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Sample 250(sample)

Fever 1(yes),249(no)

Poor_feeding_RD well 13(yes),237(no)

CRP_Zero_Level 3(positive),247(negative)

CRP_12_Hour 10(positive),240(negative)

Leucopenia No(250)

Thrombocytopenia 5 (yes),245(no)

Duration_of_Ademsion 217(2 day), 33(5 day)

Antibiotic_Duration 217(2 day), 33(5 day)

Blood C/S 2(CPOWTH),248(no)

Gender 130 (male),120 (female)

Sample 250 (samples)

Mother_Fever 2(yes),248(no)

Mother_CRP 101(positive),149(negative)

Prom 88(<<24h),162(>>24)

Induction_Delivery 250(no)

Delivery NVD(192), C/S(58)

Vaginal_SWAB_GBS 6(positive), 244(not available)

Gestation 250(single)

UTI 1(yes), 249(no)

Diabetes 1(yes), 249(no)

Hydramnios 5(OLIGO), 245(Normal)


Intrapartum Antibiotic 249(yes),1(no)

Table 1

Distribution Character
37 weeks Gestational age

192 NVD

130 Male gender

58 Cesarean section delivery

Table 2

Number (frequency) Characteristic

250 PROM

88 PROM < 24 h

162 PROM > 24 h

1 Maternal UTI

244 Unknown GBS status

0 Maternal chorioamnionitis

2 Peripartum maternal fever

Table 3

Number (frequency) Characteristic

Status at birth

237 Well

13 Symptomatic

0 WBC < 5,000

5 Thrombocytopenia

3 CRP baseline positive

10 CRP positive at 48 h

2 Blood culture positive

217 Length of hospital stay

33 Length of hospital stay
)Day 4-5(
0 Mortality
Table 4

Newborns with CRP (negative Newborns with CRP (positive 12h) Characteristics
12h) (n =240) (n =10 )
227 10 Well

13 0 Symptomatic
Sepsis calculator recommendation

239 10 Empirical antibiotics recommended

239 10 Blood culture recommended

2 0 BLOOD C/S ( Growth)

37 wks 37 wks Gestational age (average)

124 6 Male gender (130)

56 2 Cesarean section(58)

0 1 Urinary tract infection

2 0 Maternal Fever(2)

98 3 Maternal CRP( positive(101))

142 7 Maternal CRP(negative(149))

1 0 Neonatal fever(1)

0 0 Chorioamnionitis

240 9 Any antibiotic before delivery

83 5 PROM ≤ 24 h

157 5 PROM >24h

0 0 WBC < 5,000

5 0 Platelets < 150

213 4 Length of hospital stay


27 6 Length of hospital stay

)Day 4-5(

0 0 Mortality
Prom (>>24) (n =162) Prom (18-24) (n =88 ) Characteristics
152 85 Well (237)
10 3 Symptomatic (13)
1 0 Neonatal fever(1)
2 1 Neonatal CRP 1h level (3 positive)
160 87 Neonatal CRP 1h level (247 negative)
5 5 Neonatal CRP 12h level (10 positive)
157 83 Neonatal CRP 12h level (240negative)
0 0 Leucopenia
2 3 Thrombocytopenia (5)
2 0 Maternal Fever(2)
63 38 Maternal CRP (101 positive)
101 48 Maternal CRP (149 negative)
1 0 Maternal UTI(1)
Maternal DM
0 0 Chorioamnionitis
162 87 Any antibiotic before delivery
146 71 Length of hospital stay
19 14 Length of hospital stay
)Day 4-5(
Table 5
Clinical neonatal parameter maternal risk factor
1- RD. Grunting recession. 1- maternal fever.
2- normal neonatal temperature. 2- maternal UTI.
3- Heart rate <160. 3- High CRP or neutropenia.
4- Respiratory rate < 60. 4-intrapartum antibiotic <4 hrs.
5- General wellbeing and feeding 5- GBS carriage or mother with
cyanosis. previous child Infected with
6- preterm <37weeks.

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