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Freedom of Sex and Acceptance of Same-Sex Marriages in Colombia

Tomas Martinez Diaz

English School of Canada

October 2-2020

Freedom of Sex and Acceptance of Same-Sex Marriages in Colombia

With the acceptances of same sex couples, it is possible to implement and restructure

human rights with the potential to affect the mental integrity of many people. In Colombia,

people with different sexualities have been marginalized and repudiated by society, and by the

laws. More marriages of couples are peculiar as the relationships of the same gender because this

issue was considered totally absurd and without foundation and the human race has to follow the

same standards imposed by religion and the community that are the marriages of heterosexual

couples and people had to have a sexuality heterosexual as a requirement of life and as the

normal life process for procreation. But all that changed in the last two decades since the

Colombian government recognize the legal existence of same sex couples and freedom of

sexuality are granted an important set of constitutional and legal rights and obligations. These

rights and obligations touch on topics as varied as human dignity, equality, pensions and health.

And the government have developed approaches from which it is possible to develop the thought

of gay rights and in particular for same-sex couples. The laws implemented to guarantee

compliance with the rights of homosexuals, gays and their marriages were required due to the

continuous abuse and mistreatment experienced by people with different sexual preferences

when applying for a job, at the time that the Homosexual people wanted to formalize a family

and even at the time that these people with different sexuality walked in the streets since they

suffered attacks against their own lives. In the search for a better society and with the aim of

providing a better quality of life for people with different sexual orientations at the time of living

their lives, problems such as labor discrimination, family discrimination and social

discrimination, the vulnerability of freedom of expression regarding to physical integrity,

emotional integrity and the effect on the authority of religions

which contribute to the suffering of people with different sexual orientations and people who

follow the standards of the church and society.

the new sexual preferences and the new ideology of people who want to defend their preferences and

believe that a marriage between two people of the same sex is possible, resulting in the acceptance of new

sexualities in Colombia and the acceptance of same-sex marriages.

To start People with different sexualities in Colombia who want to assert their rights give rise to

the creation of new laws that coexist with their needs, such as obtaining marriage, being treated

based on their sexual orientations and being recognized as a global community like any other

Person, “In October 2019, Bogotá elected Claudia López as their first woman and lesbian mayor.

Various elected representatives across national, departmental, and local levels like Andrés Cancimance in

Putumayo and Oriana Zambrano in La Guajira identify as LGBT Television shows continue to feature

more LGBT characters and media coverage of LGBT-related issues has grown more consistent.”(Wola,

2020) These are some clear examples of the struggle of people with different perceptions of

sexuality to be recognized by society and the government, giving rise to the implementation of

norms that guarantee their rights.

Second The creation of new ideas and gender freedom is diffused in people who feel the need to be

different and to feel comfortable with their own tastes and with themselves, through the pleasant feeling

of being accepted and recognized as new social groups in Colombia lGTB, lGTBIQ are the perfect

example of these people who, through groups like these, seek acceptance and the need to satisfy

their feelings.

And next different groups such as LGTB among others are the triggers for the development of

these new sexual tendencies and for the acceptance of marriages of people with the same sex in

Colombia. LGBT rights in Latin America particularly, some Spanish- and Portuguese- speaking

Latin American countries have achieved remarkable progress in terms of non- discrimination

norms, same-sex marriage, and adoption rights for lesbian and gay couples (Oettler. A, 2019)

These are some of the achievements of these groups such as the LGTB for the acceptance and

recognition of their rights.

first consequence the different sexual preferences and weddings of people with the same sex in

Colombia results such as discrimination and rejection. some behaviors that are not endorsed by

the church or a society such as sexual preferences in Colombia, people who manifest this

behavior consequently get rejected and discriminated by other people On 26 February 2016,

Inter-American Court of Human Rights ruled that Colombia violated the right to equality and

non-discrimination of a gay man, who was denied a survivor pension after his partner had died,

saying ”that no provision can diminish or limit a person’s rights on the basis of their sexual

orientation” cases like these are triggered by the acceptance of people of different gender.

Second consequence Many times intrafamily relationships are affected in Colombia by the

sexual preferences of a family member who decides to start life with a sentimental partner of the

same sex, due to this, many family attachment are broken contributing to the person's

discrimination those teenagers who felt rejected by their families are eight times more likely to

have attempted suicide. These risks face far too many young people More than one in four

LGBT youth say parents and relatives who don’t accept them are the biggest problem in their

lives, according to a Human Rights Campaign survey and the consequences have been tragic

(The Wachington post, 2015).

Third consequence Many times the taboos of work companies in Colombia regarding sexuality

and the fear of hiring someone with different sexual preferences because the company can be

affected by that, results in same-sex couples without job opportunities which it leads to more

poverty and a home without money to suppress basic needs 10% of LGBTQ employees have left

a job because the work environment did not accept LGBTQ people (Catalyst, 2020).

Fourth consequence, homosexual marriages result in the loss of the rights of authority of

religious institutions because these marriages go against human nature, which is the procreation

between a woman and a man, which is why once this type of practice was accepted as marriages

of people of the same sex in the Colombian government some of the groups such as some

fundamentalist Catholics who fight for a confession state and for other groups such as

intransigent laity in order to ensure that homosexual practices were not validated in society all

this happened in 2015 according to the University of Rosario (2018).

Fifth consequence, Marriages between people of the same sex and different sexual perceptions

result in the decrease of the rights of parents in the public education of children because once

you see that marriages of people with different sex are endorsed in society, many entities such as

the Schools instill in children same-sex marriages as a good thing when in fact it is a bad thing if

viewed from an ethical and religious point of view, since couples with opposite sexes are

common in order to procreate.


Sixth consequence, Homosexual marriages result in the violation of the rights of expression

because if these marriages are accepted by the law, many people will be forced to support these

practices and to keep silent about what they think in order not to discriminate against something

that is wrong Actually Due to this feeling of suppression that people feel against gay

communities, a series of violence is unleashed in Colombia against communities such as LGTBI,

a clear example of this is what happened in January to August, the organization reported 388

cases of violence against LGBT and intersex people, mostly in the form of physical and

psychological aggressions, up from 309 cases in the whole of last year according to Reuters


To conclude, according to all that has been raised, it is valid to say that the different communities

that support the freedom of sexuality and fight to enforce their rights such as the formation of a

family or the right to marry are waging a difficult battle against a society that is governed by

natural and religious behaviors, this leads to multiple social problems such as discrimination,

murder or family rejection due to different sexual preferences, this triggers a series of sufferings,

suicides and disappointments to people who are excluded by their different sexual preferences,

on the other hand we have a community that rises for the problems that marriage of the same

gender and the different sexual perspectives bring to society since the counterpart of society that

is governed by social and religious factors is suppressed Due to the acceptance of homosexual

practices that go against their beliefs and their lifestyle to so different. This great debate has

claimed the life and tranquility of many people in Colombian society, so it is correct to ask

ourselves if it would be correct to accept people with their different defects and preferences? Or

would it be feasible to adhere to religious customs and knowledge?.



LGBT+ Rights and Peace in Colombia: The Paradox Between Law and Practice
Website title:WOLA

Colombia LGBT Laws - Pride Legal

Website title: Pride Legal

Article title: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Workplace Issues: Quick Take |
Website title: Catalyst

Article title: The Struggle of the Catholic Social Movement against Same-sex Marriage in
Colombia: A Means to Legitimize the Catholic Life Style (2009-2015)
Website title:

More Than 60 LGBT, Intersex People Killed in Colombia in First Eight Months of 2020. (2020).
Retrieved 2 October 2020, from

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Workplace Issues: Quick Take. (2020). Retrieved 2
October 2020, from

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