Smart Goals

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Main 1


Rationale 1: To be First Aid and CPR certified would be crucial to have as an educator as one
never knows when a situation that calls for it may arise.

SMART Goal Strategies and Responsibility Timeline Evidence of

Action Steps Effectiveness
(add rows as needed) (no action
1 Research and 1 Myself 1 June 25th, 1 A detailed list of
Goal 1: To have ask around 2021 possible training
completed my about training sessions and their
CPR training sessions in the dates.
before I start my Moncton Area
internship in within my
September, timeframe.
2 Choose one 2 myself. 2 July 04 2 Confirmation
session and Email
register for it

3 Pay for the 3 myself 3 July 10th 3 Receipts and

fees and attend sign-in sheet
the training

4 Pass the 4 myself 4 July 10th 4 Test results

training course
4 Receive 4 trainer 4 July 18th,2021 4 Certificate

Rationale 2: Students should be exposed to multicultural literacy to have a broaden sense of the
world and to be exposed to

SMART Goal Strategies and Responsibility Timeline Evidence of

Action Steps Effectiveness
(add rows as needed) (no action
Main 2

1 Research and 1 Myself 1 June 1rst, 1 List
Goal 2: To find acquire a list of 2021
5-10 pieces of books,
media that can documentaries,
act as or other forms
multicultural of media that
literacy. In students can
addition, to be experience
added to my multicultural
personal literacy and
classroom enjoy the
library or lesson experience
plan by August
31th, 2021 2 Purchase the 2 myself. 2 June 1rst, 2 receipts
media 2021

3 read/watch the 3 myself 3 June 30th, 3 Notes about

media 2021 multiculturism
and multicultural
literacy based on
said media.
4 Add media to 4 myself 4 August 4 Physical media
my personal 31th,2021 and lesson plan
classroom connected to the
library or to my NB curriculum
lesson plans

Rationale 3: To teach in New Brunswick, one needs to have read and completed the Policy 701
test to be certified.

SMART Goal Strategies and Responsibility Timeline Evidence of

Action Steps Effectiveness
(add rows as needed) (no action
1 find and read 1 Myself 1 July 15th, 1 Policy 701
Goal 2: To have Policy 701 on 2021 found and read.
completed my the Government
Policy 701 New Brunswick
online training Website. Be
before I start my certain that you
internship in the understand what
fall. it is about
Main 3

2 sign up for the 2 myself. 2 July 20th, 2 I have the test

only policy test. 2021 loaded on my
3 finish the test 3 myself 3 July 20th, 3 completed test
2021 and receiving of
4 Print 4 myself 4 July 20th,2021 4 A printed out
certification certification.

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