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CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

6.1 Reflecting on Is aware of the need to Begins to engage in Engages in reflection Reflects individually and Maintains ongoing
teaching practice in reflect on teaching reflection on teaching individually and with with colleagues on reflective practice and
practice to support practice individually and colleagues on the refinements in teaching action research in
support of student student learning. Reflects with colleagues that is relationship between practice and connections supporting student
learning individually or with focused on methods to making adjustments in among the elements of learning and raising the
colleagues on immediate support the full range of teaching practice and the CSTP to positively level of academic
student learning needs. learners. impact on the full range impact the full range of achievement.
of learners. learners.
Engages in and fosters
reflection among
colleagues for school
wide impact on student
I reflect daily on my I reflect daily on my I understand the value
teaching practices and teaching practices and the importance of
how they affect my individually so that I can continuous reflection for
students. If I notice that evaluate my own growth. I am a life-long
a lesson did not go as performance and how learner, so I am a strong
well as I liked, then I will effective I am being for believer that there will
make note of it and my students. I set short- always be more for me
make adjustments for term and long-term to learn and something
the next class. I also goals for my teaching that I can improve on in
reflect bi-weekly with practices, and I hold my teaching practice.
my colleagues in the myself accountable to Because of this, I engage
same content area these goals. These goals in ongoing reflection to
during our Professional are things that I share support my students’
Learning Community with my Mentor, and learning and their
(PLC) meetings. I ask with some of my overall academic
them for input so that I colleagues in my PLC. success. As a PLC lead
can make necessary When I meet with my for the Precalculus PLC
adjustments to my PLC teams weekly, we and Algebra 1 PLC on
teaching strategies and discuss assessment data campus, I also encourage
styles to reach every and any trends that we my colleagues to engage
learner in my classroom. noticed. We also discuss in reflection in regards
9/22/2019 how we teach particular to their teaching
lessons/concepts. This practices. If we are able
helps me reflect further to see what areas we can
on my teaching practices improve on and tweak,
so that I can make any we can better serve our
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

adjustments to best suit students, and therefore
the learners in my help our students
classes. 5/2/20 succeed at a higher rate.
I reflect daily on my
teaching practices and
how I can
change/modify my
practices to improve the
learning experiences of
my students. I set short-
term and long-term
goals to help me become
a better educator, and I
hold myself accountable
to reaching and attaining
these goals. I also share
these goals with my
colleagues within my
PLCs. My colleagues are
great at giving me
feedback and providing
me with suggestions that
I can try to use in my
classroom. 11/9/20
6.2 Establishing Develops goals Sets goals connected to the Sets goals connected to Sets and modifies Sets and modifies a
professional goals connected to the CSTP CSTP that take into account the CSTP that are authentic goals broad range of
through required self-assessment of teaching authentic, challenging, connected to the CSTP professional goals
and engaging in processes and local practice. and based on self- that are intellectually connected to the CSTP to
continuous and protocols. assessment. challenging and based on improve instructional
purposeful Expands knowledge and self-assessment and practice and impact
professional Attends required skills individually and with Aligns personal goals feedback from a variety student learning within
growth and professional colleagues through available with school and district of sources. and beyond the
development. professional development. goals, and focuses on classroom.
development improving student Engages in and
learning. contributes to Engages in ongoing
professional inquiry into teacher
Selects and engages in development targeted on practice for professional
professional student achievement. development.
development based on Pursues a variety of
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

needs identified in additional opportunities Contributes to
professional goals. to learn professionally. professional
organizations, and
opportunities to extend
own teaching practice.
I am a goal-oriented person, I set short-term and I set short-term and I am a very goal-oriented
so I often set goals for long-term goals for long-term goals for person, so I understand
myself that are measurable myself that are aligned myself that are aligned that setting specific,
and attainable. With with CSTP elements. I with the CSTP elements. measurable, attainable,
teaching, I try to set goals am a kind of person that As I get more experience realistic, and time-bound
that better myself as an believes in life-long in the classroom with my goals is important to
effective educator and that education, and students and am able to achieving them. I set
help my students become continuing to better reflect on my teaching both short-term and
effective learners and well- yourself, so I make sure goals, I also modify my long-term goals for
rounded individuals. that my goals are teaching goals to fit my myself, and monitor my
9/22/2019 SMART (specific, current situation. I do success towards those
measureable, attainable, daily self-reflections on goals regularly. I also
When setting goals for realistic, and time- my teaching practice and understand that many
myself, I often reach out to bound). This ensures how I am working my things can change or
colleagues regarding the that I can track my way closer to achieving circumstances can affect
goal to see if they have any progress towards these my professional goals. I my ability to achieve my
input. This helps me better goals, and that they are am also constantly goals, so I do allow
understand how I can set established in a way that seeking feedback from myself some flexibility in
the goal to be more specific can benefit my teaching my colleagues, modifying my goals as
for myself (thus more practices. 5/2/20 department chair, and well. However, no
affective), and to see if there assistant principals on matter how large or
is any available professional My school has a mission how I can improve my small the goal is, all of
development on the matter. statement for both the teaching skills and be the these goals are set with
9/22/2019 school and its educators. best educator I can be. my students in mind,
I try my best to align my 11/9/20 and how I can be the
personal professional best teacher I can for
goals with those of my I am currently assigned them. 4/11/21
school and our to be a PLC Team Lead
governing body (I teach for two of the content I attend professional
at a private school under teams in the Math development sessions
the Catholic Diocese of Department at my school whenever possible. I
Orange). These goals (Algebra 1 and understand that the
are all determined to Precalculus PLC Teams). teaching practice evolves
improve the learning Within our PLCs, we are consistently, and that
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

experiences that I constantly setting grade- there can always be
provide for my students. level and content-level something else I can
5/2/20 appropriate learning learn to improve my
goals for our students. practice. Now that so
Whenever possible, I We also track our many professional
attend Professional students’ progress development
Development that can towards these goals with conferences are online, it
help me reach or get the use of common is increasingly easier for
closer to reaching my assessments. Since I am me to attend and learn
goals. Once or twice a a PLC lead, I take it upon from these sessions. As
year, our Math myself to take any and a PLC Lead, I also
Department Chair offers all professional encourage my colleagues
an opportunity for a development to look into any
couple teachers to opportunities that come professional
attend conferences to my way. Currently, I development
report back to the seek out free PD opportunities that they
department. This year seminars online are interested in. If we
(2019-2020), I (administered by math are all continuously
volunteered to attend teachers all around the learning and improving
this full-day conference country) to learn new our teaching practices
so that I could learn and strategies to add to my (and bringing back
better myself, as well as teaching repertoire, and information learned
gather valid information share these strategies from these conferences
for my colleagues. with my colleagues. to our colleagues), we as
5/2/20 11/9/20 a department and as a
school can continue to
evolve and serve our
students. 4/11/21
6.3 Collaborating Attends staff, grade level, Consults with colleagues to Collaborates with Collaborates with Facilitates collaboration
with colleagues and department, and other consider how best to colleagues to improve colleagues to expand with colleagues.
required meetings and support teacher and student student learning and impact on teacher and
the broader collaborations. learning. reflect on teaching student learning within Works to ensure the
professional practice at the grade or department and broadest positive impact
community to Identifies student and Begins to identify how to classroom level. school and district levels. possible on instructional
support teacher teacher resources at the access student and teacher practice and student
and student school and district level. resources in the broader Interacts with members Engages with members achievement at school
professional community. of the broader of the broader and district levels and
learning professional community professional community for the profession.
to access resources that to access resources and a
support teacher wide range of supports Initiates and develops
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

effectiveness and for teaching the full professional learning
student learning range of learners. opportunities with the
broader professional
community focused on
student achievement.
During PLC meetings, I We have weekly PLC I have been assigned to
collaborate with my meetings, at which we be the PLC Team Lead
colleagues to see how are able to discuss for two of the content
we can all improve teaching practices and teams of the math
student learning and student learning. In department at my school
how I can improve my addition to these (Algebra 1 PLC and
teaching strategies. We planned PLC meetings, I Precalculus PLC). I am
share our methods and also schedule additional responsible for not only
practices with each meetings with my PLC to scheduling PLC meetings
other to see we all teach discuss additional with my colleagues, but
a particular concept, so learning/teaching goals. also facilitating these
we can see different I also reach out to meetings. During our
methods of instruction. teachers of other PLC meetings, we
These meetings help me disciplines that have my collaborate on content,
gain more ways to students in their classes write common
differentiate instruction when necessary. These assessments, discuss
in my own classroom. conversations help me appropriate learning
9/22/2019 gain a more well- goals for our students,
rounded view of my analyze assessment data,
My school is undergoing students, and how they and discuss best
WASC/WCEA learn overall. 5/2/20 practices. 11/9/20
accreditation, for which I
am placed on a I consistently reach out I have also served on
committee of faculty and to the Learning Center two different
staff members. During Team and Counseling administration-
these meetings, if time team to access resources appointed committees at
allows, we talk about for my students. The my school. On these
teaching strategies we Learning Center Team committees I
are all using to learn assists students that consistently worked
from each other across need additional support with teachers of other
different subject areas. and/or have learning departments to ensure
9/22/2019 accommodations. The that we were all
counseling team can help providing the best
me better understand possible learning
what my students experience for our
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

learning patterns are, students. For example,
and how they performed one of the committees I
in their previous years’ was on was responsible
math classes. These for leading week-long
conversations help me Professional
broaden my scope and Development seminars
serve a variety of to help teachers
students. 5/2/20 transition into our new
school year and adjust
their teaching practices
to fit within our COVID-
19 guidelines. 11/9/20

As the school year

continues, I continue to
engage in conversations
with my colleagues (both
in my department and
outside of my
department) in regards
to how we are serving
our students. These
conversations are often
in passing or happen
candidly, but I try to
make them as
meaningful as possible.
This is often how I find
out that we are teaching
related content in
science classrooms, and
how I can relate our
classes together. I also
continue to serve as a
committee member on a
school-wide committee
and as a PLC Lead within
our department. Within
thse planned meetings
by admin, I am becoming
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

more and more
comfortable with
speaking up and sharing
my own personal views
(rather than
participating whenever
called upon or just when
addressed). My goal is
to use these
conversations, both
candid and formal, to
make our school and our
department a better
place for our students to
learn. 4/11/21
Is aware of the role of the Acknowledges the Supports families to Provides opportunities Structures a wide range
family in student importance of the family’s contribute to the and support for families of opportunities for
learning and the need for role in student learning. classroom and school. to actively participate in families to contribute to
interactions with Seeks information about Adjusts communication the classroom and the classroom and
families. cultural norms of families to families based on school. school community.
represented in the school. awareness of cultural Supports a
Welcomes family norms and wide range of Communicates to school/district
involvement at classroom/ experiences with families in ways which environment in which
school events. schools. show understanding of families take leadership
and respect for cultural to improve student
norms. learning.
6.4 Working with
families to support During Back-to-School I understand the At my school, we believe I understand that my
night, I had a very high importance that a that the parent/guardian students’ support
student learning attendance rate in all of my students’ home life and is the primary educator systems at home have a
classes. I utilized this time support system outside of the student. Because great impact on their
to communicate with the of school has on their of this, I try to involve overall academic
families that I understand overall educational my students’ families as success. At my school,
the importance of their role experience. Because of much as possible. Since I we believe that the
in their student’s life. I gave this, I try to involve teach high schoolers parent/guardian is the
everyone my contact parents as much as (and we are limited to primary educator of the
information so that they possible and let them the number of people I student. With my
may reach out to me any know how they can help can have in my personal belief and the
time they have a question or their student succeed in classroom at a time due mission statement of my
concern regarding their my class. This means to COVID-19 guidelines), school, I try to involve
student in my class. For that I not only send I cannot have parents my students’ families as
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

international students that emails home to parents volunteer in my much as possible. Even
do not live with their of students who are classroom. However, I though I teach high
parents, I made a note of struggling, but I also try to involve my school students (and a
their home countries and send emails home to students’ majority of
asked their case-worker parents whose students parents/guardians upperclassmen), I try to
about their cultural norms are improving or are online on our Canvas involve my students’
and any other information I doing exceptionally well. page. I also send out bi- families whenever I can.
may need to be aware I adjust the amount of weekly grade reports to This helps me build a
about. 9/22/2019 communication to families so they relationship with my
parents depending on understand how their students’ families, so
their level of student is doing in my that if they struggle at
involvement they class, and how they can any time I can easily
have/they want to have support their student at communicate my
in their students’ life as home. In all of my concerns with their
well to provide the best communications with families. I often send
experience for my families, whether it be emails to my student and
students and their online, in-person, or via CC their
families. 5/2/20 video conference, I parent/guardian (so that
communicate using my student understand
culturally respectful that it is their
language. 11/8/20 responsibility to take
action and improve their
performance in my
class), but I will
sometimes send emails
just to the
parent/guardian as well.
These emails often
include information and
action-items for the
parent/guardian, and
how they can help their
student succeed. This
hopefully creates a
supportive and helpful
learning environment
for my student at home
and outside of my
classroom. 4/11/21
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

6.5 Engaging local Develops awareness Seeks available Uses a variety of Uses a broad range of Collaborates with
communities in about local neighborhood and neighborhood and neighborhood and community members to
neighborhoods and community resources. community resources to community resources to increase instructional
support of the communities support the curriculum. support the instructional and learning
instructional surrounding the school. Includes references or program, students, and opportunities for
program connections to communities Includes knowledge of families. students.
Uses available in single lessons or communities when
neighborhood and sequence of lessons. designing and Draws from Engages students in
community resources in implementing understanding of leadership and service in
single lessons. instruction community to improve the community.
and enrich the Incorporates community
instructional program. members into the school
learning community.
I teach at a private school I teach at a private school, I teach at a private Now that I have taught at
in Santa Ana, CA. Most of meaning that a majority of school, meaning most of my school for almost two
my students commute to my students are commuting my students are years, I have a better
school from the broader from neighborhoods near commuting from a understanding of the
Orange County area, and far from our campus. variety of resources that are
meaning that they do not When neighborhoods and available to my students
live in the immediate students/parents/guardians cities within Orange in our community. I use
area. I have an ask me to provide resources County and even Los this broader knowledge
understanding of what is for their students, I first list Angeles County. to provide my students
available to my students the resources we offer on Whenever possible, I try with resources to help
near the school, but do campus. These resources to incorporate resources them succeed, both in
not have much are the most convenient for from my students’ my class and in their
knowledge of what may most of our students, as communities into our academics overall. I also
be available to them in they will not have to seek curriculum. I also allow use this knowledge to
their home help outside of the school students to find their help broaden the reach
neighborhood/area. My community. I also try to own examples of real- of the math department
goal is to familiarize refer them to math/learning world applications at our school overall. If
myself with a broader resources that have within their community, we can involve our
radius around the school locations in multiple cities, so that they can make community tutoring
so that I can provide my so that they may be able to their own connections centers (and collaborate
students with find a nearby location to between our curriculum with them in any way
information if needed. their home. 5/2/20 and the world around possible), we will be on
9/22/2019 them. 11/9/20 the same page in terms
When incorporating the of the content we are
community into my lessons, providing to our
I try to do it in a way that students. This can only
includes many communities strengthen our
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

that my students may be a programs, and help our
part of (i.e. referencing students succeed overall.
Orange County rather than 4/11/21
the city of Santa Ana), or
allow my students to choose
a location that has
significance to them. This
allows my students to relate
the content that we are
learning to a community
reference that has
value/significance to them,
while also acknowledging
that my students come from
all over Orange County and
Los Angeles County. 5/2/20
6.6 Managing Develops an Maintains professional Anticipates professional Integrates the full range Models professionalism
professional understanding of responsibilities in timely responsibilities and of professional and supports colleagues
professional ways and seeks support as manages time and effort responsibilities into in meeting and
responsibilities to responsibilities. needed. required to meet advanced planning and exceeding professional
maintain expectations. prepares for situations responsibilities
motivation and Seeks to meet required Demonstrates commitment that may be challenging. effectively.
commitment to all commitments to by exploring ways to Pursues ways to support
students students. address individual student students’ diverse Maintains continual Supports colleagues to
needs. learning needs and effort to seek, develop, maintain the motivation,
maintains belief in and refine new and resiliency, and energy to
students’ capacity for creative methods to ensure that all students
achievement. ensure individual achieve.
student learning.
At Mater Dei High I am a very organized I have been assigned to
School, faculty members person that lives by my be the PLC Team Lead
have a variety of schedule and for two of the content
responsibilities outside responsibilities. I keep a teams of the math
of our teaching personal written department at my school
responsibilities. To keep planner, a lesson (Algebra 1 PLC and
these additional planner, and an online Precalculus PLC). I have
responsibilities in mind, calendar/lesson plan also served on two
I note them on my phone document to keep myself different administration-
calendar, physical organized. This allows appointed committees at
planner calendar, and me to integrate all of my my school. Because of
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

my email calendar. I professional the leadership roles I
also keep my email responsibilities into my have been appointed to, I
inbox organized by schedule, and to keep strive to model
class/duty so that I can any meetings, schedule professionalism for my
find any important changes, conferences, fellow colleagues in
information as needed. etc. in mind when every interaction I have.
This helps me anticipate planning out a I also support my
these professional unit/chapter for my colleagues whenever
responsibilities, which in students. 5/2/20 needed, whether that be
turn helps me adjust my during school hours or
availability to my When writing and before/after school
students (for additional developing individual hours. The teachers
help outside of class lessons and unit/chapter within the PLCs I lead
time). This also ensures pacing plans, I strive to know that they can
that I meet and perform create learning email, text, or call me
every additional experiences that benefit any day of the week if
responsibility I have for my students and their they need my
the school as a faculty math skills. I reach out help/support on
member. 9/22/2019 to my colleagues to see if anything. I also try to
they have suggestions, encourage my fellow
As I write lessons and and utilize teacher colleagues, whether they
develop lesson plans, I blogs/social media are on my PLC or not, to
always keep the mindset accounts to get ideas be the best educator
that my students are that can help my they can be. We often go
fully capable of students better engage through a slump or deal
understanding and with the material. with hardships
grasping a concept (no 5/2/20 throughout the school
matter how difficult). If year, and I try my best to
I keep a growth mindset support my colleagues
for my students, they in and be a positive
turn will be able to influence whenever I
develop a growth can. 11/9/20
mindset for themselves.
9/22/2019 My main leadership
strategy is leading by
example. I always want
to be a good example to
my colleagues, and to my
students, on how I
expect them to behave
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

and how I expect them to
participate. For
example, if I expect my
colleagues to provide
assessment data in a
timely manner, I make
sure that I have
assessments graded and
analysis ready to go
before our next meeting.
I also make sure to help
my colleagues meet
these expectations
whenever needed, so
that our PLC can be
successful and effective
overall. 4/11/21
6.7 Demonstrating Follows all state education codes, legal requirements, district and site policies, Maintains a high standard of personal integrity and
professional contractual agreements, and ethical responsibilities.* commitment to student learning and the profession
in all circumstances.
responsibility, * As follows:
integrity, and  Take responsibility for student academic learning outcomes. Contributes to building professional community and
ethical conduct  Is aware of own personal values and biases and recognizes ways in which these holding peers accountable to norms of respectful
values and biases affect the teaching and learning of students. treatment and communication.
 Adheres to legal and ethical obligations in teaching the full ranges of learners,
including English learners and students with special needs. Contributes to fostering a school culture with a high
 Reports suspected cases of child abuse and/or neglect as outlined in the California degree of resilience, professional integrity, and
Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act. ethical conduct.
 Maintains a non-hostile classroom environment and carries out laws and district
guidelines for reporting cases of sexual harassment.
 Understands and implements school and district policies and state and federal law
in responding to inappropriate or violent student behavior.
 Complies with legal and professional obligations to protect the privacy, health,
and safety of students, families, and other school professionals.
 Models appropriate behavior for students, colleagues, and the profession.
 Acts in accordance with ethical considerations for students.
 Maintains professional conduct and integrity in the classroom and school
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

In my classroom, students are aware of the expectations that I have set for them and I hold myself to a very high standard, both
the expectations they have set for each other (their peers). These expectations are personally and professionally. I believe by leading
in addition to the rules and guidelines outlined by the school in the Student by example, so I model the behavior that I expect my
Handbook (that the students also must abide to at all times). These expectations students and colleagues to exhibit in all of my
maintain a high level of personal integrity and responsibility to the learning space of interactions with them. This means that I contribute
the classroom, as well as the learning community of the school. Students to my Professional Learning Communities whenever
understand that they have a mutual responsibility to maintain the professionalism possible, and I hold my colleagues accountable when
of the learning environment. They understand that their actions, both good and bad, they are not abiding by our set PLC norms. I also
affect those around them inside and outside of the classroom. When students are interact with teachers of other disciplines, our
not behaving within these guidelines, they understand that there are consequences. administrators, support staff, students, and families
They also understand that if they know another student is not abiding by these in a way that upkeeps our school’s standards and
guidelines, that it is to their disadvantage to not let the teacher know. By creating sense of community. 5/2/20
this community of learners, we can promote a safe, ethical, responsible learning
environment. 9/22/2019 I believe in leading by example, so I try to set the
best example for my students and colleagues
whenever possible. I value my work and my
professionalism very much, so I handle all
interactions around my work with the highest
standards. I also encourage my fellow colleagues
within the PLCs that I lead to do the same. This
ensures that we have productive and professional
interactions, and continue to have a positive and
collaborative relationship. I also serve on two
administration-appointed committees at my school.
On these committees, I work with teachers in other
departments on campus to ensure that we foster a
school culture that promotes a growth mindset and
keeps high expectations for our students. 11/9/20

I have always been someone who puts a fair amount

of my value in my work. My work that I produce
means a lot to me and my overall success, so I hold
myself to a very high standard. Because of this, I
always strive to find the best teaching strategies and
best differentiation techniques for my students. I
also continue to engage in self-reflection, and find
new ways to improve my teaching practice for my
students. Along with this, I also aim to be the best
colleague and active contributor within the math
department. Now that I have been assigned as a PLC
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

lead for the Precalculus and Algebra 1 teams, I am
taking these leadership roles very seriously and see
it as an opportunity to help my colleagues grow, and
thus help our department improve overall. If I am
able to help my colleagues help their students, we
can hold our department and our school to a much
higher standard as well, and continue to serve our
students to the best of our abilities. 4/11/21

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