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Answer to the question no 01 A

a) iii- ten years

b) iv- worry
c) i- devastation
d) iv- 20th century
e) ii- globalization

Answer to the question no 01 B

a) People leave their own countries either because sometimes they are forced to
leave their own country or because they want to settle in the foreign countries for
business or job purposes.
b) In twentieth century history, the Palestinian diaspora has attracted a lot of
attention and been a cause of concern for world leaders because of the plight of
Palestinians. There have been massive Diasporas in Africa, too, over the centuries,
either because of war or because of the ravages of nature.
c) Globalization has made the world a global village creating a borderless market.
It has made the world smaller with its economic activities. To change the fortune
of the people of comparatively poorer countries, they are moving to the
economically developed countries which result in massive diaspora around the
d) The term diaspora Is used to refer to people who have left their homelands and
settled In other parts of the world. Aryans from Central Europe are the Diasporas
in the Indian Sub-Continent.
e) The scholars have been studying about the Diasporas with great interest
because it has become a regular phenomenon around the world causing
international issues regarding economic and social security.
Answer to the question no 04
a) difficult f) loss
b) solve g) causes
c) narrow h) affects
d) infrastructure i) plan
e) force j) reason

Answer to the question no 06

Annelies Marie Anne Frank was a German-born diarist. She is
one of the most discussed Jewish victim of Nazi Holocaust of
World War II. She gained fame posthumously for her The Diary
of a Young Girl. In this diary she chronicled her life in hiding
from 1942 to 1944. Anne's diary begins on the thirteenth
birthday. At the start of her diary, Anne describes fairly typical
girlhood experiences. This diary also shows the vivid historical
context of her personal thoughts. After the end of war her
father Otto Frank recovers the book from Miep. He decides to
publish the diary to fulfill Anne's wishes. After publication it has
become one of the world's most widely known books.
Answer to the question no 07

The Sundarbans is the largest mangrove forest in the world. It has been declared

the 52nd World Heritage Site in the world. The Sundarbans is in south west part

of Bangladesh in the district of greater Khulna. India shares a bit of the forest with

Bangladesh. The Sundarbans is a part of the world’s largest delta formed by the

rivers Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna on the Bay of Bengal. Thousands of

streams, creeks, rivers and estuaries have enhanced its charm. The total area of

the forest is about 38,000 square kilo meters. The name may have been derived

from the Sundari trees that are found in Sundarbans in large number.

The Sundarbans is famous for its unique ecosystem and a rich wildlife habitat. It is

the natural habitat of the world’s famous Royal Bengal Tiger, spotted deer,

crocodiles, jungle fowl, wild boar, lizards and many more. Migratory flock of

Siberian ducks flying over thousands of sail boats loaded with timber, fuel wood,

honey, shell and fish add to the serene, natural beauty of the Sundarbans. It

provides an aesthetic attraction for local and foreign tourists. In Present, the

World Heritage Centre of Unesco has declared largest mangrove forest on earth,

the Sundarbans of Bangladesh, as a “World Heritage in Danger” site. Climate

change is the main cause of destruction of Sundarban and extinction of Tigers. As

sea levels rise, Sundarbans has been overexposed to salt water. Sea level rise and

coastal erosion are also shrinking the tigers' ranges. Along with this cause

Inbreeding depression, Human-tiger conflict, Poaching and piracy, Food shortage

are the other causes of extinction of tigers. Moreover, it is the single largest

source of forest produce in the country. The forest provides raw material for

wood based industries. In addition to traditional forest produce timber, fuelwood,

pulpwood etc. large scale harvest of non-wood forest products such as thatching

materials, honey, bees-wax and fish resources of the forest takes place regularly.

So, its role in our national economy in no way can be ignored.

Answer to the question no 08
Once there was a clever fox in a jungle. One day, when the fox was walking through

jungle, he fell into a trap. He could somehow get out of the trap, but he had to leave his

tail behind. Without tail the fox looked very strange and the fox felt very sad and

ashamed. But the fox was very cunning. The fox thought and thought and finally hit

upon a plan. The fox called all other foxes of the jungle in a meeting. When all other

foxes attended the meeting, the fox told them that he had made an important

discovery. The fox said that there was no use of their tails. It was a burden. So the fox

told them to cut off their tails. Many foxes supported his plan. They said that he was

right. At that moment one old wise fox became angry and said in anger, "Don't follow

this rogue. He has lost his tail in a trap. Now, he looks strange. He want to look you like

him". Hearing this the all foxes became very angry with the cunning fox. The cunning fox

fled away in fear and saved his life.

Answer to the question no 09


Subject: Request to return a book.

Dear Sharmin,

How are you? I have not heard from you for a long time. It’s a

pretty long time since you borrowed a book entitled ‘A book of

English Grammar and Composition from me, But you have

not yet returned it to me. Perhaps you have forgot ten to

return it. However, in the next month, I’ll have to sit for the

annual examination. So I am badly in need to the book.

Please return it to me without delay. You may take it in future

when you need it.

Yours lovingly

Answer to the question no 10
 The graph shows the variations in temperatures at different months of the

year. According to the chart, the lowest temperature is in the month of

January, and it is 10-degree centigrade. The highest temperature of the

year has been shown in the months of June and July, and it is 35-degree

centigrade. The graph shows that there is a gradual rise in temperature

from January to June. During this time the temperature varies from 10-

degree centigrade to 35-degree centigrade. In June and July, the

temperature remains unchanged. But from August the temperature begins

to fall gradually and this trend continues till January. However, the similarity

of temperatures is noticeable in some months. May and August have

almost the same temperature and it is around 33-degree centigrade. Again,

April and October have similar temperatures and it is around 30 degree

centigrade. Also, the temperature is almost the same. March and October.

Thus, the graph shows the rise and fall of temperature from January to

Answer to the question no 11

War can never bring blessings for mankind. War is

always destructive and inhuman. It causes mass

killing and destroys the backbone of economy. The

working class people are the worst sufferer of war

where the rich fulfill their mean interest. So, war

should be avoided. 

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