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Intermediate  Student’s Book Video scripts

Viewpoint 1 so you want to avoid just simply language misunderstandings,

or you want to avoid cultural misunderstandings. For example,
Siemens, the German multinational, had a big problem two years
VIDEO SCRIPT ago in relation to their ethics and using bribes in Africa. Now if I
This building is the HUB. It’s in Islington, in north London. The HUB talk to my students here sometimes, the Nigerians call it PR, Public
is a work-space for lots of different people. Most people at the HUB Relations, it’s a normal thing in their business systems to pay
are self-employed with small businesses. bribes, yeah. Now it isn’t a normal thing for a multinational from a
western country to pay bribes. So how should people behave? So
Some people also work for the HUB. Anna Levy has worked here
cultural understanding and ethical behaviour goes hand in hand.
for about three years. She’s a host and she’s responsible for helping
the people who use the HUB.
Part 2
What sort of people use the HUB? Where do you think cultural differences are most notable in a
There’s all sorts, people from very, very diverse backgrounds, different business context?
kinds of, of skills and experience and sectors. So, from media, we have There are certain areas that are immediately noticeable in the
web design, consultants of various sorts, and campaigners – people business context, for example how polite you are and how punctual
from lots of different backgrounds. you are yeah. People realize this and they actually start to assume
Lots of people come to the HUB because they don’t want to work bits and pieces about you, if you’re not punctual – you might not be
from home. It’s a good place for meeting other people and sharing disciplined or something like that – so it’s important to realize those.
information and ideas. They can also share office equipment which One level deeper, in terms of norms and values, there are certain
is expensive to buy. things that are really important in business life and these are much
more difficult to realize. For example, there is a researcher who is
Do you think working at the HUB is better than working from called Geert Hofstede – he distinguishes between power distance,
home? high and low. High power distance means that you wouldn’t
It’s a million times better than working from home. For a start, it’s a critique your boss, you would listen and even if you had a different
lot more sociable, so a lot of people that come to The HUB have been opinion, you wouldn’t voice it and you would do what your boss
working at home for maybe one or two years, and they’re going crazy tells you to do, OK? If you’re from a low power distance country,
with loneliness, and they have nobody to share ideas with. And so, just like Denmark, and you go to a high power distance country, like
from the perspective, from the social perspective, it’s, it’s a lot better. Japan or Nigeria or South America, the countries all there have a
What office equipment can users of the HUB share? high power distance, and you speak up against your boss, that is a
They also have access to, to resources that you, you wouldn’t have at big problem, OK? It’s not expected and the boss feels attacked. And
home, so, like a printer and things like that, and scanner, and mailbox, reverse, OK, you go from, let’s say, Venezuela to Denmark or Sweden
and the sort of thing that you need when you start a business, and the or Holland – all low power distance countries – and you don’t say
sort of thing that you’re used to having in a traditional office. something when you object, and you simply do it, and then things
don’t turn out all right, then you can’t actually say ‘Well, I wasn’t in
The HUB in Islington is very popular, and there are four more HUBs
favour of it, I just did it because my boss said I should do it’. No, you
in London. The idea of the HUB is also growing around the world.
have to actually either voice it when the boss makes the, sort of,
At the moment, there are over 30 HUBs on five continents, with
demand on you or it’s you agreed implicitly to your boss. So both
over 5,000 members. It’s a global network of individual people
moves can create problems.
who enjoy working together, and who can see the advantages of
sharing a work-space, different ideas and experiences with others.
Part 3
Do you have examples of different cultural approaches in
international business?

Viewpoint 2 It’s said there is a hamburger approach to performance

management and to critiquing people. So in the US, if you made
a mistake, you’re being asked into the office of your boss and
VIDEO SCRIPT the boss will say something like, ‘We appreciate you and it’s
Part 1 great that you joined us and we had really good reasons and
Michael Dickmann is a Senior Lecturer at Cranfield School of your performance is really well’, so it’s a sort of upper bun of a
Management. hamburger, and then he or she will continue to say, ‘but last week,
this is we believe you could improve, you made wrong’. So the
How important is it for companies to be aware of cultural criticism comes, which is the meat. And then, the language, the
differences? conversation will be wrapped up by approaches around, ‘and we
I think it’s very important and the reason is you want to avoid continue to trust you, we know you will be able to rectify this error
misunderstandings between, you know, different cultures. These and your performance will be good’, so this is the lower bun, then
could be down to the way people speak and communicate, so if you go out of the office.
an English say, person says ‘It’s not too bad’, he or she might mean Um, in Japan, you would only get a bun and no meat, which means
‘This is excellent, this is brilliant’, I as a German or others would you’d be asked to enter the office of your boss, the boss talks to you
understand ‘well, it’s sort of mediocre, it’s not very good, is it?’ OK, about how much he or she appreciates you and your performance

Business Result Second edition  Intermediate  Student’s Book Video scripts 1

© Oxford University Press
for the company, and you’d be asked to leave again. Now the very Part 4
thing that you’ve been asked to the boss, to meet the boss and How is cybercrime changing?
talk to the boss, is something that makes you think, ‘Oh my God, One of the ways in which cybercrime is changing is the target, the
there’s something wrong’, so you don’t get meat, but you’re meant actual data that the criminals are after is, is changing in form. Rather
to actually realize what the meat is, yeah and it saves your face, of than just being focused on information stored on a computer, we’re
course. now looking at information stored on mobile devices. There’s a
Now in Germany, the hamburger is just the meat, so you’re being broader range of attacks that therefore become possible. And when
asked to get into the boss’s office, you’re being told off and you we think about security and how we secure our information we’re
get out again. So you have three different shapes of hamburgers not just looking at securing computers we’re looking at securing our
yeah, and that is important to understand in terms of when you home networks, our mobile phones, our tablets.
work in these countries. To respond to the changes in cybercrime and the types of attacks that
the criminals are using Internet security also has to continually adapt.
And so Internet security nowadays provides solutions that aren’t just
focused on your computer; they’re focused on your entire business
Viewpoint 3 network or even your home network, across multiple devices, multiple
Part 1
Technology has always been used by criminals and the Internet
– where people can operate anonymously all over the world – is Viewpoint 4
the perfect tool. We now live in the age of cybercrime.
This is Fraser Howard. He is a principle threat researcher at Sophos, VIDEO SCRIPT
one of the world’s leading Internet security firms. Today, we transport goods across countries and around the world
without thinking. Ships arrive at international ports and road and
What is cybercrime? railway networks carry the products we use every day to their
Cybercrime is fundamentally crime but specifically using computers or destination. We can’t imagine life before this. How did business
the Internet to deliver the attack. and industry function before the invention of the internal
Internet security is basically the steps taken to protect yourself from combustion engine and the railways?
online attacks. In the United Kingdom as well as in many other countries, water
Internet security is necessary because criminals are targeting users, has always been important in the country’s transportation.
targeting businesses, looking to steal data in order to profit financially During the British Industrial Revolution in the eighteenth and
from internet attacks. early nineteenth centuries, heavy goods were carried up and
down Britain’s canals. By the mid-nineteenth century, Britain had
Part 2 connected the country with a network of canals and rivers. Seven
Today almost everybody has been a victim of some kind of thousand kilometres of waterways linked the new industrial cities
cybercrime. But how exactly does it happen? Here, Fraser talks us across the United Kingdom. The construction of these canals was
through an example of cybercrime. one of greatest innovations of the Industrial Revolution.
But the use of canals didn’t last long for two reasons. One
How does cybercrime happen? problem was that the United Kingdom isn’t flat. Its hills and
Most people today get infected as they’re browsing the web. So, as mountains were an enormous challenge for engineers. This
they’re browsing around they come across a site, a real website, but presented a huge obstacle for the canal builders. They had
one that might have been hacked by hackers in order to redirect their to build locks so boats could go up and down. This made
browser to somewhere bad; bad stuff happens and their machine transportation by canal very slow. Instead, with the arrival of the
gets infected. And that’s what we have in this video here. steam train, a system of railways was quickly built and so the
As the real web page loads, there’s nothing that the user can see that canals were used less and less until many were closed.
tells them anything is going wrong. But as the page loads, in the In more recent years however, some canals have been restored
background bad stuff is happening and their machine is becoming and reopened. Now they are used for a very different kind of
infected with malware. business. The tourism and leisure industry rents canal boats, and
So, after a second or so this application, calling itself Security Shield, is many people spend long weekends or holidays cruising through
now installed on the system, and this is the malware. And it’s going to the countryside on a houseboat.
run; it’s going to tell them they have lots of problems on their system;
and it’s going to try, try to trick the user into paying for removal of VIDEO SCRIPT
these non-existent problems. In Scotland, the Forth and Clyde and Union canals connect the
cities of Edinburgh and Glasgow. They pass through some of
Part 3 Scotland’s beautiful lochs and mountains. When they were first
Where did this example of cybercrime happen? built, the canals had a series of eleven locks near the town of
We can look at that exact attack from a geographical perspective Falkirk, which allowed the boats to go up and down a height of
to get a bit more idea of how it’s constructed. We start off in the UK, 35 metres. But in 1933 the locks were closed down and so no
which is where we’re browsing the website from, and that first real site boats could make the journey between the two cities anymore.
that we’re browsing to is hosted on a server in Vancouver, Canada. As Then, in 1994, a team of engineers used modern technology to
I said, this is a real site; a normal company site, but one that happens open the canal at Falkirk again and, after years of research and
to have been hacked by hackers in order to redirect to somewhere development, engineers came up with an innovative solution to
bad. So, it causes your browser to redirect to a server in Russia. This the challenge. The Falkirk Wheel is 35 metres tall. It was built with
server in Russia then bounces your browser onto another server, this 1,200 tonnes of steel and cost over £17 million to build. It opened
time one in the United States. to the public in 2002 and is a popular tourist attraction.
The basic concept behind the Falkirk Wheel is quite simple. Two
boats can enter at each end of the wheel. The weight of the water
and the boat at each end is always equal. Because the weight is

2 Business Result Second edition  Intermediate  Student’s Book Video scripts

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balanced perfectly, not much energy is needed to turn the wheel. appropriate, but we want to go further than that to make sure
In fact, it lifts boats up and down in four minutes using less power that the way that we refurbish these buildings is environmentally
than it takes to boil eight kettles. responsible. So it was our job to help advise them about the
Two hundred years after the first canals were built, the Falkirk sorts of materials and sorts of systems like heating and cooling
Wheel is a classic example of how original thinking and up-to-date that they might use in their stores were as environmentally
technology can breathe new life into the old ways of doing things. responsible as possible. We worked on a number of case study
And who knows? As we look for alternative types of energy in the pilots buildings in the UK and other parts of Western Europe
future, maybe one day we’ll return to the canals for more of our to make sure that the building system that we were designing
transportation needs. worked in a number of different jurisdictions. We then had some
pilots in, pilot case studies in North and South America and one in
China to make sure it worked again in those different jurisdictions.
And now that retailer is able to roll out that system of improving
Viewpoint 5 the environmental performance of its buildings when it’s
refurbishing its stores right across the globe.
VIDEO SCRIPT 6  Why are urban development projects important for cities?
We work with a lot of organizations at the city council level both
1  What does your company do? in the UK and in other jurisdictions. City councils have come to
I work for a company called Hillbreak and we offer environmental realize that the way that they plan their cities, the way that they
sustainability services to a range of different organizations. design urban environments, is really important in terms of being
2  What are the main reasons why a company would use your able to provide a brand for their city. And you can find some really
services? good examples of this. If you take New York City for example, and
There are two principle reasons, or drivers as we call them, you think about some of the fantastic projects in terms of urban
which would encourage a different organization to come to us design that have been developed there - you can think of the
for different types of services. The first one relates to the law, to Highline for example, which is a fantastic project and lots of other
regulations which come as a result of legislation. There is a lot of cities look to those sorts of examples and think how can we in
environmental legislation and thus regulation in the European our local cultural context how can we ensure that we improve
Union, although all member states have their different ways of the urban design of our particular urban spaces and bring those
implementing the regulations. Different businesses, whether they together to provide something which helps to develop the brand
are private sector businesses or public sector organizations – and of particular cities, so we’ve come to work with lots of different
we work for both of those different categories – will come to us city councils around the world to help them to identify what
because they know that they have to comply with certain types brand they’re hoping to achieve and how urban design can
of regulation, or that they have a suspicion that there may be really help them to ensure that that brand is propagated into the
environmental regulations that they should be complying with market place.
that they don’t know about.
3  What’s the other reason why a business uses your service?
The second type of driver that leads organizations to come to
us for services relates very much to market drivers. So putting
the regulations to one side, an organization, a business or a city
council for example, might come to us and say, what can we do,
what should we be doing, in order to improve what we have
to offer to the market place? So for example, a building owner
would come to us and say, we know we have to comply with the
regulations but what else can we do to make our building have
more appeal to the market place so that tenants may come to our
office building for example, because they know that they want to
occupy premises which have what you might call “green appeal”,
or good environmental practice.
4  What’s an example of a building with ‘green appeal’?
You can think of many examples where this is the case. For
example, take an iconic building in central London, like the Shard.
There is a building, which when it was constructed, would have
had to comply with a lot of environmental regulations, called
building regulations and building codes. It would also, because the
owners wanted to make sure that the building had as wide appeal
as possible to potential occupiers, they wanted to go above and
beyond that environmental regulation to make sure that they
had green certificates which demonstrated that the building was
environmentally responsible in the way that it was built.
5  What is an example of a business which has benefitted
from your consultancy’s help?
There are lots of those, but one which I think might be particularly
useful to think about is in the context of retail stores. So we have
a client who is a global retailer of sportswear who came to us and
said, we want to have a program of refurbishing all of our stores
to give them a fresh appeal to the market place. We want and we
know we will have to comply with environmental regulations,
building regulations, to ensure that the materials that we use are

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