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It’s Not Easy Being Green . . .
or Yellow or Orange or . . .
With so many different coolants out there,
it’s important—make that essential—to
know what’s safe to put in where, and when.

ift the hood of a new tory. And you have to know what
Ford vehicle and you’re coolant you’re dealing with to be sure
likely to see a yellow you’re doing no harm.
coolant in the overflow Longtime MOTOR readers know that
jug and an interesting the color of the coolant dye really is
label on it. In pictorial meaningless. Dye should help you spot
language it says “Do not use orange a leak, but that’s about it. But with
coolant; yellow coolant is okay.” these seemingly contradictory warning
Sounds pretty straightforward, right? labels, you really need a basic under-
It isn’t. Lift the hood of another Ford standing of what’s been happening with
product (in this case, a Taurus with the coolant formulations and colorings.
pushrod V6) and you’ll see that same You may remember that about 93%
label, but the jug contains orange of most coolant is ethylene glycol, an-
coolant. Wait a minute. Something other few percentage points are water solutely, positively don’t want DexCool-
clearly is very wrong. It cautions “don’t and/or a solvent to keep rust/corrosion type coolants used in their vehicles.
use orange,” but the factory-installed inhibitors in solution and the remain- Nevertheless, you have to pick some-
coolant is orange. der are those inhibitors. The inhibitors thing to install, and to top up with, and
Lift the hood of a Chrysler product make a huge difference, and they’re we’ve learned that the systems are not
and you’ll see orange coolant in the jug what all the arguments are about. necessarily forgiving of some mixtures
and a “special engine coolant only” Didn’t we talk about all these of different coolants. There are circum-
warning on the cap. Isn’t DexCool the coolants last year? You bet, and we’ll stances where an unfavorable mixture
special coolant, and isn’t it orange? Yes probably be talking about them for can cause an increase in corrosion.
to both questions, but Chrysler Group years to come. Since last year, however, Taking these issues a step further,
says don’t use DexCool in its products. Honda and Toyota have moved strong- this year we’ve seen more cases that
It’s confusing, to say the least. ly into extended-life organic acid tech- contribute to coolant confusion. These
The basic answers to what coolant to nology (OAT) coolants. Yes, DexCools days, it’s all too easy to make a mistake.
use where, and when, are pretty sim- also are OATs, but these Japanese for- You have to appreciate a bit of
ple, but when you go past that, you’re mulas are not DexCool, and the two chemistry about the various formulas.
getting into some pretty complex terri- car companies have indicated they ab- You’ve got to know in basic terms

24 August 2004
what’s different about the different DexCool, but orange-dyed—coolant). sion inhibitors, one called sebacate, the
coolants—both conventional and ex- The discontinued Mercury Cougar was other called 2-EHA (which stands for
tended-life types—and what it means an exception; it did contain an orange 2-ethylhexanoic acid). These organic
when you have to pick one. Yes, that coolant similar to DexCool. acids are very stable and last a long
includes a bit about the dye colors. The “DexCool” designation means time, although they take thousands of
the coolant passes General Motors miles to become fully effective in pro-
What’s In DexCool? performance testing. Although Dex- tecting coolant passages.
You should know that the term “orange Cool is not a specific formula, all three GM recommends a DexCool change
coolant” has come to mean a DexCool- brands that have the label (Texaco every five years or 150,000 miles,
approved brand but that doesn’t mean Havoline, Prestone Extended Life and whichever comes first. Because most
it’s really true. If you make this assump- Zerex Extended Life) are somewhat people drive 15,000 to 20,000 miles a
tion, you’d be wrong. It’s what Ford’s similar. In particular, they’re OAT year, that translates to a five-year re-
warning labels could be interpreted to coolants, but the similarities go beyond placement interval. As noted, the thou-
refer to, so that label doesn’t serve to that basic description. sands of miles required to protect met-
clarify things (certainly not when a Ford All DexCool-approved coolants to al is an important trade-off for that
system contains a very different—non- date use two organic acid rust/corro- longer life. Although like conventional

August 2004 25

This pictorial label on a Ford vehicle (above) has a diago-

nal line through the orange, which means do not use or-
ange coolant (really referring to DexCool). The “OK” refers
to the use of yellow coolant in this cooling system.
The cap on this Chrysler coolant jug (right) cautions that
“special engine coolant only” should be used, and the
coolant dye color is orange. Aside from one limited use
seven years ago, however, Chrysler does not approve a
DexCool-type coolant (or any other true OAT coolant).
The approved coolant for this application is type G-05.

coolants, OATs also contain other in- protection—silicates and phosphates—

hibitors, for targeted protection. and conventional American coolants
The inhibitor 2-EHA works well in have used formulas containing both of
hard water and is more effective than them. Silicates are related to sand, and
sebacate at lower pH levels (when the there were questions as to their effect
coolant moves from the alkaline end to- on water pump seals. Some old tests
ward the acid side), particularly for cast seemed to suggest they were harmful,
iron. Well, GM has a number of cast- but there has been no credible evidence
iron engines. When there’s a low to support that stance on late-model de-
coolant level in the coolant passages, signs with reputable brands of coolant.
the exposed cast iron rusts. Apparently, This Saturn cap reads DexCool, and In fact, today’s carbide seals are about as
that rust is washed away later by flow- that’s what’s inside, despite engine durable as you can get, and silicates that
ing coolant, and is deposited in the heat supplier Honda’s objections. remain in solution seem to produce no
exchangers. It eventually produces the problem anywhere. In real-world evalu-
rust powder problems that have been problems when it tested a DexCool- ations, there’s no evidence of any issue,
so widely observed (see MOTOR’s Au- type formula on its V8 engines. Ford al- as silicate inhibitors have been used
gust 2002 issue at so saw similar issues with other gasket successfully for many decades in all
Why does the coolant level in these en- materials. That killed the OAT coolant makes of cars. Where a seal-deteriora-
gines drop? The original radiator cap idea for Ford, which had used a Dex- tion issue surfaces, it has been attrib-
design was blamed for some of the is- Cool-like coolant in the ’99 Cougar V6. uted to core sand, from failure to clean
sue, but there probably are a number Could that inhibitor be responsible engine blocks properly.
of causes, including owner neglect and for the intake manifold coolant gasket Silicates protect very quickly, so if
normal seepage. However, the rust leakage on GM 60° V6 engines? Or is there’s some mechanical breakdown in
powder issue is not a problem that was there some other service issue involved? the silicate protection, it re-forms very
observed with the previously used con- (After all, GM isn’t the only one with rapidly. For example, a water pump
ventional American coolant. coolant gasket leakage problems.) The may suffer cavitation erosion/corrosion
The inhibitor 2-EHA poses another experts are still working on it. (a high coolant/ambient temperatures
issue: It’s a plasticizer (softens plastic), so issue, particularly with certain cooling
it has been blamed for coolant passage What Preceded OATs system designs). That means that as
gasket leakage. Softening (and the re- Until the extended-life OATs came on the coolant passes through the pump,
sulting distortion) was reported by Ford, the scene, there had been primarily two bubbles are produced, which then col-
which encountered gasket leakage major coolant inhibitors for aluminum lapse with explosive force, pockmark-

26 August 2004
tional American coolant) plus other in-
hibitors. These have been used for a
long time, and although they’re con-
ventional formulas, there are enhanced
versions today, as covered in the section
on “Other Extended-Life Coolants.”
Japanese conventional coolants con-
tain no silicates, but they do contain
phosphates for fast-acting protection,
plus other inhibitors. Extensive Japan-
ese tests have shown phosphates to be
a good corrosion inhibitor for alu-
minum, and particularly effective in
protecting water pumps from corro-
sion after cavitation erosion/corrosion.
The questions about 2-EHA were
raised not only by Ford (and reported-
ly DaimlerChrysler) but within Japan-
ese coolant development circles, as
well. When Honda introduced its long-
life coolant, it specifically excluded 2-
EHA, and we can tell you there is un-
happiness at Honda regarding Dex-
Cool in the new Saturn VUE with the
Honda-supplied 3.5L V6. The system
is being filled with DexCool because
that’s what’s in the plant for everything
else. It would not be simple to set up a
separate coolant fill system for the
Honda engine. Robinair’s new 75700 CoolTech, which
We can’t tell you how this dispute is uses a push/pull process (pressure at
RTI Technologies’ new VCX-4 Vacuum going to play out, but you do have to inlet, venturi vacuum draw), has two
Coolant Exchanger comes with four make a choice when it’s time to new-coolant tanks stacked in the
coolant cylinders—one for used back. The machine, which comes with
change. The engine already has been
coolant and three for new coolants adapters for connection in series with
(such as DexCool, G-05 and conven- protected with DexCool (unless there’s the radiator and upper hose, also can
tional American). This machine, an assembly line change in the works) perform reverse-flushing with the
which uses shop air and venturi and it’s reasonable to install that when engine off. The machine’s top-mount-
vacuum to do the job, is designed to you service that engine. However, to ed control panel has just two manual
connect to the radiator neck. extend gasket life and protect the wa- valves, for simplified operation.
ter pump impeller and chamber, it
ing the internal parts of the pump. wouldn’t be a terrible idea to flush the orange. Now that we’ve seen Ford
That pockmarking is erosion, the system and switch to a coolant with products with orange, it’s possible that
marks being exposed, unprotected phosphates and/or silicates (conven- some of the stuff meant for Chrysler al-
metal. If the inhibitors work quickly, tional American or G-05) at this point. so is being shipped to Ford. Or perhaps
the damage stops after minor corro- it’s the DexCool-like coolant used in
sion. If they work slowly (as with or- Other Extended-Life the old Cougar, although that’s doubt-
ganic acid inhibitors), the pockmarked Coolants ful. It’s confusing, particularly when
areas corrode for a longer period. Ford and Chrysler Group use G-05, a you see a “don’t use orange” label on
American conventional green low-silicate, no-phosphate formula long the coolant jug and there’s orange
coolants use doses of both silicates and specified by Mercedes, even for its pas- coolant in the jug.
phosphates. Phosphates also protect senger car diesels. Once a similar for- What is G-05? It’s called a HOAT
aluminum quickly, but have raised mula even was made by Texaco for Sat- (for hybrid organic acid technology)
concerns in hard water. OAT coolants urn, with green dye and carrying a 3/36 that today serves for extended intervals,
contain no silicates and no phosphates. service interval. Today, the Ford and af- typically 5 years/100,000 miles. Like
European coolants also contain no termarket versions have yellow dye—or conventional Euro coolants, it’s a low-
phosphates, but do contain silicates (at at least they’re supposed to. And the silicate, no-phosphate formula designed
a somewhat lower dose than conven- Chrysler Group formula has been dyed to pass European hard water tests. The

30 August 2004
reference to OAT in HOAT is for an or- vide fast-acting aluminum protection, with the remainder (from top-ups) a 50-
ganic acid inhibitor called benzoate, particularly to recoat the water pump 50 combination of an OAT and a con-
which actually has been used for many after cavitation erosion/corrosion. ventional American coolant or a G-05.
years in almost every American, Japan- A remaining inhibitor (borate) could at-
ese and European conventional coolant What to Use tack aluminum if the silicates are de-
except what we now call OAT. We used to say that maintaining the pleted. This becomes more of an issue
Honda and Toyota use a new ex- coolant level was more important than when a part is being changed, and that
tended-life OAT coolant—made with which type of coolant to use. But there’s new part has no protection against cavi-
sebacate as the only organic acid—no new evidence that we’ve been too cava- tation erosion/corrosion.
2-EHA. Sebacate isn’t quite as effec- lier in that respect. Sure, for small top- Top up with DexCool in GM and
tive in combating corrosion at lower ups or in an emergency situation, it VW/Audi vehicles, and ’98 Chrysler
pH levels, but because that’s more of a doesn’t matter—use what you have. L/H cars or the ’99 Mercury Cougar, if
cast-iron issue, it apparently didn’t con- However, there are possible problems you get one with the original coolant or
cern the Japanese. Both Honda and with extreme mixtures. An example cit- DexCool. Top up everything else with
Toyota do continue to avoid silicates, ed by one coolant chemist: A somewhat your second coolant—G-05 or conven-
but add a dose of phosphates to pro- diluted mix, perhaps 50% to 60% water, tional American.

Replacement Parts
Original equipment coolants are validat-
ed for factory replacement parts. One of
the issues that may arise is the use of an
aftermarket replacement radiator or
heater core made of copper-brass with
lead solder. We have in previous articles
pointed out that today’s coolant in-
hibitor packages contain a small amount
of copper-brass protection, but may
provide little protection if a radiator is
made with high-lead solder. Results of
industry standard tests of the new Toy-
ota extended-life coolant now show a
substantial weight loss (corrosion), both
in a 50-50 mix and in a 33% coolant
mixture (solder corrosion is much
greater in this more diluted solution).
If you have to change a radiator or
heater core, use aluminum. Or, if it’s an
older car and the owner wants the low-
est-cost radiator, you might procure a
soldered-together copper-brass unit.
Conventional American coolant should
provide better protection against sol-
der corrosion, which can result in radi-
The Viper 3250 coolant exchanger is
basically the company’s AF3400 ma- ator tube restrictions and leaks. But no
chine with the coolant recycling coolant provides perfect protection.
function removed (a nod to the ef- If you’re replacing aluminum parts on
fective end of in-shop recycling). The an engine, such as a water pump or even
new-coolant tank is designed for a new cylinder head, remember that
easy replacement, with available part’s coolant passages have not been
spare tanks for alternative coolants. protected. In those cases you should
perform a complete coolant exchange.
White Industries’ new model DF2200 2Cool (above right) is a vacuum draw
machine that comes with two new-coolant tanks. It’s designed to do vacuum
drain & f ill through the radiator neck, or reverse-flow pressure flush
Complete Coolant
through the upper radiator hose. There’s an optional flow diversion manifold, Service Choices
which connects in series with the upper hose and radiator. In one position, Chances are you’ll standardize on two
the manifold valve allows coolant circulation only through the vehicle cooling coolants to cover most situations. One
system; in the other, coolant also flows through the machine for exchange. will be a DexCool formula; the other
continued on page 60

32 August 2004
continued from page 32
could be a G-05 extended-life or a con- again, it’s a no-brainer. Both companies market and history says conventional
ventional American (green or gold). A have identified problems with Dex- American coolants work well in these
better approach would be to have all Cool, so use something else. G-05 is vehicles. Toyota research indicates the
three coolants. When it comes to what available in the aftermarket, so that’s new extended-life coolant contains
to use and when, here are recom- your choice for extended life on vehi- phosphates to protect the water pump,
mended or suggested strategies: cles from those makers. However, if and DexCool contains no phosphate.
GM and VW/Audi vehicles. For your second coolant is conventional Honda has said it will not use a coolant
these applications, use DexCool be- American, that’s fine. The recommend- with 2-EHA. So both carmakers ex-
cause that’s in accordance with factory ed service interval is shorter, but if the clude DexCool. Best solution with after-
coolant formula recommendations. coolant level is maintained and the mo- market coolants: Do a complete coolant
Sure, the vehicle probably will be out torist is not a high-mileage driver, it can exchange, and replace the Japanese OE
of warranty by the time you get it and serve beyond two years. In fact, Ford coolant—conventional or extended-life
have to make a decision. But the OE long recommended four-year intervals —with conventional American or G-05.
recommendation is the safe way to go, with conventional American coolant.
and because you can easily obtain a Japanese vehicles. This is a problem Coolant Exchange
DexCool, it’s a no-brainer. area, because Japanese-spec coolants Never before has the capability to do a
Ford and Chrysler vehicles. Here have never been sold in the U.S. after- complete coolant exchange been more
important. Even if you’re changing a
DexCool system and putting in new
Coolant Color War DexCool, you want to get the system
full, really full. A low coolant level is bad
American Green. A light-medium green with inhibitors that include news, particularly with cast-iron en-
silicates and phosphates. Recommended service life could be 2/30, gines. Even if the engine is aluminum, a
4/50 or even 5/100. low coolant level could mean engine-
Prestone American Yellow Gold. Some think it has a green cast to it, damaging temperatures and surely
but gold is the color of the dye. It also includes silicates and phosphates.
cause poor heater performance in win-
DexCool Orange. An OAT coolant that features sebacate and the ter. With today’s smaller coolant capaci-
controversial 2-EHA as the primary inhibitors. Texaco Havoline, Pres-
tone Extended Life and Zerex Extended Life make DexCool-approved
ties, the system doesn’t have to be low
coolants (along with other types). It’s now used only in GM cars for by much for problems to surface.
original equipment. If you’re making a change in coolant
Japanese Green. Usually a deeper green than American green, with in- type, such as any Japanese coolant to
hibitors that include phosphates (no silicates). If it’s a conventional American green or G-05, you should
coolant, the recommended life span is typically 2/30. If it’s an extended- get at least 90% of the old stuff out.
life formula, the intervals go up to 5/100. The only way to do this and ensure a
Toyota Red. A conventional Japanese coolant with phosphates but, full system when you’re done is with
again, no silicates. Due to a similarity in color, it’s often mistaken for Dex- coolant exchange equipment.
Cool, particularly in the Pontiac Vibe, a Toyota-engineered product. A complete coolant exchange can
Toyota Pink and Honda Deep Green Extended Life. These new ex- be done manually, if you have a lot of
tended-life Japanese coolants use phosphates for fast protection (no sili- time and infinite patience, plus a will-
cates) and a single organic acid (sebacate) and other inhibitors. ingness to lose money on the job. In
VW/Audi Pink. The version used in models sold in the U.S. is an organic addition to the coolant exchangers al-
acid type, primarily sebacate. However, some European models reportedly ready on the market, we’ve been see-
use combinations of sebacate and 2-EHA, so it seems to be a matter of ing new ones designed to handle two
who’s the supplier rather than an objection to 2-EHA.
or more coolants. They’re a recogni-
European/Ford Yellow. More of a yellow than Prestone American Yel-
tion of the many different coolants
low Gold. Its inhibitors include a relatively low dose of silicates (no phos-
phates), plus benzoate. It’s often called a HOAT (hybrid OAT), because currently in use.
benzoate is an OAT, though benzoate is not used in “true” OAT formulas. Whatever the coolant, remember
Euro yellow is sold in the U.S. aftermarket as type G-05. the other half of the mixture is water.
Chrysler Group Orange. The dye is orange, but the formula is G-05, the In hard water areas, always use de-
same as European/Ford Yellow. mineralized water. Some coolant for-
Korean Blue. You also may have seen blue dye in some European cars mulas are more tolerant of hard water
(BMW and Volvo, among others). It’s similar to European/Ford yellow. than others, but that doesn’t mean it’s
Brown. Usually a combination of two coolants mixed together by a top- good for them.
up—for example, orange coolant repeatedly topped up with green, gold
or yellow. It even may be an orange coolant discolored by heavy doses of
sealer installed to avoid replacing a leaking heater or radiator. Visit to download
a free copy of this article.

60 August 2004

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