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Innovative Widgets
Customer Support Policy and Procedure – collecting market research

Purpose Enforce good practices for helping customers with their inquiries
regarding to our service or products. 

Scope This policy applies to all customer service department staff of

Innovative Widgets

Resources You must follow procedures associated with customer support


Relevant Anti-discrimination legislation; Equal Opportunity Act 2010

legislation etc. (VIC);Privacy Act 1998; Competition and Consumer Act 2010;
Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 

Updated/ 10/2011 – John Doe CEO


Customer support process
1.. Greet the customer nicely and friendly make a short presentation of yourself.
2. Ask them how you could help them.
3. Listen fully the customer needs and ask them questions to gather all the
information as possible.
4. Provide the information/support with the many details as possible.
5. Only provide correct information. If you are not sure, ask the customer to gently
wait until you check the information.
6. Ask the customer if he wants anything via email or even printed information.
Innovative Widgets
Customer complaints policy and procedure
Purpose To ensure the management of complaints is carried out
consistently, fairly and transparently and in accordance with
organisational requirements

Scope Covers the management of customers complaints by employees

and contractors of innovative widgets

Resources You must follow procedures associated with customer complaints

at all times. 

Relevant Australian Consumer Law

legislation etc. Privacy Act 1988 (Cwlth)Equal opportunity Act 2010
(Vic)Competition and consumer Act 2010 (Cwlth)

Updated/ 10/2011 – John Doe CEO


Customer complaints resolution process
1. Greet the customer courteously and give them your name
2. Listen fully to what the customer is saying. Try to gather all the facts about the
complaint and jot them down.
3. Ask questions and summaries what they are saying
4. Never argue with the customer
Innovative Widgets
Recordkeeping policy and procedure
Purpose The purpose of this document is to establish a framework for the
implementation and maintenance of an appropriate records
management system. Innovative Widget is committed to maintaining
a records management system that meets its business needs as
well as its legal and accountability requirements

Scope The scope of this policy covers the performance of sales department
and department of customer service as leading.

Resources All staff must follow record keeping procedures at all times.

Relevant Privacy Act 1988

legislation Anti-discrimination legislation
etc. Do Not Call Register Act 2006
Industry codes of practice

Updated/ CEO Innovative Widgets 2014

Recordkeeping process/es
1. Greet the customer nicely and friendly make a short presentation of yourself.
2. Ask them how you could help them.
3. Listen fully the customer needs and ask them questions to gather all the
information as possible.
4. Provide the information/support with the many details as possible.
5. Only provide correct information. If you are not sure, ask the customer to
gently wait until you check the information.
6. Ask the customer if he wants anything via email or even printed information.
7. Ask customer is the support was helpful. Collect feedback.
8. After Finding a resolution, Fll the customer support form and send to customer
service manager

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