that may

not be available in the education institution. It is also aimed at exposing students to people from all

works of life, hence enhancing their communication skills and ability to interact with people after

graduation. This report is a summary of the knowledge and experiences gained during my Students

Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES), which was done at Enclave Computer Village, Lagos

State. Throughout my SIWES period, I worked at the networking and maintenance sections where I

was exposed to the basics of the Hypertext mark-up Language (HTML), network topology,

installation of software. The training has afforded me the opportunity to be exposed and learn from

my colleagues and other individuals within and outside the organization.


Title Page i

Certification ii

Acknowledgement iii

Summary iv

Table of Content v

List of Figures viii

List of Tables x


Introduction to SIWES 1

1.1 Aim and Objectives of SIWES 1

1.2 Objective of the Report 2

1.3 Description of the Establishment of the Attachment 2

1.4 Objectives and Vision of 2nd Floor Shopping Complex 2

1.5 Company Area of Specialization 3

1.6 Departments in the Company 3

1.7 Networking Department 3

1.8 Computer Repair and Maintenances Department 4

1.9 Organizational Chart 5


Experience Gained 6

Hardware Section (Department) 6

2.1 Hardware 6

2.2 Maintenance 9
2.2.1 Precaution Maintenance 9

2.3 Corrective Maintenance 10

2.3.1 Basic Laptop Problems I Experienced 10 Blank screen 11 Laptop makes noise while running 11 Battery not charging properly 12 Some keyboard keys stopped working 12

2.4 Software Section/Department 12

2.4.1 Operating System 12

2.4.2 Major Functions of an Operating System 13

2.4.3 Installation of Operating System 13

2.5 Utility Software 17

2.6 Productive Software 17

2.6.1 Steps I Used When Installing Utility/Productivity System 17

2.6.2 Tips I Used For Uninstalling Software 18

2.6.3 How to Distinguish a Software Issue from Hardware Issue 19

2.7 Networking 19

2.7.1 The OSI Layer 20

2.8 2.8 Internet protocol addressing 21

2.9 Terms Used In Networking 23

2.10 Types of Networking 26

2.11 Network Topology 27

2.12 Network Cabling 28

2.13 How to Make Cable for Transmission Straight through Crossover Cabling 29

2.14 Configuring A Network 32

2.15 wireless host computer configuration 33

2.17 Programing Section (Department) 38

2.18 Cascading Style Sheets 40


Contribution to the Establishment 42

3.1 Personal Input to the Company 42

3.2 Challenges Encountered 42


Recommendation and Conclusion 44

4.1 Conclusion 44

4.2 Recommendation 45

References 46


Figure 1.1:Organogram of the Company 5

Figure 2.1: Power Supply 6

Figure 2.2: Motherboard 7

Figure 2.3: Hard drive 7

Figure 2.4: RAM 8

Figure 2.5: Processor 8

Figure 2.6: Windows Loading 13

Figure 2.7: Installing windows 7 14

Figure 2.8: Step three of installation 14

Figure 2.9: Step four of installation 15

Figure 2.10: Step five of installation 15

Figure 2.11: Step six of installation 16

Figure 2.12: Step seven of installation 16

Figure 2.13: Step eight of installation 16

Figure 2.14: Final stage of installation 17

Figure 2.15: Computer Network 20

Figure 2.16: The OSI Layer 20

Figure 2.17: Network Interface Card 22

Figure 2.18: Front and Back View of a Switch 23

Figure 2.19: Hub 24

Figure 2.20: Structures of Ring, Star, and Bus and mesh topologies 27

Figure 2.21: Cat 5 cable packet 28

Figure 2.22: RJ-45 connectors 29

Figure 2.23: Crimping tool 29

Figure 2.24: Twisted wires 30

Figure 2.25: Untwist the wires 35

Figure 2.26: Setting up a connection 33

Figure 2.27: Naming network and security settings 34

Figure 2.28: Network ready for use 35

Figure 2.29: Connecting to the Ad hoc 37


Table 2.1: List of some HTML tags 37



The student industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) is appreciable skill program, which forms

part of the approved minimum academic standard in the various degree programs for all the

universities. The scheme bridges the gap existing between theory and practice of the engineering and

technology, sciences agriculture, medical and other professional education programs in the Nigerian

tertiary institution. It is aimed at exposing and equipping students to the real life working experience.

The training lasted for six (6) months, which involve the students, universities and the industries.

SIWES was established by the federal Government of Nigeria and is jointly coordinated by the

Industrial Training Fund (ITF) and National University Commission (NUC).


SIWES is aimed at providing skills for students in their various fields. Some of the various objectives

why the program put in place are:

1. To provide an avenue for students in institution of higher learning to acquire skill and

experiences in their course of study.

2. To prepare students for the industrial work situation they are to meet after graduation.

3. To expose students to work methods and techniques in handling equipment and machinery that

may not be available in their institutions.

4. To make the transition from the school to the world of work easier, and enhances students

contact for later Job placement.

5. To provide students with an opportunity to apply their knowledge in real work situation thereby

bridging the gap between theory and practice.


1. The objective of this report is to put into writing all the practical knowledge and experience I

gained during the course.

2. To prove that I actually participated in the SIWES training.

3. To keep the record for future use or reference.


The establishment is called Enclave Computer College; it is a place with broad expertise in ICT

consultancy. Enclave Computer College is a Nigeria based telecommunication and technology

conglomerate in co-operated in 1999 and offering a wide range of automated and integrated solution

in broad spectrum of computers and telecommunication technology. This large technology-oriented

corporation is on record to be the cheapest source for high quality goods and services and has a high

reputation for performance in customization, distribution and after-sales services of laptop, desktops,

printers, software and all kinds of system accessories, security gadgets and communication

equipment’s supplies, maintenance, software development, training and software customization.


1. To serve as a catalyst for both individual and collective development through the provision of

cutting edge technological server’s solution, resources and guidance.

2. To produce professionals in this era of global technologies.

3. To offer a wide range of automated and integrated solution in broad spectrum of computer and


4. To build bridges between need and the solution.


With a team of seasoned computer Engineers and Programmers with proven track records in

computer and communication business, the company offers the following wide areas of


(i) Repairs, Assembling and Maintenance of computers

(ii) Sales and Lease of all up-to date Computers, Computer peripherals and other consumables

(iii) Sales of Photocopying and Fax Machines

(iv) Software Development and Maintenance

(v) Computer Networking and Maintenance

(vi) VSAT Installation and Maintenance, Radio and other communication equipment

(vii) Internet and E-mail Services

(viii) Training Services


(i) Computer repair and maintenances department

(ii) Networking department

(iii) Software development department

(iv) Sales department

(v) Internet café

(vi) Web design department

(vii) Computer appreciation department

(viii) Desktop Publishing department

1.7 Networking Department

They manage and monitor the network at the receiving end. They are also responsible for the

operat ion, administ rat ion, and maint enance and provisioning of net worked syst em.
They are also responsible for t he upkeep, configurat ion, and reliable operat ion of t he

comput er syst em most especially mult i user computers such as t he server .

1.8 Computer Repair and Maintenances Department

They are responsible for maintaining all system across the network and other IT peripheral devices

including printers and scanners. Maintenance and improvement of system performance and online

availability. Inventory of all computer equipment, keeping maintenance records, and ensuring

adequate maintenance provision. Identifying bottlenecks and problems, making recommendations to

solve them, keeping standard software and hardware recommendations under review, and providing

input into future IT strategy. Overseeing computer security and Antivirus precautions ensuring that

software licenses are adhered to.


Figure 1.1 below shows the organogram of the company according to the various departments.

Figure 1.1: Organogram of the Company



Under this chapter two, I will be writing on what I gained and with brief explanation on them to at

least explain myself out .I gained a lot from the hardware section, maintenance section, and

software section, networking section and programming section but I mainly worked in networking

department and programming department.



Hardware is the physical equipment needed for a computer to function properly.


Hardware comprise the following components:

(i) CASE: This is also called a tower or housing, it is the box that encloses many of the parts

(components) discussed below.

(ii) POWER SUPPLY: This is used to connect all of the parts of the computer to electrical power,

as can be seen in figure 2.1 below. You can find it at the back of the computer.

Figure 2.1: Power Supply

(iii) MOTHERBOARD: This is a large electronic board that is used to connect the power supply

to various electronic parts and to hold these parts in place on the computer. Figure 2.2, shows a

mother board. The computer memory (RAM) and processor are attached to the motherboard. On the

motherboard you also see the BIOS (Basic Input and Output System) chip that is responsible for

some fundamental operations of the computer such as linking hardware and the software.

Figure 2.2: Motherboard

(v) DRIVES: These are devices used for long time storage of information. The main storages

for a computer is the internal hard drive (also called a hard disk).A typical hard disk is the one in

figure 2.3 below.

Figure 2.3: Hard drive

(iv) CARDS: Cards is used to describe important tools that allow your computer to connect and

communicate with various output devices. The term card is used because these items are relatively

flat, with the sound card, video card, a network card and a modem.

(v) RAM: RAM is abbreviation for Random Access Memory. It is a short term memory that is

used to store documents while they are being processed. Also note that the amount of RAM in a

computer is one of the factors that affect the speed of a computer. Seeing below is a typical RAM in

computer in figure 2.4.

Figure 2.4: RAM

(vii) PROCESSOR: Processor is the main ‘brain’ of the computer system, as can be seen in figure

2.5. It performs instructions and calculation that are needed and managed a flow of information

through a computer. Processors are continually evolving and becoming faster and more powerful. It

is measured in MHz (megahertz) or GHz (gigahertz).

Figure 2.5: Processor


Maintenance is a process of taking necessary precautionary and correcting measures to prevent the

computer from breaking down. We also use precautionary maintenance and correcting maintenance

in maintaining a hardware.

2.2.1 Precaution maintenance: This has to do with the process of taking necessary preventive

measures and putting in place the required resources to prevent a computer from breaking down.

There are some common hardware problems that can be avoided or at least made less frequent by

taking particular preventive measures with computer which are:

1. Dust control: Dust is very harmful to computer part. Excess dust can cause mechanical

failures, particularly on computer components with moving parts. We minimize dust in a computer

lab which is an important part in computer maintenance.

Preventive measures of dust effect

(i) Computer should be regularly dusted (wiped with a dry cloth or duster).

(ii) When a computer is opened for others repairs, the dust that has built up inside the case should

be blown out using blower etc.

2. Heat control: When noticed that computer parts precisely CPU, produce a large amount of

heat while operating, it is important that this heat is dissipate so that the computer is not

damaged by overheating.

Preventive measures of heat effect

(i) A laptop computer should not be left running for any length of time on a soft surface (like a

sofa) that conforms around it.

(ii) A desktop computer case should not be used while in an enclosed cabinets.

(iii) It is ideal that computer lab temperature should be kept low, using air conditional is also good

option since the windows can be kept close to minimize dust.

3. Surge protection: At times, electrical supply does not have a uniform (well controlled)

voltage. Voltage is also due to surges that occur; voltage surge can be very damaging to computers

and electrical components.

Preventive measures of surge effect

(i) Purchase protecting power (adapter) strips, these devices contain 4 outlets that are protected

by a fuse that is shown in case of a power surge.

(ii) Install a surge compressor where the main power enters a computer lab.

(iii) Finally, use an uninterruptable power supply (U.P.S).

2.3 CORRECTIVE MAINTENACE: This involves taken necessary trouble-shooting steps against

any computer software and hardware problem, corrective maintenance has to do with troubleshooting

which involves the use of human intelligence, deductive reasoning and the use of diagnosing tools

to identify and isolate faulty components.

2.3.1 Basic Laptop Problems I Experienced in The Industry (Enclave Computer College) And

Their Possible Solution.

In using a computer, there is a coup of additional issues to be aware of, that

can affect the computer lifespan.

The ones I have experienced so far and their possible solutions are: Computer doesn’t turn on at all: When you plug the AC adapter into the laptop, there are no

light turning on at all, even when the power button is pushed, no lights we say that the laptop is dead

because it makes no sounds and no indication of light.

Possible problem and solution

(i) The AC adapter failed and battery has no charge left. In this case test the AC adapter with a

voltmeter. If it is dead, it should be replaced with new one.

(ii) DC jack failed and the motherboard does not receive any power from the adapter in this case

the DC jack has to be replaced.

(iii) Motherboard failed, the motherboard has to be replaced, if not too expensive otherwise get

ready to buy a new computer. Blank screen: In most cases, I experienced that when laptop is booted (turns on), the power

IED light will come up, cooling fan works but nothing appears or displayed on the screen that is the

screen is completely black and blank.

Possible problem and solution

(i) This can be memory failure; it is possible that one of the memory modules failed. In this case

I try resetting memory modules to make sure they are making good contact with the slot. I can also

test the laptop with another memory modules if it does not help,

(ii) I remove the hard drive, DVD drive, wireless card, keyboard etc. in other to disassemble the

laptop to bare minimum and test again if it still does not turn on most likely the motherboard has

failed or the processor has failed. Laptop makes noise while running: When you turn on your computer and everything works

fine, but (except) it makes some constant noise or rattling noise.

Possible problem and solution

(i) In most case this noise comes from the cooling fan or hard drive (takes a closer look at the

cooling fan and observe).

(ii) If the fan does not spin but the laptop makes noise probably it is from the hard drive so

replacing the hard drive is to be considered.

(iii) Bad key-board can also cause the noise which will result to change of key-board. Battery not charging properly: It might be that battery has stopped charging properly or it

does not charge at all or it charges only when the AC adapter is adjusted inside the power connector.

Possible problem and solution

(i) Failed battery (bad battery), I replaced the battery.

(ii) Failed DC power connector. That is, if it charges well when the AC is been adjusted. Some keyboard keys stopped working: Possible problem and solution

(i) Most likely it might be that there is stuck keys on the keyboard, which will result to changing

or replacing of the keyboard.

(ii) But I also open the keyboard and dust it properly before replacing decision is carried


SOFTWARE: Computer software instrument that has been programmed to allow a computer to

process information. The categories of software I have come across are:

(i) Operating system

(ii) Utility software

(iii)Productive software

2.4.1 OPERATING SYETEM: These programs are installed in the computer system to manage and

coordinate the activities of the hardware components examples are window xp, vista, window 8,

window 7, window 10 etc.


(i) Resource management: the resource management of an operating system allocates resources

such as CPU time, main memory, secondary storage and input and output device for use.

(ii) Data management: the data management function of an operation system govern the input

and output of the data and their location, storage, and retrieval

(iii) Job/task management: task management is responsible for schedule, control and monitoring

of jobs submitted for execution to attain the most efficient processing.


Installation of operating system was one of the key things I did during my industrial attachment.

Install various operating systems such as window 7, vista, xp and Linux (ubuntu), below are the steps

in installing window 7 operating system.

Note: Before installing operating system, it is advisable to backup all important files saved on the

hard drive.

Step 1: Make sure the computer is working properly; the peripherals and motherboard are connected

and installed properly. Turn ON your PC and Press ‘F2’ Continuously. There will come up an option

to boot through CD/DVD. Select that option. Windows will start loading its files, as can exactly be

seen in figure 2.6 below.

Figure 2.6: Windows Loading

Step 2: Now you will get the Windows Setup Window, as can be seen in figure 2.7. This is the part

to select Language for your windows. Select ‘English’ and click Next. Also there will be a

‘INSTALL NOW’ button. Click on it and proceed to next step

Figure 2.7: Installing windows 7

Step 3: There will be a license agreement. Check on ‘I ACCEPT’ and proceed to NEXT. After

that there will be an option to install windows. ‘UPGRADE’ and ‘CUSTOM’, as can be seen in

figure 2.8. Right now we are installing a clean version so click on CUSTOM.

Figure 2.8: Step three of installation

Step 4: In this step you will do partitioning of your drive. One needs to be careful, this is the most

important part of the Installation. In this you will allocate spaces to your drive as seen in figure 2.9

below. If you want to create a new drive, simply click on a drive and then click ‘NEW’. A new

drive will be created.

Figure 2.9: Step four of installation

Step 5: When you have created the drives, simply select the drive in which you want to install

windows. Click ‘Format’, this will erase all the previous data on your drive. Click on ‘NEXT’ to

proceed, as seen in figure 2.10.

Figure 2.10: Step five of installation

Step 6: Now your windows will start installing its files, as seen in figure 2.11 below. Grab a cup of

coffee and wait for a few minutes while it is installing. During this process do not plug in or off

your device. It might cause interruption and you might loose your data and have to begin the

process all over again.

Figure 2.11: Step six of installation

Step 7: Now when you files are installed. Your PC will be rebooted and now you will see a ‘User

Settings’ Screen. Simply add your Name and password and proceed to ‘NEXT’

Figure 2.12: Step seven of installation

Step 8: In this step you have to activate your windows. Simply look at the back of your Windows

CD/DVD cover there will be a PRODUCT KEY. Add this key into your PC and Click ‘NEXT’.

26 of installation
Figure 2.13: Step eight
Step 9: Now you have installed you windows. Give the desired information the Windows Step

guide will ask, like Time Zone, Update Timing and Your Computers location, as can be seen in

figure 2.14 below. There are three types of location.’ WORK’, ‘PUBLIC’ and ‘HOME’. Select on

anyone of the them according to your location. It only add sharing security according to your


Figure 2.14: Final stage of installation

Last Step – Congratulations: - You have installed your windows. Now you can see is your desktop.

It is simple to use, setup your desktop and enjoy!

2.5 UTILITY SOFTWARE: These are broad categories of programs that allow a computer to

perform task that are not parts of the OS, but are still practical and useful. Example tera-copy, Nero


2.6 PRODUCTIVE SOFTWARE: This is a program that performs standard office computer task

like word processing, presentation, spreadsheet and database software all graphs software are all

common example of productive programs.

2.6.1 Steps I used when installing utility/productivity system.

(i) I boot the computer.

(ii) I insert the CD or DVD (it might be mega or word office etc.) into the CD-drive.

(iii) I allow it to load, after few minutes; I open and click on my computer or window +E.

In that environment, I locate the Disk and opened it, and then I choose any program I want to install

from the CD.

(iv) I click on the program to be installed, it loads, accepts the policy after going through it.

(v) Then I click on next continually when prompt on screen.

2.6.2 Tips I used for uninstalling software

The following steps are used for software un-installation:

(i) I make sure that the software I wish to remove is not vital for the function of the computer, if

not sure, I search the internet to learn more about the software.

(ii) Once I am sure that I want to remove the software, I go to the start menu and select control

panel. (Note: in window xp click on the choice for add and remove programs. In window vista, click

on the program then select uninstall the program.

(iii) After clicking on the control panel, a list of software will appear, I choose the program that I

want to uninstall or remove ( guide through the removal steps appears).

(iv) If not prompted to do so, I restore the computer after completing the removal processes when

the computer restart, I click the list of programs again to make sure the desired program was fully


In summary, I observed that to install software is easier than uninstalling.


I experience that it is not always easy to know the source of a computer program but determining

whether the problem is from hardware or software will help to give a computer lab manager some

direction for action in trouble shooting and repair.

Tips I use to distinguish between hardware problems from a software problem.

(i) I make sure I reduced possible “external” problem before proceeding. This means unplugging

any external devices (such as scanner etc.) and remove CD or DVD disk from their drives.

(ii) Where there is any loud noise or smote when the problem just appeared (occurred)? Then it

is a probably a hardware problem, with most likely culprit being the power supply unit.

(iii) Is the computer entirely dead? Or is the screen blank these faults are probably due to hardware

problem also.

(iv) Does the computer produce a series of beeps? This is a code that can be used to distinguish

some hardware problems.

(v) Does the computer produce error information after it has booted or only when some programs

are opened? This could be a cause of software problems.

(vi) Finally, I opened my control panel any device either hardware or software that has a problem

will have a warning symbol next to it, I double click on the device detail or recommendation will



2.7 NETWORKING: In the world of computer, networking is the practice of linking two or

more computing devices together for the purpose of sharing data. Network is built with a mix of

computer hardware and software. In order to telecommunicate, local, regional, national, and

international telecommunication networks are required. In the world of computers, networking is the

practice of linking two or more computing devices together for the purpose of sharing data.

Communication and networking go together.

The meaning of the word 'networking' may not be very clear at first, but it is something we all do.

Networking is making contacts, maintaining contacts and using contacts.

Figure 2.15: Computer Network


The OSI is not a physical model, though. Rather, it is a set of guidelines that application

developers can use to create and implement applications that run on a network. It also

provides a framework for creating and implementing networking standards, devices, and inter-

networking schemes.

The OSI has seven different layers, divided into two groups. The top three layers define how the

applications within the end stations will communicate with each other and with users. The bottom

four layers define how data is transmitted end to end.

Figure 2.16: The OSI Layer


An IP address is a numeric identifier assigned to each machine on an IP network. It designates the

specific location of a device on the network. It is a software address. The two types of IP addresses

are the version 4 types (IPv4) and the version 6 type (IPv6). The IPv6, often referred to as ‘The

next generation internet protocol’, is still under research and is not yet in use publicly. The

IPv4 is the most widely used.

Terms used in IP addressing are briefly explained below;

(i) Bit- A bit is a binary digit, either 0 or 1.

(ii) Byte- A byte is eight bits

(iii) Network address- This is a designation used to send packets to a remote network.

Examples are,,

(iv) Node- A node is any device in an inter-network

(v) Broadcast address- This is the address used by applications and hosts to send

information to all nodes in a network. Example, which is all nodes in


There are three types or classes of IP addresses in use.

They are:

(i) The Class A IP addresses: These have 8 bits for network addressing, and 24 bits for host.

Example is an address under the The range for the network address is 0

to 127.

(ii) The Class B IP addresses: These have 16 bits for network addressing, and 16 bits for

host. Example is is a host address under the network. The range for the

network address is 128-191.

(iii) The Class C IP addresses: These have 24 bits for network addressing, and 8 bits for host.


(i) Server: In general, a server is a computer that provides shared resources to network users

(client). Servers are typically powerful computers that run the software that controls and

maintained the network.

(ii) Network interface card: The network interface card (NIC), is the expansion card one

installs in a computer to connect, or interface, a computer to the network (i.e. NICs are used to

connect PCs to the network). This device provides the physical, electrical, and electronic

connections to the network media. NICs are either an expansion card or built in to the computer


NICs come in three basic varieties: 8bits, 16bits and 32bits. The larger the number of bits that

transfer to the NIC, the faster the NIC can transfer data to the network cable.

Figure 2.17: Network Interface Card

iii) Router: This is a specialized network device that determines the next point to which it can

forward a data packet towards the ultimate destination of the packet.

iv)Gateway: This device is placed at a network node and interface with another network that uses

different protocols.

v) Switch: This device allocate traffics from one network segment to certain lines (intended

destination (s)) which connects the segment to another work segment. Switch splits the network

traffic and sends it to different destination to all system on the network.

Figure 2.18: Front and Back View of a Switch

vi) Hub: This device connects multiple Ethernet segments, making them act as a single

segment when using a hub, every attached device shares the same broadcast domain and the same

collision domain. Therefore, only one computer connected to the hub is able to transmit at a time.

Depending on the network topology the hub provides a basic

Figure 2.19: Hub

OSI mode connection among the network objects (workstations, servers etc.) bandwidth which is

shared among all the objects in contrast to switches which provide a connection between

individuals nodes can be supported by hub.

vii) Ethernet: This is a family of computer networking technologies for local area networks

(LANs).It has largely replaced competing wired LAN technologies. Ethernet used coaxial

cable as a shared medium. Later the coaxial cables were replaced by twisted pair and fibre optics

links in conjunction with hubs or switches.

viii) Intranet: An intranet is a private network that is contained within an enterprise. It may

consist of many interlinked local area networks and also use leased lines in the wide area network.

Typically, an intranet includes connections through one or more gateway computers to the

outside Internet. The main purpose of an intranet is to share company information and

computing resources among employees. An intranet can also be used to facilitate working in

groups and for teleconferences.

ix) Internet: The internet in simple terms is a network of the interlinked computer

networking worldwide, which is accessible to the general public. These interconnected

computers work by transmitting data through a special type of packet switching which is

known as the internet protocol (IP). Internet is such a huge network of several different

interlinked networks relating to the business, government, academic, and even smaller

domestic networks, therefore internet is known as the network of all the other networks

x) Frame: This is the protocol data unit of the data link layer.

xi) Packet: This is the protocol data unit of the network layer.

xii) E1: This is a fractional unit of transmission. It carries signal at 2.0468Mbps with 32 channels

at 64Kbps. 30 channels carries traffic that is, voice and data, 1 channel is for signaling and the

other 1 is for synchronization that is, reviewing. E1 is the minimum Megabits that can be

required by a customer to be rendered as a leased services.

xiii) T1: This is a transmission equipment that carries signal at 1.544Mbps with 24 channels

at 64Kbps. E1 & T1 can be interconnected for international use.

xiv) IP Monitor: It is a monitoring system that monitors the network through the

internet protocol (IP) assigned to each microwaves radio.

xv) Link: It is a barrier between a source and the destination.


Computer networks can be characterized by their size as well as by their purposes. The size of a

network can be expressed by the geographical area they occupy and the numbers of computers that

are part of the network. Network can cover anything from a handful of devices within single room

to millions of devices spread across the entire globe. Some of the different networks I have

experienced based on size are:

(i) Personal Area Network (PAN): PAN is a computer network around an individual within

a single building. It can be in a small office or residence.

(ii) Local Area Network (LAN): LAN consists of a computer network a single sit, typically

an individual office building. A LAN is useful for sharing of resources. Note: network resources

are other peripheral devices that are shared on a network such as printers, flash drives, CD-ROM,

scanner etc.

(iii) Metropolitan Area Network (MAN): It is consists of a computer network across an entire

city, collage campus or small region. Note that: a MAN is larger than a LAN. The combination

of both network forms a CAMPUS AREA NETWORK (CAM).

(iv) WIDE AREA NETWORK (WAN): WAN occupies a very large area, such as countries

or entire world. WAN contains multiple smaller networks just as mentioned above.

As I have studied, I can summaries that network provides great flexibility, such as:

(i) Sending document to printer in an office.

(ii) Watch movies from an online streaming server to your TV.

(iii) All forms of network resources are being shared including accessing the internet.


Network topology is also known as physical topology which refers to the configuration of

connected devices on a network. Network topologies are categorized into the following basic


(i) Star Topology; In this topology all the computers are connected to a single hub through a

cable the hub is the control node all other nodes are connected to the node.

(ii) Mesh topology: This forms a ring as each computer is connected to another computer,

with the last one connected to the first two neighbors for each device.

(iii) Ring Topology: This forms a ring as each computer is connected to another computer,

with the last one connected to the first two neighbours for each devices

(iv) Tree Topology: It has a root node and all other nodes are connected to it forming a

hierarchy, it is also called hierarchical topology.

(v) Bus Topology: In this topology, all stations are attached to a single cable. When a station

sends a message, it is broadcast down in both directions. Terminators at the end of the cable prevent

the signal from reflecting back to the sender.

Figure 2.20: Structures of Ring, Star, and Bus and mesh topologies


The three primary cables that I have come across are:

(i) Coaxial cable

(ii) Twisted-pair (unshielded and shielded)

(iii) Fiber-Optic cable

Just as I have learnt, these cables are able to transmit data and information from computer to other


(i) Transmit voice. All these transmissions are being done due to their respective capacities

or capabilities in speed and in terms of security.

(ii) The data sent is being carried in the form of more related pulse of light or electronic signals.


CROSSOVER CABLING (Configuration of Registered jack (Rj) 45)

Materials needed

A. Cat 5 cable - One can buy a 1000 feet roll of Cat 5 cable at computer stores and industry

supply houses for somewhere between 6 and 10 cents a foot, depending on the quality. Check to

make sure that the color-coding on the wires is easily recognizable.

Figure 2.21: Cat 5 cable packet

RJ-45 connectors: They usually come in bags of 50, 100 etc. Pay attention to the type of RJ-45

connector you get and make sure it is intended for the type of Cat 5 wire you are using. There are

two different kinds of RJ-45 connectors, depending on whether you use them with solid or stranded

wire cable. Using the wrong kind with the wrong cable will most likely result in a bad connection.

Figure 2.22: RJ-45 connectors

B. Crimping tool: While this is the expensive part of making your own cables, it is only a

one-time startup cost. A good crimping tool has a pair of wire cutters built in, as well as a blade to

strip insulation. It also might support crimping of other connectors such as RJ-11.

Figure 2.23: Crimping tool

C. Diagonal Cutter Pliers: You will need a pair of this to cut the wires in case the crimper

does not come with a built-in wire cutter. Cutting, Stripping, and Sorting the Wires

Cut a piece of Cat 5 as long as you need. When you cut, remember the old saying:

Measure twice, cut once. Make sure the cut on each end is clean and straight.

Figure 2.24: Twisted wires

Strip about an inch of the insulation off the cable. Cut it back nice and square. Some crimping

tools such as the one used here, come with a built-in wire stripper. You put the cable in to a stop

on one side of the cutter. It will cut the jacket the right length to make a perfect crimp. It is

extremely important that you only cut the plastic insulation or jacket and not the wire. Damaging

one of the 8 wires, even if you just nick it or partially cut it, will ruin your cable.

D. Untwist the wires. You will notice that there are 4 pairs of multi-colored wires inside. Sort

the pairs by color. You should end up with wires color coded as follows: blue/blue-white,

orange/orange-white, green/green-white, and brown/brown-white.

Figure 2.25: Untwist the wires

Now align the wires in the following order from left to right. The order is important since there is

a wiring standard defined by the Telecommunications Industry

Get the wires lined up and nice and straight. Then clip off the top millimeter so that they are all

the same length and stick out about half an inch from the insulated part.


Steps taken to configure a network:

Step1. I write clicked on the network icon.

Step2. I clicked on open network and sharing center.

Step3. From the task pan bar, I clicked on changing advanced sharing setting

Step4. I turn on all network option e.g. I turn on network discoveries.

Step5. I turn on file and printer sharing, I turn on all sharing in order to communicate with everyone

in the network.

Step6. Finally, I turn off password protection sharing then I clicked on save


Here are the steps I take when setting up IP address

Step1. I right clicked on the network icon on the taskbar.

Step2. I clicked on open network and sharing center

Step3. I changed adapter of my choice.

Step4. From the environment that appears I clicked on properties.

Step.5 I double clicked on the use of the following IP addresses, I clicked on subordinate mask.

Step6. Finally, I clicked on okay and closed all open windows.


Here is the way you configure ad hoc wireless setting on host computer, so that other computers

can connect to it wirelessly and directly:

1. Go to Start and right click on Network and then click Properties.

2. Network and Sharing Center window will appear, click on Set up a connection or network.

Note: The other way to do it is by going to Start -> Connect to -> click on Set up a connection

or network.

Figure 2.26: Setting up a connection

3. Set up a connection or network window will appear, select Set up a wireless ad hoc

(computer-to-computer) network option, and then click next.

4. Set up a wireless ad hoc network window will appear, this window will briefly explain

what an ad hoc wireless network is. Click next after the reading.

5. On this wireless network configuration window, one can type in the network name (SSID),

Figure 2.27: Naming network and security settings

6. Security type (encryption) and security key. One can set up the ad hoc connection without

the authentication first, and then enable the encryption (WEP, WPA2, etc.) once it worked. The

encryption should be enabled, if not every nearby computer can connect to this network. Click

next again.

Note: You can click save this network to save it as wireless network profile. If not, the network

setting will not be saved.

The next window will tell you that the ad hoc network is ready for use with connection setting.

Click Close to finish the setup.

Back to your Network and Sharing Center, click on Manage Wireless networks, you will see the

New created ad-hoc network and it is ready to be connected.

Figure 2.28: Network ready for use

Note: Please note this ad-hoc is tagged as Unsecured since there is no encryption enabled, so do

not forget to enable the encryption once it worked.

Client Computer Configuration:

You can then use other client computer to connect to the ad hoc wireless network.

(i) Go to Start and click on Connect to.

(ii) Connect to a network window will appear. This window will show all available

connections, which are dial-up, VPN and wireless connections, but your focus is on ad hoc wireless

connection. Scroll down the list and select the ad-hoc wireless network and click Connect button.

Note: You will be prompted if you connect to unsecured wireless network, click Connect Anyway

to connect for this case.

Figure 2.29: Connecting to the Ad hoc

Once you get connected, you will see the following message. You can then tick on save this

network and Close the window. You can then ping other computers to ensure it is working



HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language, and it is the most widely used language to write

Web Pages.

(i) Hypertext refers to the way in which Web pages (HTML documents) are linked together.

Thus, the link available on a webpage is called Hypertext.

(ii) As its name suggests, HTML is a Markup Language which means you use HTML to

simply "mark-up" a text document with tags that tell a Web browser how to structure it to display.

Originally, HTML was developed with the intent of defining the structure of documents like

headings, paragraphs, lists, and so forth to facilitate the sharing of scientific information between


Now, HTML is being widely used to format web pages with the help of different tags available in

HTML language.

HTML Tags: As told earlier, HTML is a markup language and makes use of various tags to format

the content. These tags are enclosed within angle braces <Tag Name>. Except few tags, most of

the tags have their corresponding closing tags. For example, <html>has its closing tag</html>and

<body>tag has its closing tag </body>tag etc



Table 2.1List of some HTML tags

Tag Description

This tag encloses the complete HTML document and mainly comprises

<html> document header which is represented by <head>...</head> and document

body which is represented by <body>...</body> tags.

<head> This tag represents the document's header which can keep other HTML tags

like <title>, <link>

<title> The <title> tag is used inside the <head> tag to mention the document title.

<body> This tag represents the document's body which keeps other HTML tags like

<h1>, <div>, <p> etc.

<h1> This tag represents the document's body which keeps other HTML tags like

<h1>, <div>, <p> etc.

<p> This tag represents a paragraph.

<b>, <i>, <li>, Bold, italic, list, unordered list, ordered list

<ul>, <ol>etc

With the help of HTML Tags a web page can be easy created.


C.S.S explains how HTML elements are to be displayed on screen, web browsers etc

C.S.S controls a layer of multiple web page all at once also external sheets are being stored in CSS



We use C.S.S to define style for your documents, including the design, layout and variations in

display for different devices and screen sizes. You can place your C.S.S in the <head> of a

documents with an embedded style sheet, or attached a separate files and defines your styles with

an external style sheet. To link an external style sheet to your documents you simply add a link to

the style sheet in the <head> of the documents.

When a user displays a web page, the users browsers loads style information along with the content

of the page.

When a user prints a web page, you can provide different style information that makes printed

page easy to read.

In general, we use html to describe the content of the documents, not its style while we use C.S.S

to specify the documents style, not its content



3.1 PERSONAL INPUT TO THE COMPANY (Enclave Computer College)

The fore knowledge I had in CSC 313 and CSC 310 really helped me in networking and programing

departments, due to my knowledge in computer hardware, computer Networking, data communications and

the training I went through in the organization, I was able to contribute to the establishment in the following


(i) Teaching and assisting students. (Clients) through their lessons: During the Students’

Industrial Work Experience, I was able to put into practice all that I was taught teaching others

too. This really gave me the opportunity to know what I was taught better.

(ii) Assist in marketing and publication: I was able to assist industriously in the marketing and

publication by introducing the Enclave Computer Centre to the people that have not even become

one of the bonafide customers of Enclave Computer Centre.

(iii) I was able to successfully install Windows 7, despite the fact that I could install other recent

windows but I was personally interested in installing the old operating system as many people have

been forgetting how to install this windows. With this I was able to also make positive contribution

to the establishment.

(iv) Attending to customers in photocopying, scanning, laminating of documents and snapping

of passport photograph. I was able to increase the sale of the establishment by the uniqueness of

the sale method I brought into the establishment such as giving of discount to our customer, giving

promo and others.

(v) I was part of the first group of students to practically carry out wireless ad hoc configuration

which was so amazing to many of the staff members of the Enclave Computer Centre.

(vi) I was able to successfully troubleshoot, reinstall and replace bad parts of computer system

both desktop and laptop, and I also upgraded some of the computers.


(i) Insufficient Vehicles: The shortage of vehicles for work especially when a lot of services

were required concurrently was a challenge . Sometimes, we had to wait for a particular

team to return before heading out to site or even take public transport in very urgent

situations. This often leads to unwanted downtime.

(ii) Distance: The distance between the office and my home was also a major challenge.

Sometimes, I had to wake up around 4am to be able to meet up with work around 8am considering

the fact that I reside at Ogun state, although my passion for what I did kept me going/

(iii) Bureaucracy: A lot of regulations and protocols were involved in various operations

especially in procuring materials for branch faulty equipment. We had to go through the rigorous

process of securing a waybill. There were also several cases of material shortage

(iv) Use of Crude Implements: In some cases, most of the equipment and facilities used were

not up to standard and this had a way of slowing down the job process. Examples are the rack

system configuration, servers, faulty port configuration.

(i) Difficulty in seeking IT attachment.

(ii) Lack of transportation.

(iii) Lack of good facilities for networking and computer maintenance.

(iv) I was not paid either by SIWES or the place of my attachment.

(v) There are no standard equipment for learning and practical.

(vi) The company lacks proper SIWES orientation on how to train students somewhat.




i. In respective of the challenges encountered in this SIWES program, there were many things

that I have experienced and learned during the six (6) months of my industrial training at

Enclave Computer College, the whole period was very educating, interesting and instructing.

Through this training I was able to gain new insight and more understanding about the real

industry working condition and practice. I was able to successfully troubleshoot, reinstall and

replace bad parts of computer system both desktop and laptop, and I also upgraded some of

the computers. It has provided me the opportunities to develop and improve my soft and

functional skills. All of this valuable experiences and knowledge that I had gained were not

only acquired through direct involvement in task given but also through other aspect of the

training such as work observation, interaction with colleagues, superior, and other people

related to the field. From what I have undergone, I am very sure that industrial training

program has achieved its entire primary objectives. This program has also prepared students

to face the real working life. As a result of the program, now I am more confident to build

my future career. So also, the fore knowledge I had in CSC 313 and CSC310 really helped me in

ICT department, due to my knowledge in computer hardware, computer Networking, data

communications and the training I went through in the organization, I was able to contribute to the

establishment in the following ways.


(i) School should provide a place of attachment for students.

(ii) Students should be paid monthly in their places of attachment by the SIWES body.

(iii) Supervisors should always visit students monthly in their various places of attachment.

(iv) School should always liase with industries, firm and companies where the students are doing

their industrial training to check and improve their facilities.

(v) School should organize a seminal for students place of attachment (the industry) to enable

effective training of students.

(vi) Despite the challenges encountered I still wish to recommend my place of attachment

(Enclave Computer College) for schools and students who are yet to undergo their IT.


Huudemann M., (2013):The World Wide History of Telecommunication.

International Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence,(January-March2010)

2(1), 102-131,

Olusegun, M., (2014):Guide to Successful Participation in SIWES.

Orin T. (2012):Training guide administering windows server 2012.

Network Digital Signage Player, iCAT Web Manager User’s Guide, 26-02-2010. Olusegun,

Mafe N.,(2005),:Guide to Successful Participation in SIWES, Seven Twelve Integrated

Logistics Limited ,(2015): cooperate profile,(accessed 8th December,2016) @ http://Seven-


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