Information Letter PARFEX EN 070421

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Grasse, 7th of April 2021

Subject: Newsletter regarding the agreement to acquire Parfex by Croda International Plc. via its fragrance
subsidiary Iberchem S.A.

Dear Customers, Dear Partners,

Croda International Plc. today announced the agreement to acquire our company through its fragrance
subsidiary Iberchem S.A.

Please rest assured, we will maintain our independence and enjoy total management and work autonomy.

We will keep our own identity within the Iberchem Group and preserve our current structure with our team.
We will now benefit from the financial and technological support of Iberchem and Croda, which will allow us
to seize new growth opportunities and ensure the future of our company.

Parfex will play an important role in Iberchem's plan to increase its offer of sustainable and natural certified
perfumes and fine fragrances. This plan will soon result in significant investments in our historic site in

In addition, the market positions of Parfex and Iberchem are complementary and will remain so.

We will still be focused on serving our customers with seriousness, responsiveness and passion while
reinforcing our brand, nationally and internationally by relying on Made in France and Made in Grasse.

This is a promising future for Parfex and be confident that we intend to share it with you!

Kurt Tschopp Alexandre Levet

General Director Sales Director

S.A. à conseil d’administration au capital de € 1 370 000

Parc d’Activités Les Bois de Grasse, 51 avenue Louison Bobet – 06130 GRASSE France
Tél. : +33 (0)4 92 42 42 52 – Fax : +33(0)4 93 70 33 99 – e-mail :
R.C.S. GRASSE 85 B 242 – SIRET 333 974 657 00046 – CODE NAF 2053Z – T.V.A. FR 22 333 974 657 – CODE ISIN FR0000185928

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