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March, 2021

ENGLISH 8° Código

STUDENT’S NAME: ___________________________________

GRADE: 8° __

Este documento contiene una serie de preguntas por competencias tipo saber que te permitiran
afianzar habilidades evaluativas. Los ejercicios se resolveran en clase con el fin de estudiar para el
examen final.

Lea las descripciones de la columna de la izquierda (1-5) y las palabras de la

PARTE 1 columna de la derecha. ¿Cuál palabra (A-E) concuerda con la descripción de
cada frase de la izquierda (1-5)?

Meaning Word
1. Clothes that fit closely to your A. Baggy
body. (____)
2. Very expensive clothes. (____) B. Loose
3. Clothes made artificially with C. Tight
materials such as polyester or
rayon. (____)
4. Clothes that don't fit closely (____) D. Well-tailored
5. Big and loose clothes (____) E. Man made

Responda las preguntas 06 a 10, marcando A, B o C seleccione la oración

adecuada para cada caso.

6. I am planning a party this week.

A. That’s great!
B. Not at all.
C. Here you are.

7. We are having a meeting tonight at 7 o’clock.

A. I am sorry.
B. I am having a party.
C. That’s fine.

8. I love that bohemian style.

A. So do I
B. She too.
C. What a pity.

9. What is your fashion style?

A. I love being casual.
B. You can have one if you want.
C. I like your chic style.

10. Our mom is having dinner tonight with us, ok?

A. Agree.
B. You are right.
C. Ok.

March, 2021
ENGLISH 8° Código

Lea el texto y seleccione la palabra correcta para cada espacio.

En las preguntas 11 – 17, marque A, B o C en su hoja de respuesta.

My Classmates

This is my classroom, and these are my classmates. My best friend’s name is Andrew. He is
___(11)____ on the blackboard. My other friend, Amy, is very funny. She ___ (12) ___ talking and
telling jokes to Bradley. They ___ (13) ____ listening to the teacher. The kid in the front row is
throwing a paper airplane. He is always ___ (14) ___. The teacher is looking at the map, so he
doesn’t see the airplane. I am standing near the window looking outside. It’s a beautiful day. I wish
I ___(15)___ go outside right now.

However, the teacher told us to study for a quiz today. We haven’t studied too much; but we are
ready to face it. Some friends are studying right now. I want to ask them what to study. So, I am
asking them, “Could you please tell which topics the teacher ___ (16) ____ to study?” But I’m afraid.
Thanks God they are coming to help me because I don’t know ____(17)____ to do.

11. A. write B. writing C. wrote D. written

12. A. am B. be C. was D. is
13. A. isn’t B. weren’t C. aren’t D. wasn’t
14. A. Misbehave B. Misbehaved C. Misbehaving D. Behave
15. A. must B. could C. ought to D. should
16. A. Say B. Saying C. Said D. Says
17. A. what B. where C. that D. when

Responda las preguntas 18 a 22 de acuerdo con el texto. Lea el artículo y luego

responda las preguntas de acuerdo a la respectiva lectura.


- How did you become friends?

We met when I first came to the secondary school we both go to. I was a bit nervous
being the new boy. Danny helped me settle in and we’ve been friends ever since.

- What do you have in common?

We have got a similar sense of honor and we make each other laugh a lot. We’re also
both really into music, although he’s a fan of hip-hop and I’m crazy about indie rock.
He’s always got his headphones on. Neither of us really cares about fashion like some
of the kids are our school, although I love my black denim jacket.

- How would you describe each other?

March, 2021
ENGLISH 8° Código

I’d say he’s easy going, positive and generous, and he’s always there when you need
him. And I hope he’s say the same about me!

18. Which was Sam’s emotional state when he got school?


19. Who helped Sam to feel comfortable in school?


20. What do they have in common?


21. What does Danny always use?


22. How did Sam describe Danny?


Responda las preguntas 23 a 25 de acuerdo con el texto. Lea el artículo y luego

responda las preguntas de acuerdo a la respectiva lectura.


The stereotypical English person is polite, drinks a lot of tea and eats terrible food. It’s
true that we are all polite. It helps us to get along with each other! But we don’t all have
afternoon tea at five o’clock, as some people believe. I actually prefer coffee – I drink at
least four coups a day! As for the terrible food, I just don’t think that’s true at all. I think
there’s a lot of great food here, and a huge variety. I should know – I’m a food critic.

When people think of Australia, they probably imagine a country full of bronzed surfers
and venomous insects. However, I know only two people who surf, even though 85% of
our population lives within 50 km of the coast. And, even though I’ve read that we have
20 of the world’s 25 most venomous snakes, not to mention spiders, crocodiles and
sharks, I’ve never seen any of them in the wild.

23. What is the author’s main intention?


24. Why does Paul defend food variety in England?


March, 2021
ENGLISH 8° Código

25. According to the second paragraph, people in Australia


PARTE 7 Lea el texto y seleccione la palabra correcta para cada espacio.

En las preguntas 26-35, marque A, B, C, o D en sus hojas de respuesta.


On the one hand, Irish people have a ___(26)___ for being very friendly. But on the
other, people believe we are a ___(27) ____ stuck in the past. I think we are
___(28)___… we’re definitely big talkers! And we’re great fun… our Saint Patrick’s Day
celebrations are world famous! With regard to being stuck in the past, I completely
disagree. In some way, we are quite ____ (29) ____ – family is important and Irish folk
music is ____ (30) ____. But we also have a reputation for innovation and technology. A
lot of the big social ___ (31) ____ companies have their European offices in Ireland.


____ (32) _____ people believe that all Scots wear kilts, play the bagpipes and are
stingy with money. It’s true that I’m ____ (33) ____ a kilt in this photo. That’s because
I’m at a ceilidh, which is a traditional social event involving music and dancing. You do
hear bagpipes in Scotland, but they’re for specific ____ (34) _____ and tourists. As far
as money goes, I don’t agree at all. In fact, I think my friends are some of the most
generous people you could ___(35)___.

26. A. Prestige B. Reputation C. Estimation D. Credit

27. A. Quit B. Bite C. Bit D. Few
28. A. Friend B. Friendship C. Unfriend D. Friendly
29. A. Traditional B. Festival C. Festive D. Tradition
30. A. Regular B. Common C. Popular D. Population
31. A. Way B. Media C. Movement D. Channel
32. A. Many B. Much C. More D. Little
33. A. Using B. Employing C. Wearing D. Trying
34. A. Events B. Situations C. Places D. Trials
35. A. Disagree B. Agree C. Meet D. Met

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