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Sensky, T., Turkington, D., Kingdon, D., et al (2000) et al (2002), to control for differences Krabbendam, L., Honig, A.,Wiersma, I., et al (2000)
A randomized controlled trial of cognitive ^ behavioural Cognitive dysfunction and white matter lesions in
observed on the HRSD (we did not rate
therapy for persistent symptoms in schizophrenia patients with bipolar disorder in remission. Acta
resistant to medication. Archives of General Psychiatry,
Psychiatry, 57,
57, control subjects using the mania scale) on Psychiatrica Scandinavica,
Scandinavica, 101,
101, 274^280.
165^172. the tests that showed significant impair-
Rubinsztein, J. S., Michael, A., Paykel, E. S., et al
Turkington, D. & Kingdon, D. (2000) Cognitive ^ ment by analysis of variance (ANOVA). (2000) Cognitive impairment in remission in bipolar
behavioural techniques for general psychiatrists in the We still find significant impairment on both affective disorder. Psychological Medicine,
Medicine, 30,
30, 1025^1036.
management of patients with psychoses. British Journal of
the visual recognition memory tasks and on Van Gorp,W. G., Altshuler, L., Theberge, D. C., et al
Psychiatry, 177,
177, 101^106.
latency measures from the one-touch (1998) Cognitive impairments in euthymic bipolar
Tower of London planning task (see patients with and without prior alcohol dependence.
Archives of General Psychiatry,
Psychiatry, 55,
55, 41^45.
Declaration of interest Table 1).
The study in question was funded by Pfizer. These findings suggest that there are
J. S. Rubinsztein, B. J. Sahakian Department
D.T. has undertaken consultancy work for trait impairments in accuracy of visual re-
of Psychiatry,University of Cambridge, Box 189,
Pfizer and has received honoraria and cognition memory and slower responses Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Hills Road,
hospitality from Pfizer, Janssen and Lilly on a planning task in bipolar remission. Im- CB2 2QQ,UK
in relation to conference presentations on portantly, impairments of memory and
the subject of CBT in schizophrenia. learning have been consistently observed
in a number of other recent studies where
Antenatal anxiety, parenting
D.Turkington University of Newcastle, School of rigorous diagnostic criteria for remission
Neurosciences and Psychiatry, Department of
and behavioural/emotional
were applied (e.g. Van Gorp et al, al, 1998;
Psychiatry, Royal Victoria Infirmary,
Queen Victoria problems in children
Krabbendam et al, al, 2000; Cavanagh et al,
Road, Newcastle uponTyne NE1 4LP,UK 2002) as well as in a recent unpublished O’Connor et al (2002) report the effects of
study (L. Clark, personal communication, antenatal anxiety on behavioural/emotional
2002) that showed that verbal recall was problems in 4-year-old children. Their
Cognitive impairment in bipolar still impaired following partial correlation analysis of the Avon Longitudinal Study
disorder for residual symptoms. The presence of sig- of Parents and Children (ALSPAC), a long-
We write to correct some misconceptions nificant impairments on executive tasks in itudinal, prospective study of women, their
evident in the recent editorial by Ferrier bipolar remission has been more variable partners and an index child (Golding et al,
& Thompson (2002). Previously, we and may depend on clinical factors or the 2001) takes into account a number of
reported impairment in accuracy measures specific neuropsychological test paradigm important covariates, including postnatal
on recognition memory tasks and increased employed. The precise functional signifi- anxiety, gestational age, birth weight, and
latencies on executive tasks in patients with cance of the cognitive impairment in socio-economic status. They have not, how-
bipolar disorder in remission (Rubinsztein bipolar remission needs to be examined ever, included any measures of parenting.
et al,
al, 2000). Ferrier & Thompson (2002) further but may well impact on response This is of concern because there is now a
argue that the cognitive impairment to psychological and drug treatments. substantial body of evidence to indicate a
observed in our study may have been con- Cognitive symptoms could in fact be among clear association between parenting and
founded by the effects of ‘residual’ symp- the most sensitive indicators of incomplete child emotional and behavioural problems.
toms. As yet there is no generally accepted remission. For example, there are now a number of
‘cut-off’ for what constitutes remission. empirically validated models depicting the
We devised rigorous criteria to define re- developmental progression for conduct and
Cavanagh, J.T. O., van Beck, M., Muir,W., et al (2002)
mission based on a patient’s own view of behaviour problems. These show a clear
Case ^ control study of neurocognitive function in
his or her illness, that of their psychiatrist euthymic patients with bipolar disorder: an association association between parenting practices
and a structured interview. We excluded
with mania. British Journal of Psychiatry,
Psychiatry, 180,
180, 320^326. characterised by harsh and inconsistent
patients with scores of 58 on both the discipline, little positive parental involve-
Clark, L., Iversen, S. D. & Goodwin, G. M. (2000)
Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression Sustained attention deficit in bipolar disorder. British
ment with the child, poor monitoring and
(HRSD) and Young Mania Scale (YMS). Journal of Psychiatry,
Psychiatry, 180,
180, 313^319. supervision, and behaviour and conduct
These rating scales were devised to rate problems in early childhood (Patterson et
Ferrier, I. N. & Thompson, J. M. (2002) Cognitive
symptom severity in patients with an al,
al, 1989). Indeed, work using structural
impairment in bipolar affective disorder: implications for
affective disorder and not for use in normal the bipolar diathesis. British Journal of Psychiatry,
Psychiatry, 180,
180, equation models showed that parenting
control subjects. Our average reported 293^295. and family interaction variables accounted
score on the HRSD was 2.1 (s.e.m.¼0.5)
(s.e.m. 0.5)
Table 1 Results of partial correlation analysis on tests in which ANOVAs were significant
and on the YMS it was 0.8 (s.e.m.¼0.4).
(s.e.m. 0.4).
Thus, very few residual symptoms were
evident and these scores certainly do not Dependent variable Partial correlation coefficients P
support any concern that patients had
residual depression or mania. Pattern recognition memory Proportion correct 0.41 0.02
Although the rationale for using such Spatial recognition memory Proportion correct 0.31 0.07
scales in controls is dubious, for the sake Delayed matching to sample Proportion correct 0.35 0.04
of argument we have reanalysed our data One-touch Tower of London Response time 70.42 0.02
reported in Rubinsztein et al (2000) using Affective shifting task Response time 0.04 0.81
a partial correlation analysis, as in Clark


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for 30–40% of the variance in child ALSPAC cohort, a prospective, longitudi- problems at 4 years. Report from the Avon Longitudinal
Study of Parents and Children. British Journal of
antisocial behaviour (Patterson et al,
al, 1989). nal study of women followed since preg-
Psychiatry, 180,
180, 502^515.
It seems likely that parenting practices nancy. Analyses indicated that antenatal
Schneider, M. L. & Moore, C. F. (2000) Effect of
would not be adequately controlled for anxiety at 32 weeks’ gestation was
antenatal stress on development: a nonhuman primate
through the use of a socio-economic associated with an approximately 2-fold model. In Minnesota Symposium on Child Psychology (ed.
covariate owing to the fact that, although increase in behavioural/emotional pro- C. Nelson), pp. 201^243. Rahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
parenting practices are influenced by social blems in boys and girls at age 4 years;
and cultural factors such as class (Hoff et these associations were observed after T. G. O’Connor Departments of Child &
al, 2002), one of the most extensive accounting for key antenatal, obstetric Adolescent Psychiatry and Social,Genetic and
epidemiological studies of childhood psy- and psychosocial risks, and postnatal Developmental Psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry,
chiatric disorders showed that social class anxiety and depression. The findings are Box number PO 80, 111
Denmark Hill, London
was a poor predictor of child adjustment important in providing the strongest SE5 8AF,UK
(Rutter et al,
al, 1975). evidence to date that the substantial
It seems likely that parenting exerts evidence for long-term effects of antenatal
an independent effect on child outcomes stress/anxiety found in numerous animal Brain weight in suicide revisited
such as emotional and behavioural investigations (e.g. Schneider & Moore, In their excellent paper Hamilton &
adjustment. The ALSPAC data contain a 2000) may extend to humans. McMahon (2002) examined brain weight
number of measures of parenting, in- In our paper, the focus was on whether in suicide victims of all ages to see whether
cluding, for example, a standardised instru- or not the antenatal environment had a role it was higher than in a control group. They
ment measuring parenting practices during in the development of behavioural/emo- attempted to replicate and reinterpret our
toddlerhood. It would be useful if further tional problems, an issue with substantial findings (Salib & Tadros, 2000) reported
analysis of this data-set were undertaken implications for our understanding of in an elderly sample. The authors, quite
to establish whether these important development, as well as for prevention rightly, looked at brain weight in cases
findings are maintained when parenting is and public health. Dr Barlow’s letter helps and controls adjusted for body mass index
included in the model. draw attention to a separate research base (BMI), having collected additional data
linking behavioural/emotional problems in about body weight and height, data which
Golding, J., Pembrey, M., Jones, R., et al (2001) children with postnatal factors, particularly Salib & Tadros (2000) were not able to col-
ALSPAC ^ The Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and
parent–child relationship quality. Although lect and which was already accepted as a
Children. I. Study methodology. Paediatric and Perinatal
Epidemiology, 15,
15, 74^87. there remain some controversial matters major limitation in the latter study.
in that field of research, especially concern- Hamilton & McMahon (2002) did not
Hoff, E., Laursen, B. & Tardif,
Tardif, T. (2002)
Socioeconomic status and parenting. In Handbook of ing causal mechanisms (see O’Connor, find any significant difference between
Parenting: Vol. 2: Biology and Ecology of Parenting (2nd 2002), parent–child relationship quality is brain weight adjusted for BMI in cases
edn) (ed. M. H. Bornstein), pp. 231^252. Rahwah, NJ:
certainly a robust predictor of children’s and controls. However, brain weight was
Lawrence Erlbaum.
psychological development. Given the significantly higher in those dying by
McLoyd,V. C. & Glanagan, C. A. (1990) Economic
multiple-risk nature of development and hanging than in those dying by overdose.
stress: effects on family life and child development. New
Directions in Child Development,
Development, 46,
46, 71^86. psychopathology, we would agree with Dr I would like to make one or two com-
Barlow that there is a need to bring together ments which may help to explain the differ-
O’Connor, T. G., Heron, J., Golding, J., et al (2002)
Maternal antenatal anxiety and children’s behavioural/ findings from different lines of research and ence in the findings of the two studies. In
emotional problems at 4 years. Report from the Avon to revise our models and theories that con- Hamilton & McMahon’s study, the mean
Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children. British sider multiple levels of risk. Indeed, there age is 38.5 years (for cases and controls)
Journal of Psychiatry,
Psychiatry, 180,
180, 502^508.
are a number of directions for this research compared with 72 years in the study by
Patterson, G. R., DeBaryshe, D. & Ramsey, E. (1989) to pursue, including the consideration of Salib & Tadros (2000). Also, the mean
A developmental perspective on antisocial behavior.
American Psychologist,
Psychologist, 44,
44, 329^335. how postnatal experiences such as parent– brain weight for Hamilton & McMahon’s
child relationship quality moderate the control group was 1449 g compared with
Rutter, M., Cox, A., Templing, C., et al (1975)
Attainment and adjustment in two geographical areas. I. effects of antenatal anxiety/stress and how 1238 g in the sample reported by Salib &
The prevalence of psychiatric disorders. British Journal of the role of genetic factors may explain indi- Tadros (2000). Hamilton & McMahon
Psychiatry, 126,
126, 493^509. vidual differences in response to antenatal (2002) included only 6% of subjects aged
anxiety/stress. Research along these lines over 60. The method of selection of the
J. Barlow Health Services Research Unit, is underway. Because it has tracked women control group in their sample is different
Department of Public Health,University of Oxford, intensively since pregnancy and has from that used by Salib & Tadros
Institute of Health Sciences,Old
Sciences, Old Road, Headington
continued to collect information on a wide (2000) – the latter study included only con-
range of biological and psychosocial vari- trols who died naturally and not acciden-
ables, the ALSPAC study is an especially tally. Hamilton & McMahon (2002) were
important resource for studies of this kind. not able to replicate our findings in an
Author’s reply: A recent study from our elderly sample but were careful in their
group indicated that antenatal anxiety is O’Connor, T. G. (2002) Annotation: The‘effects’
The ‘effects’ of comparison of the findings by taking into
parenting reconsidered: findings, challenges, and
associated with a significantly increased applications. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry,
Psychiatry, 43,
account the differences in some basic
risk of behavioural/emotional problems 555^572. parameters in the two studies.
in young children (O’Connor et al, al, _ , Heron, J., Golding, J., et al (2002) Maternal It is interesting to note that another re-
2002). The study was based on the antenatal anxiety and children’s behavioural/emotional cently published paper (Balazic & Marušič,

4 41

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