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THIS C O N V E Y A N C E is made day of

TWO thousand and --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

B E T W E E N C H A R L E S William GORDFON of 33 Richmond Road Brampton in the.

Country of survey (hereafter called ‘the vendor’) of one part and Phyllis Joan Mullings of

--------------26 Ingleside Drive Regiment in the Country of Yorkshire (hereinafter called the


Of the other part) WHERAS the Vendor is sized in fee simple possession Subject as

---------------------Hereinafter mentioned but otherwise free from encumbrances of the property

hereinafter ---------------

Described and has AGREED with the Purchaser for the sale to her for a like estate in --------------------

Possession at the piece of Ten thousand pounds----------------------------------------------------------------

N O W T H I S D E E D W I T N E S S T H as follows ---------------------------------------

1. IN PURSUANCE of the said AGREEMENT and in CONSIDERATION of the sum of

--------TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS paid by the Purchaser to Vendor (the receipt whereof


Vendor hereby acknowledged) the Vendor as Beneficial Owner HEREBY CONVEYS unto

The purchaser ALL THAT piece or parcel of land having a frontage to Ingleside Drive in the

Country of Yorkshire of sixty feet or thereabouts ALL OF WISH property is for the purpose

of identification only delineated on the plan annexed to a CONVEYANCE dated the Third

day of A gust Two thousand and twenty

-------------------------------------------------------IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that the

transaction hereby effected does not respect of which

The amount or value or the aggregate amount or value of the considerations exceed…………

Ten Thousand Dollars --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

IN WITNESS whereof the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year….

Hereinbefore written---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

By the said CHARLES WILLIAM GORDON ) ……………………………………………

In the presence of )


The said PHYLLIS JOAN MULLINGS ) ……………………………………………...

In the presence of

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