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AN A G R E E M E N T made the day of TWO thousand and------

BETWEENJHON ALEXANDER SMITH of 14 Liverpool Crescent in the City of York

Hereinafter called ‘the Manufactor’ which expression shall where the context admits include

the Manufacturer’s executors and administrators and assigns of t and assigns of the one part


PETER LIONEL BROWN of 13 Eureka Crescent in the City of New York (hereinafter called

the Agent’s executors and administrators and assigns or successors in business as the

case may be) of the other---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

WHEREBY IT IS MUTUALLY AGRRED as follows----------------------------------------------

a) The Manufacture grants to the Agent in consideration of the payment by the Agent of

Non –returnable AGENCY FEE of ten Thousand Dollars (the receipt where of the----

Manufacturer hereby acknowledge) the sole and exclusive right to sell the---------------

CARRIBBEAN ONLY all items if sugar confectionary ordered for resale from the ---

Manufactor by the Agent on the following terms--------------------------------------------

b) The Manufacture shall have the right to state the retail selling of each separate—

Item of confectionary-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

a) The agent shall be entitled to an allowance of forty per cent off the retail

selling price

Of all confectionery----------------------------------------------------------------------
c) The Agent herby agrees that this AGGREEMENT shall take effort immediately and

That in the event of the aggregate total net value of all goods ordered and invoiced

and paid

For under the terms of this Agreement falling below One Hundred Thousand Dollars in

Giving six months’ written notice of termination of the aforesaid right------------------

IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands the day and


First hereinbefore written------------------------------------------------------------------------

SIGNED by the said )

JHON ALEXANDER SMITH ) …………………………………………

In the presence of )

SIGNED by the said )

PETER LIONEL BURTON ) ……………… ………………………..

In the presence of )

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