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Amaia Clift

Tch & Lrn 413

Fieldwork Assignment

Home-School Activities Connections

Hello parents and guardians! My name is Ms. Clift and I am very excited to be your student’s
teacher! This flyer is to welcome you to participate in a home-school connection! These options
for the event are either in-person or over Zoom! Whichever you prefer! The event will be hosted
on Wednesday, April 7th, at 6:00 pm in person and on April 8th online at 6:00 pm.

Details about the event:

● In-Person: Will be hosted in my classroom and will be from 6:00pm-8:00pm.
● Online: A Zoom link will be sent out to parents if they choose the online Zoom
option! The event will be from 6:00 pm -8:00 pm!
● The event will focus on your child and how we can make their school experience
amazing and will be an opportunity to get to know you, the parents and guardians
● I will be giving instructions during this time, demonstrating how to use the
reading and video logs, and how to choose books from the class library.

Home- School Activities Connections:

● The following activities are opportunities for language development and parent
involvement! I encourage you to do the activities along with your child and write
down on a log (which will be provided at the event) what stories you and your
child read and for how long, and also a log for videos to watch with your child!
This event is also an opportunity to look through my class library and borrow 2-3
books to read! You can even read the books during the event if you wish! I’d like
to show you all what books I have in my library, which I recommend, and is an
opportunity to ask me any questions you might have!
● At the event, I will be discussing these logs in detail and give out copies of them
for everyone who attends. If you decide to do the Zoom option, I will send a link
of the Reading & Video Logs

Benefits of a Video Log:

● The benefits of a Video Log are to give the child an example of visual learning
and an opportunity to practice their language skills and follow along with that the
videos says or does
● The sing-along videos help with recognizing key words and repeating words and
● Keeping track of them on a log allows you to see which videos your child
watches, for how long, and can use them as a resource if you want to watch the
video again
● Video logs can/will be turned in on Fridays, either in the student’s weekly folders
or over email!

Benefits of a Reading Log:

● The benefits of a reading log are to practice reading aloud and to oneself and
gaining language development
● Reading a variety of books will help your reader read many different topics,
ranging from friendship stories to adventure books! Reading different books help
with reading and language skills and keeping track of them will help with
knowing what books your child and you liked or wanted to read again.
● There are many books that include a variety of languages and have different
cultures shown
● Reading with your child will help them practice their reading/language skills, but
also help you connect to your child and will make them feel like you are learning
with them!
● Reading logs can/will be turned in on Fridays, either in the student’s weekly
folders or over email!

Benefits of Parental Involvement:

● Having parental involvement is that your child will feel more connected to you!
They will be excited you want to read a book with them or watch a video with
them! Having the comfort of someone they love and trust will encourage them to
read more or watch another video! It’ll boost their confidence knowing someone
they care about is wanting to learn with them!
● It will boost your knowledge as well! Reading and watching videos with your
child will allow you to get language practice as well! You also get the benefit of
learning with your child!
● I can get to know you better as well! Seeing the logs, you and your student will
fill out each week will allow me to see what books I should include more in the
classroom, what your student is interested in reading or enjoyed watching, and I
get to read any comments/suggestions/ or questions you have and will gladly
answer them!

Looking forward to seeing you all at the event!

Reading log example:

Book Title Time Read Comments

Julian is a Mermaid by 20 minutes Good book! Will read again!

Jessica Love

Video log Example:

Video Title/ Link Video Length Comments 4:29 Video is good, but sometimes

ch?v=CZkqSVb_FOg hard to follow

Contractions | Grammar for

Kids | English for Kids | Kid's
Learning Videos | ESL | EFL

My flyer is an informational flyer about the event. The flyer goes into detail of what the event
entails, which is a day to get to know the families and their students, show them and hand them
reading logs and video logs to watch and read as a family, and the benefits of reading or
watching videos with their child. I even provided an example of what the reading logs and video
logs look like. I wrote the format this specific way because I wanted each section to be bolded
and easily found/seen. I started with the introduction and details of the event first so the parents
know who I am and will have a general sense of what the event is and can know what to expect. I
then explain what the home-school connection is and then go into details of the benefits of a
reading vlog, the benefits of a video log, and the overall benefits of parental involvement in their
child’s education. I wanted the format to be in bullet points so the information seems more direct
and concrete. I thought bulletin points would be good for ESL parents as well, it would be easier
to read than an entire paragraph. I thought the format followed the events of the home-school
connection well and gave lots of detail. I sent this flyer to my Advanced Practicum/Student
Teaching mentor teacher Mrs. Lechnir, who teaches Kindergarten in Bonney Lake, Washington.
While she doesn’t have any ESL students this year, she had 3 last school year! I emailed her the
flyer and she gave me lots of great tips! She said that she thought the video log, in particular, was
a good idea. She said that the ideas were great and agrees that having 2 sets of logs, one for
reading, another for videos, is a good way to provide different opportunities to learn and the
videos are a good way to differentiate for parents who maybe can’t read with or to their kids. She
asked me if I would be showing the parents how to do the things that I mentioned, such as the
videos and picking out books, and I responded yes. She highlighted a portion of my work and
said to add that information there. I didn’t realize until she pointed it out that I forgot to include
that. She noted that the parents/guardians need to know that I am presenting information and that
it’s not just a Q & A. I’m glad she gave me that tip for the flyer so I was able to adapt it and
update it! I think her advice and comments on the flyer were super helpful! And I’m really happy
she liked the video log idea. I thought that would be a good way for students to learn because the
videos would be engaging, there would be words and visuals on the screen for a language
connection, and I thought it would be fun for the parents to watch the videos with their child.
Watching the videos with their child would create a bond between them and the parents would be
able to enhance and practice their English skills as well! I do think reiterating that I will be doing
instruction and I will be answering questions, but it’s not all we’re doing. And I thought
mentioning the Zoom option would be good too because not every parent could probably make it
or want to go in person, so I thought a Zoom option could be good as well and I could show my
screen to show examples of videos or books to choose from. I think the flyer is good and
includes lots of information, tips, and benefits of learning with one’s child and filling out the
vlogs. I think the format is good and is simple and easy to follow. I used clear, direct language
that I thought many levels of English proficiency could follow. I wanted the information to be
understood fairly well. I think overall this flyer is made and presented pretty well! I think the
flyer looks well put together and will excited parents to learn with their children and read with
them, watch videos with them, bond with them, and learn with them!
Proof of comments from mentor teacher:

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