Haunted Tales 1

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The first night in my new house was strange. Not because of the creaking stairs or

basement that I've never had before. But the noises i hear outside. My window

faces the house next door. Grunting sounds. Screeching sounds. It was afternoon i

was throwing a Frisbee with my brother Conner. "Trish! Now you can go get it!"

My brother yelled. My name is Trisha McDonald. Tall boney red headed girl. I'm

not very sporty. But i like Frisbee. I mean how hard is it to toss a disk back and

forth. "Okay, I'll go get it." I shouted. I climbed over the rose bed and through the

group of hibiscus. I leaned down to pick the blue Frisbee up.

"What are you doing young lady!" A tall stern man stood glancing down at me.

"I'm sorry Mr, but my Frisbee accidently landed in your flower garden." I replied

with a soft voice. "It is mine now missy!" He grabbed the Frisbee and trudged off.

"That big meanie stole our Frisbee." Conner told Mom as we finished dinner. "Well

it did land in his flowers on his property Conner!" Mom announced picking up the

dinner plates. I trotted upstairs and to my bedroom. "Trish wait!" Conner called

running up the stairs behind me.

"We should sneak into his garage and take it back!" Conner whispered.

"Are you mental? That's a really dumb idea Conner, it's getting late anyways." I

replied rubbing my eyes as a yawn formed.

"It's the perfect time! Didn't you say you heard noises coming from his house

Trish?" He asked sternly.

"Yeah i hear growling and grunting sometimes. It sounds like animals are being

attacked!" I mentioned as we stood in the hallway.

"Let's go and see Trish. And meanwhile i can get my Frisbee back from that greedy

monster!" Conner muttered.

"Fine we go quickly and quietly! In and out. No being a nosey Ann okay!"

I walked into my bedroom and grabbed a flashlight. I zipped up my maroon

sweater and tied my red hair into a pony. I was ready.

We crept around the side of his house. It was eerily quiet. Only sound was wind

howling a breeze through the tree leaves. We stopped at the garage.

"Do you hear that Conner?" I asked shaking from the cold night air. "Grunting

sounds?" Conner asked as we put our ears to the garage door.

We walked to the side door that leads into the garage. I felt a chill roll down my

back. "This is wrong Conner." I mumbled. We slowly opened the door. Its creak

and squeak echoed. The grunting stopped. We peered around the garage. I whipped

the flashlight around the room. The door closed. Conner turned the knob. "Now we

are locked in here Trish!" He announced. I searched around. Science beekers and

tubes. Boxes filled with chemicals. The grunting noise started again. I spotted a

note book on one box. It read "THE EXPERIMENT HAS FAILED." Another note

when i flipped the page. "I CAN'T GIVE UP I NEED A CURE." "What?" This is

scary Conner lets bolt!" I said shivering. Then my flashlight spotted something

bizarre. A huge cage. There was an animal inside. I crept closer. I didn't believe

what i was seeing. I screamed! "Ahhh!" The scream bounced off the garage walls.

The animal started grunting and jumping up and down. Half animal half human.

Human face. A womans face and long blonde hair. Black hair all over the body.

Long claws like knives. Her teeth like spears, ready to shred meat off our bones.

Conner ran to the door. Turning the knob desperately trying to escape before we

became the changlings dinner! "What is going on in here!" A manly voice filled the

garage. The man who stole our Frisbee.

"Please don't feed us to your monster Mr!" I begged.

"You seem to stumble upon my wife i see!" He announced flicking the light on.

"Wife? You married that disgusting thing?" Conner shouted.

"No i didn't marry her that way young boy." The man laughed. "I'm a scientist. I

was conducting a experiment and it back fired. I was trying to find a cure for my

wife. She became really sick. Incurable. I tried months and months of agony and

painful experiments on her hoping i could cure her illness. But as you can see, she

turned a little monster like. She bacame a banshee!

Banshees don't carry the disease she has. So in short terms, to keep her alive, this is

the life she lives now." The man said with tear filled eyes.

"But isn't this cruelty or something." I asked stepping back. "Cruelty? Shes alive!"

He replied with anger.

"Yeah in a cage!" Conner blurted.

"Just because some people don't understand doesn't make it cruelty you know?" He

replied smiling at his banshee wife.

"We need to leave now Mr." I said confused. "I'm afraid i can't let that happen." I

stared at Conner.
"You see, now that you know about my experiment i have to discard you!" He said

walking to the cage. "Please we won't say a word." I begged. He unlocked the

cage. The banshee slowly sloshed towards us.

"Please! Don't harm us we didn't mean to come here and disturb you!" I cried. The

banshee stood up and attacked.

Leaping towards the man. She ripped his arm off. We heard snapping and

crunching. Slurping and gulping. She was devouring him. Getting revenge for what

he had done to her. She stood facing us. She picked up a giant needle. "Oh no!" I

cried as she walked towards us. She raised the needle in our direction.

She stuck the needle into her side. And pushed the liquid into her body. She

collapsed to the floor.

"Is the banshee dead?" I asked Conner. I think so lets go!" Conner said as we ran

out of the garage and into the mans house. "Wait look!" Conner yelled. "My

Frisbee!" He grabbed the Frisbee and we bolted for home.

The next night it was quiet. No grunting or anything. Just the police and
ambulance. I watched out of my window as the bodies were being strolled from the

house on the gurney and into the ambulance. I shrieked!

The banshee tilted her head and looked right at me as it was being hoisted into the



My friend Wendy really needed a new diary. So i bought here a really cute pink

leather one. I got it cheap at an antique store. She was so happy. It has a closing

strap. Even came with a gold black ink pen. She was so excited she decided to

write a story about me. She writes spooky stories. Really gruesome terrifying

stories. About ghosts, vampires, werewolves, gobblins and so on. I'm being put
into a vampire story she told me. My name is Leslie. Slender frame with long

blonde hair. And scared by everything. Bugs, cats, heights, monsters and

homework. I never thought I'd actually be surrounded by monsters though. Boy

was i wrong.

It was late at night and my friend Wendy was sleeping over. She started writing her

story. I was watching tv as i lay in bed. I was drained. My eyes closed. I woke up

suddenly. I appeared in a dark cave. Thunder rumbled my body. I had a flashlight

and a backpack.

"Where am i? What's going on?" I mumbled confused. "I was just in my bed and

now, I'm in a cave! I must be dreaming." I whispered. I began walking towards the

darkness. Deeper into the cave. I heard a noise. Coming towards me. Swooshing

sounds. "BATS!" I screamed diving to the floor. Bats swooped and dove for me.

Grazing my head. Nipping at my blonde hair. I stood up and brushed my dirt

soaked clothes off and continued on. I came to a room filled with candles lining the

walls. Coffins! Coffins, littering the room. Black coffins. I heard a groaning noise.

"This is so weird, I'm dreaming of vampires? Like Wendys story she said she was

going to write me in." I told myself shivering. "I'm in her story! Is this really

happening?" I suddenly felt I'll. The smell of decaying corpses filled the room. I
silently tip toed through the coffins. A vampire rose up from the coffin! "I smell

fresh blood." He moaned.

"Get me out of here Wendy!" I shouted.

The vampire floated towards me. Long black cloak, fangs as sharp as daggers. I

had to run. I took off so fast i tripped. "Oomff!" I got back up and ran. It was dark.

The only light was my small dim flashlight. The vampire was gaining on me.

"Come back i need to feast!" He demanded. I came to another room. It was like a

dungeon. Torture chairs and spikes on the walls.

"Right on time young lady! Get over here!" A huge muscle of a man yelled holding

a whip. "What? Wait. You're another story? But how?" I moaned.

"I'm now in a dungeon in like the sixteenth century or something." I whispered to

myself. The giant of a man grabbed me. I was being tied down to a chair. The

muscle man pulled out a blade of some kind.

"Time for your punishment." He ordered. He came towards me ready to cut me

into pieces! "Wendy get me out of here." I yelled.

"Stop writing your story!" I screamed. A man bolted in. Wearing a cape and green

tights. "Robin Hood? Okay this story is absurd Wendy." I mumbled. Robin Hood
kicked the dude in the chest. They tussled and wrestled. I untied myself and


"No! Now what?" I was scared. Not a room a forest! Trees and logs all around me.

I heard chattering. Small chattering. Goblins! Lots of small goblins. I walked

through the forest slowly. Small huts lined the path. A well in the distance. And a

fire burning. A rotisserie! A huge rotisserie! Probably for cooking humans! "No!" I

shouted. The goblins grabbed me. Hoisting me above their head saying "COOK


"Wendy stop writing your story! Please!" I yelled. They tied me to a spinning

cooking thing. Gathering around they chanted. Clapping and happy to eat the

innocent little blonde girl. They lit the fire pit. It slowly got hot. I was being

cooked! My arm started to burn. Then my body felt like i was being melted into a

human soup. "No! Stop!" I yelled. I was kicking and screaming. Everything went


I suddenly saw light. My bedroom light. "I'm in my bed!" I yelled. I sat upright.

"Leslie what's wrong?" Wendy asked holding my hand.

"Oh i guess i had a nightmare Wendy, i thought i was trapped in your story! Oh it

was so scary!" I replied sitting up in my bed.

"Weird. Anyways I'm done with my story now! Take a look." Wendy replied

handing me the paper.

I read the story and my jaw dropped. Everything in my dream she wrote!

The diary made everything come true!

I rubbed my arm. A burn mark. I stared at Wendy. Then I stared at the pink diary.

"You see every Halloween night the Harlet comes out." Karina said staring into my

wide eyes. "Since you're new in this town, it's your turn to go to the back

bedroom." Karina motioned, pointing to a old cabin covered in thick vines sitting

in the woods. We stood on the path with flashlights wearing our Halloween attire. I

was dressed as a cowgirl. Karina was wearing a cheerleader outfit. The two other

girls were wearing a cat costume and the other an old lady costume with a walker.

"Do i really have to do this?" I mentioned as my skin crawled from fright. Thunder

rumbled as Karina shoved me towards the rocky path to the cabin. "Go now Jacky"

Karina scolded me. I've been told Harlet is a half man half dog like creature. Like a

werewolf but much nastier. "But what's nastier than a werewolf" i whispered

heading in the direction of the broken down, weeded, vine consuming haggard

shack like cabin.

It was dark. The only light was the beam of my flashlight. It started to sprinkle. I'm
not scared, I'm not scared, repeating in my mind. I climbed the small steps that

reached up to the creeky porch. The door was painted red. An X mark bared across

the door in yellow. The windows were dirty and fogged up. No lights no sign of

life. I grabbed the knob looking behind me, as i heard a noise. A bunny scattered

the yard. Turning the knob the door squealed open. A rush of cold air froze my

bones. Flashlight shaking as i stepped inside. Old furniture covered in thick

cobwebs looking like spiders have called this place home. "The things you do just

to fit in Jacky" i mumbled to myself. I began walking down the hallway. "Don't be

a scardy cat, just do it and run out!" I thought. My boots thumping aloud in the still

cabin gave me away. If Harlet was here he would know of my presence.

There were two bedroom doors. One on left. One on right. Karina didn't say which

one! I'll try them both. I have to. I put my ear up to the first door. Hoping to hear if

something was inside. Trembling, i slowly opened the door. Hoping to not be

shredded into pieces. My flashlight landed on something! Something that made me


A dead rat. Lays sprawled out. Gutted! Torn apart by something. Small red guts

spilled from it's belly. "Yuck!" I gagged. I closed the door. "I bet they are just
playing a dumb joke on me!" I smirked. One door to go. I slowly twisted the knob.

"Here goes nothing Jacky." I mumbled. I slowly lifted my flashlight up towards

someone. Or something. I screamed so loud it hurt my ears.

A cage with some kind of creature lay inside. I stood frightened. I couldn't move a

muscle. I was to scared. The monster sat up looking directly at me. It's hairy body.

Long fangs. Claws the size of knifes. I turned and ran. Bolting towards the door.

"What the?" I groaned. The door was stuck. I pushed and pushed. Banging on the

door. The creature crept towards me. On all fours it growled. Like the hideous

monster it was. I heard something on the other side of the door. Laughter. Girls


The creature stood up. Un-masking its self. A boy. A boy in a costume! The girls

opened the door. Laughing at the new girl. I felt ashamed. But i also felt relieved.

"Sorry but they made me do it!" The boy announced solemnly. I started laughing


We began walking outside the cabin. "Karina i can't believe you would go so far as
to killing a poor rat!" I told her shaking my head. "Rat? What Rat?" Karina and the

others looked at me.

As we stood there we all heard something. A loud and heavy breathing! A person

stood in the cabin doorway. A hairy creature like person!

"RUN!" Karina shouted.


I never liked hide and seek. What's the point of hiding? Just so you can get scared

when someone pops up on you and yells GOTCHA? I prefer video games. My

name is Erin Winters. And i found out that hide and seek could be killer.

"So are you playing with us tonight Erin?" My friend Sandy asked as we sat at the

park bench. "Sure same place?" I replied. "The graveyard" Sandy tossed out.

As Dark grey clouds began massing above and the sound of thunder threatening

near us I was carving my name into the wooden bench.

We stood abruptly leaving the park. "See ya later." I called out to Sandy.

A soft trickle of rain spat down as i accended up the stoop of my house. I popped

inside. My little brother Jacob was playing his hand held video game on the couch.

"Hey there snotball." I announced petting his head. He didn't reply. I trudged

upstairs to my bedroom. I packed my backpack with a flashlight and some snacks.

"Tonight is hide and seek." i whispered to myself. Boring hide and seek. I waited

until the rain let up. I dialed Sandys number. "You ready?" Sandy asked on the

other end of the line. "Always." I mumbled back in a soft tone.

I met Sandy outside the cemetery gates. Rhonda, Becky and Cicely greeted us from
the inside. We hopped over the black pointy gate. On count of three we will see

who's it Sandy announced..

One. Two. Three. "NOT IT!" Becky was last to announce not it. "Becky count over

there." Sandy said pointing towards a huge tree. She started counting. We all ran in

different directions. "Twenty." Becky shouted. I crept along the fence leading to the

end of the cemetery. I saw an open grave. I climbed down into it. It was eerily

quiet. I heard footsteps closing in on me. A hand grabbed my shoulder. I screamed!


A lady stared down at me. "Don't be scared dear child, my name is Elizabeth

Stockton." She whispered in a creepy voice. "I didn't mean to scream, I'm just a

jumpy person." I replied shaking.

"Well what's the reason for being in a graveyard all by yourself dear?" She asked

helping me out of the grave. "I'm with my friends playing a game." I said looking

around. "Your friends dear?" She asked confused. "Yes. Becky, Sandy, Cicely and

Rhonda." I replied brushing the dirt off my knees. "Guys!" I yelled. It was silent.

"Sandy?" I shouted. "Becky?" I yelled with my hands cupped to my mouth.

"Young lady are you sure you aren't lost or something?" The lady asked with a

hand on my shoulder.
"I'm sure. I'm playing hide and seek mam." I said looking towards the entrance of

the cemetery. I turned back the lady vanished. She disappeared.

"Where did she go?" I asked myself. I suddenly had a bad feeling. I ran to the

entrance. "Gotcha!" I screamed, as a hand touched my back.

"Becky! Where were you guys?" I asked frightened. "Looking for you!" Sandy

shot out from behind a tombstone. "Didn't you hear me shouting?" I asked

shivering. "No we were shouting for you!" Rhonda announced. "But we thought

you left." Cicely said standing behind me. "I saw a ghost back there Becky!" I said

as goosebumps rose on my arms. "A ghost really?" Becky replied laughing.

"Yes she disappeared before my eyes." I said pointing towards the back of the

cemetery. We all walked to the open grave where i spoke to the ghost. "What was

her name Erin?" Sandy asked. "Elizabeth." I replied as we stood around the open

grave. "Sandy you need to see this!" Rhonda added standing at the gravestone next

to us.

The gravestone read ELIZABETH STOCKTON. "That's her grave? She really is a

ghost!" I shouted. "Of course she is Erin, we all are!" Sandy said laughing

hysterically. "Don't you remember the bus accident?" Becky announced shaking

her head and laughing hysterically.

"We all died in the bus crash!" Sandy added as we walked to a row of graves. I

read the names on the gravestones. Becky Tisdale, Sandy Hawthorne, Rhonda

Patrone, Cicely Henderson and Erin Winters.

Dark quite streets. Foggy mist under the street lights. The erie silent graveyard to

my right. Houses littered to my left. I walk slowly down the sidewalk. A presence

felt as my body tingled. I kept turning around wondering. Waiting. For what? I

don't know! Just one of those feelings you get when you're alone and it's

Halloween Eve. I zipped my purple jacket up and hopped over a puddle of rain.

"Almost home Dottie!" I told myself shivering from the night air that felt as if i

was in a freezer. I heard some rustling in the bushes up ahead. I stopped in my

tracks. A monster popped out from the graveyard! "Ahhh!" I screamed loudly!

As the monster slid her mask down I realized it was my bestfriend Katy! "Katy!

How could you? My heart felt like it was going to pop!" I shouted holding my

chest. "Relax Dottie it's Halloween Eve! Like my creepy mask?" Katy asked

holding it out. "Sure where did you get it?" I replied staring at the spooky decaying

zombie face. "The Halloween Depot silly!" Katy said laughing. We were

interrupted abruptly by Seth and Tony. "What do we have here?" Seth chirped

grabbing the mask from Katy! "Give that back Seth!" Katy cried. Seth and Tony

tossed the mask back and forth. "I have an idea Katy!" Seth announced. "I'll give it

back if you enter Doom House!" Seth threatened holding the mask. "Doom House?

Don't be dumb Seth!" I said shaking my head. "I am not going into that house

Seth!" Katy replied. "Well this gruesome mask is mine then!" Seth blurted stuffing
the mask into his black backpack. "Fine I'll do it!" Katy said walking towards Seth.

"You have to go into the little boys room!" Seth replied smiling at Tony. "No way!"

Katy yelled. Seth turned and began walking away. "Stop! Fine it's a deal Seth!"

Katy shouts. "Meet us in twenty minutes at Doom House!" Tony announced.

"Doom house Katy?" I asked. "There's a story about a family that once lived in that

house. Mom, Dad and there lonely son Harry. Everyone thought they were creepy!

No one saw Harry except when he played by himself in the yard. Rumors were he

was homeschooled. Others think his parents locked him up in his room. One night

a fire broke out at that house. The parents made it out! The boy Harry didn't." Katy

added. "He got roasted?" I asked Katy. "That's the story Dottie" she replied as we

walked to Doom House. "Poor kid" i mumbled. "Well now we are going into the

charcoal house and visiting the dead boys bedroom!" Katy said gazing at me.

We arrived at Doom House in five minutes. We waited for the two bullies Seth and

Tony. Seth appears from around the side of the house. "Where is Tony?" Katy

asked sitting on the bricks of what used to be a mailbox. "He isn't coming." Seth

replied holding the zombie mask. "Here we go!" I told Katy pulling out my mini

flashlight from my back pocket. The house was burnt to a crisp. The front door was

just plywood bearly covering the opening. We squeezed through. "Be careful

Dottie" Katy said holding my hand. We slowly crept to the hallway stairs. "The
place is huge inside!" I said flashing light over the broken down living room. The

stairs creeked and squealed as we accended them. We reached the top. A cold chill

breeze hit us. "We shouldn't be in here" i told Katy. "All because of your dumb

mask Katy!" I whispered. We heard a moaning noise. Ghostly moans. "What is that

noise?" I asked shaking. "Just the wind!" Katy replied. We continued to the boys

bedroom. "Seth said it was the last room on the left." I said pointing my flashlight

to the last bedroom on the left. We walked to the bedroom door. I peeked inside.

The room was cold. Colder than the rest of the house. "I feel something inside this

room Katy!" I whispered as goosebumps rose on my arms. We stood inside the

bare room. A voice called to us. "Help me, please help me!" A boys voice broke out

in a cry. "Katy I'm scared!" I mentioned grabbing her arm. "Me to lets bolt Dottie"

she replied grabbing my hand. We turned to run. The bedroom door slammed shut.

We both shrieked aloud. The closet door slowly creeked open. "Katy this is scary!"

I moaned. A boy appeared. He was a little blonde boy in pajamas. Katy and i

hugged eachother shaking. "Please don't hurt us!" I cried. He walked towards us.

"Are you afraid?" The blonde boy asked. "Y-y-yesss" Katy replied in a stutter. "My

name is Harry" the boy announced. "Harry? The boy that died here?" I asked

frightened. "Yes!" He said laughing. "You will never leave this place now, you both

are mine!" Harry giggled. We ran to the bedroom door. We pushed and pulled. It
was stuck. Shut and we couldn't get out. "Please let us go! We didn't mean to

bother you." I stammered. The boy grabbed me. Pulling me with him. Into the

closet. "KATY!" I screamed. I pulled free. The boy lifted his arms. Banging noises

started. Like pounding on the walls. Something was scratching on the window.

"Stop! Please Harry! Don't kill us!" I cried hugging Katy. The banging stopped. It

got quiet. To quiet. The boy walked towards us again. "GOTCHA!" He said


"What? What do you mean?" I asked shivering. All of a sudden the door opened.

Seth popped inside the bedroom. Laughing hysterically. And Tony following

behind him. Also laughing aloud. "This was the best prank ever!" Seth shouted. "A

prank? This was all a prank?" Katy asked holding onto me still. "Duh you don't

really believe in ghosts do you" Seth replied high fiving the little boy. "This is

Marty, Tonys little brother. We got him to play the little boy that died here, oh you

two bought it so bad!" Seth announced laughing. "You jerks! You guys scared the

life out of us!" I yelled shoving Seth. "Chill out it was just a little goof." Seth

replied smiling. "Here's your mask!" Seth handed Katy her zombie mask. We

began walking out of the bedroom until we heard a noise. We all spun around

facing the closet. And screamed! Our screams echoed inside the bare house. A little

boy stood there staring at us. A little redheaded boy. "My name is Harry, would you
be my friends?" He asked standing there as pale as a ghost. His body was see

through. "It's a ghost!" Seth shouted as we stared through his body! "A real ghost!"

Seth shouted as we bolted out of the bedroom screaming!


My sketches are beloved by many. I can draw anything. My mother says i need to

go outside you know, have a life! I tell her sketching is my life! One day i will be

the greatest artist in the world! Some say my drawings really come to life. If only i

knew one day that would come true i would of stopped drawing yesterday!

It was late at night. I was in my bedroom about to sketch a werewolf. I grabbed my

new sketch pad my Dad bought me from Chile. My Dad is an anthropologist.

Studies human bones and what not. He said to me "Farrah, this is a special sketch
pad, it was handed to me by a woman named Eldra. She was a shopkeeper at a

magic store."

Dad told me it brings your drawings to life. I guess she means it's a really great pad

for sketching. I started drawing my werewolf. Huge pointy ears, dark grey fur and

huge threatening claws ready to dig into someones throat. Dark black eyes staring

into mine as i sketched and sketched. I added its long fangs dripping with blood.

Like it feasted on another animal or human! Lastly, i made a long furry tail

dragging the ground behind the beast. I finished with the drawing and stuffed it

into my folder. Then i drew another beast. A vampire! Red and black long cloak,

fangs as sharp as knives. I also sketched another monster. One hideous creature. A

half human half snake. Human body with a big green snake head. Claws ready to

rip open anything in its way! It was getting late. My eyes were being held open by

the only ounce of strength i had left. I plopped onto my bed. Thunder groaned

outside. The sound of rain was soothing. I heard a bumping noise. Something was

in the hallway. I lunged up right. Sitting in the edge of the bed i stood up rubbing

my eyes. I was home alone so i quickly went and checked the noise out. I pulled

the flashlight out of my bottom drawer. Maybe it's just Mom back from her shift at

the hospital. I slowly crept into the hallway. I scanned the hall with my flashlight.

Nothing. I opened my Moms bedroom door. "Mom?" I announced. Silence. I heard

a noise downstairs. Loud noises like someone rustling through things. I slowly
decended my way down the stairs. It was dark. Lightening flickered through the

glass slider door in the kitchen. I saw the trash can knocked over. Trash was

scattered around the floor. I heard something upstairs to! "Who's there?" I called

nervously. Then i saw it! A tall grizzly beast standing in the kitchen. I screamed!

"Ahhhh!" I was froze solid.

It spotted me. I turned and ran upstairs towards my bedroom. I heard the creature

ascending the stairs closing in on me. The ground shook from its footsteps. "Where

did he come from?" I said shaking like a wet rabbit. Then i spotted a human with a

snakes head slowly creeping down the hallway towards me. "Oh no! They are

monsters!" I shouted running into my bedroom. I pushed the shelf to block the

door. That probably won't hold them but it buys me a few seconds! "It's the

monsters from my drawings." I whispered to myself. "I need to find the drawings! I

want to see if they're the same monsters." I mumbled. I spotted my blue folder. The

door exploded. Crashing in. Smashed into pieces. "I'm so doomed!" I muttered.

"Please stay away!" I yelled. I ran into my closet. Not the best hiding spot but it's

better than being chewed to bits. I opened the folder. The drawings fell to the floor.

They scratched and pounded. Growled and snarled on the closet door. I was

trapped. Doomed. Dead.

Maybe if i rip the sketches they will disappear? It's worth a try. I grabbed the

drawings. "Here goes the vampire sketch!" "Krrrrrip." I tore it right down the

middle. The banging continued. But the scratching stopped! I picked up the human

snake. "Krrrrip." I also tore it into shreds. The banging stopped! I heard growling.

The werewolf punched through the closet door and ripped a hole into it. I

screamed. "Ahhh!" As he reached for me with his hairy arm. His claws swiping the

air above my head. I ducked down. "Where is the werewolf drawing?" I asked

myself. The werewolf snapped its teeth downwards towards me. I felt drool

slopping and dripping onto my head. "There it is!" I was standing on the werewolf

sketch. It was stuck to my bare foot! The werewolf grabbed my arm. Pulling me up

trying to lift me above the broken closet door. I was screaming and hollering. I bent

down. I grabbed the sketch. I pulled. Half was stuck to my foot. Half was in my

hand! I tugged. I ripped it. The werewolf vanished. "Thank goodness."

"Oh my word! What happened to your room young lady!" My Mother appeared in

what used to be my doorway. "Mom it was the monsters! They attacked me!" I ran

to her hugging her. "Monsters? That's your excuse?" She replied in a whisper. "The

drawings came to life Mom!" I argued. I knew she wouldn't believe me. But i had
the sketch pad to show her that monsters really do exist!


My name is Marni and I hate rules! There are to many in this world. Do this. Don't

do that. We should be able to do anything we want! Seeing those annoying signs

posted places telling me what not to do, ugh. I don't follow those signs anyway. I'm

not a follower. I am a leader!

I was with my friend Jersey studying history in the public library. I asked her if she

wanted to ditch this nonsense and head to the lake, when Mrs. Know-it-all library

keeper shushed me! What a toad! Who does she think she is shushing me! "I have a

plan Jersey." I whispered.

When this place closes, I'm coming back and sneaking in, then pulling the most

amazing prank ever!" I told Jersey laughing. "What are you going to do Marni?"

She asked in a soft tone, setting her hardcover book down. "Lets just say she will

have a fun time cleaning up!" I replied smirking.

It was late evening. The sky was intensely dark grey. Trickles of rain fell down.

Jersey and i stood upon the front entrance to the library on the stoop. A sign on the

door read CLOSED.

"Perfect." I mumbled. A window was cracked open a bit. "There is our way in." I

whispered. "We can't just break in Marni!" Jersey added. "The library is closed!"

She cried. "I don't follow rules you know that Jersey." I announced pushing the

window up. I crept through the small window and dropped off the other side.

"Coming?" I asked Jersey standing inside the library. She followed me in.

"This is going to be fun!" I muttered. It was quiet and cold inside the library. I

pulled the flashlight from my pocket. It was really dark. "We are going to push the

bookshelf over so it plays domino effect Jersey." I said walking to the bookshelf.

"You mean we are knocking them over Marni?" She asked shaking her head no,

no, no.
"Do it Jersey now! Or i will tell Henry you have a crush on him!" I threatened.

She stepped up next to me. "On the count of three!" I said. "One. Two. And.." But

before i could say three something grabbed my shoulder! Jersey and i both

screamed! Jersey bolted from the room.

A hideous creature with slimy reptile skin and red glowing eyes stopped us. The

monster opened its mouth and let out a horrifying screech! "Arrrrrg."

I ran to a door and bolted through. Flashlight trembling in hand, i searched the

room. It was a storage closet. Books and boxes on shelves. I hunched down quietly.

Hiding from the grueling beast. "What is that thing?" I asked myself shivering. I

heard footsteps closing in on me. The door knob shook and turned. It's going to eat


The beast growled. Its slimy feet squishing the floor. It ripped the door off the

hinges. "Ahhh!" I let out a terrifying scream.

The monster creeped closer. I had nowhere to go. "I'm monster bait!" I told myself

closing my eyes. It tore down the shelf i was hiding behind. I was now face to face

with a monster!
"Please don't eat me!" I begged. The monster picked me up. "Noo!" I yelled. It

carried me to another room. Its slimy green hands and long dagger like claws ready

to tear me apart!

"Well, well, well, look what Archie found!" A voice broke into my thoughts.

The library lady. She was laughing. "Huh? What's going on?" I asked shaking


"This is Archie my pet!" The library woman announced petting him.

"My name is Sue" the library lady said. I created him!" She said smiling at Archie

the monster.

"You created a monster? And named him?" I asked as i sat in a metal chair. "Yes,

he's a guard monster. He guards the library for me. We've had many break-ins

lately. We can't afford security so i came up with him. The perfect security guard.

Don't you think?" Sue replied giving the slimy monster a treat. "But? Is he

dangerous?" I asked standing up. "He's quite harmless young lady. Unless he's

threatened. Or HUNGRY!" Sue shouted laughing hysterically. "Hungry? Does he

like, eat humans?" I asked backing away. "Humans no. He is a vegetarian dear.

Thankfully." Sue laughed. "I think i need to leave now Mrs. Sue." I mumbled
turning away. Backing away i bolted through the library to the window. I jumped

out of the window. Spotting something. I screamed! "Ahh!"

Marni, it's just me Jersey!" She said grabbing me. "Jersey there's a monster inside

the library!" I blurted pointing towards the window. "Monster? Like a scary

monster?" Jersey asked.

"You didn't see it?" I asked Jersey still shaking. "It was to dark and i ran to the

window to escape! I thought you were behind me Marni" Jersey announced. "I was

trapped inside with a real monster." I said nervously.

The window slammed shut. We both jumped. Startled. Gazing at the monster

behind the window. "I told you Jersey!" "Its.. Its a monster!" Jersey yelled.

"I think I'm following rules for now on Jersey" i said as we bolted.

The necklace was of a black cat. It was cute. It came inside a little black ring box. I

couldn't resist. The only thing good in this thrift store. "This necklace is special

miss? What's your name." The older gentleman store owner mentioned handing it

to me. "Sue my name is Sue." I replied paying for the necklace. I began to walk

home from the thrift store with the box inside my back pocket.

I set the black box onto my bedroom desk. As i was pulling the necklace out a

piece of paper fell to the floor. I opened it. I read the words. If i only knew what

would happen next i would of trashed the necklace. A CAT HAS NINE LIVES,

HOW MANY DO YOU HAVE. "Weird." I muttered.

I strung the black necklace around my neck. I felt different. Strange. I suddenly

tingled. I began to shrink! Smaller and smaller. The room grew enormous. My

body became hairy! Black and hairy. My feet turned to paws. I screamed, but all

that came out was "Meooow."

"I'm a CAT!"

I have a tail! I tried grabbing it with my fangs. "Stop it!" I told myself. I couldn't

help myself. It was natural to chase my tail. I started purring. Loudly. This is scary!
I can't live like this! The necklace was still around my tiny neck. I heard a voice.

My little brothers voice. "Sue? Where are you?" He called walking into my

bedroom. "I'm right here." I began hissing. "When did we get a cat?" He said

petting me. I purred uncontrollably. "Put me down you festering sore!" I thought to

myself. He set me down. He grabbed the change on my desk.

"Hey that's my five dollars dweeb!" I growled.

My window was open. I jumped outside. I need to find the thrift store owner

maybe he can change me back. I hopped from the second story to the wet grass.

"Wow that was easy!"

I scamperd down the sidewalk. Everything is so big. A loud car blasting music

rolled by. My hearing is flawless. So crisp and clear! The clouds gathering in the

sky were dark and gloomy. Rain clouds. I need to hurry. I don't need a bath. I saw a

little girl up ahead tossing a Frisbee with a boy. She moaned "aww a cute little


"Please no!" I thought as she stroked my fluffy fur. "I need to leave!" I couldn't

stop myself from enjoying a belly rub. I quickly forced myself away. Continuing
towards the thrift store. It was close. Right ahead of me. I saw a mouse in the

alleyway. "Oh no! But It looks so tasty!"

I chased after it's tiny grey body. Zip zagging under dumpsters and around old

ragity furniture. I caught it with my sharp claws. "Please don't eat the cute mouse."

I tried to hesitate sinking my fangs into its belly. It squirmed and pulled away!

Thank goodness.

I spotted something hideous. Big and brown. Drooling mouth. A DOG! Snarling

and darting towards me. "I don't want to be lunch!" I bolted and hopped onto a

metal staircase. Licking my paws teasing the big dummy. "Good try dog, but I'm

not on the menu!" I mewed. I saw a sign. It was in all capital letters BONNIES

THRIFT STORE. "Yes!" A window was open. I jumped through. Plopping down i

crashed into shelf. Knocking things down. A light clicked on. The thrift store


"Well well, what do we have here." The man said staring at me. I clawed at his leg.

Meowing loudly. He picked me up. "Change me back!" I cried. "He can't read cat

language" i told myself. "I see you put the necklace on young lady. Well you're my

cat now." He threatened. I remembered i had the necklace on still! "You are cuter
as a cat anyways." He laughed. "Think Sue!" I scolded myself. He had a cage

ready for me. The tag read Sue. There were other cats with different colored

necklaces stuck inside cages. "Here is your home now kitty." The man mentioned

opening the cage door. "I have to do something quick." I thought. The necklace! I

have to remove the necklace! Maybe that will work! I scratched his arm and

squirmed out of his grip. Dropping to the floor i scurried away. I hopped onto a

table. I saw a metal coat hook hanging down. "Maybe i can snag the necklace on

it." I hissed. Ready, set and jump! I flew through the air.

Aiming towards the hook the man reached for me. Missing me he stumbled

forward. Crashing to the ground. He was unconscious. I reached the hook as i came

down out of the air. Feet dangling i wiggled out of the necklace. Dropping down i

changed. I had hands now. I was me! The human Sue! I had an idea. The necklace

was big again. Big enough for the store owners neck! I slipped it around his neck. I

unlocked the cages and ripped the necklaces off the other cats. They transformed

back into humans. The store owner looked up at me. Purring. And meowing.

"Aw you look better as a cat." I said petting his head.


She floated towards me. Her robe was shredded. Her skin was peeling off her old

bones. Her face had no skin. Her eyes glowing green like radiant bulbs. I tried to

scream but the fear within me froze me. "Help meee!" She screeched in a raspy


I ran from my room to my parents bedroom. "Mom the ghost is back!" I said

shaking her as she lay in the bed. "There are no ghosts go back to sleep darling."

She got up and walked with me to my bedroom.

"See nothing! It's just the breeze blowing your white drapes around."

"But Mom i saw her again this is the third time!"

"Goodnight dear. Go to sleep!" She said tucking me back into bed.

The next night i was scared to sleep.

I had my flashlight on reading Jane Eyre. Trying to block out the ghost I've been

seeing. I read until my eyes lids got heavy. I lay there hiding under the covers. I

heard a creaking noise. I started to shiver. The window blew open! The cold night

air rushed in. "Please go away ghost!" I whispered.

I pulled the cover down below my eyes and peeked into the dark cold bedroom. I

stared at my window. The ghost floated through it.

"No, no, no!" I whimper.

Her ripped and tattered body slowly hovering above my bed. Her presents chilled

the room. She reached her boney hands out.

Down, down. She grabbed me. Lifted me into the air. Her hands froze me.

"Come with me!" The ghost said carrying me through the window.

She carries me across the yard and over houses. We hovered over a graveyard.

"Please let me go!" I asked with fear in my voice.

We continued on.

Floated to a big mansion.

The mansion was burnt down.

Charcoal black.

"Must help!" The ghost ordered.

She floated us down through the walls and into the cellar.

"What is going on? Are you going to kill me?" I asked as we stood in the dark cold


"Key." The ghost whispered.

"Key? I don't understand." I cried.

I looked around for a flashlight. Searching through cobwebs and dust. I found an

old lantern. I turned the knob and a flame grew. Lighting up the dark cellar.

"It looks like a spiders cave or something." I whispered.

Thick webs of all kinds wrapped the walls from ceiling to floor.

Spiders were crawling running from the lights.

The ghost lady disappeared.

"Huh, where did she go?" I mumbled. "She said key? Maybe there is a key i have

to find."

I ransacked through an old toolbox. I scrambled through a drawer. I tussled through

empty cans and bottles.

I found the key. A long golden key.

"I found your key! Can i please go now?" I shouted. The ghost wasn't there.

"Okay, I'm alone in a creepy cellar in my night gown how awesome!" I muttered as

i pulled cobwebs out of my long red hair.

"If there is a key than there is a door somewhere here, maybe i can get out through

it!" I thought. I scanned around. "Wait what's that?" I said clearing cobwebs. A

hidden door behind a shelf. I moved the shelf with all my strength. I cleared the

webs. "Hopefully this key works." I said sticking the key into the keyhole. It fits.

"Yes I'm out of here."

I turned the key. It made a popping and clicking sound. It's unlocked now. The door

opened by itself. I picked up the lantern and walked in. What i saw made me

scream! "Ahhh!" I covered my mouth.

I saw shakles and chains. Then i saw a body. The prisoner. Shakled to the wall. A

woman in a robe. A ripped up robe. "The woman was the ghost!" I said aloud. She

wanted my help to find her body!

"I understand now ghost!" I yelled with empathy. I had tears in my eyes as the

ghostly woman appeared before me. "My body has been down here for a long time,
I've been searching for someone who could see me and help put me to rest!" The

ghost mentioned.

"How long have you been trying?" I asked.

"Twenty five years! I can finally be at rest now and be put into a grave thanks to

you!" The ghost replied and vanished before my eyes. The window above my head

popped open.

"Oh so i have to walk home!"

The next night i lay in bed. I was woke by a squeaking sound. "No not again!" I

said rubbing my eyes. I felt something jump onto my bed.

"Oh whiskers it's just you!" I mumbled petting my cat.

"Well no more ghost i can finally rest in peace."


"I'm sorry Mom really! It wasn't me it was Maddi though!" I shouted sitting in the

living room being lectured about pranking my teacher. "Gabby i don't want to hear

it! Go to your room right now! you're grounded for two weeks!" My Mom yelled

pointing her finger. "I'm really sorry Mom I'll never prank again" i cried. "One day

your pranks will and up hurting you Gabby" my Dad shouted as i was walking up

the stairs to my bedroom. I lay in my bed thinking about all my rotten pranks.

Today at school Maddi and i pulled a gruesome prank on our science teacher Mr.

Robertson. Maddi picked some worms from her garden this morning and put them

into a plastic bag. We waited for the perfect time. Lunch time! Mr. Robertson

wasn't in his classroom. We snuck in and dropped those slimy worms into his

coffee mug. The bell rang and we attended class. We watched him drink his coffee

with worms! We got busted and sent to the office. And now I'm grounded for two

weeks all because of Maddi!

The telephone on my nightstand rang. I picked up. "Hello?" I answered. "Gabby!

Come with me to Mr. Robertsons house?" Maddi asked me. "It's midnight though

and I'm grounded because of your dumb prank today" i replied rubbing my eyes.

"Okay I'll make you a deal. You come with me to Robertsons house and i won't

prank for a long time okay Gabby, i promise!" Maddi gushed. "Promise? No more

pranks! No more getting into trouble?" I asked sitting on the edge of my bed. "This

is the last prank Gabby i swear, meet me at Robertsons house" she said hanging up.

I slipped on my tight blue jeans and pink sweater. Put my copper colored hair into

a pony and threw my Converse shoes on.

I stood outside Mr. Robertsons house shivering from the cold. "Here's the plan

Gabby, we sneak into his house while he sleeps and set these babys off!

FIREWORKS!" She said pulling them out of her backpack. "You're seriously crazy

Maddi" i said laughing. We snuck into his house through the backdoor. I tripped

over a chair in the kitchen making a loud "BANG!" "Gabby! Shhh" Maddi

whispered. We heard footsteps coming downstairs. It was Mr. Robertson. "Who's

there?" He called. It grew silent. "Okay lets set these fireworks up" Maddi

mumbled. I set one onto a table in the living room. Maddi set a few around the

kitchen and living room.

"Hey who's there!" A voice called from above the stairs. I hid in the closet. To late

Mr. Robertson spotted Maddi. I heard loud bangs and popping noise. "She lit the

fireworks!" I told myself. I heard her run out the backdoor. Leaving me alone.
I smelled smoke. I grabbed the closet door knob. I twisted and turned. I pushed and

pulled. The door was stuck! "Help!" I yelled. The closet filled with smoke. I

couldn't breathe. I was suffocating. Maddi left me to die!

I took my last breath. The house was engulfed in flames. I never escaped the prank.

Because it was my last prank.

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