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Head/Neck/Spine Anatomy Booklet

Anatomy of the Skull

1. __________________________
o Form the ________ of the roof of the _________
o Each bone has _________ borders and _________ angles
o Function is to _________________________

2. _____________________________
o _______________ bone
o Protect frontal lobe of the brain’s delicate _______ and ________ are
located there

Nasal Bone
o _____ small, _______ bones
o Side by side at the ________ and _________ face
o Forms the ________ of the nose

Sphenoid Bone
o Wedged between several other skull bones
o Helps form the ________________________________________
o Forms a part of the _____________________________

o Holds the ________________________
o Forms the _______ of the mouth and the ________ walls of the

o Commonly known as _______________
o ____________, ______________ and ____________ bone in the human
o Holds _______________________
o Sits below the _________________
Zygomatic Bone
o Commonly known as ___________________________
o Articulates with _________ other skull bones
o ____________, ____________, ____________, ___________

3. _____________________
o Located at sides and base of the skull
o House the structures of the _____________
o Commonly known as “_____________”

4. ________________________
o Located at the __________ and ___________ of the skull
o Shaped like a _________ to hold and house the __________ part of the

The Vertebral Column

o Also called ______________, ________, or ________________
o Extends from the base of your ________ at the back to your
______________ or ____________
o Functions to:
o Total of __________________ in your spine
o The spine is divided into _____ groups of _____________
Cervical Vertebrae
o ____ vertebrae
o Located in the ________ and the at _______ of the skull
o Thin and __________
o Provide neck muscle attachment
o C1 (________), C2 (__________), C3-C7

Thoracic Vertebrae
o ______ vertebrae
o Named _______________
o ________ and ___________ than ________ vertebrae increase in size as
you move down the spine
o Each _________ vertebrae support a _______ of __________

Lumbar Vertebrae
o ______ vertebrae
o Located in the ______________
o Carries a lot of ______________ weight
o ___________ and ____________ vertebrae in the spine
o Attachment site for powerful muscles of the ___________ and _________

o ______ fused vertebrae at the ______of the ___________
o Intersects with ____________ to form the ____________
o Solidifies the ________________

o _______ and most___________ part of the spine
o _______________ shaped
o ______ fused vertebrae
o Slightly _________ muscle attachment site
Curves of the spine:
1. Lordosis: __________________________________________________
2. Kyphosis: _________________________________________________

Intervertebral Discs:
o In-between every vertebrae
o Functions to_____________________________________________

Cerebral Spinal Fluid

o Found in the __________ and ______________________
o Provides a _____________ or ___________ for the brain

Curvatures of the Vertebral Column

Vertebral Column
Injury Mechanism Signs/Symptoms Treatments
Epistaxis (Nosebleed)

Corneal Abrasion

Black Eye

Hematoma Auris

Neck Injuries

Brachial Plexus C5-T1

Cervical Fracture

Throat Injury

Intervertebral Disc

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