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This article will expose the position of the European Union with respect to deforestation.

will also talk about the money that the European Union has invested in recent years and
why it has taken the initiative to pay attention to climate change and all the consequences
for which of deforestation.
We will first talk about the investment of resources from France through the Agence
Française de Development. The purpose of this investment of 9 million euros is to develop
tools and worktables that allow to help the inhabitants of Amazonian populations in
countries of Colombia, Peru, Ecuador and mainly Brazil to protect the biodiversity of this
region. Besides this, the investment also contributes to the improvement in the
administration and the transition towards agroecological farms and improving the quality of
life of the inhabitants of these regions.
On the other hand, it is important to highlight that the participation of the European Union
and especially France in the development of projects that fight against climate change has
been fundamental for Latin American countries to take the initiative to invest part of their
fiscal budget in projects to create agreements that help consolidate nature reserves and
maintain them for a long time. For this reason, several countries in Latin America and the
European Union have invested in educational projects to train communities in new ways of
working and obtaining income without destroying the forests and the great diversity of the
Amazon rainforest.
To conclude, I think it is important for governments to care about conserving the planet's
forests and biodiversity. Because thanks to biodiversity, we can have food safety through
the seasons of the weather, guaranteeing the supply of drinking water to the entire
population. For this reason, it is necessary that a part of the budget of the countries be
assigned to education and the allocation of projects that promote the protection of large
forest regions with a lot of biodiversity.

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