Final Exam KMIA

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It shall be responsible for receive, study and classification of inmates and detainees committed to the
a. Reception and Diagnostic Center (RDC)
b. Classification Board
c. Disciplinary Board
d. Board of Discipline
2. This program employs prisoners in various product or good producing tasks:
a. Agricultural c. Industrial
b. Operational d. Administrative
3. This is the process wherein prison officials try to convert inmates and be affiliated into their religion:
a. conversion c. Proselytizing
b. New convert d. indoctrination
4. Is that branch of administration of criminal justice charged with the responsibility for the custody,
supervision and rehabilitation of convicted offenders?
a. Criminology c. Penology
b. Criminal justice d. Correction
5. Is that branch of criminology which deals with the treatment, management and administration of inmates?
a. Criminology c. Penology
b. Criminal justice d. Correction
6. It refers to the suffering that is inflicted by the state for the transgression of the law.
a. Punishment c. Sanction
b. Penalty d. Liability
7. Is that Bureau under the Department of Justice which is in charge of administrative supervision of National
a. Bureau of Correction
b. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
c. Board of Pardon and Parole
d. Probation and Parole Administration
8. This is a warrant issued by court bearing its seal and signed by the judge directing the prison/jail
authorities to receive inmates for custody or service of sentence imposed therein.
a. Mittimus c. Search warrant
b. Commitment order d. Warrant of Arrest
9. This refers to the institutional record of an inmate which consists of his mittimus/commitment order, the
prosecutor’s information and the decision of the trial court, including that of the appellate court, if any:
a. Carpeta c. prison record
10. This the process of assigning, grouping of inmates according to their sentences, gender, age, nationality,
health, criminal records and others:
a. commitment c. diagnostic
b. reception d. classification
11. Upon admission to the RDC, the inmate shall be subjected to frisking for possible___?
a. Jewelry c. Contraband
b. Money d. Bladed weapon
12. The Classification Board shall consist of?
a. The Superintendent as the Chairman
b. The chief of RDC as the vice chairman
c. Medical officer, Chief Education Section, Chief of Agro-industries Section as members
d. Chief Overseer as Secretary
e. All of them
13. It is an executive clemency that cannot be questioned by the court?
a. Pardoning power
b. Good conduct time allowance
c. Amnesty
d. Executive Prerogatives
14. Application for parole/pardon shall be applied and process by:
a. Board of Pardons and Parole
b. Probation and Parole Administration
c. Director of Prison
d. Judge who sentence the prisoner
15. Statutory shortening of the sentence of a prison by reason of good behavior.
a. Good conduct time allowance
b. Reprieved
c. Commutation of sentence
d. Parole
16. This was the most popular method of corporal punishment during the 18th century:
a. stoning to death c. flogging
b. barbaric killing d. galleys
17. Is an old Ship also known as the “floating Hell” used or converted into prison.
a. Galley b. Gallows c. Hulk d. Titanic
18. The following are Jails in the Philippines, EXCEPT:
a. City jail c. Provincial Jail
b. District Jail d. Municipal jail e. Regional Jail
19. The P.D. 968 otherwise known as the Probation law of 1976 was approved on:
a. July 24, 1976 c. January 3, 1978
b. June 24, 1976 d. June 4, 1976

20. The following are the purposes of Probation law, EXCEPT:

a. Promote the correction and rehabilitation of an offender by providing him with individualized

b. Provide an opportunity for the reformation of a penitent offender which might be less probable if
he were to serve a prison sentence.

c. Prevent the commission of offenses.

d. None of these
21. It is a form of privilege granted by court to a convicted offender without service of sentenced subject to
certain condition.
a. Pardon c. conditional pardon
b. Probation d. Parol
22. He is considered to be the “Father of Philippine Probation for having sponsored a law on adult probation.
a. Teodulo Natividad c. John Augustus
b. Mathew Davenport Hill d. Edward Savage
23. He was considered the first probation officer in U.S.A.
a. John Howard c. Edward Savage
b. Mathew Davenport Hill d. John Augustus
24. Volunteer Probation Aides may be appointed from among citizens of:
a. good repute and probity c. high educational level
b. good religious background d. high social standing
25. The Father of England Probation?
a. Mathew Davenport Hill c. Teodulo Natividad
b. John Augustus d. Sir Walter Crofton
26. Provides medical and physical examinations of inmates upon confinement, treatment of sick inmates and
conduct medical and physical examinations and provide medicines or recommends for the hospitalization of
seriously ill prisoners or inmates. It also conducts psychiatric and psychological examinations.
a. Medical and Health Services Branch
b. Work and Education Therapy Services
c. Socio- Cultural Services
d. Chaplaincy Services
27. It take charge of the job and educational programs needed for rehabilitation of inmates by providing them
job incentives so they can earn and provide support for their families while in jail.
a. Medical and Health Services Branch
b. Work and Education Therapy Services
c. Socio- Cultural Services
d. Chaplaincy Services
28. It takes care of the social case work study of the individual prisoners by making interviews, home visits,
referral to community resources, free legal services, and liaison works for the inmates.
a. Medical and Health Services Branch
b. Work and Education Therapy Services
c. Socio- Cultural Services
d. Chaplaincy Services
29. It takes charge of the religious and moral upliftment of the inmates through religious services. This branch
caters to all religious sects.
a. Medical and Health Services Branch
b. Work and Education Therapy Services
c. Socio- Cultural Services
d. Chaplaincy Services
30. Responsible for the individual and group counseling activities to help inmates solve their individual
problems and to help them lead a wholesome and constructive life.
a. Medical and Health Services Branch
b. Guidance and Counseling Services
c. Socio- Cultural Services
d. Chaplaincy Services
31. Which among the following are essential parts of the total correctional program.
a. Counseling
b. casework
c. clinical services
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
32. It is defined as a relationship in which one endeavors to help another understand and solve his problems of
a. treatment
b. Counseling
c. Group Counseling Personnel
d. Vocational Counseling
33. It is an Institutions that can make productive use of a program of counseling which employs educational,
custodial, and industrial, maintenance, and other operational personnel as group leaders and give individual
attention to inmates.
a. treatment
b. Counseling
c. Group Counseling Personnel
d. Vocational Counseling
34. This programmed Involved technical specialty within the general counseling field, which requires broad knowledge
of occupations, vocational potentials, aptitudes and interests, and conditions of employability in the community.
a. treatment
b. Counseling
c. Group Counseling Personnel
d. Vocational Counseling
35. Institutional Program that allows the inmate to attends literacy and citizenship classes and group therapy sessions.
a. Educational Program
b. Vocational Program
c. Physical Training and Recreation
d. Staff interviews
36. Institutional Program wherein the inmate is given on-the-job training and observation to determine his vocational interests and
abilities and to determine his attitude toward work.
a. Educational Program
b. Vocational Program
c. Physical Training and Recreation
d. Staff interviews
37. this program is aimed at building the morale as well as helping maintains the well being of the prisoners.
a. Educational Program
b. Vocational Program
c. Physical Training and Recreation
d. Staff interviews
1. What type of gaseous discharge lamp emits a blue- green color?
A. sodium vapor lamp (emits yellow light)
B. incandescent lamp
C. mercury vapor lamp
D. quartz lamp (emits a very bright white light)
2. Licenses of private security guards are processed and issued by the________.
A. Philippine National Bank
B. National Police Commission
C. Philippine National Police
D. Securities and Exchange Commission
3. An additional overhang of barbed wires place on a vertical perimeter fence is commonly called as:
A. tower guard (house like structure above perimeter)
B. guard control (provided in the main perimeter entrance)
C. top guard (with 3 to 4 strands of barbed wire)
D. perimeter barrier (1st line of defense, a medium of structure design to indicates the physical limits of
an installation or area to restrict or impedes access thereto.
4. License to operate a private security agency shall have a validity period of_____.
A. 1 yr C. 2 yrs
B. 3 yrs D. 4 yrs
5. What is an act governing the organization and management of private security agency, company
guard force and government security forces?
A. RA 7438 C. RA 4587
B. RA 5478 D. RA 5487
6. A type of protective alarm system located outside the installation and the alarm signal is relayed to
remote panel.
A. local alarm system (sensor activities circuit which in turn activities a horn or siren or even flashing
light located in the immediate vicinity).
B. dial alarm system
C. central alarm system
D. proprietary alarm system
7. What type of security lighting is focused to the intruder while the guard remains in the comparative darkness?
(the lighting is toward the approach of an entrance to an installation)
A. controlled lighting (the lighting focused to the pile of items, rather then the background. The wealth
of lighted strip can be controlled and adjusted to suit the security needs.)
B. emergency lighting (A stand-by lighting which can be utilized in case of electrical failure, either due
to local or commercial power failure)
C. fresnel light
D. glare- projection
8. An industrial complex must established its first line of physical defense. It must have__________.
A. the building itself C. communication barriers
B. perimeter barriers D. window barriers
9. What is the system of natural or man- made barriers placed between the potential intruder and the object,
person and matter being protected?
A. communication security C. document security
B. physical security D. personal security
10. What type of bank alarm is usually place in the teller’s top cash drawer and connected to the alarm system,
the alarm is usually activated by removing the currency in the device?
A. foot rail C. bill traps
B. foot button D. double squeeze
11. What is the final line of physical defense?
A. protective barrier C. protective cabinets
B. windows and doors D. protective locks
12. What type of security deals with the industrial plants and business enterprises where personnel, processes,
properties and operations are safeguarded?
A. personal security C. document security
B. industrial security D. bank security
13. What is the barrier established to protect the surrounding of an installation?
A. human C. energy
B. animal D. structure
14. A fence constructed in such a way to provide visual access on the exterior perimeter area.
A. full view fence C. solid fence
B. masonry walls D. half way
15. A person’s suitability to be given a security clearance is determined through a process called
A. security training C. security education
B. security promotion D. security investigation
16. Which of the following should NOT be issued to private security guards under normal condition?
A. cal .45 pistol C. all of these
B. cal .38 revolver D. 9mm pistol
17. Which of the following words below is NOT related to the others?
A. reinstate C. fortify
B. augment D. reinforce
18. The minimum age requirement for security manager or operator of a security agency is:
A. 40 yrs old C. 25 yrs old
B. 30 yrs old D. 35 yrs old
19. The importance of the firm or installation with reference to the national economy security
A. relative vulnerability C. relative necessity
B. relative criticality D. relative security
20. Protection of classified documents/matters concerning their preparation, classification, reproduction,
handling, transmission, disposal and destruction.
A. document security C. physical security
B. operational security D.organizational security
21. New employees should be briefed on security rules and regulations of the organization and the importance
of observing them. This process is called________.
A. Security promotion C. Security reminders
B. Security orientation D. Security investigation
22. How is one classified if he steals primarily because of irresistible urge due to unexpected opportunity and
little chance of detection?
A. systematic pilferer C. ordinary pilferer
B. casual pilferer D. unusual pilferer
23. Before a security expert can recommend, what type of security will be need by an industrial establishment,
there is a need for him to undertake a:
A. Security training C. Security check
B. Security survey D. Security education 
24. An authenticated list of personnel given to security allowing entry to compound or installation or parts
thereof is called:
A. duress code C. pass system
B. access list D. ID system 
25. Security education program to be effective must have the support and sanction of the:
A. security agency C. top management
B. board of trustees D. management of the firm
26. A fact finding probe to determine a plant adequacy and deficiency in all aspects of security, with the
corresponding recommendation is:
A. security inspection C. security education
B. security seminar D. security survey
27. The exposure and the teaching of employees on security and its relevance to their work is:
A. security inspection C. security education
B. security seminar D. security survey 
28. It refers to an act or condition which results in a situation which is a breach of the protection of system and
the subsequent losses or compromise of defense information, company secrets or damage to personnel, property
or facilities is:
A. defense facility C. anti-pilferer
B. security hazard D. risk-prevention
29. What is the basic load of ammunition of security guard?
A. 25 C. 30
B. 50 D. 15 
30. What unit of PNP handles the processing and issuances of license for private security personnel?
31. What is the last phase of security education program?
A. initial interview C. refresher conference
B. debriefing D. security promotion
32. What type of pass system allows any person to gain access to specific areas provided they possess valid
authorization which they keep in possession until terminated?
A. Pass exchange system C. single pass
B. multiple pass D. none of these
33. What type of controlled area requires highest degree of security?
A. limited C. restricted
B. any of these D. exclusive
34. What is the minimum number of security guards required on the company guard force in order to secure a
regular license to operate?
A. one hundred C. three hundred
B. thirty D. two hundred 
35. What is the most common type of human hazard?
A. sabotage C. pilferage
B. shoplifting D. espionage
 36. These are hazards caused by natural phenomena, EXCEPT:
A. lightning C. earthquake
B. conflagration D. vandalism
37. What type of investigation involves all aspect and details about the circumstances of a person?
A. partial background investigation
B. personnel security investigation
C. complete background investigation
D. national agency check
38. What is the process of conducting physical examination to determine compliance with establishment
security policies and procedures as a result of security survey?
A. security education C. security survey
B. security inspection D. security orientation
39. A type of protective alarm system located outside the installation and the alarm signal is relayed to remote
A. local alarm system C. central alarm system
B. dial alarm system D. proprietary alarm system
40. What is the FIRST phase of security education program?
A. initial interview C. refresher conference
B. debriefing D. security promotion
 41. What is the security force maintained and operated by any private company/ corporation for its own
security requirements?
B. PSA D. none of these
42. An authenticated list of personnel given to security allowing entry to compound or installation or parts
thereof is called:
A. duress code C. pass system
B. access list D. ID system
43. The exposure and the teaching of employees on security and its relevance to their work is:
A. security inspection C. security education
B. security seminar D. security survey
44. What type of gaseous discharge lamp emits a blue- green color?
A. sodium vapor lampC. mercury vapor lamp
B. incandescent lamp D. quartz lamp
45. Security consultant must have atleast_______.
A. initial capital investment
B. experiences in operation and management of security business
C. graduate of investigation course offered by PNP or NBI
D. license to operate an agency
46. When are security guards deputized by the PNP Chief or local mayor to have police authority within their
assigned area of responsibility?
A. when there is an employees strike
B. when the company is in retrenchment
C. during times of emergency
D. when there is a crime committed inside the establishment
47. What type of controlled area requires highest degree of security?
A. limited C. restricted
B. any of these D. exclusive 
48. Private security agency has to be registered with the _________.
A. Securities & Exchange Commission C. PADPAO
B. National Police Commission D. Social Security System
49. A private security agency maybe allowed to procure high powered firearms if they operates in areas where
there is an upsurge of lawlessness and criminality. How many percent of high powered firearm is allowed to be
possessed by a private security agency?
A. ten percent C. one hundred percent
B. thirty percent D. fifty percent
50. He exercises the power to revoke, for cause, licenses issued to security guards.
A. Secretary, DILG C. Chief, PNP
B. Chairman, NAPOLCOM D. Usec. for Peace & Order
51. What is the required capital investment for organization of private security agency?
A. Php 500,000.00 C. Php 1,000,000.00
B. Php 100,000.00 D. Php 50,000.00
52. What light operates during power interruption?
A. stationary C. emergency
B. movable D. none of these
53. What type of gaseous discharge lamp emits a blue- green color?
A. sodium vapor lamp C. mercury vapor lamp
B. incandescent lamp D. quartz lamp
54. In this system of alarm detection, the circuits are led to the nearest police or fire station.
A. local alarm C. proprietary alarm
B. auxiliary alarm D. central alarm
55. What is a portable and detachable lock having a pivoted hasp which passes through a staple ring and is then
made secured?
A. lock C. padlock
B. ward lock D. pin tumbler
56. What is called as devices and contrivance installed inside and outside a facility to compliment and provide
additional security measures and operates to advertise entry into sensitive and protected area?
A. protective lock C. protective cabinet
B. protective barrier D. protective lock 
57. Type of alarm system which is usually activated by the interruption of the light beam is known as:
A. metallic foil C. electric eye device
B. audio alarm D. microwave alarm 
58. In bank security, time delay lock system is usually utilized in____.
A. steel cabinet C. Safe
B. vault D. File room
59. What is the final line of physical defense?
A. Protective barrier C. Protective cabinets
B. Windows and doors D. Protective locks
60. What lock requires manipulation of parts according to a predetermined combination code of numbers?
A. Card- operated lock C. Combination lock
B. Electromagnetic lock D. None of these 
61. Lighting equipment primary used to extend the illumination in long, horizontal strips to protect the
approaches to the perimeter barrier.
A. Fresnel light C. Glare projection
B. Street light D. Controlled lighting
62. In installing protective lighting, what are the areas which needs illumination?
A. Parking area C. Sensitive area
B. Vehicular gate D. All of these
63. What type of alarm is best suited for doors and windows?
A. Photoelectric C. Audio detection
B. Metallic foil D. All of these
64. What type of gaseous discharge lamp is useful in areas where insects predominate?
A. Mercury vapor lamp C. Sodium vapor lamp
B. Quartz lamp D. Any of these
 65. Lighting equipment primary used to extend the illumination in long, horizontal strips to protect the
approaches to the perimeter barrier.
A. Fresnel light C. Glare projection
B. Street light D. Controlled lighting
66. In installing protective lighting, what are the areas which needs illumination?
A. Parking area C. Sensitive area
B. Vehicular gate D. All of these 
67. A type of protective alarm system located outside the installation and the alarm signal is relayed to remote
A. Local alarm system C. Central alarm system
B. Dial alarm system D. Proprietary alarm system
68. These lighting equipment produce diffused light rather than directional beam and widely used in parking
A. Fresnel light C. Floodlight
B. Search light D. Street light 
69. What type of lamp emits bright white light?
A. Sodium vapor lamp C. Mercury vapor lamp
B. Incandescent lamp D. Quartz lamp
 70. Physical security is a system of barriers placed between the potential intruder and the object/ matter to be
protected. As a criminologist, this is simply a denial of_____________.
A. Criminal instinct
B. Opportunity to commit an offense
C. Opportunity and access to the object of protection
D. Access to the object of protection 

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