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Literature as a communicative phenomenon

The literary phenomenon can be understood as one more communicative act.

The elements involved in it are the same as in any other communication
process. So:

a) Issuer: person or persons who make the literary work. All literary texts are
the result of an individual or collective intellectual process (even in
anonymous works, where the author for some reason does not want to reveal
his identity, the existence of a publisher cannot be denied).

b) Recipient: person or persons who receive the literary work. In the case of
written literature, the recipient is called a "reader"; and if the literature is oral,
it is called "hearing." The addressee is highly valued by the sender in the
composition of the literary message, because according to him he will deal
with some topics or others; will use a type of language; etc.

c) Message: It is the content of the literary work itself, in the ornate text.

d) Channel: It is the physical medium that enables the diffusion of the literary
message. In the case of written literature, the channel is the book. Air will be
the physical medium through which a recited poem (oral literature) will

e) Code: It is the system of signs (and the rules for combining them) that
serves as the basis for the codification of the literary message. The logical
thing is that the raw material in the production of a literary work is the
linguistic mark, but this is subject to the pen of the writer of the so-called
"poetic licenses". All the rhetorical devices of literary language would be
included under this label.

f) Context: It is the set of spatio-temporal circumstances surrounding the act

of communication. The literary phenomenon in written literature (for the most
part) presupposes one-sided communication. This means that the sender and
the recipient do not share a communicative context or a communicative
situation. In other words, a reader of Don Quixote in the 21st century is not in
the same circumstances as Miguel de Cervantes, author of this work. The
context has a decisive influence on the creation of a literary work. Therefore,
to understand certain arguments, we must first understand the historical,
political, social and cultural moment of the author.
Discover the value of a literary work

A literary work has an aesthetic value in itself, which makes it perceptible,

valuable or measurable at any time, but it is also subject to the aesthetic values
of the time, the reader or critic who decides what is written with art and what.
It is not.

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