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Emittance preservation in plasma-based accelerators with ion motion

C. Benedetti, C. B. Schroeder, E. Esarey, and W. P. Leemans
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720, USA
(Received 16 June 2017; published 1 November 2017)
In a plasma-accelerator-based linear collider, the density of matched, low-emittance, high-energy
particle bunches required for collider applications can be orders of magnitude above the background ion
density, leading to ion motion, perturbation of the focusing fields, and, hence, to beam emittance growth.
By analyzing the response of the background ions to an ultrahigh density beam, analytical expressions,
valid for nonrelativistic ion motion, are derived for the transverse wakefield and for the final (i.e., after
saturation) bunch emittance. Analytical results are validated against numerical modeling. Initial beam
distributions are derived that are equilibrium solutions, which require head-to-tail bunch shaping, enabling
emittance preservation with ion motion.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.20.111301

I. INTRODUCTION order to guarantee a sufficiently small bunch size at the

interaction point [7,10].
Plasma accelerators (PAs) have received substantial
Preservation of the (small) bunch emittance during the
theoretical and experimental interest because of their ability
acceleration process, which usually requires cascading
to produce large accelerating gradients, enabling compact
several PA stages, is of fundamental importance to ensure
accelerating structures [1]. In a PA, a short and intense laser
the viability of a PA-based LC. Emittance preservation is
pulse or charged-particle beam propagating in a plasma
ensured by matching the bunch in the plasma wave. This is
drives (via the ponderomotive force in the case of the laser,
possible because the transverse wakefield in a beam-driven
or via the transverse space-charge field in the case of the
PA operating in the blowout regime [13], or in a laser-
beam) an electron plasma wave (or wakefield). The plasma driven PA operating in the quasilinear regime using a near-
wave has a relativistic phase velocity (of the order of the hollow plasma channel [14], varies linearly with the
driver velocity), and can support large longitudinal and transverse position. Denoting by W ⊥ the amplitude of
transverse fields, suitable for accelerating and focusing a the transverse wake (the force experienced by a relativistic
particle beam properly delayed with respect to the driver. electron is F⊥ ≃ −eW ⊥ , where W x ¼Ex −By , W y ¼ Ey þ
PAs have demonstrated the production of high-quality
Bx , and where Ex;y and Bx;y are, respectively, the transverse
(mono-energetic) electron bunches, and the generation of
components of the electric and magnetic fields in the
accelerating gradients in the range of 10s to 100 GV=m,
wake), we have that (an axisymmetric driver is assumed)
several orders of magnitude larger than that obtained in
conventional accelerators, which are presently limited to W ⊥ kp r
∼100 MV=m by material breakdown [2–5]. ¼ ; ð1Þ
E0 2
The rapid development and the properties of PAs make
them interesting candidates for applications to future high- here r ¼ ðx; yÞ represents the transverse coordinates,
energy linear colliders (LCs) [6–10]. Even though the kp ¼ ωp =c, and E0 ¼ mcωp =e, where ω2p ¼ 4πn0 e2 =m
properties of future LCs will be determined by high-energy
is the plasma frequency, n0 is the background electron
physics experiments that are currently underway, it has
plasma density (density in the channel for the near-hollow
been anticipated that a center-of-mass energy ≳1 TeV and
channel case), c is the speed of light, and e (m) is the
a luminosity ≳1034 cm−2 s−1 will be required [11,12]. electron charge (mass). Using Eq. (1), the matched rms
Typically, this implies using electrons and positron bunches
bunch sizes are σ x½y ¼ k−1=2 ð2ε2n;x½y =γ b Þ1=4 , where γ b ≫ 1
with N b ∼ 1010 particles and normalized horizontal and p

vertical emittances such that ðεn;x εn;y Þ1=2 < 100 nm in is the beam energy normalized to mc2 .
The linear dependence of the transverse wakefield on the
transverse coordinates relies on the assumptions that the
background ion distribution is uniform and stationary.
However, as the bunch accelerates and the matched beam
Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of sizes adiabatically decrease, the bunch peak density, nb;0 ,
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to increases, and so does the amplitude of the bunch space-
the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, charge fields. As was initially pointed out in Ref. [15],
and DOI. when the fields of the accelerating beam become large

2469-9888=17=20(11)=111301(9) 111301-1 Published by the American Physical Society


enough so that the background ions move significantly presence of ion motion. The ion-motion-induced bunch
during the bunch transit, the transverse wake can be emittance growth is discussed in Sec. III. Analytic expres-
strongly perturbed (e.g., the wakefield strength acquires sions for the final bunch emittance are presented in Sec. IV.
a nonlinear dependence from the transverse coordinate and In Sec. V we discuss the equilibrium bunch distributions
changes slice-by-slice along the bunch), resulting in a that enable ion motion without emittance growth.
potentially severe degradation of the bunch emittance. This Conclusions are presented in Sec. VI.
is anticipated to occur for high bunch densities, longer
bunches, and lighter background ions, and can be quanti-
fied by the parameter
m nb;0 We consider a relativistic bunch with a density profile
Γ ¼ Zi ðk L Þ2 ∼ 1; ð2Þ
M i n0 p b parametrized as

where Zi is the ion charge state, Mi the ion mass, and Lb the nb ðζ; rÞ ¼ nb;0 g∥ ðζÞg⊥ ðr; ζÞ; ð3Þ
bunch length.
Ion motion and the related bunch emittance growth is where ζ ¼ z − ct is the comoving longitudinal coordinate
potentially a serious issue for future PA-based LCs. For (z is the longitudinal coordinate, t is the time), g∥ ðζÞ and
instance, for the LC design presented in Ref. [10], the g⊥ ðr; ζÞ describe, respectively, the longitudinal and the
bunch parameters are N b ¼ 1010 , Lb ≃ 20 μm, εn;x ¼ ζ-dependent transverse profile of the bunch. We assume
10 μm, εn;y ¼ 35 nm, and the bunch energy in the first that the bunch head is located at ζ ¼ 0 and that the bunch
PA stage (n0 ≃ 1017 cm−3 , nonlinear blowout regime) is extends for ζ < 0. We require that, for any longitudinal
25 GeV. The matched rms bunch sizes are then σ x ≃ 1 μm, slice,
σ y ≃ 60 nm, yielding nb;0 =n0 ≃ 12 000, and so Γ ≃ 10 for
a Hydrogen ion background. We expect ion motion to be
important in this case. Ion motion is reduced for heavier d2 rg ⊥ ðr; ζÞ ¼ d2 rg⊥ ðr; ζ ¼ 0Þ; ð4Þ
background ions. However, in this case, the multiple
ionization states available could lead to uncontrolled so that the bunch current density profile only depends on
plasma formation inside the bunch, resulting in the deg- the choice of g∥ ðζÞ, and this can be arbitrary.
radation of the wakefield [15,16]. The ion dynamics may be described using a cold fluid
In Ref. [17], the emittance growth problem was model [1]. By making use of the quasistatic approximation
addressed by considering an adiabatic matching section, [20], the equations for the ion density, ni , and for the
located at the entrance of the PA, consisting of a short normalized fluid momentum, ui ¼ γ i βi (cβi being the ion
plasma section with a decreasing ion mass to allow for the fluid velocity, and γ i the associated relativistic factor), are,
beam to remain matched to the focusing wakefield. respectively,
In this article we analyze the interaction of a highly
relativistic bunch propagating in a stationary ion back- ∂ ξ ½ni ð1 − βi;z Þ ¼ ∇⊥ · ðni βi;⊥ Þ; ð5Þ
ground that provides focusing for the bunch. We compute
the ion response to the bunch transverse space-charge field and
by solving the fluid equations describing the ion distribu-
tion together with Maxwell’s equations for the associated Zi
electromagnetic fields. We provide, for any arbitrary bunch ð1 − βi;z Þ∂ ζ ui ¼ ðβi;⊥ · ∇⊥ Þui − ðE þ βi × BÞ; ð6Þ
Mi c2
shape, analytic expressions for the transverse wake in the
bunch region, and we compute the final (i.e., after phase- E and B being the total fields due to the ions and the bunch.
space mixing) bunch emittance. Analytical results, valid in The fluid equations for the plasma are coupled to
the nonrelativistic ion motion regime where the induced ion Maxwell’s equations, describing the evolution of the
density perturbation, δni ¼ ni − ni;0 (ni;0 ¼ n0 =Zi being electromagnetic fields in the wake. In particular, the
the unperturbed ion density and ni the ion density including amplitude of the transverse wakefield in presence of ion
ion motion effects), satisfies δni =ni;0 ≲ 1, are compared to motion is given by
fully nonlinear and self-consistent particle-in-cell (PIC)
simulations performed with the code INF&RNO [18,19]. 4π
∂ ζ W⊥ ¼ J : ð7Þ
Finally, we derived a class of initial beam distributions that c ⊥
are exact equilibrium solutions, enabling ion motion with-
out emittance growth. The transverse current density in the regime of interest is
This article is organized as follows. In Sec. II we derive due solely to ion motion (the contribution due to the
an analytic expression for the transverse wakefield in relativistic bunch is negligible), J⊥ ¼ Zi eni cβi;⊥ . This


current provides the coupling between ion fluid equations

and Maxwell’s equations.
In the nonrelativistic limit for the ion motion, i.e., jβi j≪1
and ui ≃ βi , the equation for the transverse ion fluid
momentum becomes ∂ ζ βi;⊥ ≃ −ðZi e=Mi c2 ÞE⊥ , the cur-
rent is J⊥ ≃ Zi eni;0 cβi;⊥ ¼ en0 cβi;⊥ , and the transverse
wakefield equation is k−2 2
p ∂ ζ W ⊥ ¼ −Zi ðm=M i ÞE⊥ . The
solution to this equation for ζ ≤ 0 (within the bunch) is
W ⊥ ðr;ζÞ kp r m 0 E⊥ ðr;ζ 0 Þ
¼ þ Zi k2p dζ 0 ðζ − ζ 0 Þ ; ð8Þ
E0 2 Mi ζ E0

where at the head of the bunch (ζ ¼ 0) the wakefield is

from the uniform ions [Eq. (1)].
In general, both the ion column density and the bunch
density contribute, via Gauss’s law, to the transverse
electric field E⊥ in Eq. (8). However, as described in
Ref. [15], ion motion is important when nb;0 =ðZi ni;0 Þ ≫ 1, FIG. 1. Transverse lineouts of the wakefield W r obtained
for the case of a bunch with a longitudinal flat-top distri-
and so the bunch contribution to E⊥ is the dominant one. bution (kp Lb ¼ 1), and a Gaussian transverse distribution
Furthermore, since the bunch is (highly) relativistic, its (kp σ x ¼ 0.015) propagating in an ion channel (Hydrogen ions,
space-charge field is mainly transverse (i.e., jEz j ≪ jE⊥ j)
ni;0 ¼ n0 ¼ 1017 cm−3 ) for different values of the bunch peak
and so, we have, density. Transverse lineouts are taken at ζ ¼ −Lb . Colored lines
refer to numerical results. Dashed black lines are the theoretical
∇⊥ · E⊥ ¼ −4πenb : ð9Þ values given by Eq. (11). The orange dashed line is the transverse
lineout of then ion density taken at ζ ¼ −Lb for nb;0 =n0 ¼ 8000.
Analytical solutions to this equation to be inserted in
Eq. (8) can be obtained for a specific beam distribution
(e.g., round or flat bunch distribution). wake is linear in r within the bunch cross section, i.e.,
In the case of a round bunch (σ x ¼ σ y ), the transverse HðqÞ ¼ 1 in Eq. (11).
Figure 1 shows the transverse lineouts of the wakefield
quantities depend only on the radial coordinate r ¼ jrj ¼
W r obtained for the case of a bunch with a longitudinal flat-
ðx2 þ y2 Þ1=2 , W ⊥ ¼ W r r̂, and E⊥ ¼ Er r̂, r̂ being
top distribution with kp Lb ¼ 1, and a Gaussian transverse
the transverse radial
R r versor. The bunch field is Er ¼
0 0 0 distribution with kp σ x ¼ 0.015 (round beam) propagating
−½4πenb;0 g∥ ðζÞ=r 0 g⊥ ðr ; ζÞr dr , and Eq. (8) becomes
in an ion channel (Hydrogen ions) for different values of
Z the bunch peak density. Lineouts are taken at ζ ¼ −Lb .
W r kp r m nb;0 k3p 0 0
¼ − Zi dζ ðζ − ζ 0 Þg∥ ðζ0 Þ Colored lines refer to (fully nonlinear) numerical modeling
E0 2 M i n0 r ζ performed with the code INF&RNO (quasistatic modality),
Z r
where the bunch and the ion distribution are modeled using
× g⊥ ðr0 ; ζ 0 Þr0 dr0 : ð10Þ
0 a particle-in-cell (PIC) approach. Dashed black lines are the
theoretical values given by Eq. (11). The analytical solution
For a bunch with a longitudinally flat-top distribution of is in good agreement with modeling for nb;0 =n0 ≲ 2000
length Lb (i.e., g∥ ðζÞ ¼ 1 for −Lb ≤ ζ ≤ 0, and zero (corresponding to Γ ≲ 1). For higher bunch densities the
elsewhere), and a transverse Gaussian profile, g⊥ ¼ space-charge field of the bunch is strong enough that the
expð−r2 =2σ 2x Þ, the expression for the wakefield Eq. (10) ion motion becomes relativistic during the bunch transit
becomes time, violating one of the assumptions of Eq. (11). In this
  2  regime, the ion distribution collapses toward the center of
W r kp r m nb;0 ðkp ζÞ2 r the bunch, generating a high-density filament with a
¼ 1 þ Zi H ; ð11Þ
E0 2 Mi n0 2 2σ 2x characteristic size much smaller than the bunch size,
resulting in a major disruption of the linear confining
where HðqÞ ¼ ð1 − e−q Þ=q. The wake strength increases wakefield toward the bunch core [21]. This is shown in
quadratically in ζ going from the head towards the tail of Fig. 1 where we plot (orange dashed line) a transverse
the bunch. Furthermore, as a result of the nonuniform lineout of the normalized ion density (ni =n0 ) at ζ ¼ −Lb
transverse bunch profile, the wake also acquires a nonlinear for nb;0 =n0 ¼ 8000.
dependence from the transverse coordinate. In the case of In the case of a flat bunch (σ x ≫ σ y ) and within the bulk
an uniform transverse profile, g⊥ ¼ 1 for r < R ¼ 2σ x, the of the bunch cross section, we have ∂ x Ex ≪ ∂ y Ey , and so


the components of the fields of the bunch are given by (a)

Ex ≃ 0, and Ey ≃ −4πe 0y nb ðx; y0 Þdy0 . In this case, the
wakefield in the y direction is affected by ion motion, while
the one in the x direction is essentially unperturbed, namely
W x =E0 ¼ kp x=2. From Eq. (8), assuming, as before, a
longitudinal flat-top distribution and a transverse Gaussian
distribution, g⊥ ¼ expð−x2 =2σ 2x − y2 =2σ 2y Þ, we have
W y kp m nb;0 2 x2 y
¼ 1 þ Zi ðk ζÞ exp − 2 K pffiffiffi ;
E0 2 M i n0 p 2σ x 2σ y
where KðqÞ ¼ ð π =2ÞerfðqÞ=q. We see that in the non-
symmetric case the degree of perturbation of the wakefield
is approximately twice as large compared to the symmetric (b)
case Eq. (11).


For a bunch initially matched in the linear (unperturbed)
wakefield, the modification of the transverse wake due to
ion motion results in the growth of the total projected rms
bunch emittance. Figure 2(a) (black curve) shows the
evolution, as a function of the (normalized) propagation
distance kβ z [kβ ¼ kp =ð2γ b Þ1=2 being the betatron wave
number], of the normalized emittance for a bunch in an ion
column (no acceleration) with parameters taken from the
TeV-class LC presented in Ref. [10], namely N b ¼ 1010, FIG. 2. (a) Emittance evolution for: Gaussian bunch initially
Lb ≃ 20 μm (we use a flat longitudinal current profile), matched in the unperturbed wakefield [black]; matched equilib-
rium bunch obtained solving Eqs. (23), (28) [red]; approximate
and γ b ¼ 49 000 (first PA stage). For simplicity, we
equilibrium bunch where the transverse profile is Gaussian but
consider a symmetrized bunch with initial emittances with the same rms properties of the exact equilibrium [blue].
εn;x ¼ εn;y ¼ εn;0 ¼ 0.6 μm (this value is the geometric (b) Slice emittance measured for kβ z ¼ 12 (saturation) for the
average of the emittances in Ref. [10]), yielding a matched three types of bunches in (a). The bunch parameters are
rms bunch size σ x ¼ σ y ¼ 0.245 μm. The transverse bunch N b ¼ 1010 , Lb ≃ 20 μm (flat longitudinal current profile),
profile is Gaussian. The background Hydrogen ion density γ b ¼ 49 000, εn;x ¼ εn;y ¼ εn;0 ¼ 0.6 μm. The background Hy-
is ni;0 ¼ n0 ¼ 1017 cm−3 , yielding nb;0 =n0 ≃ 12 000, and drogen ion density is ni;0 ¼ n0 ¼ 1017 cm−3 .
so Γ ≃ 10. The modeling shows that in a propagation
distance kβ z ≃ 4 (corresponding to ≃2 cm), the projected
bunch emittance increases by ∼20%. Furthermore, the which, for any fixed distance, are designed to focus
slice-dependent nature of the wake perturbation causes bunches with a given value of the emittance and energy,
the final (i.e., after saturation) bunch emittance to be slice- a slice-dependent emittance can result in an imperfect
dependent (i.e., we expect the final emittance of a bunch coupling (mismatch) of the bunch to the entrance of the
slice located towards the tail of the bunch to be higher than PA stage.
that of a slice towards the head of the bunch). This is shown
in Fig. 2(b) [black line], where we plot the bunch slice
emittance for kβ z ¼ 12. A slice-dependent emittance can IV. EXPRESSION FOR THE ION-MOTION
pose major practical issues for bunch transport and
manipulation (e.g., transport between PA stages, final
focus). For instance, staging of PAs to reach high energy Analytical expressions for the final (saturated) bunch
[22] requires coupling the bunch extracted from a depleted emittance can be obtained by analyzing the transverse
PA stage to the entrance of the subsequent PA stage, using dynamics of the particles in the wakefield given by Eq. (8).
some focusing optic [23]. Conventional focusing optics, For simplicity, we will neglect acceleration (i.e., γ b is


constant), and we assume that the transverse motion dimensionality reduction. We can derive a 1D dynamical
satisfies juj ≪ γ b , u ¼ ðux ; uy Þ being the transverse elec- system describing the (approximate) dynamics of the bunch
tron momentum normalized to mc. We will consider a in the x-plane by averaging the 2D Hamiltonian H ⊥ given
bunch with a uniform longitudinal current profile of length by Eq. (15) in the y-plane according to the initial phase-
Lb , and with an initial Gaussian transverse phase-space space distribution [Eq. (13)], namely
distribution uniform in ζ, namely Z Z
ð1DÞ 1
 2  Hx ðx; ux Þ ¼ H ⊥ ðx; y; ux ; uy Þ
exp − 2σ
− y2
− u2x

u2y 2πσ y σ uy
2 2σ 2 2σ 2 2σ 2
f 0;⊥ ðr; u; ζÞ ¼
x y ux uy
ð2πÞ2 σ x σ y σ ux σ uy
; y2 u2y
× exp − 2 − 2 dyduy : ð16Þ
2σ y 2σ uy
where σ ux [σ uy ] describes the rms horizontal [vertical]
momentum distribution. Generalization to other longi- We obtain, HRx ¼u2x =2γ b þeU ð1DÞ =mc2 , where Uð1DÞ ðxÞ¼
tudinal current profiles is straightforward. The bunch is ð2πÞ−1=2 σ −1
y U ⊥ ðx;yÞexpð−y2 =2σ 2y Þdy. Owing to the fact
initially matched in the unperturbed (linear) wakefield if ð1DÞ
that Hx does not depend explicitly on time (i.e., propa-
σ ux ½uy  ¼ ðγ b =2Þ1=2 kp σ x½y , and the initial bunch emittances gation distance), it can be used to analyze the particle orbits
are then εn;x½y ¼ σ x½y σ ux ½uy  ¼ ðγ b =2Þ1=2 kp σ 2x½y . We also in the ðx; ux Þ phase plane. Given a particle with the initial
make the assumption that, during the ion motion-induced condition ðx0 ; ux0 Þ, and defining h0 ¼ Hx ðx0 ; ux0 Þ, then,
phase mixing, the structure of the transverse wake (and so in any point of the orbit identified by the chosen initial
the bunch shape) does not change significantly. Under these condition, the relationship between particle momentum and
assumptions, the transverse equations of motion for an position is ux ðxÞ ¼ f2γ b ½h0 − eU ð1DÞ ðxÞ=mc2 g1=2 .
electron in the bunch are Using the equation of motion dx=dt ¼ cux ðxÞ=γ b , we find
that the time spent by a particle moving between the
dr=dz ¼ u=γ b ; positions x and x þ dx is dt ¼ ½γ b =ux ðxÞdx=c. From this,
du=dz ¼ −eW ⊥ =mc2 ; we can evaluate the period H of the closed orbit (i.e., the
R xmax
betatron period), T β ¼ dt ¼ ð4γ b =cÞ 0 ½1=ux ðxÞdx,
with the propagation distance z ¼ ct the independent where xmax satisfies h0 ¼ U ð1DÞ ðxmax Þ. The time average
variable. These equations can be derived from the over the closed orbit (i.e., the equilibrium value after phase-
Hamiltonian space mixing) of any dynamical variable Qðx; ux Þ is then
u2 eU ⊥ ðrÞ −1
H ⊥ ðr; uÞ ¼ þ ; ð15Þ Q̄ðx0 ; ux0 Þ ¼ T β Q½xðtÞ; ux ðtÞdt
2γ b mc2
R xmax
½1=u ðxÞQ½x; ux ðxÞdx
where the potential U⊥ ðrÞ satisfies W ⊥ ¼ ∇⊥ U ⊥ . We ¼ 0 R xmaxx ; ð17Þ
recall that all the quantities are, in general, ζ-dependent. 0 ½1=ux ðxÞdx
We also note that since the electrons in the bunch are highly
where we assume that Qðx; ux Þ is an even function of x and
relativistic, there is no longitudinal slippage, and so the
motion in each longitudinal slice of the bunch is decoupled ux . In particular, for Q ¼ x2 and Q ¼ u2x , we obtain,
from the motion in other slices. Computing the final bunch respectively, x̄2 ðx0 ; ux0 Þ ¼ ∂ h P 2 =∂ h P 0 jh¼h ¼Hð1DÞ ðx ;u Þ ,
0 x 0 x0

emittance requires evaluating the second order transverse and ū2x ðx0 ; ux0 Þ ¼ γ b P 0 =∂ h P 0 jh¼h ¼Hð1DÞ ðx ;u Þ , where
phase-space moments of the particle distribution at satu- R 0 x 0 x0

P l ðhÞ ¼ 0xmax xl ½h − eUð1DÞ ðxÞ=mc2 1=2 dx. The second

ration, namely, for the x-plane, hx2 i and hu2x i, where the order transverse phase space moments at saturation in a
average h·i is done over all the particles in the bunch. We given longitudinal slice along the bunch are obtained by
recall that, at saturation, hxux i ¼ 0, and so the final averaging x̄2 ðx0 ; ux0 Þ and ū2x ðx0 ; ux0 Þ over the initial phase
equilibrium emittance is given by εn;x ¼ ðhx2 ihu2x iÞ1=2. space distribution in the x-plane, namely
Similar definitions apply to the moments in the y-plane.
In general, if the transverse wakefield has a nonlinear 1
dependence from the transverse coordinates, the motion in x̄2 ¼ x̄2 ðx0 ; ux0 Þ
2πσ x σ ux
the x and y planes is coupled and difficult to analyze  
analytically. However, since we are interested in the x2 u2x
× exp − 02 − 20 dx0 dux0 : ð18Þ
average properties of the transverse dynamics, and we 2σ x 2σ ux
made the assumption that the structure of the transverse
wake does not change significantly during the phase-space A similar expression holds for ū2x. Finally, the bunch
mixing, we can simplify the problem by performing a moments are obtained by averaging in ζ the slice moments,

namely hx2 i ¼ L−1 b
−Lb dζ x̄ ðζÞ. A similar expression
expression for the wakefield Eq. (11) used in deriving
holds for hu2x i. Eq. (19) is no longer accurate.
For a symmetric bunch (σ x ¼ σ y , ϵn;x ¼ ϵn;y ¼ ϵn;0 ), In the strongly asymmetric case (σ x ≫ σ y , ϵn;x ≫ ϵn;y ),
where theR transverse wake is given by Eq. (11), and ion motion affects mainly the wakefield in the vertical
U⊥ ðrÞ ¼ 0r W r ðr0 Þdr0 , the second order moments at sat- y-plane, while the wakefield in the horizontal x-plane is left
essentially unperturbed. In this case, the horizontal emit-
uration in a given longitudinal slice are x̄2 ðζÞ=σ 2x ≃
tance is preserved (εn;x ≃ εn;x ), while the saturated vertical
1 − 0.12Γðζ=Lb Þ2 þ 0.016Γ2 ðζ=Lb Þ4 , and ū2x ðζÞ=σ 2ux ≃
emittance is εn;y =εn;y ≃ 1 þ 0.0027 Γ þ 0.0053 Γ2 . As
1 þ 0.13Γðζ=Lb Þ2 þ 0.003Γ2 ðζ=Lb Þ4 . The final slice
before, we expect this result to be accurate as long as
emittance is then ϵn ðζÞ=εn;0 ≃ 1 þ 0.005Γðζ=Lb Þ2 þ Γ ≲ 1. We note that the saturated emittance in the vertical
0.0017Γ2 ðζ=Lb Þ4 . By averaging longitudinally the slice- plane is approximately twice as large compared to a
dependent moments we obtain the saturated rms bunch round bunch.
moments that read hx2 i=σ 2x ≃ 1 − 0.039 Γ þ 0.003 Γ2 , and
hu2x i=σ 2ux ¼ 1 þ 0.042 Γ þ 0.0006 Γ2 . From this, we find V. EQUILIBRIUM BUNCH DISTRIBUTIONS
that the final saturated bunch emittance is ENABLING ION MOTION WITHOUT
≃ 1 þ 0.0015 Γ þ 0.001 Γ2 : ð19Þ Preserving the emittance of a bunch in presence of ion
εn;0 motion is of fundamental importance for the design of
future PA-based LCs. A strategy to mitigate emittance
As expected, the ion-induced emittance growth effects growth based on the use of an adiabatic matching section at
increase with the parameter Γ (i.e., the final saturated the entrance of the PA stage was described in Ref. [17].
emittance is higher for higher bunch densities, longer Here we propose to longitudinally tailor the transverse
bunches, and lighter background ions). In Fig. 3 we show bunch profile (and phase space) in such a way that, even
(red dots) the final bunch emittance (εn;x =εn;0 − 1) obtained though ion motion is enabled and the transverse wake is
via fully non-linear modeling performed with INF&RNO, perturbed, the bunch transverse distribution at each longi-
plotted as a function of the bunch peak density for a bunch tudinal location is an equilibrium solution (i.e., the bunch
propagating in an Hydrogen ion column. The bunch properties do not evolve), and so the bunch remains
longitudinal and transverse distribution, energy, emittance, matched at all times. Achieving this requires that, at any
as well as the other plasma parameters are the same as in longitudinal location, the transverse phase space distribu-
Fig. 2. The dashed black line is the theoretical result tion of the bunch is a stationary (equilibrium) solution of
Eq. (19). The theoretical result is in good agreement with the Vlasov equation. This solution allows for constant slice
modeling for nb;0 =n0 ≲ 2000 (corresponding to Γ ≲ 1). For emittance, greatly simplifying the transport between PA
stages. For simplicity, we will illustrate the construction of
higher bunch densities, where ion motion is relativistic, the
the matched solution in the case of a symmetric bunch with
equal emittances in the x and y planes. However, this
technique is also applicable in the strongly asymmetric
case. Also, we consider, as before, a uniform longitudinal
current profile of length Lb . Generalization to arbitrary
longitudinal profiles is straightforward.
The Vlasov equation governing the evolution of the
transverse phase-space bunch distribution at any ζ location
along the bunch, f 0;⊥ ðr; u; ζ; zÞ, is

df0;⊥ ∂f 0;⊥
¼ þ ff 0;⊥ ; H⊥ g ¼ 0; ð20Þ
dz ∂z
where f·; ·g are the Poisson brackets [24]. Stationary
solutions to this equation are, by construction, distributions
of the form

FIG. 3. Emittance growth at saturation for a Gaussian bunch

f 0;⊥ ðr; u; ζÞ ∝ F½H ⊥ ðr; u; ζÞ=H 0 ðζÞ; ð21Þ
initially matched in the unperturbed wakefield as function of the
bunch peak density. Red dots are the simulation results, the black where FR isR any positively defined function such that
dashed line is the theoretical prediction Eq. (19). All the other N ðζÞ ¼ f 0;⊥ ðr; u; ζÞd2 rd2 u < þ∞ (i.e., the distribu-
bunch and plasma parameters are the same as in Fig. 2. tion is normalizable), and H0 ðζÞ is a ζ-dependent scale


parameter used to control locally the properties of the The slice emittance for ζ ¼ 0 is ϵn ¼ ðγ b =2Þ1=2 kp σ 2x .
distribution. The second order phase-space moments at any Imposing that, slice-by-slice, the emittance is constant (and
slice along the bunch are equal to ϵn ) we obtain
1 x̄2 ðζÞ ¼ ηðζÞσ 2x ; ð27Þ
x̄2 ½ū2x  ¼ x2 ½u2x f 0;⊥ ðr; u; ζÞd2 rd2 u; ð22Þ
and this, using Eq. (25), can be rewritten as
and the rms slice emittance is ϵ2n ðζÞ ¼ x̄2 ðζÞū2x ðζÞ. We
require that the slice emittance is constant along the bunch, R∞ n o
2ηðζÞ eU⊥ ðr;ζÞ
1 exp − r3 dr
namely, for any ζ, x̄2 ðζÞū2x ðζÞ ¼ x̄2 ðζ ¼ 0Þū2x ðζ ¼ 0Þ. This 0
ðkp σ x Þ 2 mc2
o − ηðζÞσ 2x ¼ 0: ð28Þ
can be enforced by properly choosing the scale parameter 2 R ∞ exp − 2ηðζÞ2 eU⊥ ðr;ζÞ rdr
0 ðk σ Þ mc2
H0 ðζÞ. We note that since the knowledge of the phase- p x

space distribution relies on the knowledge of the

Hamiltonian, which depends on the wake potential that, Equation (28) determines the values of ηðζÞ defining the
in turns, is determined by the bunch distribution and ion desired matched solution with constant slice emittance. In
dynamics via Maxwell’s equations, obtaining an explicit general, solutions to Eq. (28) can be found numerically and
expression for the bunch and wake quantities requires require implementing an iterative procedure. Starting from an
solving self-consistently the coupled set of Maxwell- ansatz for the bunch shape, we compute the associated wake
Vlasov equations. potential including ion motion, then we solve Eq. (28) for
As an example, we will study the matched solution ηðζÞ, and subsequently we use ηðζÞ together with the wake
obtained taking FðxÞ ¼ expð−xÞ. We also define potential to compute a new transverse density profile using
H0 ðζÞ ¼ ðkp σ x Þ2 =2ηðζÞ, where the slice-dependent Eq. (23). The cycle is repeated until convergence is reached.
The numerical solutions is particularly fast in the non-
parameter ηðζÞ satisfies ηðζ ¼ 0Þ ¼ 1. The transverse
relativistic regime (Γ ≲ 1), where the expression for the
bunch profile including the proper normalization [see
wakefield is given by Eq. (10).
Eq. (4)] reads
We note that for the matched bunch solution the
  projected rms emittance differs from the slice emittance
σ 2x 2ηðζÞ eU ⊥ ðr; ζÞ
g⊥ ðr; ζÞ ¼ exp − ; ð23Þ owing to the fact that the second order phase space
N ðζÞ ðkp σ x Þ2 mc2 moments are slice-dependent. In fact, the rms moments
of the matched bunch are
Z σ 2x 0
∞ 2ηðζÞ eU ⊥ ðr; ζÞ hx2 i ¼ ηðζÞdζ ≡ σ 2x hηi; ð29Þ
N ðζÞ ¼ exp − rdr: ð24Þ Lb −Lb
0 ðkp σ x Þ2 mc2
To set the normalization we considered that for ζ ¼0 the
wakefield is unperturbed [from Eq. (1) we have U⊥ ðr;ζ¼0Þ¼ Z
γ ðkp σ x Þ2 0dζ γb 2 1
E0 kp r2 =4], and so the argument of the exponential function in hu2x i ¼ b ≡ ðkp σ x Þ : ð30Þ
Eq. (23) is ½2=ðkp σ x Þ2 ðeU ⊥ =mc2 Þ ¼ r2 =2σ 2x . We see that 2 Lb −Lb ηðζÞ 2 η
the transverse bunch profile at the head of the bunch (ζ ¼ 0) is
The projected rms bunch emittance is then εn;x ¼
Gaussian with rms bunch size σ x . For ζ < 0 the transverse
bunch distribution Eq. (23) is, in general, non-Gaussian. From ðγ b =2Þ1=2 kp σ 2x ½hηih1=ηi1=2 .
Eq. (23) we find that the second order spatial moment along In Fig. 4(a) we show a plot of the normalized rms bunch
the bunch is size along the bunch, ½x̄2 ðζÞ1=2 =σ x , for the matched
equilibrium solution obtained for different values of the
Z ∞   

2 1 2ηðζÞ eU ⊥ ðr; ζÞ bunch peak density. The bunch length, energy, slice
x̄ ðζÞ ¼ exp − r3 dr: emittance, and the background ions parameters are the
2N ðζÞ 0 ðkp σ x Þ2 mc2
same as in the example discussed in Fig. 2. We see that the
ð25Þ matched bunch size shrinks towards the tail of the bunch in
response to the increase of the strength of the transverse
From Eq. (21) we have that the transverse momentum wakefield. Figure 4(b) shows a 2D ðζ; xÞ snapshot of the
distribution at any slice along the bunch is Gaussian, and bunch density for the equilibrium solution obtained for
the second order moment of the distribution is nb;0 =n0 ≃ 12 000. The projected rms emittance for the
matched solution is εn;x ¼ 0.63 μm. The red curve in
γ b ðkp σ x Þ2
ū2x ðζÞ ¼ : ð26Þ Fig. 2(a) shows the emittance evolution for the bunch
2 ηðζÞ depicted in Fig. 4(b). In Fig. 2(b) we show (red curve) the


(a) increase is very moderate (∼3%), and the slice emittance

shows a maximum increase ≲10%, much smaller compared
to the nontailored Gaussian case (black curve). The pos-
sibility of generating a tapered, low-emittance electron
bunch via ionization injection [25] using a laser pulse with
a properly tailored evolution is currently under investigation.

In this article we analyzed ion motion and the associated
emittance growth of a relativistic bunch propagating in an
ion column for parameters relevant to the design of next
generation PA-based LCs. The model derived here well
describes the transverse dynamics of a bunch in the
nonlinear wakefield generated by a particle or a laser
driver in a PA. We provided analytical expressions, valid
(b) in the regime of nonrelativistic ion motion, for the structure
of the transverse wake, and for the corresponding ion-
motion-induced bunch emittance growth. The analytical
results are in good agreement with numerical modeling. We
proposed and analyzed a solution that completely elimi-
nates ion-motion-induced emittance growth. This solution
requires a head-to-tail shaping of the bunch distribution.
Controlling emittance growth is critical to high-energy
physics applications of plasma accelerators.

This work was supported by the Director, Office of
Science, Office of High Energy Physics, of the U.S. DOE
FIG. 4. (a) Normalized rms bunch size measured along the under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231, and used the
bunch, ½x̄2 ðζÞ1=2 =σ x , for the matched equilibrium solution computational facilities at the National Energy Research
obtained for different values of the bunch peak density. (b) 2D Scientific Computing Center (NERSC).
snapshot of the bunch density for the equilibrium solution
obtained for nb;0 =n0 ≃ 12 000. All the other bunch and plasma
parameters are the same as in Fig. 2.
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