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Not to be confused with a form, a bulletin board (BB or Bboard), discussion forum,
discussion board, and forum is an area where users share thoughts, ideas, or help by posting
text messages. Forums are different from chat because it is almost never live and can be
read at any time. The picture shows an example of what a forum may look like and an
example of the Computer Hope help forum.

Public medium (such as a newspaper column) or place used for debates in which anyone can
participate. In Roman times it meant a public place at the center of a market or town where
open discussions on judicial, political, and other issues were held.

Twitter is a public forum, on which people of all backgrounds with all sorts of interests may
post their opinions, comments, et cetera and then receive nearly immediate feedback from
those who see their tweet in their timeline.

Features that enable the functions of forums

1. Groups, allowing members in one group to have different levels of access or rights to
members in other groups.
2. Moderators, who are members who have the right to allow or block posts or
3. Administrators, who are members with the same privilege as moderators plus some
additional rights , such as being able to promote members to be moderators and
demote moderators.
4. Posts, which are messages sent by members to the group.
5. Threads which are topics for conversations, with replies usually arranged and sorted
by date or topics,
6. Sticky notes or stickers, which are threads kept as the top of the list of threads to
make them easily accessible to members
7. Ratings which allow members of the community to rate other members posts and
enable members to see how helpful or genuine the posts are
8. Private or direct messages functions which allow members of the community to send
private and messages to each other sometimes these can be also be seen by
moderators or administrators.

Video sharing and photo sharing sites

Video hosting services are platforms which allow users to upload, share videos or live
stream their own videos to the Internet. These can either be for the general public to watch,
or particular users on a shared network.

Advantages of Video Blogging: Depending upon your strategy, you can host videos on free
video hosting site like YouTube (with few limitations), Vimeo, metacafe and many more or
better host content on your site and allow users to embed videos on their site, which will
give more exposure to your brand and videos.

Features that enable the functions of video and photo sharing sites user accounts and

1. Content management
2. Tags to categorise shared content
3. Ratings, which allow users to rate shared videos
4. Comments, which allow people to discuss the photographs and videos
5. Third party integration

Blogs and Vlogs

Vlogging is very much like blogging, but instead of creating content in written text form,
you're simply recording content in the form of videos. That's as simple as I can put it, and
some people call it 'video blogging' or video journaling, or just video marketing. A 'vlogger',
is someone similar to a blogger.

Features that enable the functions of blogs and vlogs

 Create posts. Since the purpose of a blog is to be able to post new text or
information to the site frequently, creating posts is usually quick and easy.
 Upload or embed pictures and multimedia. Pretty much all blogs allow you to
upload pictures to your posts. Some will also enable you to upload video and
 Configure the appearance and layout. Tools vary widely in the degree to which they
allow you to configure your blog, and the methods they offer to do this. Most blogs
are built on themes — essentially a design template that can be installed and
 Display posts & comments to visitors. A blogging platform makes it easy for readers
to view your posts and to add their comments.
 Moderate. you will want to remove some of comments left by readers and you will
eventually have to fight comment spam. Different platforms provide varying degrees
of spam protection and moderation features to weed out unwanted contributions.
 Publish RSS feeds. RSS feeds allow more tech-savvy users to subscribe to your blog
and get headlines via myAOL, myYahoo, iGoogle or another RSS reader.
 Find support. Not every blogging tool offers the same degree of support: while some
offer personalized assistance, others have forums where you can find answers to
your questions.
 Host your blog. While some blogging software lives on your own server, others are
hosted by the software provider or vendor. A great example of this is which is hosted by WordPress vs. which you
download and install on your own server/hosting account.

On line Workplace

Internet usage has changed the way associates communicate in the workplace. Historically,
workers communicated through the telephone, inter-office mail and face-to-face visits. The
Internet has streamlined the way workers exchange information by allowing them to
communicate electronically. Electronic communications, such as email, instant messaging
and video conferencing, eliminate time and space barriers. Supervisors and managers can
work remotely and still maintain communication with employees. Companies can conduct
meetings and transfer information from different offices through the use of Internet

Features of online work place

1. Simple

First up, modern digital workplaces strive to simplify. Traditional organizational models,

enterprise software, and workflows are typically overly complex and layered, resulting in

inefficiency and steep learning curves. The modern workplace looks to create action

oriented models of work that promote the responsibility of the worker and that circumvent

slow, bureaucratic activities that don’t add value to the desired outcome.
2. Mobile

Mobility is a key component for the modern worker and workplace. Today’s world moves at

a fast pace and today’s workforce has to be unrestrained from traditional desk and cubicle

setups to keep up. The modern workplace has to yield flexibility in how, where, and when

work takes place.

3. Social

Social media has changed the way we connect with people and ideas across the globe.

Internal social applications and systems are no different in respect to allowing workers to

connect with each other, to share thoughts and ideas, and enabling work to occur in a

manner that is more natural and less hierarchical.

4. Open

The modern workforce expects openness and transparency in how they work and who they

work with. Closeting away information and the rationale behind decisions won’t cut it when

the rate of change is as high as it is today. Digital workplaces are fundamentally about

enabling and empowering the free flow and exchange of ideas and information across

traditional silos and organizational boundaries.

5. Smart

Advancements in machine learning, deep learning, and artificial intelligence are occurring at

a quickening pace, bringing with them practical applications for the workplace. It isn’t just

about smart tech though. Mindsets have to evolve to embrace how we can leverage

advanced technologies to change the way work is done. A smart workforce, carrying out
smart processes, augmented by smart applications and technologies will be the driving force

behind the next leap in productivity.


By working at home you save on many hidden costs associated with going to work. These
include costs of commuting, car wear and tear, fuel, road taxes, parking as well as indirect
costs such as expensive professional wardrobes and the dry-cleaning of those. Often you
can also save on older children’s care arrangements although for younger children it is
highly unadvisable to forgo the childcare arrangement and try to balance close care and
supervision with the demands of the job.


This doesn’t just relate to timings either although the flexibility to determine your own work
hours to some extent is the most important aspect of this. You can also determine your
environment, lighting, temperature, setting, mood; basically work in the framework that
suits you best and makes you happiest and most productive.

Less distractions

Coworkers banter and distractions, unnecessary interruptions, unimportant meetings can all
be avoided if you are safely at home and sealed off in your own environment which you
have barricaded from any possible interruptions.

Proximity to home and family

For many, the physical proximity to family and the convenience of being at home are
tremendously comforting. For parents it can be especially pacifying to know that they are
very near to their children and available should they be needed for any reason. This also
applies in the case of elderly care.

Less stress

The stress of commuting in bumper-to-bumper traffic at rush hour in many countries is

extremely counterproductive and can lead to disgruntled workers who are already
exhausted and worn before they have even begun their day. This is especially true where
the workplace is far from the office. Other stresses often cited include unfriendly coworkers,
a suboptimal work environment and constant distractions.

More productivity
Removed from the stresses and distractions of the workplace and working independently in
their own preferred environment at their own pace, professionals are often a lot happier
and a lot more productive.

Better health

Often with long commutes and anywhere from1 to3 hours a day spent getting to and from
the workplace both physical and mental health are adversely impacted; the former as the
gym hours are usually the first to go and the latter due to the stresses associated with both
the commute and the workplace itself. By working at home the commuting time saved
enables you to resume physical exercise, to go for a long walk for example before and after
work or to join a local gym.

Better work/life balance

Work/life balance, the aspiration of the modern professional, is often achieved and tuned to
satisfaction through a working at home arrangement, particularly when a professional has
the flexibility to report into the office and work from the office partially as an option and can
fine-tune the arrangement to achieve the most optimal balance.



Often, professionals working from home complain of isolation and loneliness given their
removal from their bosses and coworkers and th is can be very depressing to some. Since
the workplace provides a location to meet people and make friends for many, professionals
working from home have to be more creative and resourceful in getting to know people and
in staying in touch with their colleagues.


Although office distractions are avoided by working at home, different distractions may
arise. Interruptions from children, work, neighbours, friends, family may be very disruptive
and special efforts must be made to make it known that you are actually working and
unavailable for interruption within work hours despite your physical presence at home.

Difficulty in separating home from work

The temptation to engage in household matters since you are at home is often very strong.
Suddenly you may start feeling obliged to clean the home, do the shopping, the childcare,
the cooking, the home finances and the socializing all while meeting the full requirements of
the job too. It is essential to draw the line between home and work so as to avoid both
areas suffering.

Work doesn’t end

Since there is no-one looking over your shoulder enforcing strict hours you may feel
tempted to work endlessly. This pressure to work endlessly may be compounded by the fact
that you feel there are greater expectations made of you as a home-worker or by self-
imposed pressures to prove yourself and your abilities in this arrangement. Moreover the
lack of physical separation between home and work may add to this pressure to work

Alienated from daily company developments

A lot can change from day to day in a company and you may find yourself removed from
important developments such as staff changes, new business, changes in company
direction, new competitive intelligence etc.

Danger of being overlooked for promotion

The danger of being overlooked for promotions and career development opportunities is
quite real when you are away from the office and other more visible employees are actively
and aggressively vying for them. An open line of communication with management and
regular visits to the office are critical in order to prove your dedication and commitment to
your career and to prevent the out-of-sight-out-of-mind syndrome.

Need for high self-discipline

Working from home is not for anyone. It takes a lot of dedication, self-control and discipline
to motivate yourself to persevere in working at home alone over the long run without
succumbing to the distractions and losing drive and momentum. Often a partial
arrangement where you report into the office once or twice a week is the optimal
arrangement as it allows for close interaction with colleagues and supervisors and ensures
you remain in touch with company developments while still permitting you the comfort and
convenience of working from home.


A website or database developed collaboratively by a community of users, allowing any user

to add and edit content.
Wiki Features. The features in the collaborative Wiki include a Calendar, Members Page,
Forums, Email, Blogs, ePortfolios, Chat, and a File Folder. All of these features function the
same way as they would in a class site or as a personal writing tool.


 anyone can edit

 easy to use and learn
 Wikis are instantaneous so there is no need to wait for a publisher to create a new
edition or update information
 people located in different parts of the world can work on the same document
 the wiki software keeps track of every edit made and it's a simple process to revert
back to a previous version of an article
 widens access to the power of web publishing to non-technical users
 the wiki has no predetermined structure - consequently it is a flexible tool which can
be used for a wide range of applications
 there are a wide range of open source software wiki's to choose from so licensing
costs shouldn't be a barrier to installing an institutional wiki

Advantages in one context, may be disadvantages in another.

 Anyone can edit so this may be too open for some applications, for example
confidential documentation. However it is possible to regulate user access.
 Open to SPAM and Vandalism if not managed properly. There are easy ways to
restore a page however, and on WikiEducator you must be logged in to edit pages so this
reduces vandalism by automated spam bots.
 Requires Internet connectivity to collaborate, but technologies to produce print
versions of articles are improving
 The flexibility of a wiki's structure can mean that information becomes disorganised.
As a wiki grows, the community plans and administers the structure collaboratively.
 The usual guidelines for healthy computer use apply

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