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Name: Zheng Cao

Date: 04/10/2021


1. Should acquisition of infrastructure replacement services be an arm’s-length
transaction or a close partnership transaction?
2. Which vendor, contract structure, and service delivery model should IVK choose?
3. How important is “control” to a company like IVK when outsourcing IT? How
should control be maintained?
4. How should IVK hire to support contract management? Will very good technical
employees be needed in a future characterized by high levels of IT outsourcing?
5. What does the future of a loan-based financial services business look like,
completely reimagined around a much more partner-based, virtual, and globalized
concept? Is IVK being ambitious enough?
1. Basically, IVK wanted the best, so ServoLith was chosen. This ambitious move
caused trouble to IVK because ServoLith cancelled the priority of IVK and there were
problems with this partnership. IVK needs to trade with a service company of
appropriate size, which can give priority to IVK and produce results. IVK is working
with service companies. Although their intention to find the best solution is good, the
results are not satisfactory. Therefore, close partnership communication will be more
2. IVK should be used with VerxaWeb because they provide services similar to
ServoLith without the hassle of HiOSoft's proposal. VerxaWeb is the best choice here
because they can provide first-class services (services close to ServoLith), but they
match IVK much better because they will provide more sensitive features that
ServoLith cannot provide. The close relationship and fast response capabilities that
VerxaWeb can provide will directly solve the problems raised by ServoLith, as shown
in the above problems.
3. The control of outsourced work depends on the nature of your company's business.
In order to ensure the safety of banks and their customers, companies with exquisite
information (such as banks and hospitals) need to exercise very strict control over the
information accessed by external consultants. IVK does have such sensitive
information and sensitive customer information. Strict boundaries must be set for this
sensitive information, and third-party consultants should only have sufficient access
rights to complete the requested tasks. Any sensitive information required by IVK
should be monitored by an IVK representative, and some kind of insurance regarding
the correct handling of this information by third parties needs to be established. This
kind of insurance can take some form of legal contract, or it can be carried out by
using a certain technological encryption method. This information will enable
companies like VerxaWeb to access the necessary information, but it can eliminate the
possibility of information leakage.
4. Taking into account the security issues explained in the previous question, it is
reasonable to hire more powerful IT support to ensure that IVK and IVK customers
can safely complete IVK outsourcing in the future. By allocating strong IT personnel
to these outsourcing companies, IVK will benefit a lot from the insurance obtained by
IVK. This will be a positive way to manage future business, and will eliminate
potential future fires that Barton extinguished as previously described.
5. Due to the rapid development of the Internet, people's understanding and judgment
of the world have changed, big data has changed, and computing power has been
improved. This will also transform the traditional financial services industry into a
new technology-centric financial system. Therefore, capable technology partners are
very important for the transformation of the financial industry. Second, the technology
and financial industries also need to take user privacy issues seriously. This requires
strong management of the company. Finally, the development of information
technology will also reduce the ties between countries, which will promote the
globalization of the financial industry. For IVK, the company is working hard to
transform. They reorganized the management department and established an
information management department. They look for suitable partners and hire
technicians. They have also done a lot of work to promote business globalization. I
think IVK is ambitious.
1. What should Barton and Gordon do about the Ivan Korsky problem?
2. How might IT managers best measure and compare the output of diverse
employees? Do you think this measurement should impact the kind of “deal”
(contract) that IVK makes with talented employees such as Korsky?
3. What other kinds of challenges are involved when acquiring, training, and
managing IT talent?
4. What kind of restructuring or “tuning” does an IT organization require over time?
How should you decide whether to centralize talent in a shared organization or
decentralize it into distributed groups?
5. What might Barton learn from Cho’s explanation of how a jazz ensemble works?
1. Ivan Korsky put forward the common problems in talent and skills management.
Korsky is a valuable employee with a variety of unique and priceless talents and
skills. Due to his abilities, the ongoing Alpha 3 project has been assigned to him.
However, due to his "pet project", he has not focused on the project. The Alpha 3
project must be completed before the deadline to restore and maintain customer
confidence in the organization. Therefore, Barton and Gordon must have extensive
discussions with Ivan and explain to him the meaning of their private activities. They
should explain to him that he is an important employee of the organization and the
key to the Alpha 3 project. Ivan’s abilities allow him to enjoy a certain degree of
luxury, but he should not use this to deviate from important activities in the
workplace. Therefore, he should focus on completing Alpha 3 effectively and
2. IT talent is undoubtedly unique. Individuals who truly have above-average IT
talents usually have personalities that are difficult to manage in a traditional
organizational environment. We saw through Tyra Gordon how she was trapped
between a rock and a difficult place. On the one hand, he uses working time and
resources to help seek personal gain to break his work contract. On the other hand, he
can free up ten people to complete hours of magnificent programming in an hour. I
think the quality of the finish is very important. Using some tools such as dashboards
can be a good measure of the quality of the work done by employees. it does not
influence. Because truly talented employees will not be affected by this, on the
contrary, it will be more beneficial to them.
3. There are not enough talents, and they may not be able to keep them. They are
always moving towards better treatment and environment.

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