Semana 8 - Activity

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Centro de Estudios de Idiomas

SEMANA 8: Where´s the party?: Adverbial clauses: before, after and when.
Lengua Extranjera - Lectura Date: Group 04: April 7
Group 15: April 8
Participants: Lina Marcela Hoyos Chinchilla

1. Use the words in Activity 1 to complete the paragraph about weddings in the United States.

The bride usually wears a white wedding dress and carries a bouquet of
flowers. She and the groom invite guests for the ceremony and a reception
afterwards. People usually give their presents to the couple at the reception
and eat a piece of wedding cake. Sometimes, there are beautiful fireworks!

2. Complete the text with before, after or when.

When Carlos had a birthday, we threw him a surprise party. When he came
to the door, we all shouted “Surprise!” We sang “Happy birthday” before he
blew out the candles. After he opened his gifts, he sent thank-you cards.
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Centro de Estudios de Idiomas
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Línea de atención al ciudadano 01 8000 400380
Valledupar Cesar Colombia


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