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Shaheed Police Smrity College

Year Final Exam-2021

Subject: English 1st Paper
Time: 3 Hours Full Marks: 100
Part-A: Reading (Marks-60)
1. Read the passage and answer the questions A and B.
The term Viaspora . is used to refer to people who have left their homelands and settled in other parts
of the world. either because they were forced to do so or because they wanted to leave on their own.
The wont is increasingly used for such people as a collective group and/or a community. The world
has seen many diasporas but scholars have been studying the phenomenon with great interest only
in recent decades.
Among the great diaspoms of history is that of the Jewish people, who were forced to leave their
lands in ancient times. The movement of Aryans fmm Central Europe to the Indian sub-continent
thousands of years ago is also a noteworthy diaspora. although the causes of this diaspora arc
unclear. In twentieth century history, the Palestinian diaspora has attracted a lot of attention and been
a cause of concern for world leaders because of the plight of Palestinians. Them have been massive
diasporas in Africa. too. over the centuries. either because of war or because of the ravages of nature.
But the chief reason why the phenomenon of diaspora is attracting so much attention now is
A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives.
(a) The word 'decade' refers to -
i) shiny years ii) fifty years iii) ten years iv) live years
(b) The closest meaning of the word 'concern' is -
i) mention ii) tiny iii) trivial iv) worry
(c) The synonym of 'ravage' is -
i) devastation ii) barren iii) fertility iv) importance
(d) Palestinians diaspora has attracted the attention of
world leaders in -
i) 16. century ii) 18. century iii) 19i4 century iv) 20. century
(e) The cause of spreading diasporas throughout the
world at present is -
i) nationalization ii) globalization iii) deprivation iv) defamation
B. Answer the following questions. 2x5=10
(a) Why do people leave their own countries?
(b) What do you know about the plight of the Palestinians?
(c) Globalization works as stimulant to focusing diaspora.
(d) Who does the term 'Lliaspora. refer to? Who are the
diasporas in the Indian sub-continent?
(e) Why do you think scholars have become interested in
the study of diasporas?
2. Read the following text and make a now-chart showing the measures to be taken for restoring
peace in the world. The first one is shown as example. 2)(5=10
A peace movement is a social movement that seeks to achieve ideals such as the ending of a particular
war (or all wars), minimize inter-human violence in a particular place or type of situation,
including ban of guns, and is often linked to the goal of achieving world peace. Means to achieve
these ends include advocacy of pacifism, non-violent resistance, diplomacy. boycotts,
demonstrations, peace camps: supporting anti-war political candidates and banning guns, creating open
government, direct democracy: supporting people who expose war-crimes or conspiracies to create
wars, and making laws. Different organizations involved in peace movements may have some
diverse goal, but one common goal is sustainability of peace.
[ 1. To follow pacifism 2 1 3 1 1 4 1 1 5 1 6
3 . S u m m a r i z e t h e f o l l o w i n g t e x t . 1 0
Children's right to education also implies that the school they go to will have a pleasant and leming -
friendly environment where everyone will have an enjoyable time. Teachers will be kind, caring and
supportive and children will feel relaxed. No harsh words will be spoken to them and special care
will be taken of children with learning disabilities.
That, unfortunately is not the general picture in our schools. The system of education in our pan of the
world does not allow children much freedom, and classrooms look more like cages where they are pent
up for hours. Rabindmnath Tagore (read his As P.astem University" in Unit Six) found it
unacceptable; so did William Blake (1757-1857), an English poet and painter, whose favourite subjects
included children. In his poem "The School Boy" Blake writes about a young boy who is unhappy with
his school where dour-faced teachers give joyless leassons. He would rather like to be outdoors and
enjoy the summer day. He pleads with his parents to rescue him from the drudgery of school.

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