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Clarissa Alonzo & Itta Gonzalez

Important Topics About Teasing...

01 Why do Children
Tease each other?
03 Taming Teasing

02 Fewer Mean words,

More Kind Words 04 How to talk with
Parents about Teasing
Why do children
tease each other?
Why do children tease each other?.....

● Many children think they are being playful

when teasing
● To get attention
● To feel a certain belonging
● To feel powerful...this feeling makes them
● They think it’s a fun game
Fewer Words
More Kind Words
Teaching children how to respect
each other and have fun

● Rules
-not only making rules, but modeling them
-what does it look, feel, sound like?
(morning meetings, role playing)
● Respectful language
● Open opportunities for students to
-compliment + encourage with kind words
Hurtful words can’t be taken back
Mirror Test
Practice hurtful words on yourself & think about how you would feel if someone said
them to you
Did these words
-sound nice?
-make you happy or sad?
Mean or Playful Tease?
1. a boy in your class tells you that if you are friends with the new
student he will tell everyone to stop being your friend

2. when you go to the bathroom someone has written your name on

the walls with hurtful words

3. when you open your lunch and your chocolate spills all over your
shirt- you start laughing and others sitting next to you laugh too

4. someone tapes a paper to your back with hurtful words written on it

5. your classmate tells you they will beat you up if you don’t give them
the answers to the homework
Taming Teasing
Respond Guide students to take Be clear about
immediately responsibility hurtful language

Use logical Keep doing

consequences Proactive Work
During a basketball game at recess, a child says to a
teammate who missed a key shot, “You’re such a
spaz! You just lost the game for us.”

Let’s discuss this situation…

What would you do to
During a basketball game at recess, a child says to a
teammate who missed a key shot, “You’re such a
spaz! You just lost the game for us.”

A combination of strategies: Begin with timeout.“Anna, I know you’re

upset, but those words were hurtful. Take a break in our cooldown
spot. We’ll talk later.” Later follow up with break it, fix it.“Your words
really hurt Zach. You can’t take them back, but you can try to make
amends. Would you like some ideas for how to do that?”
● H ow do you think Brother bear felt when
he was teasing his sister?
● H ow do you think he felt when he was
being teased?
H ow to talk with
Parents about Teasing
Talking with Parents of children who Tease

● Speak with parents of

positive attributes you see in
their child.
● Present matter of fact
information with parents
about their child.
● Be prepared with parents to
emotionally react.
Talking with Parents of children who are being Teased

● Listen to parents about

● Set time aside to observe
teasing between students
● Reconvene with parents
after observations.
● Acknowledge each person is
unique and emotional needs
are different.

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