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COMM 2710 – Assignment One

Business Communication Strategies - Presentation

Oral Presentation (10 %)
Presentations will be made in Virtual Classroom
Presentation Dates: Tuesday, February 2 and and Tuesday, February 9

1. Pick a presentation topic and prepare a one to two (1-2) minute talk on your chosen topic.
2. Choose a specific and narrow focus for your informative presentation.
3. Your talk must be no shorter than 1 minute and no longer than 1.30 mins.

4. You may use 1-2 Power Point slides for your presentation. A slide is displayed on average
for 30 seconds – 1 minute. Power Point slides are optional.

5. Your presentation should include an introduction, an explanation (body), and a

conclusion. The introduction will start with you introducing yourself and the topic, and
then will lead into the main body of your topic. The body will include all relevant details
to your topic. The conclusion will summarize your presentation and briefly touch on the
main point(s) of your presentation.

6. You can use cue cards for your presentation.

7. Rehearse aloud, practice in front of a group, and time yourself to prepare for your

Presentation Topics (suggested)

 Your greatest accomplishment (academic, personal, etc.)

 The person who has had a huge influence on you
 Your dream job
 What you have learned from an event in your life
 A hobby you love
 An interest (cars, crafts, sports, hanging out with your friends/family, etc.)
 Change
 Adjusting to (college life, living in Canada, living on your own, etc.)
 The comfort of having your own pet
 What you learned after becoming a parent
 The greatest lessons you have learned from your family
COMM 2710
Business Writing Strategies
Oral Presentation Rubric (10%)

Name: __________________________________________________

Poor (0-1) Fair (2) Good (3) Excellent (4-5)
Introduced self and
Presentation Did not introduce Introduced either self Introduced self and
topic clearly and
Introduction and self or topic. Did not or topic, not both. topic. Gave a good
creatively and
Overview give an overview of Incomplete overview overview of the
presented a complete
(5) the presentation of the presentation presentation.
Presentation Somewhat organized Well organized Expertly organized
Poorly organized
Organization but lacking a logical with a logical order and logical order
with no logical order
(5) order included included
Clear and concise
Clear and effective
Presentation Conclusion Conclusion missing Fair conclusion conclusion
(5) or incomplete included highlighted key
points of the talk
DELIVERY Poor (0-1) Fair (2) Good (3) Excellent (4-5)
Little eye contact – Made eye contact Made regular eye
Eye Contact No eye contact with
some areas of the with most of the contact with the
(5) audience
room audience entire audience
Spoke clearly with a
Speaking Tone, Tempo, Sometimes spoke Spoke clearly and
Very difficult to hear loud voice with
Volume clearly with fair tone, at a good tone,
and understand great tone, tempo,
(5) tempo, volume tempo, volume
Excellent body
Body Language and Inappropriate body Appropriate body Good body language and
Nonverbal language and language and language and nonverbal
Communication nonverbal nonverbal nonverbal communication
(5) communication communication communication enhanced the
Read from cue cards Sometimes used Referred to cue
Cue Card Use Often read from cue
for entire cue cards cards rarely or not at
(5) cards
presentation effectively all
Too short (under 1
Presentation Length min) or Appropriate length
(5) Too long (over 2 (within 1-1.30 mins)
TOTAL / 40

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