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Shree Chanakya Education Society’s

Indira Institute of Management, Pune

Program Name: MBA Specialization: Marketing

Semester III Batch: 2019-2021
Course Name& Code: Integrated Marketing Communication

Division Roll no. Name of the Student Signature

A 7 Aniket Bhandari
A 14 Gaurav Dabhade
A 19 Mohammad Yasir
A 38 Rushab Shingi
A 30 Rahul Joshi

Date of Submission: 30/11/2020

Submitted to: Dr. Rita Dangre

Established in 1987, Red Bull is an established beverage company. Red Bull, who specialized
in energy drinks, greatest strength is its unique marketing strategy and alignment with
distributers. Sales of Red Bull Energy Drink started on the Austrian market, thereby creating
the market categories of energy drinks. Thanks very successful marketing strategy Red Bull
spread to more than 168 countries around the world and to this year were drank over 30
billion cans of Red Bull. It is interesting that even in times of COVID- 19, energy drinks are
one of the few categories of products whose sales are growing; as they grow the Red Bull
company grows as well. The reason may be the ever increasing demands on the individual,
both at work and in personal life. The fact that the energy drink category is so successful is
leading to a very strong competitive environment. This is true even in the Indian market, so it
is still necessary to develop new marketing and sales activities in order to maintain Red Bull
company its leadership. Precisely to marketing activities is following a third of the total net
profit of companies incomes. Red Bull develops innovative marketing communications,
which was associated with the launch of a new product in the Indian market. Red Bull
Company for the period of its existence did not come to the consumers with nothing
equivalent. The introduction of the new Red Bull Editions is a breakthrough point in its
history. With this launch the company could raise brand awareness, increase the number of
consumers and hence increase the sales.

Its dominance can be attributed to the organization’s capacity to focus on its strengths while
compensating for weaknesses. By having awareness its strengths as well as shortcomings,
Red Bull can keep up its present position of dominance in the energy drink market. A quality
Red Bull has over its closest competitors is that they are well established in the caffeinated
drink market and hold a 70 percent share of it. Furthermore, their product line which is
entirely caffeinated drinks, strengthens their position. By focusing on one segment of the
market, caffeinated drinks, Red Bull has created a strong hold on their market that
competitors are struggling to imitate. The company’s unique marketing strategies have
enabled the company establish itself as the best energy drink producer in the world (Donovan
& Henley, 2010). Following Red Bull’s success soft drink giants such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi
and Monster have launched their own energy drinks. This development will surely diminish
Red Bull’s market share. As per Kotler & Keller (2012), this development will affect the
company’s profitability because in addition to the lost market share, the company must
devote more resources in marketing its products.

Red Bull has a method of marketing that is unique to its organization, setting them apart from
the competition in the business. Kotler and Keller (2012) discussed the various methods
utilized noting that rather than maintaining standard advertising strategies, the company has
chosen to focus on an informal exchange via non-traditional means. They also feature
celebrities and engage potential consumers at sports events by providing free samples in
efforts to generate increased interest in their products. Free Red Bull products are provided in
areas including sporting events and high profile parties to reinforce the brand image among
the target market in addition to their promotions (Kotler & Keller, 2012). Other marketing
efforts that attributes to Red Bull’s strengths are their sponsorships and campaigns. These
unconventional advertising methods help to expand the Red Bull trademark, but they also
increases brand awareness.

Despite its significant strengths, Red Bull also has numerous weaknesses that it must address
to remain dominant in the highly-competitive energy drink industry. Red Bull’s small product
selection, extremely elevated amounts of sugar and caffeine, and cost offer chances for other
manufacturers to acquire market share.
Integrated Marketing Communication
Integrated Marketing Communication has evolved significantly, particularly in the recent,
technology-driven social media economy. As a marketer in the globally connected economy,
integrating marketing communications and branding strategies to deliver a consistent, clear,
and concise message to prospective consumers is more important than ever.

Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is a concept under which a company carefully

integrates and coordinates its many communications channels to deliver a clear and consistent
message. It aims to ensure the consistency of the message and the complementary use of
media. IMC is an integration of all marketing tools, approaches and resources within a
company which maximizes impact on the consumer mind resulting in maximum profit at
minimum cost. It uses several innovative ways to ensure that the customer gets the right
message at the right place and right time.

Integrated marketing communication refers to integrating all the methods of brand promotion
to promote a particular product or service among target customers. In integrated marketing
communication, all aspects of marketing communication work together for increased sales
and maximum cost effectiveness.


• Red Bull advertises in Newspaper, TV, Radio & Magazines. Mostly humorous & witty
cartoon campaign

• It is aimed to strengthen brand identity

• Camping & cartoon with slogans

“Red Bull gives you wiings”. “Red Bull revitalizes both body & mind”.

Direct Marketing

• Direct marketing includes some aspects of both sales promotions and personal selling. It
is interactive communication with customers where the company's message seeks or
implores a response from targeted customers. E-mail and direct mail are common
formats. These messages are sent to customers with special offers or calls to action, often
promoting limited-time deals or new product launches.

• Example for call of action:

• Sales Promotion

• Money off coupons Major supermarkets such as Walmart, Tesco and Sainsbury’s do
introduce money off coupons to purchase Red Bull for reduced price in an occasional
manner, along with a wide range of other products offered sold by them.

• Competitions. Red Bull organizes interesting competitions periodically offering

various prizes. ‘Can you make it’ is one of the latest and the most noteworthy
competitions, where participating teams of 3 people are asked to visit certain
destinations in Europe with only 24 cans of Red Bull and without cash, credit cards
and mobile phone.

• Loyalty Program. Red Bull Mobile Connect is a customer loyalty program that
allows Red Bull fans and customers to collect energy and use it to exchange for prizes

• Point of sale materials. Innovative and energy efficient Red Bull fridge, posters and
attractive display stands are supplied by Red Bull to tis resellers.

Public Relation

• Public relations are sometimes somewhat similar to advertising in that much of it

involves messages communicated through mass media. The majority of
younger people nowadays know what Red Bull is or if they don't they have likely
seen the logo somewhere.

• Red Bull began as an energy drink but has taken this concept much further today and
is now a public relations powerhouse that also happens to sell an energy drink.

• Red Bull and their different advertising mediums are geared towards the younger
generation since they often have active sponsorships in activities that could be
considered "extreme" sports.

• They are beginning to branch out into other mediums as they have begun to explore
the realm of music, culture, and lifestyles.

Personal Selling

• Distribution channel suppliers use salespeople to promote products for resale to trade
buyers. Retail salespeople promote the value of goods and services to consumers in
retail businesses.
• Major focus of the Red Bull is to energize company samples at the right place at the
right time, where it finds its exact target market

• Example of usage are driving, studying, working night shifts, adventures, sports etc.

Red Bull work during Covid

Red Bull 'astounded' by Project Pitlane efforts and reveal 'unthinkable' scenarios

Red Bull team boss Christian Horner said he has been "astounded" by Formula 1's 'Project
Pitlane' response to the coronavirus, even if it led to some "unthinkable" scenarios.

Soon after the teams returned to the UK from Australia, after the failed attempt to start the
2020 season, it was announced the seven outfits located in the country would come together
to provide medical equipment for the NHS to help the fight against Covid-19.

The biggest successes from the collaboration came from Mercedes, who developed their own
CPAP device in partnership with University College London.

However, Red Bull and others have been focusing on another key need, ventilators.

“I think it said a huge amount for Formula 1. We approached the government as soon as we
saw this crisis looming, and then got in coordination with other teams as well,” Horner
told of the sport's response.

“We identified a project that we were assigned to, and we were assigned to it with Renault. I
was astounded to see the volunteers that stepped forward unconditionally 24/7 to support this

“We had people like our chief designer Rob Marshall working on it. I think he did three
successive all-nighters on it, and unbelievable efforts that were going in to turn what was a
fairly rudimentary concept into a fully-functional, fully-developed, ventilator.”

When Red Bull first came out, energy drinks didn’t exist, and traditional advertising was
expensive.So, Red Bull went rogue and went with a different strategy.

What did they do, exactly?

They simply went straight to their target audience (18 -35-year-old males)at college parties,
libraries, coffee shops, bars and other places where they hang out.By bringing their audience
free samples, they put the product right in their consumer's hands.That got their audience
talking, spreading the word about their product for free.Today, they still employ a similar
strategy: they go wherever their audience is at.Whether that means sponsoring a music
festival or creating top-notch culture content, they'll do it.In fact, the content Red Bull
publishes is executed at the same level as a professional publishing house. They're effectively
a media company that happens to sell an energy drink, rather than the other way around.

How Red Bull Reaches Its Target Market

Red Bull focuses on three significant tactics to attract its target audience:

Publishing awesome content: The content that the Red Bull marketing team creates is on the
same level as other major media outlets that their audience might consume content from.

Colossal publicity stunts: Red Bull takes “Go Big or Go Home” to the next level by
producing massive stunts that cause everyone to freeze and watch what happens.

Sponsoring or creating events: Red Bull proved its marketing prowess by taking their product
and associating it with things their audience loves by sponsoring or creating events for them.

Following are some of the Cultural parameters for India that could be really helpful for
Advertising campaign of Red Bull.

1. Maximizing the Idea Behind Their Tagline

Red Bull's messaging strategy revolves around their tagline, “Red Bull gives you wings.” It
focuses on the idea that their product gives people the “wings” or energy they need to do
whatever they want when they want.

This tagline fuels their content because they produce and record some of the most action-
packed, high flying sports and activities the world has ever seen.
Red Bull should focus on traditions & cultures in different part of India in order maximize
their reach. The public festivals are carried out in places where there is lot of crowd where
they can directly get in contact with end customers.

2. Keeping Consistent Visual Branding

The visual branding that Red Bull has created is a key contributor to the brand’s success.

The content keeps the watcher engaged through a fast-paced, high-intensity stunt that leaves
them wondering if they’ll actually be able to pull it off.

Indian cultures & traditions has a lot of thrilling activities that Red Bull can target which will
help them to reach customers emotionally.

RedBull’s ability to tell a story that entices their audience. Their focus on everything from
extreme sports to music festivals gives them a wide playing field, but it’s not just that.Red
Bull puts its product second, and the content and value they can give their audience first. The
attention to detail that their marketing team gives is evident. These are people who care about
the topics their writing, recording or creating content around.

Finally, it’s their commitment to the values and aesthetic that the brand created when they
first got their start that makes their marketing work. Everything they create relates back to the
idea of giving people and ideas wings to fly.
3. Letting Values Be Their Guide

Their values play a role in their content as well. They center around one core phrase “giving
wings to people and ideas.” Everything that the Red Bull team communicates revolves
around that tagline and their values.

It’s the ability to keep that communication consistent over the past 30 years that has led to
their success.

4. Building a Strong Content Core

Red Bull’s content core can be summed up by saying:

“Red Bull’s content core revolves around the intersection between their audience’s interest
for extreme sports, festivals, and a fast-paced lifestyle with their product’s ability to keep
people awake and give them energy during those events.”

They focus on topics like extreme sports, music, art, dance, nightlife and a whole lot more.
Because of that broad spectrum, their content can appeal to the right audience.
Vallam kali is another sport festival which involves boat race in Kerala. This type of sports
require high energy & potential which could be used by Red Bull marketing team so as to
maximize their Tagline.

5. By Being Loud and Proud With Social Media Strategy

Social media is another channel that Red Bull dominates with authority.

Their Facebook page, for example, is full of artistic videos that blend together visually
appealing images, music created by their own record label that pumps up viewers, and the
sports and events their audience loves.

Different Indian cultures are the areas which Red Bull can cover in order to bond with the
customers & reach more & more people. It can cover all the cultures which involve sports
activity in its yearly magazine which will be beneficial to connect with people.

6. Bringing The Product To The Audience With Sponsorships and Events

Finally, Red Bull’s sponsorship and events are the last part of their marketing strategy that
seals the domination of their brand. Let’s break their efforts into three categories:

• Publicity stunts.

• Events they’ve created.

• Sponsorships.
In country like India, love for Cricket is not hidden to anyone. Cricket is an emotion for
Indians & when it comes to supporting their hero’s they don’t back out. Red Bull can
increase their reach by sponsoring Indian cricket team& sponsoring cricket events
where they can easily target the crowded audience.

Public relation campaign of Red Bull

In 2012, Red Bull Stratos launched a helium balloon from which Austrian skydiver
Felix Baumgartner jumped 127,852 feet. He became the first person to break the sound
barrier in freefall. The event was watched live by 8.3 million people on YouTube.

According to Smart Insights, Red Bull sales increased 7% in the six months after the
campaign, generating $1.6 billion.
Benefits of using Public relations campaign

• Increase your brand's credibility.

• Attract your target market.
• Provide added value.
• Short and long-term lead generation.
• Build your brand image.

Following are the PR campaigns that we think RedBull should use to raise awareness about
its product in India. Also by using PR communicate messages Redbull can promote its brand
value which can effectively appeal to and mobilize a larger audience.
1. Change the game

Sport is universal in nature. In earlier days only men used to participate in most of the sports
and women were not allowed to participate. Earlier women faced many constraints such as
physiological, psychological, family, social, cultural; religious and so on but later they also
started active participation in all events.

Women sports participants face many constraints or hurdles during their sports career. Such
constraints prevent them from either staying involved in sports or prevent them from training.

Still, in India female players are not recognized the way male cricketers, hockey and
badminton players are recognized. Also gender pay gap is there i.e. female sports players
& their support staff still getting lesser fee rather than male sports players. Campaigns
for women sports participation should be encouraged in all schools, colleges and universities.
Government, private bodies should conduct a regular awareness programme for women
sports participation and should encourage them. The families should also support their girls to
participate in all type of sports without any hesitation/social burden and not even think that
what people say.

Now the time has changed and the Indian women are proving their capacity and marking
their name in the top list of world scholars, scientists, doctors and sports championship.

P.V. Sindhu, Sakshi Malik and Dipa Karmakar were conferred with the country’s highest
sports award—Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna and other awards.

As Media and sponsors can play a bigger role in shaping or breaking gender bias in the
recognition of sports personalities. Redbull should start a campaign like this to break the
gender stereotype. In the campaign #changethegame women will share their experiences
and success stories of how they have overcome different barriers to become successful in
their particular sports. This will help the other athletes and sportspersons to think
beyond gender.
(Smriti mandhana)

2. We are listening

Mental Health is a hot button topic currently. In a rapidly urbanising India, with
infrastructures struggling to catch up, mental health and well-being emerge as one of the
most important public health issues. As a traditionally collectivistic society, close-knit
families and communities were a bastion of support in India. But in the last three decades,
with more multinational companies and corporate turning their heads to tap into the vast
consumer base in India, this structure has started loosening up. Compared to earlier
generations, many more Indians today work far away from their home towns and no
longer have access to their communities. Combined with all major stressors of the
modern-day life, this paradigm shift has resulted in the emergence of mental health issues
such as depression and anxiety a big part of the wellness landscape.
• The pandemic has amplified pre-outbreak mental health concerns.
• Anxiety and stress are big issues for those suffering.
• The most popular coping method is talking to friends and family.
• A lack of sleep is almost unanimous with declining mental health.
• Supporting mental health is mostly seen as the responsibility of governments and
healthcare providers.
• Researchers feel social media has a positive impact on young people mental
• Researchers strongly agree mental health awareness campaigns have helped reduce

Redbull website will offer youth across India a safe space and community to share their
experiences with mental health, mental illness, and wellbeing. Stories on the website
come from all perspectives and are expressed for different reasons. They will come from
young people who have faced mental health challenges, and those who have experienced
caring for someone with mental health issues. The underlying hope is that discovering
other’s stories of dealing with mental health challenges will encourage people to share
their and/or seek help.

The message for the campaign will be.

If you’re not sharing it you’re carrying it. If something’s weighing you down, let it
out with #wearelistening to help lighten the load.

3. For a Better Tomorrow

In this campaign people from all over the world will share their experiences of good
deeds using the #forabettertomorrow. The campaign will allow the users to post their
stories on social media channels. Top notch stories will get a chance to feature on the
official website of RedBull.

Users can share any good deed. It could be-

• Help a friend in need.

• Save electricity by unplugging your devices when not in use.
• Plant a tree.
• Pick up trash from the sidewalk.
• Take part in a literacy program, to help children or adults learn to read
• Donate school supplies to children from underprivileged homes.

With this campaign Redbull will urge its users to do good things. Creating a positive
outlook for the customers helps the company to increase their customers base and also the
loyalty for the brand among the customers increases.

Looking at this report, it can be concluded that using all the above methods and strategies
Reed Bull Energy drink will be able to win trust of the customers and survive in India for
long term. It is necessary for a manufacturer to know what their customers really want, how
their product can tempt more of its users. IMC is also cost-effective than mass media since
consumers are likely to interact with brands across various forums and digital interfaces.


• Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, Pearson Education 2017





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