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1 It had been raining for the last four hours. The children have been enjoying the same.

2 He was surprised to see a man with wings.

3 Paresh was already seated at the table and was looking at the menu.

4 She thought Paresh was bluffing and did not believe him.

5 The reaction of the villagers were similar to that of Paresh's wife

6 The priest was an atheist and did not believe in angels or demons and thought that the

people were making it up.

7 They kept him in the store room.

8 They charged 50 Rs per person to view him and Rs 100 to take a selfie with him.

9 The man with wings stayed with them for one month

10 Paresh was doing household work when he saw the old man with wings fly away and he

dropped everything and ran chasing the old man.

Once upon a time, there was a small town near Melbourne, main source of income for people

there was farming they all were dependant on the crops they grow. There was one guy Paresh

who also lives there and it’s a story of this guy and about how an odd guy changed his life.

Paresh was born in that town only; his father was a farmer and he owns single land in that

town. As their financial condition was not so good, Paresh’s father took the loan from the

zamindar for his son (Paresh) further studies and mortgages his single land. From that money

Paresh was sent to college, which was in the city. But after sometime Paresh got the news

that his father was ill and had admitted to hospital, but after few days he was died after

suffering(due to) a heart attack, from then onwards Paresh life got completely changed, he

left down his studies and started working in the small factory to earn money as he had the

responsibility to look after his family as he was the eldest child.

From then onwards only he was trying to repay his father’s debt but he was not getting any

good job because he didn’t complete his graduation. He tried (all ropes, work in small) many

jobs, worked in different sectors but didn’t get any proper(decent) job which satisfy him and

helps him to repay the loan and get his father’s land back. He became an introvert started

stating alone, he was disturbed as the burden was on him, he started staying He always stays

dull don’t interact much and don’t even talk to his childhood friends, stays quiet thinks that

his whole life was a curse and had a thought that it’s better to be an animal rather been a

human, weird thought you can say, but he had one friend to whom he shares everything(highs

and lows) and likes to spend time with him, he was his childhood friend they used to go to

same school when they were child and since childhood they were sharing the bond.

One day before Paresh’s friend birthday, when his friend was inviting him and he was giving

him excuses to not to attend party, after so much of try he finally got agreed and ready to

come there and finally the day arrives, he was on his way day which bring changes in

Paresh’s life it was his friend’s birthday and he was going there but it had been raining for the
last four hours and Paresh was waiting for the rain to stop so he can go to the party but as it

was raining so badly that he had to wait he don’t have any other option. As he was waiting he

watched the children was watching children had been enjoying the rain as it was the first rain

after hot summer season. As the rain lowers down, he starts moving towards the venue and he

finally reached there, he enjoyed also and met his friends, it’s like a reunion for him and after

party when Paresh was heading towards his home, he saw a man with wings and surprised to

see him. He rushed towards his home and told her wife that he saw a man with wings,

Paresh’s wife didn’t believe and thought he was bluffing her. When he saw her wife reactions

that she was not believing him, he immediately rushed to the elderly people in the village and

told them about the men with wings but the reaction of the villagers was similar to that of

Paresh's wife. After so much of explaining to everyone when no one believed on what Paresh

was try to tell them, he sadly came from there and went to the church there was a father who

asked Paresh “why are you so sad my son, are you facing some problem or issue in your life

or do you want to confess something. Tell me I will help you out”. After listening to father,

Paresh told his whole story about what he saw and told him that no one was believing him.

After listening to Paresh, he also didn’t believe on him as he was an atheist and did not

believe in angels or demons.

After some days when Paresh was coming back from his work, he again saw someone with

wings and when he saw him, he ran towards him and captured him to make people believe

that he was not telling fake stories. When he came to home with the man with wing, he called

his wife in the garden and showed him the man with wing, as his wife sawed it she got

terrified and ran behind the tree and told Paresh “what you were had said was true” and told

him to take this man away, but Paresh already had something in his mind and he want to

prove himself, he told his wife to believe him and they decided to kept the men in the store

The whole night Paresh and his wife didn’t sleep and they were planning skimming

dsomething and the sun finally arises as the sun arises their plan was also ready. They decide

to make banners and pamphlet and heir one speaker moving van and make an announcement

about the incredible creature they have who has wings, by listening to announcement and

seeing the pamphlet people rushed to his place, but before seeing that man with wings people

have to pay Paresh 50 Rs per person to view him and Rs 100 to take a selfie with him. Now

its more or less like a show, there was long queue to saw him and because of the man with

wings Paresh was earning quite good money. People from all over the country start company

and as Paresh noticed the popularity, he hiked increased the price now he was charging

double the amount as we compare to earlier amount. The man with wings stayed with them

for one month and one day when Paresh was busy doing some household work them, he saw

the old man with wings fly away, as he saw this, he dropped everything and ran chasing the

old man.

But he was late the old man already left the place.

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