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Structure of a Gold(III) Hydroxide and Determination of Its Solubility

Daisuke Kawamoto,*1 Hiroaki Ando,1 Hironori Ohashi,2 Yasuhiro Kobayashi,3 Tetsuo Honma,4
Tamao Ishida,5 Makoto Tokunaga,1 Yoshihiro Okaue,1 Satoshi Utsunomiya,1 and Takushi Yokoyama*1

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Kyushu University, 744 Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka 819-0395
Faculty of Symbiotic Systems Science, Fukushima University, 1 Kanayagawa, Fukushima 960-1296
Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University, 2 Asashiro-Nishi, Kumatori-cho, Sennan-gun, Osaka 590-0494
Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI)/SPring-8, 1-1-1 Kouto, Sayo-cho, Sayo-gun, Hyogo 679-5198
Research Center for Gold Chemistry, School of Urban Environmental Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University,
1-1 Minami-osawa, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0397

Received: June 24, 2016; Accepted: August 23, 2016; Web Released: November 2, 2016

Daisuke Kawamoto
Daisuke Kawamoto graduated from the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Kyushu University in
2015 and received his Doctorate in Science.

Abstract stability to oxidation. In recent years, gold has been used

A representative gold(III) complex ion ([AuCl4]¹), succes- by industry to produce alloys with high corrosion resistance,
sively hydrolyzes to form [AuCl4¹n(OH)n]¹ (n = 0­4) in specific ductility and high conductivity. Moreover, gold nano-
aqueous solution as the pH increases and, finally, precipitates. particles and/or gold alloy nanoparticles have been used as
It has been referred to as “gold(III) hydroxide” for the past fifty catalysts.1,2 The precipitate from alkaline solution of [AuCl4]¹,
years. However, whether the precipitate is gold(III) hydrox- which has been believed to be gold(III) hydroxide, is used as
ide (Au(OH)3) or hydrous gold(III) oxide (Au2O3¢nH2O) has a precursor to prepare these catalysts.3,4 However, it has re-
remained uncertain. Few studies have been conducted to mained uncertain whether the precipitate is gold(III) hydroxide
determine its chemical and physical properties. The aim of this (Au(OH)3) or hydrous gold(III) oxide (Au2O3¢nH2O). Although
investigation is to identify the precipitate and to determine its Johnston and Leland attempted to measure the solubility of the
solubility. The precipitate was X-ray amorphous. Based on the precipitate,5 no investigation of the physical and chemical
transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observation, the shape properties has been performed. In this study, we first identified
was spherical and the particle diameter was approximately 9 nm. the precipitate using X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), trans-
From the results of 197Au Mössbauer spectroscopy, Au L3-edge mission electron microscopy (TEM), 197Au Mössbauer spec-
X-ray absorption (XA) spectroscopy and thermogravimetry/ troscopy, X-ray absorption (XA) spectroscopy and thermog-
differential thermal analysis (TG/DTA) measurements, the pre- ravimetry/differential thermal analysis (TG/DTA). Based on
cipitate composition was estimated to be Au(OH)3. Based on the results, we concluded finally that the precipitate is Au(OH)3.
the composition, its structure was proposed to be a linear poly- Secondly, we determined the solubility of Au(OH)3.
mer. Moreover, its solubility at 298 K was determined to be
0.00120 g/100 g of H2O. This chemical and physical properties 2. Experimental
information of Au(OH)3 is essential for gold chemistry, for 2.1 Chemicals. The reagents used in this study were
example, for preparing supported gold catalyst. of analytical reagent grade. Solutions were prepared with
deionized-distilled water. H[AuCl4]¢4H2O was purchased from
Tanaka Kikinzoku Kogyo K. K.
2.2 Precipitate Preparation from H[AuCl4] Solution.
1. Introduction The precipitate was prepared according to a previous work.6
Gold has been used for currencies and ornaments since Na2CO3 solution and H[AuCl4] solution were prepared by
ancient times because of its universal value such as chemical dissolving anhydrous Na2CO3 (2 g) into water (100 cm3) and by

Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 2016, 89, 1385–1390 | doi:10.1246/bcsj.20160228 © 2016 The Chemical Society of Japan | 1385
dissolving H[AuCl4]¢4H2O (4 g) into water (50 cm3), respec- and this suspended solution was heated at 313 K for 4 days to
tively. The H[AuCl4] and Na2CO3 solutions were mixed, and obtain a supersaturated solution under magnetic stirring. After
the obtained solution was magnetically stirred for 8 h. The cooling, the pH and temperature were continuously monitored
obtained precipitate was filtered using a 0.20 ¯m membrane using a glass electrode equipped with a pH meter. At adequate
filter, washed with water and then freeze-dried under vacuum. intervals, the suspension aliquots were taken out and filtrated
Here, we refer to the precipitate as the “Au solid sample”. with a 0.20 ¯m membrane filter to collect the filtrate. On the
2.3 Characterization of the Au Solid Sample. XRD other hand, in the undersaturated system, Au(OH)3 (65 mg) was
analysis of the Au solid sample was performed using an Ultima added to water (500 cm3) in a light shielding bottle to avoid the
IV (Rigaku, Japan) with a scanning rate of 2°/min and with a effects of light. The suspended solution was stirred magneti-
step scan of 0.02° in the 2ª range of 20­80° with Cu Kα radia- cally, and pH and temperature were continuously monitored. At
tion. The operating voltage and current were 40 kV and 30 mA, adequate intervals, the same operations as for the supersatu-
respectively. rated system were carried out. Each experiment was repeated
The size and morphology of the Au solid sample were three times under the same conditions. The gold concentration
analyzed using HR TEM (JEOL ARM200F) operated at an in these filtrates was determined using atomic absorption spec-
accelerating voltage of 200 kV. The TEM specimens were pre- troscopy (AA-6300, Shimadzu, Japan).
pared by dispersing the Au solid sample into water. The sus-
pended solution was put on a perforated carbon mesh supported 3. Results and Discussion
by a Cu grid and air-dried. When the H[AuCl4] solution was added to the Na2CO3 solu-
The 197Au Mössbauer spectra were measured by trans- tion, a brown powder was precipitated. Here, the precipitate is
mission method at the Research Reactor Institute of Kyoto referred to as the “Au solid sample” as described in the exper-
University. The Au solid sample was placed in a Teflon sample imental section.
holder. The spectra were measured at 9­12 K. The γ-ray source 3.1 Characterization of the Au Solid Sample. 3.1.1
(197Pt, half-life: 18.6 h, γ-ray energy: 77.4 keV) was prepared XRD: The XRD patterns of the Au solid sample and the
by neutron irradiation to 196Pt. The zero velocity position of standards (Au and Au2O3) are displayed in Figure 1. The XRD
the spectrum is the peak position of pure bulk Au. The spectra pattern of the Au solid sample showed broad diffraction peaks
were analyzed using computer software by assuming that each at 2ª = 32.5° and 60.0°. No diffraction peaks assigned to
spectrum consists of a Lorentzian function. crystalline Au2O3 or bulk Au(0) appeared. The Au solid sample
For the XA spectra measurement, the Au solid sample was was X-ray amorphous.
diluted with boron nitride (73 mg), and a pellet was made. The 3.1.2 TEM: Figure 2 shows the TEM image (a), the size
Au L3-edge XA spectra were measured by transmission mode distribution (b) and the electron beam diffraction pattern (c)
at the BL14B2 beamline of SPring-8 (8 GeV and 99.5 mA). for the Au solid sample. From the TEM image (a) and the size
This measurement was conducted at room temperature. The distribution (b), the shape of the Au solid sample was deter-
spectra were analyzed using software (Athena and Artemis of mined to be spherical, and its particle diameter was 8.83 « 3.5
Ifeffit).7 The curve fitting was carried out in R-space using nm. To examine the crystallinity of the Au solid sample, the
Artemis with a Fourier transformed range of k = 3­12.5 ¡¹1 electron beam diffraction pattern (c) was measured. The lattice
and a back-Fourier transform range of R = 1­2 ¡. In the curve image was slightly observable. Although the XRD pattern
fitting analyses, the backscattering amplitude and the phase showed that the Au solid sample was amorphous, the electron
shift were calculated by FEFF 6L, with the following used as beam diffraction pattern suggested that the Au solid sample
fitting parameters: the number of neighboring atoms, inter- was slightly crystalline. The formation of crystalline Au2O3 by
atomic distances between the absorbed atom and the neighbor- dehydration under high-vacuum is known empirically. Thus,
ing atoms, the Debye­Waller factor and the absorption edge the observed lattice image may be due to Au2O3.
energy. The intrinsic loss factor was obtained from the curve 3.1.3 197Au Mössbauer Spectroscopy: To examine
fitting analysis of the EXAFS data of the [Au(OH)4]¹ solu- the valence state of Au in the Au solid sample, the 197Au
tion prepared by dissolving H[AuCl4]¢4H2O (500 mg) in a 1.0 Mössbauer spectra were measured. Figure 3 shows the 197Au
mol/dm3 NaOH solution (25 cm3). Mössbauer spectra for the Au solid sample and Au foil as a
The TG/DTA measurement for the Au solid sample was per- standard of Au(0). The Au solid sample spectrum only showed
formed by using a TG/DTA7300 (HITACHI, Japan) between a peak with a positive isomer shift (IS). The 197Au Mössbauer
298 and 773 K with a heating rate of 0.5 K/min under air flow parameters are tabulated in Table 1. In 197Au Mössbauer spec-
(200 cm3/min). The weight of the Au solid sample was 37 mg troscopy, different Au chemical states are separately detected
and α-Al2O3 powder was used as a reference material. depending on the IS and quadrupole splitting (QS). Figure 4
2.4 Determination of Solubility of the Au Solid Sample shows the relationship between the IS and QS as the 197Au
(Au(OH)3). From the above characterization, the chemical Mössbauer parameters.8 The two shadowed parts in Figure 4
composition for the Au solid sample was determined to be indicate the regions of valence states, which correspond to
Au(OH)3. Finally, the solubility of Au(OH)3 was measured at linearly coordinated Au(I) compounds and to planar coordi-
298 K. The solid­liquid equilibrium of Au(OH)3 was estab- nated Au(III) compounds. The IS and QS values for the Au solid
lished from both sides of supersaturation (the Au(OH)3 precipi- sample were 2.66 and 1.87, which suggests that the Au in the Au
tation) and undersaturation (the Au(OH)3 dissolution). In the solid sample can be assigned to a planar coordinated Au(III).
supersaturated system, Au(OH)3 (13 mg) was added to water 3.1.4 XA Spectroscopy: To examine the atoms coordinated
(100 cm3) in a light shielding bottle to avoid the effects of light, to Au(III) in the Au solid sample and to analyze the structure,

1386 | Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 2016, 89, 1385–1390 | doi:10.1246/bcsj.20160228 © 2016 The Chemical Society of Japan
Au solid sample
Au solid sample

Normalized Relative Transmission

Au foil

Au 2O3
Intensity ( a. u. )

-6 -3 0 3 6 9
Velocity / mm s-1
Au(0) Figure 3. 197Au Mössbauer spectra for the Au solid sample
and Au foil.
Table 1. 197Au Mössbauer parameters for Au foil and the Au
solid sample

IS/mm s¹1 QS/mm s¹1
Au foil 0.00 « 0.02 ®
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Au solid sample 2.66 « 0.05 1.87 « 0.05
2θ ( Cu Kα ) / o

Figure 1. XRD patterns of the Au solid sample, Au2O3

(ICDD: 00-043-1039) and Au(0) (ICDD: 00-001-1172).
The diffractograms for Au2O3 and Au(0) are obtained from
a data base (ICDD).


Number of Particles

(c) 2 Figure 4. The relationship between the IS and QS as 197Au

Mössbauer parameters.8 The blue region and red region
indicates the corresponding to linearly coordinated Au(I)
0 3 6 9 12 15 compounds and planar coordinated Au(III) compounds,
Diameter of the Au solid sample / nm respectively.

XA spectra for the Au solid sample and standard materials were

measured. Figure 5 shows the Au L3-edge XANES spectra for
K[AuCl4] as a standard of Au(III) that Cl¹ is coordinated with,
Figure 2. TEM image (a), size distribution (b), and electron [Au(OH)4]¹ solution as a standard of Au(III) that OH¹ is coor-
beam diffraction pattern (c) for the Au solid sample. dinated with, the Au solid sample and Au foil as a standard of

Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 2016, 89, 1385–1390 | doi:10.1246/bcsj.20160228 © 2016 The Chemical Society of Japan | 1387
Normalized Absorption K[AuCl 4]

K[AuCl 4]
[Au(OH) 4] solution

FT Magnitude
[Au(OH) 4]- solution
Au solid sample

Au foil
Au solid sample

Au foil

11.90 11.95 12.00 12.05 0 1 2 3 4 5

Photon Energy / keV R/ύ
Figure 5. Normalized Au L3-edge XANES spectra for Figure 6. Fourier transform of the EXAFS oscillation
K[AuCl4], [Au(OH)4]¹ solution, the Au solid sample and extracted from Au L3-edge XA spectra for K[AuCl4],
Au foil. [Au(OH)4]¹ solution, the Au solid sample and Au foil.

Table 2. EXAFS fitting parameters for the Au solid sample (k3: ¦k = 3­12.5 ¡¹1 and ¦r = 1.0­2.0 ¡)

Sample Shells CN a) R/¡b) ΔE0 · 2/¡2 c) Rfactord)

[Au(OH)4]¹ solution Au­O 4.0e) 1.98 « 0.007 3.96 « 1.87 0.00227 « 0.0008 0.621
Au solid sample Au­O 3.63 « 0.37 2.00 « 0.006 4.93 « 1.32 0.00353 « 0.0008 0.372
a) First shell coordination number. b) Bond length. c) Debye­Waller factor. d) Goodness of fit index. e) Coordination
number was fixed as that of a square plane.

Au(0). The Au L3-edge XANES spectrum for the Au solid 3.63 « 0.37. From the EXAFS curve fitting analysis of the Au
sample showed a white line at 11.922 keV, which indicates an solid sample, the Au(III) coordination number in the Au solid
ionic character. The XANES spectrum for the Au solid sample sample is considered to be four, which is the same as in
was different from that for K[AuCl4]. The peak at 11.938 keV [Au(OH)4]¹. Because the Debye­Waller factor (· 2) is small,
of K[AuCl4] is considered to be due to Au­Cl interaction.9 the Au solid sample can be considered to consist of a single
However, no peak appeared at 11.938 keV in the spectrum of phase. However, from only the results of 197Au Mössbauer
the Au solid sample, which suggests that no Au­Cl interaction spectroscopy and XA spectroscopy, it is difficult to distinguish
was present. Because the XANES spectrum for the Au solid whether the Au solid sample is Au(OH)3 or Au2O3¢nH2O.
sample resembled the [Au(OH)4]¹ solution spectrum, the Au 3.1.5 TG/DTA: The Au solid sample was formed when the
oxidation state in the Au solid sample was demonstrated to be H[AuCl4] solution was added to the Na2CO3 solution, and no
Au(III) that OH¹ is coordinated with. This conclusion is sup- Au­Cl interaction was included, as described above. Therefore,
ported by the 197Au Mössbauer measurement result. Figure 6 the Au solid sample is considered to be Au(OH)3 or Au2O3¢
shows the Fourier transform of the EXAFS oscillation extract- nH2O. To determine the chemical composition, the TG/DTA
ed from Au L3-edge XA spectra for K[AuCl4], [Au(OH)4]¹ was applied. The TG/DTA curves for the Au solid sample at
solution, the Au solid sample and Au foil (their k3-weighted 298­773 K are presented in Figure 7. From the TG curve, the
EXAFS oscillation extracted from Au L3-edge XA spectra are Au solid sample weight decreased independently in 2 steps and
shown in the Supporting Information; Figure S1). In Figure 6, the total weight loss was 18% until 773 K. For the DTA curve,
the peaks at 1.8, 1.6, and 2.5 ¡ are assigned to the Au­Cl, Au­ two sharp endothermic peaks were observed at approximately
O and Au­Au interactions, respectively. Thus, the peak at 1.6 ¡ 310 K and 570 K. The weight loss in the first and second steps
of the Au solid sample is assigned to the Au­O interaction. The was 8.4% and 9.6%, respectively. If the Au solid sample is
EXAFS fitting parameters are shown in Table 2. The theoret- Au(OH)3, the first step reaction is dehydration from Au(OH)3
ical radial structure functions fit well with the experimental and the formation of Au2O3, and the second step reaction is
ones, as evidenced by the R-factor of 0.372. From the fitting the thermal decomposition of Au2O3 to Au. These reactions are
model, the Au­O coordination number was calculated to be represented as eqs (1) and (2).

1388 | Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 2016, 89, 1385–1390 | doi:10.1246/bcsj.20160228 © 2016 The Chemical Society of Japan
0 0.0024

Supersaturated system

Solubility / g (100 g of H2O)

Undersaturated system
TG (% of weight loss)

-5 0.0016

DTA (a. u.)


0 200 400 600 800
-20 Time / h
300 400 500 600 700
Figure 9. Solubility measurement of Au(OH)3 from both
Temperature / K sides of the supersaturation and undersaturation.
Figure 7. The TG/DTA curves for the Au solid sample.
Au concentration in water with time was measured at 298 K.
At the same time, the pH and temperature of water were
HO OH OH monitored. Second, a supersaturated solution with respect to
Au(OH)3 was prepared by dissolving Au(OH)3 in hot water.
After cooling to 298 K, the same measurements were carried
Au O Au O Au
out. Figure 9 shows the variations of Au concentration in water
H H with time. The result included those from the undersaturated
HO OH OH n condition (1) and the supersaturated condition (2). In the case
of (1), the Au concentration increased with time. On the other
Figure 8. A proposal structure of Au(OH)3. hand, in the case of (2), the Au concentration decreased with
time. Finally, these Au concentrations approached a constant
AuðOHÞ3 ! 1=2 Au2 O3 þ 3=2 H2 O ð1st stepÞ ð1Þ value (0.00109 « 0.00005 g/100 g of H2O in case of (1) and
0.00132 « 0.00005 g/100 g of H2O in case of (2)). These
1=2 Au2 O3 ! Au þ 3=4 O2 ð2nd stepÞ ð2Þ experimental results are shown in Table 3. After 440 h, the Au
If the Au solid sample is Au(OH)3, the theoretical thermal concentration in each experiment approached to almost the
weight loss is 10.9% for the first step reaction and 9.7% for same value, which suggests that the solid­liquid equilibrium
the second step reaction. The experimental weight loss can be was attained. From the two experiments, a mean Au concen-
considered to be almost correspondent to the theoretical weight tration after 440 h was calculated to be 0.00120 « 0.00007 g/
loss. Therefore, the endothermic peaks on the DTA curve can 100 g of H2O. This value is considered to be the solubility of
be assigned to the two reactions of eqs (1) and (2), which indi- Au(OH)3 at 298 K. Johnston and Leland measured the solu-
cates that the Au solid sample is Au(OH)3. On the other hand, if bility of Au(OH)3.5 The reported solubility of Au(OH)3 in pure
the Au solid sample is Au2O3¢nH2O, the first step reaction is water was 0.00769 g/100 g of H2O using an electrochemical
the dehydration reaction of lattice water from Au2O3¢nH2O to method. In their method, they used the standard potential of
Au2O3. The broad endothermic peak on the DTA curve should [AuCl4]¹ to determine the Au concentration in water. In fact,
be observed at the first reaction, because the lattice water the dissolved Au species is not [AuCl4]¹, as described later.
evaporates gradually at various temperatures. However, a sharp Thus, the solubility of Au(OH)3 in the previous paper is higher
endothermic peak was observed at the first step reaction. compared with the value found in this investigation.
Therefore, the Au solid sample is considered to be Au(OH)3. The pH value was approximately constant during the two
Based on the 197Au Mössbauer spectroscopy, XA spectros- solubility measurements. The pH values are also given in
copy and TG/DTA results, the basic structure of Au(OH)3 is Table 3. The lack of change in pH suggests that neither the
thought to be a linear polymer bridged by OH¹ groups between H+ nor OH¹ ions participate in the dissolution reaction of
Au(III) as shown in Figure 8. In addition, there is a possibility Au(OH)3. In addition, the Au3+ ion has a square planar struc-
that the linear polymer may combine together randomly like a ture due to its electronic structure, and its coordination num-
graft bridged structure. ber is four. Therefore, the dissolution reaction of Au(OH)3 is
3.2 Solubility Measurement of Au(OH)3. The solubility represented as eq (3).
of metal hydroxide (g/100 g of H2O) is one of the basic AuðOHÞ3 þ H2 O ! ½AuðOHÞ3 ðH2 OÞ0 ð3Þ
properties in chemistry. The solid­liquid equilibrium of metal
hydroxide is generally attained in two ways: (1) dissolution
of metal hydroxide in water and (2) precipitation of metal 4. Conclusion
hydroxide from a supersaturated solution. Here, the solu- When the H[AuCl4] solution was added to the Na2CO3
bility of Au(OH)3 was measured in two ways. First, an excess solution, a brown powder was precipitated. The precipitate
amount of Au(OH)3 was added to water, and the variation of was identified to be Au(OH)3, which is X-ray amorphous. The

Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 2016, 89, 1385–1390 | doi:10.1246/bcsj.20160228 © 2016 The Chemical Society of Japan | 1389
Table 3. Results of the Au(OH)3 solubility measurements from the supersaturated and under-
saturated systems

System pH Temperature/K
/g (100 g of H2O)¹1
supersaturated system #1 0.00137 6.06 « 0.07 297.0 « 0.19
supersaturated system #2 0.00121 5.94 « 0.06 296.9 « 0.11
supersaturated system #3 0.00137 6.06 « 0.03 297.0 « 0.09
undersaturated system #1 0.00124 6.06 « 0.06 297.6 « 0.16
undersaturated system #2 0.00120 6.56 « 0.08 299.3 « 0.18
undersaturated system #3 0.000826 6.25 « 0.1 298.3 « 0.14

average solubility 0.00120 « 0.00007

Au(III) in Au(OH)3 coordinates with four oxygen atoms. The Information; Figure S1. This material is available on http://
morphology and size of Au(OH)3 were spherical and 8.83 « 3.5
nm (particle diameter), respectively. The Au(OH)3 structure is a
linear polymer bridged by OH groups between Au(III).
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Supporting Information
8 G. J. Long, Mössbauer Spectroscopy Applied to Inorganic
The k3-weighted EXAFS oscillation extracted from Au L3- Chemistry, Plenum Press, New York, 1984, Vol. 1. doi:10.1007/
edge XA spectra for K[AuCl4] as a standard of Au(III) that 978-1-4899-0462-1.
Cl¹ is coordinated with, [Au(OH)4]¹ solution as a standard of 9 X. Chen, W. Chu, D. Chen, Z. Wu, A. Marcelli, Z. Wu,
Au(III) that OH¹ is coordinated with, the Au solid sample and Chem. Geol. 2009, 268, 74.
Au foil as a standard of Au(0) are shown in the Supporting

1390 | Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 2016, 89, 1385–1390 | doi:10.1246/bcsj.20160228 © 2016 The Chemical Society of Japan

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