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Let’s Check for Understanding

1. Explain in a sentence why each education philosopher was associated with

these given words:
a) John Locke- the empiricist
*John Lock is called the empiricist because he believed that knowledge
was founded in empirical observation and experience.
b) Spencer- the utilitarianist
* Because Herbert Spencer developed an evolutionary utilitarian ethics
in which the principles of ethical living are based on the evolutionary
changes of organic development.
c) John Dewey-experience
*Dewey believed in the continuity of experience, or the connection
between a student's learning experiences and that student's future
decisions and behavior. He also believed that educational experiences
required interaction between between the student and their environment
in order to be effective.
d) George Counts- Building a new social order
*He wanted teachers to go beyond abstract, philosophical conceptions
of democracy and teach explicitly about power and injustice. He wanted
teachers and students to count among their primary goals the building
of a better social order.
e) Theodore Brameld- the Social Reconstructionist
* Theodore founded social reconstructionism as a response to the
horrors of WWII. He believed that education had the responsibility to
mold human beings into a cohesive and compassionate society.
f) Paulo Freire- Critical pedagogy vs. Banking method
*Instead of tacitly promoting oppressive relationships through the
banking method of education, Freire chooses the process of critical
pedagogy as his pedagogical model. This is because critical pedagogy
utilizes dialogue among human beings who are equals rather than
oppressive imposition.
2. Make a table summary of the philosophies of education.
Philosopher Philosophy on Aim/s and Classroom/ School
Method/s of education Application
John Locke Locke believed the
Locke believed the purpose of purpose of education
education was to produce an was to produce an
individual with a sound mind in a individual with a sound
sound body so as to better mind in a sound body so
serve his country. Locke thought as to better serve his
that the content of education country. Locke thought
ought to depend upon one's that the content of
station in life. The common man education ought to
only required moral, social, and depend upon one's
vocational knowledge. station in life. The
common man only
required moral, social,
and vocational
John Dewey The main significance of
According to John Dewey, the Dewey's pragmatism for
development of social efficiency educational research is
is one of the aims of education. that he deals with
questions of knowledge
To him, school is a social and the acquisition of
institution. The school should be knowledge within the
organised in such a way that the framework of a
activities of the outer world are philosophy of action. ...
reflected. In addition, Dewey holds Students were surveyed
that education is a necessity for after the first year and

healthy living in the society. their feedback used to

develop the way that
zoned learning was
Spencer The great aim of education is The great aim of
not knowledge, but action.” “For education is not
discipline, as well as for knowledge, but action.”
guidance, science is of chiefest “For discipline, as well
value. In all its effects, learning as for guidance, science
the meaning of things is better is of chiefest value. In all
than learning the meaning of its effects, learning the
words.” ... “Education has for its meaning of things is
object the formation of better than learning the
character.” meaning of words.” ...
“Education has for its
object the formation of
George Counts Counts's educational philosophy He wanted teachers to go
was also an outgrowth of John beyond abstract,
Dewey's philosophy. Both men philosophical conceptions
believed in the enormous of democracy and teach
potential of education to explicitly about power and
improve society and that
injustice. He wanted
schools should reflect life rather
teachers and students to
than be isolated from it. But
count among their primary
unlike Dewey's Public and Its
goals the building of a
Problems, much of Counts's
better social order.
writing suggests a plan of action
in the use of schools to fashion
a new social order.
Theodore Brameld founded the educational Reconstructionist
Brameld philosophy of Social educators focus on a
Reconstructionism which curriculum that

emphasized the addressing of emphasizes social

social questions and a quest to reform as the aim of

education. Brameld
create a better society and
believed the creation of
worldwide democracy
a new social order
(Philosophical Perspectives).
through education would
Reconstructionist educators focus
fulfill the basic values of
on a curriculum that emphasizes
society and harmonize
social reform as the aim of
with the underlying
social and economic
forces of the modern

Two Things I have Learned from this My Thoughts or Reaction/s


What I had learn from this chapter is that Philosophy of education is vital. Without
Let’s Reflectof education examines the
philosophy it, the motivation for education can falter.
goals, forms, methods, and meaning of
Double Entry Journal

Philosophy in education is a broad There is no single philosophy of

spectrum that encompasses the history education, though there are a number of
of great philosophers who helped pave philosophies which impact on
the way with ideas of what the world educational aims and practices. Indeed,
around us is all about and then ventured many teachers will have their own
on to the universe and beyond. philosophy.



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