Astronomy Seq 1 2 3 4 Handouts (All The Unit)

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Questions Answers
1-What is it? a-case/eyepiece lens/object lens.
UNIT THREE: ASTRONOMY AND THE SOMAR SYSTEM “It’s a Giant leap for Mankind” 2-What does it do? b-optical instrument.
Sequence one: listen and consider: 3-What is its shape? c-magnify pictures of faint and distant objects.
4-What does it consist of? d-cylindrical.
Introducing the unit 5-What is it made of? e-observe the stars.
Astronomy: is a natural science that is the study of celestial objects (such as moons, planets ,  6-What is it used for? f-metal and glass.
stars,  nebulae, and galaxies), the physics, chemistry, and evolution of such objects, and
phenomena that originate outside the atmosphere of Earth. 2/ GRAMMAR EXPLORER 2: HOW TO ASK ABOUT DIMENSIONS AND SIZES:

Activity 01: put the following words next to their definitions. Task 1: Use the words in the box & form questions about the underlined items:
Astronomy / heavenly body / observatory / satellite / solar system/astronaut
High- tall- heavy- long-wide-fast- deep- far – much – height – length – width – weight- many –
Definitions Words depth- weigh
1. Any object existing in space, especially a planet, star, or the moon. a-Sputnik I weighed 84kg whereas Sputnik II had a weight of 500kg.
2. A building from which astronomers can watch celestial bodies. →…………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. The sun and the group of planets which move around (orbit) it.
b-The average distance to the moon from the earth is 384.402km.
4. The scientific study of the universe and extraterrestrial objects.
5. a device sent up into space to orbit the Erath, used for collecting
information and make weather forecasts. c-Our planet takes 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.1 seconds to make 1 revolution round the sun.
6. A person who travels beyond the earth's atmosphere →…………………………………………………………………………………………………

Activity 02: Match words with their synonyms: d- With its 8.872 metres, Mount Everest is the world’s highest mountain above sea level.
Words Synonyms →…………………………………………………………………………………………………
1.Heavenly body a. To circle or revolve around.
2.The Galaxy b. Celestial or extraterrestrial object. e-Yuri Gagarin, the first man to complete one orbit around the earth , was only 1 m 70 cm in
3.To orbit c. The Milky Way height.
Around the text:
1/ GRAMMAR EXPLORER 1: DESCRIBING FUNCTION of objects: (used to/used for) f-The surface of Mars is cut across by a system of valleys, which have a length of some
Task 1: Match the following sentences: 4,000km , a width of 2,000km and a depth of some 6km .
1-What are the satellites used for? →…………………………………………………………………………………………………
a-They are used for survey the earth and make weather forecasts.
g- Light travels at a speed of 300,000 km per second.
b-They are used to sending computer data. →…………………………………………………………………………………………………


 When we describe the purpose of something , we use one of the following structures
Task1: Complete the missing words in the following table:
*used for + verb + ing
*used to + verb in the infinitive. verb noun adjective
* We use only the preposition” for “when asking questions about the purpose of To orbit …………………. ………………………
objects (what is it used for?) ………………. length ………………………
Task 2: Match questions (1-6) with answers(A-B) ……………… …………………. wide
To transmit …………………. ……………………..
Because Mercury is the closest to the sun, the side that faces the sun gets as hot as 427O
Task 2: Match the words on the left with their associated words on the right. Then use three Celsius. At the same time, the side that faces away from the sun is a freezing -173O Celsius.
to four words from the lists in illustrative sentences: Mercury also has a slower rate of rotation than Earth. The extreme temperatures alone make it
a very unlikely place for life.
1. Temperature A. miles, kilomtres, knots (nautical miles) The next planet from the sun is Venus. Below clouds of sulfuric gas lies its 96% carbon
2. Distance B. hot, heat, high, low, cold, warm, Celsius scale, Fahernheit scale dioxide atmosphere. That might be nice for a plant, since a plant “breathes” carbon dioxide,
3. Area C. square foot, square metre, square kilometer, acre but not for a person.
4. Volume D. feet, inches, metres, centimeters, tall, short You are probably most familiar with Earth because it is your home planet. Earth is the only
5. Measurements/ Size E. litres, centiletres, mililtres, cubic litres, cubic metres planet known to have liquid water.
Mars is the fourth farthest from the sun. Mars has been studied and photographed more
THINK, PAIR, SHARE: than any other planet besides Earth. Some people think it may be possible for life to exist
there. Although scientists have not been able to find actual water on Mars, there seems to be
Write a draft expository presentation of the Moon using the notes in the fact file below. evidence of water erosion on its surface.
Include any other details you think appropriate.
Fact file: 1- Choose the correct answer
Earth satellite. Diameter: 3,476 km. mass: 0,012 (approximately one eightieth) that of the A/ the text is: a- argumentative b-descriptive c-prescriptive
earth. Surface gravity: only 0.16 (one-sixth) that of Earth. Average distance from Earth: B/ the text is taken from: a- a web page b- a magazine c- a book
384,400 km. orbit: west-to-east direction. No atmosphere and no water. Temperatures: sunlit 2- Are the following sentences true or false according to the text?
side +110° C lunar nights -170°C. Composition: rocky. Age: about 4, 6 billion years. Orbits in a- All the planets in the solar system have the same features…………
a west-to-east direction every 27.32 days b- There such a huge difference in temperature between the two sides of the planet Mercury…..
c- Scientists believe that life is possible on other planets……….
The Moon is an earth satellite orbiting our planet from a distance of 384,000kms on
average, and its orbit is in a west-to-east direction. Its surface gravity is only 0.16 that of the 2- Answer the following questions.
Earth (one sixth), and it does not seem to have life on it, since it has neither atmosphere nor a) What keeps planets rotating a specific distance from the sun?
water. Minimum and maximum temperatures on it are wide apart, with +110˚C on the sunlit ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
side and –170˚C in lunar nights. The geology of this satellite is rock only, and its age is about ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
4, 6 billion years. b) Earth is the only know planet to have what important feature?
Plans to reach the Moon on space crafts have been on scientists’ minds since early 20th ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
century. But they became more concrete when the Russians launched space crafts Sputnik 1 c) Why is the atmosphere of Venus friendlier to plants than humans?
and Sputnik 2 in 1957, the second one carrying dog Laika. In 1961, Yuri Gagarin orbited the …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Earth, followed by the American astronaut John Glenn in 1962. Finally, America won the
honour of reaching the Moon before Russia, when Neil Armstrong set foot on it on July 21st 3- Who or what do the underlined words in the text refer to?
1969. a- those (§2)= ………………… b- that (§4)=……………….. c- there (§6)=…………....
There are at present plans to build a space base on the Moon, to set a giant telescope and 4- Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following :
launch space ships from there to distant planets, and perhaps to other solar systems. a- orbit (§1) = ……………………… b- proof(§6)= ………………….

Sequence two: read and consider: 1/ GRAMMAR EXPLORER 1: Match the following statements with their comparatives:
Read the text and answer the questions that follow:
Earth is just one of the planets in our solar system. Planets are large bodies that rotate Comparative Adjectives Adverbs
around the sun. They reflect its light and warmth. The planets that are located closest to the sun s
are made out of rocky material. They are relatively small and heavy. However, the planets that Inferiority -More distant planets have larger More distant planets have larger
are farther away from the sun are much larger. They are formed of light gases. All planets orbits orbits and travel far more slowly.
follow a certain path around the sun. They are held a specific distance from the sun by the Superiority …as much as the earth §4 Some planets don’t travel as
sun’s strong gravitational force. quickly as the ones which are ….
The inner planets or those closest to the sun, are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. Even Equality More distant planets have larger
though these planets are all small and rocky, they have more differences than they have things Some planets are smaller than...others
orbits and travel less quickly.
in common. Their light is less intense than ……..
would drop considerably.
A change in the climate could indeed occur, rainfalls and snowfalls would be frequent,
Task 1: fill in the blanks using the words between brackets: heavy and long lasting, and floods would result from them; the sea level would probably rise,
-The earth is …………….…… from the sun ………… Mercury. (Remote/Distant) and cause some flat regions of the Earth to be totally immersed.
- Mercury is ……………. the sun ………….. earth. (Close/ Near) Another possible consequence of the impact would be a gigantic earthquake which
- the orbit of Earth is ………..the orbit of Neptune. (Short) would destroy many inhabited areas and kill a huge number of people. If the impact were near
an ocean, a tsunami could develop and flood vast areas of flat land, causing many people to die
or become homeless.
2/ GRAMMAR EXPLORER 2: say if the statements express: Similarities or Differences: Facts in the past have shown that a disaster like an impact of a heavenly body on Earth
a/ The earth is planet / mercury is planet = ……………………………………………………… could destroy life, or at least alter living conditions dramatically. The same could be repeated if
b/ The earth is a planet. The moon is a satellite = ………………………………………………. another collision occured. This is why scientists are thinking up space programmes to find
ways of preventing another accident of this kind.
Reminder: 1) Expressing Differences:
a)Unlike/contrary to Astronomy , Astrology is a pseudo-science. Sequence three: listening and speaking
b) Astronomy is a science while/whereas/but/ by contrast/however Astrology is a psdscience WRITING DEVELOPMENT:
Topic: Some people think that the budget devoted to space exploration is wasted money.
c) By contrast to / different from Astronomy, Astrology is a pseudo-science.
d) Compared with/ contrary to Astronomy, Astrology is a pseudo-science. You often hear people say, ‘The budget devoted to space exploration is wasted money.’
e) Astronomy is different from Astrology. The former is a science, the latter is a psd-science.
Many people support this statement by saying that these huge amounts can be invested in
2) Expressing Similarities:
a) Like/As / similar to amateur astronomer, professional astronomer observes the space. projects to combat diseases. Likewise, many other people consider that space exploration is a
b) Both amateur and professional astronomer observe the space. wild dream and that the money spent on these explorations is needed to relieve poverty in
c) Amateur and professional astronomer are the same, in that they observe the space. Africa. Though I understand that there is an urgency to fight diseases and relieve poverty in our
d) Just as amateur astronomer, professional astronomer observes the space. continent, I don’t think it is to abandon investment explorations. Why?

3/ GRAMMAR EXPLORER 3: put the verbs in the correct tense: (if type 2: past.s/ cond1) In the first place, many of the advances made in medicine are indirectly the result of space
exploration. For instance, image processing used in CAT scanners and MRI technology in
a. If the earth (stop)……………. orbiting the sun, the northern hemisphere (keep)
………………getting hotter and hooter while the southern hemisphere (be) colder and hospitals worldwide came from technology developed to computer enhanced pictures of the
colder. moon for Apollo programs. CAT scanner searches the human body for tumors or other
b. If earth (cease) …………..rotating about its axis but (continue) ………………..revolving abnormalities. Kidney dialyses machines were developed as a result of a NASA developed
around the sun, the length of a year (remain) …………….the same, but a day (last) chemicals process that could remove toxic waste from used dialyses fluid, and insulin pumps
……………….as long as a year were based on technology used on the mars Viking spacecraft. Surgic probes used to treat brain
c. What (happen) to us if a large asteroid (smash) ………………..into the Earth? tumors in children resulted from special lighting technology developed for plant growth
d. If the sun (stop) ………………shining, we (need) heavy coats and flashlights. We (see)
experiments on space shuttle missions. A cardiovascular condition developed for astronauts in
the stars 24 hours a day, but we (never know) ………………..when one day became the
next day. And we (never) ……………see the moon again. space let to the development of physical therapy and athletic development machine used by
THINK, PAIR, SHARE: Suppose a comet collided with the Earth; what would football teams, sports clinics and medical rehabilitation centers. A hospital food service system
happen then? Write a paragraph predicting the consequence of such a collision. employs a cook/ chill concept for serving food. The system allows staff to prepare food well in
advance, maintain heat, visual appeal and nutritional value while reducing operating costs.
I sometimes think with awe about the possible consequences for life on earth if a comet The above examples are only a drop in an ocean. Every day, in a variety of ways, people’s
collided with our planet. I can imagine it hurtling through the atmosphere before it makes its lives are touched by space technology. Since 1976 about 1,400 documented NASA inventions
terrible impact on some part of a continent. Scientists do say that a similar incident took place have benefited the world’s industry, improved the quality of life and created jobs. The Apollo
many thousand years ago, and provoked the extinction of many giant animal species, including program changed the way of life in the whole world. Especially in health care and the budget
for such a noble purpose is actually minimum compared with the one spent by women for their
An enormous crater would form, and possibly cause a volcanic eruption which would
send a heavy layer of particles and ash high up in the sky to stop the sun rays from reaching the make-up.
Earth. Our planet would then be in the dark for many years, and consequently the temperatures
Although space exploration is not a new field, there is still an unanswered question
Sequence four: reading and writing whether it is beneficial or not . ……
Read the text carefully then do the activities: (SAYING IT IN WRITING)

Space exploration is the investigation of the universe beyond the Earth’s atmosphere; The
first successful orbital launch was made by the Soviet Union in 1957. When the topic “SPACE Activity 3 : Are these statements true or false:
EXPLORATION” is put on the table, a question is often been asked: “Why should we spend a) The prior ones who made it to space were the Russians...................
money on NASA where there are so many problems here on Earth?”. Up to date, the world has b) Asteroids are composed of water, chrome and aluminum……………
been compiling a list of two opposite responses to this question under two headlines; benefits c) 22 out of 439 individuals survived in the outer space before November 2004 …………..
and drawbacks. §1 d) The financial supply of Apollo Space Program have increased for the past 50 years..............

The most significant benefit of space travel is the gain of knowledge. In the field of Activity 4: Answer the following questions according to the text.
medicine, digital hearing aids, miniature heart pumps, cure for tumours and laser eye surgery  Is space exploration beneficial in the field of medicine? If yes, give one example
trace their origin to space exploration. Safety equipment such as fire-resistant aircraft seats and ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
pyjamas, smoke detectors and road construction are also a result of this research. In fact, ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
studying Earth from space has shown us the amount of pollution and illegal deforestation
affecting our planet. In addition, asteroids have iron and nickel which could be utilized to  Instead of wasting money on space exploration, what can we do for our globe?
satisfy the demand for metal. Plus comets and asteroids carry solid water that can be broken ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
down to hydrogen and be used as fuel for the rockets. §2 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

On the other hand, the most devastating drawbacks caused by space travel is the loss of  Is the writer for or against space exploration? Justify
lives. The United States shuttle, Columbia, exploded when entering the Earth’s atmosphere, ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
killing seven astronauts in 1989. Before the November of 2004, there were 439 individuals ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
who went to outer space, out of which 22 lost their lives. Hence, there is a 5 percent risk of an
astronaut dying in a space mission. Also, the immense cost put into research and development. Activity 5: find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following:
For instance, the Apollo Space Program for landing on the Moon costs around $145 billion in
2007 ($25.4 billion in 1969) which some believe could be used for the benefit of mankind such - disadvantages= ……………..……….. ……1§ - decrease= ……………..………4§
as feeding the starving millions around the globe or providing loans for the developing - As a result =………….…………..3§ - huge= ……………...…….3§
countries. §3
Activity 6: expressing similarities and differences:
In conclusion, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages for the space exploration.
Nevertheless, there should be efforts made to reduce the disadvantages as far as possible. 1. The earth takes one year to go around the sun. Uranus takes 84 years to complete one
Therefore, future space exploration should be carried out for the benefit of the human race.§4 revolution around the sun.
Activity 1: Circle the letter that corresponds to the right answer. 2. Mercury is terrestrial planet made of rock and metal. Venus is terrestrial planet made
The text is: a) Descriptive b) Argumentative c) Narrative of rock and metal.
Activity 2: Match ideas with their paragraphs:
Ideas N of §
-The advantages of space exploration include gaining knowledge and consuming 3. Mercury, Venus and Mars are mostly composed of rock and metal. Jupiter, Saturn and
materials from outer space for the benefit of mankind. ….. Uranus are formed by mostly gaseous material.
-The benefits of space exploration are seen more significant than the …………………………………………………………………………………………………
disadvantages; so it should continue. …...
Activity 7: Give the correct form of the verbs:
-The disadvantages of space exploration are the immense costs involved and the
risk of loss of human life . ……
1. If the earth (to stop) ……………orbiting the sun, the northern hemisphere (to keep)
…………………..getting hotter & hotter while the southern hemisphere (to be) ………………
colder & colder.

2. What (to happen)……………….to us if a large asteroid (to smash) ……………into the


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